Daily Check In Thread



  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    <----This guy just finished W8D3, otherwise known as the end of the program! Thirty continuous minutes at a 9:25 pace. Not bad for someone who quit smoking less than a year ago after a fifteen year pack-a-day habit. I was hesitant to go out because of a nasty thunderstorm that was working its way through the area, but after missing my chance to finish on Monday due to inclement weather, I really wanted to finish this thing today. I'm so glad I did. Watching the lightning flashing in the distance was strangely motivational and I even pushed a little harder for that last minute instead of pulling back. I've really taken to running and can't wait to see how far I can take it.

    This is actually my first MFP post, but I feel like I accomplished a lot tonight, so I had to put it out there. My weight has kind of plateaued between 45-50 pounds lost (mostly because I can't stop snacking at night), but I've never stopped working at C25K. I had to modify the program quite a bit when I first started to get my endurance up, but I've pretty much run every other night since I started the program.

    Congrats to all of you. No matter how slow your pace, no matter how many times you have to redo a day (or a week), every day you get out there is a success.

    Congrats on graduating from the program (and on quitting smoking)!
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Had a really sh1tty run today. This was my last day for an interval run (week 6 day 2)...praise Jesus Joseph and Mary. I ran through the intervals anyway though. Just don't dig em. got a side stitch toward the end that damn near sidelined me. But if you're not dead you should be moving...thus I finished. It wasn't pretty but its done.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Amazing...I want to be u right now. Just did w1d1...could hardly get through the 60seconds. Thanks for the motivation.

    You will be that person in 9 weeks. Just keep with the program!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Had a really sh1tty run today. This was my last day for an interval run (week 6 day 2)...praise Jesus Joseph and Mary. I ran through the intervals anyway though. Just don't dig em. got a side stitch toward the end that damn near sidelined me. But if you're not dead you should be moving...thus I finished. It wasn't pretty but its done.

    That is one of the suckiest runs in the program. Great job getting through! Major win.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I should be on week 7. Just been diagnosed with pneumonia and sooo poorly. Dreading starting again. Feel a complete failure. I pushed through the chest infection to do week 6. So fed up

    I just had to take a week off because of a sinus infection that threatened to become bronchitis. I'm on week...like 25? 30? What I mean to say is that it happens. It's part of running life. I'm getting back into condition. You're going to get back into condition. You'll finish the program and then have an amazing running life until your fit and healthy 90's. This is a blip in the grand scheme of things. It's not like you quit or something.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did W3D2 today. I came within a few paces of giving up and going home.

    I wasn't particularly tired or sore, I was just caught in a mental loop of self defeating thoughts about how all of my hard work is just never going to be enough. I am planning on joining the Air National Guard in a few months and no amount of preparation is going to make me less of a target than I already am (at 28 years old and the top of my acceptable weight range). Usually I can shake it off and convince myself that I'll be thinner and stronger then and will be able to run with the best of them. Today I just couldn't.

    I was most certainly my own worst enemy today.

    I wish I could say that I had some sort of huge mental light bulb that gave me the motivation to go on but in all honesty I just didn't want today to be the day that I gave up.

    Here is to hoping that I don't want tomorrow to be that day either.

    I wish I could give you the perspective that completing the program has given me. Unfortunately, it's something you've got to experience on your own. I admire your fortitude for pushing through your challenges now. Please take my word for it that there's gold at the end of this particular rainbow.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    <----This guy just finished W8D3, otherwise known as the end of the program! Thirty continuous minutes at a 9:25 pace. Not bad for someone who quit smoking less than a year ago after a fifteen year pack-a-day habit. I was hesitant to go out because of a nasty thunderstorm that was working its way through the area, but after missing my chance to finish on Monday due to inclement weather, I really wanted to finish this thing today. I'm so glad I did. Watching the lightning flashing in the distance was strangely motivational and I even pushed a little harder for that last minute instead of pulling back. I've really taken to running and can't wait to see how far I can take it.

    This is actually my first MFP post, but I feel like I accomplished a lot tonight, so I had to put it out there. My weight has kind of plateaued between 45-50 pounds lost (mostly because I can't stop snacking at night), but I've never stopped working at C25K. I had to modify the program quite a bit when I first started to get my endurance up, but I've pretty much run every other night since I started the program.

    Congrats to all of you. No matter how slow your pace, no matter how many times you have to redo a day (or a week), every day you get out there is a success.

    That is amazing! I'm so happy for all your wins: running, quitting smoking, losing 50 pounds! Love, love, love running in the rain. Please come and lurk on the 10k board ;)
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    I tried w7d2 last night and failed for the first time since week 4.

    I think the pasta and wine with dinner, and the fact it was still 90 degrees out at 9:30 pm last night, did me in. I broke down and checked the app knowing I wasn't done yet but hoping the time left would motivate me to push through. However the app had stopped. So I took that as an excuse (sign?) to stop and walk the rest of the way. I am pretty sure I still had about 5 mins left to run.

    I am hoping it was just an off day, and will go in tomorrow knowing I can finish. I just hope the heat breaks just a little here.

    I rarely run back to back days. But last night I decided at the last minute to take the dog for a walk before I went to bed. But I felt so good I decided to try w7D2 again - and completed it with ease (well that last 2 mins uphill sucked...) Still super slow though..but I do seem to be improving my pace slightly.

