Daily Check In Thread



  • zoe534
    zoe534 Posts: 108 Member
    Congratulations!, I have that run tomorrow, I will try to do the same thing. Think slow and easy:smile:
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I'm alive!!!!! I completed Wk5D3 without stopping to walk. It was looking rough right around the 10 minute mark (which was the beginning of the first hill) but I got a live cheer from someone on FB and it kept me going. I completed 1.43 miles with a pace of 14:01 and with the WU/CD included I finished 1.93 miles at 15:32 pace. Which is below the cut off pace for all the Disney Halfs. Just need to keep building endurance and let speed take care of itself. :drinker:

    Yayy! That's fantastic and you deserve to be very happy with that pace too :)
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    W9D3 - done .... that's it!

    I've so enjoyed this programme immensely; at the start I thought "I'll give it a go and see how far I get" never dreaming I'd actually be able to keep picking my feet up and putting them back down again for 30mins without stopping in 9weeks time (it actually took me a little longer as life got in the way and I repeated 2 days).

    I'm going to keep running - I want to eventually run a 5k under 30mins so I've a bit of a way to go - my PB is just under 37mins, but now I can see that this is totally doable and I think I might use the bridge to 10k programme to help me improve my pace.

    For those in the early weeks who think they're going to die running for 90secs, I can pretty much guarantee almost everyone who graduated from this programme felt exactly the same in W2 - I know I did :bigsmile:
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    I'm alive!!!!! I completed Wk5D3 without stopping to walk. It was looking rough right around the 10 minute mark (which was the beginning of the first hill) but I got a live cheer from someone on FB and it kept me going. I completed 1.43 miles with a pace of 14:01 and with the WU/CD included I finished 1.93 miles at 15:32 pace. Which is below the cut off pace for all the Disney Halfs. Just need to keep building endurance and let speed take care of itself. :drinker:

    Great job! And you are doing a Disney Half? Which one? I desperately want to run one, but they cost so much I need to plan and save for it.

    My Mom and I are doing the Tinkerbell DL in January and the Wine and Dine WDW in Nov. Trying to get the Coast to Coast medal. They are expensive!!! But we plan it as mother/daughter time. Since I'm a SAHM to two rambunctious boys I count it as therapy.
  • vzgregg
    vzgregg Posts: 44 Member
    I finished W4D1 earlier this week. It was scary to know the running time increased so much! So I started off really slow and tried to keep an eye on my HR. The runs went fine, the last one took a bit more mental pushing, but I finished them all.

    One of the roads I take is a quiet one which passes fields, trees and just two houses. As I was nearing the end of the road, an older man with a walker came from the opposite side. He actually stopped, stared and grinned as I passed him, it was weird and funny at the same time :laugh:

    I'm currently having some stomach problems so I couldn't run today :sad: I hope to run tomorrow or at least Saturday!

    I just finished W3D3...I actually did week 3 twice...last week and this week. I'm really nervous about week 4 with the 3 minute and 5 minute runs. My pace gets much slower the longer the run is. I'll be doing what you did...starting off at a nice slow pace and will have to think about what distance marker to focus on. I don't doubt that the last 5 minute run on that week will be the killer for me. I'll probalby do week 4 at least twice or maybe more...until I feel somewhat comfortable with that length of time.

    I have to say though...I'm getting a little hooked on running...at least the shorter intervals. I have a good endorphin high when I'm done and it seems to benefit my mood greatly! And so far (knock on wood)...no knee or shin issues.
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    I'm alive!!!!! I completed Wk5D3 without stopping to walk. It was looking rough right around the 10 minute mark (which was the beginning of the first hill) but I got a live cheer from someone on FB and it kept me going. I completed 1.43 miles with a pace of 14:01 and with the WU/CD included I finished 1.93 miles at 15:32 pace. Which is below the cut off pace for all the Disney Halfs. Just need to keep building endurance and let speed take care of itself. :drinker:

    Yayy! That's fantastic and you deserve to be very happy with that pace too :)