    Looking forward to my next run - trying to figure out how I am going to fit it into my weekend away with friends and family.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    <----This guy just finished W8D3, otherwise known as the end of the program! Thirty continuous minutes at a 9:25 pace. Not bad for someone who quit smoking less than a year ago after a fifteen year pack-a-day habit. I was hesitant to go out because of a nasty thunderstorm that was working its way through the area, but after missing my chance to finish on Monday due to inclement weather, I really wanted to finish this thing today. I'm so glad I did. Watching the lightning flashing in the distance was strangely motivational and I even pushed a little harder for that last minute instead of pulling back. I've really taken to running and can't wait to see how far I can take it.

    This is actually my first MFP post, but I feel like I accomplished a lot tonight, so I had to put it out there. My weight has kind of plateaued between 45-50 pounds lost (mostly because I can't stop snacking at night), but I've never stopped working at C25K. I had to modify the program quite a bit when I first started to get my endurance up, but I've pretty much run every other night since I started the program.

    Congrats to all of you. No matter how slow your pace, no matter how many times you have to redo a day (or a week), every day you get out there is a success.

    That is amazing! I'm so happy for all your wins: running, quitting smoking, losing 50 pounds! Love, love, love running in the rain. Please come and lurk on the 10k board ;)

    Thanks! I just may do that. My brother (who got me motivated with all this) just bumped himself up to 10k runs, so my new goal is to catch up to his pace and distance. We've got some great trails down in the Jersey Pine Barrens, so I'm looking forward to getting out there with my newfound running ability!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    <----This guy just finished W8D3, otherwise known as the end of the program! Thirty continuous minutes at a 9:25 pace. Not bad for someone who quit smoking less than a year ago after a fifteen year pack-a-day habit. I was hesitant to go out because of a nasty thunderstorm that was working its way through the area, but after missing my chance to finish on Monday due to inclement weather, I really wanted to finish this thing today. I'm so glad I did. Watching the lightning flashing in the distance was strangely motivational and I even pushed a little harder for that last minute instead of pulling back. I've really taken to running and can't wait to see how far I can take it.

    This is actually my first MFP post, but I feel like I accomplished a lot tonight, so I had to put it out there. My weight has kind of plateaued between 45-50 pounds lost (mostly because I can't stop snacking at night), but I've never stopped working at C25K. I had to modify the program quite a bit when I first started to get my endurance up, but I've pretty much run every other night since I started the program.

    Congrats to all of you. No matter how slow your pace, no matter how many times you have to redo a day (or a week), every day you get out there is a success.

    That is amazing! I'm so happy for all your wins: running, quitting smoking, losing 50 pounds! Love, love, love running in the rain. Please come and lurk on the 10k board ;)

    Thanks! I just may do that. My brother (who got me motivated with all this) just bumped himself up to 10k runs, so my new goal is to catch up to his pace and distance. We've got some great trails down in the Jersey Pine Barrens, so I'm looking forward to getting out there with my newfound running ability!

    I've heard about the Pine Barrens. They sound like they'd be a phenomenal running opportunity.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I've heard about the Pine Barrens. They sound like they'd be a phenomenal running opportunity.

    You have to find the right trail. There are a lot of sandy roads, but some of the smaller paths out there are great. Tons of wildlife and a great sense of remoteness and isolation.
  • sapf
    sapf Posts: 146 Member
    I completed W3D8 of the run double program (walk 5, run 28, walk 5) and realized that other programs were different. I actually ran over the 28 minutes by a couple of minutes, so I may have completed the equivalent of other programs W3D8. I'm switching to the zen labs app and will be doing their 10k program.

    Haha - just reread my post. Should have said: week 8, day 3.

    So I guess by some standards I finished the regular couch to 5k?

    Onwards to 10k training. I'm registered for a 10k in October and I'd like to do it in under an hour.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I DID IT! WOOT! I just graduated from the Couch to 5K program. I did my W9, D3 run today! I did the program in 8 weeks because I did Weeks 1 & 2 both in the same week.

    You can all do this! If I can do it, so can you!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I DID IT! WOOT! I just graduated from the Couch to 5K program. I did my W9, D3 run today! I did the program in 8 weeks because I did Weeks 1 & 2 both in the same week.

    You can all do this! If I can do it, so can you!


    Way to go!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yay for all the new grads! If you don't have a race on your calendar - look for a fun one!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Just completed week 1 Day One...l
    Thought I was going to give up, but I did it! Woop!

    Way to go! You can definitely do this.
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    I did WEEK 7 Day 1 last night!!! 25 minutes straight running... that is the most I can say I have ever ran consecutively in my whole life! I am so glad I completed it; it actually was easier than I thought it would be. The last 5 minutes were at a slower pace, but what matters is that I kept it going :) 2.1 miles in 25 minutes. Hoping to really improve my pace in the coming days :) Congrats everyone on completing their new days and congrats to those who graduated! That is amazing!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Had a really sh1tty run today. This was my last day for an interval run (week 6 day 2)...praise Jesus Joseph and Mary. I ran through the intervals anyway though. Just don't dig em. got a side stitch toward the end that damn near sidelined me. But if you're not dead you should be moving...thus I finished. It wasn't pretty but its done.

    I love your updates! That's how I felt about my run last night. My side stitch was only moderate but I was apparently really dehydrated because I actually had cold chills going the last few minutes and it was not cold outside.
  • salobrau
    salobrau Posts: 38 Member
    Finished week 1 day 3. This is the 2nd time starting. Made it to the end of week 2 and just could not get the brain to consider running for anything longer than a few minutes at a time. Using an app helps as I am not watching the clock.
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    Yes, using an app is SO helpful! Glad you decided to give it another shot! I am proof that it works: went from huffing and puffing on a 30 second run to now running 25 minutes smoothly! Best of luck to you :)