    Trust me I'm thrilled with that pace. It's the fastest I've run since I left the Navy. I think I might have managed an 8 minute mile during my enlistment. But that was some years and kids ago...
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Great job Yammsteroo!!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm alive!!!!! I completed Wk5D3 without stopping to walk. It was looking rough right around the 10 minute mark (which was the beginning of the first hill) but I got a live cheer from someone on FB and it kept me going. I completed 1.43 miles with a pace of 14:01 and with the WU/CD included I finished 1.93 miles at 15:32 pace. Which is below the cut off pace for all the Disney Halfs. Just need to keep building endurance and let speed take care of itself. :drinker:
    Great job!!!! Glad you kept going despite the hill!!! I have zero hills where I am, so I am kind of jealous!!! Keep practicing and you will make the Disney Half cut off!!!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm alive!!!!! I completed Wk5D3 without stopping to walk. It was looking rough right around the 10 minute mark (which was the beginning of the first hill) but I got a live cheer from someone on FB and it kept me going. I completed 1.43 miles with a pace of 14:01 and with the WU/CD included I finished 1.93 miles at 15:32 pace. Which is below the cut off pace for all the Disney Halfs. Just need to keep building endurance and let speed take care of itself. :drinker:

    Great job! And you are doing a Disney Half? Which one? I desperately want to run one, but they cost so much I need to plan and save for it.

    My Mom and I are doing the Tinkerbell DL in January and the Wine and Dine WDW in Nov. Trying to get the Coast to Coast medal. They are expensive!!! But we plan it as mother/daughter time. Since I'm a SAHM to two rambunctious boys I count it as therapy.

    I think it's great that you can do this, and even better you can do it with your Mom!!!
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Ugh totally a goal to do Disney runs :) So jealous!

    For all you W5D3'ers thank you for posting, my attempt is tonight. I'm wondering if I should still go at 4.5 mph (dreadmill running, not outside) or if I should bump it down? I didn't have too much of an issue with the W5D2 8 minute run(s) until on the 2nd 8 minute run, about minute 5 I started having some breathing issues. Suggestions??
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    I GRADUATED TODAY! :drinker:
    3.47 miles in 35 minutes. It was my first treadmill run in a while. I play on re-graduating again tomorrow/on Sunday when I can run outside
    I'm so happy, a few months ago I couldn't run for longer than 2 minutes
    I've got a 5K race in September, so over the next 4 weeks I'm going to spend 2 days a week focusing on doing comfortable 5K's, and the other 2 days focused on getting to 10K!

    Challenge accepted! :happy:

    Ugh totally a goal to do Disney runs :) So jealous!

    For all you W5D3'ers thank you for posting, my attempt is tonight. I'm wondering if I should still go at 4.5 mph (dreadmill running, not outside) or if I should bump it down? I didn't have too much of an issue with the W5D2 8 minute run(s) until on the 2nd 8 minute run, about minute 5 I started having some breathing issues. Suggestions??

    If you're having trouble breathing, slow down. Then slow down, then slow down more :) A good test is to see if you could hold a conversation at that pace you're going at. If you'd be huffing & puffing after one word, then slow down.

    Speed comes with endurance. I went from doing 14 minute miles a few weeks ago, when I was running 15-20 minutes at a time, to 10-12 minute miles this week, and I can now run for 35 minutes straight.
  • jmm083
    jmm083 Posts: 28 Member
    I conquered W5D3 this morning! It really wasn't that bad at all. I slowed my pace down a little and did just fine. I wasn't begging for the run to be over and wanted to run more, but figured I better stick with the program. I feel amazing!!

    1.54 miles, 20 min, 12:59 min/mile 4.62 mph

    Including warm up and cool down
    2.12 miles, 30 min, 14:09 min/mile

    Congrats congrats congrats! It's such a great feeling.
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    It's nice that quite a few of us are right around the same place (just finishing wk5) because then we know that others are doing what we're doing right now. It's also nice to here from those who are a few (or more) weeks ahead. Good to know that we'll make it if we just run within ourselves and take it one day at a time.

    Honestly I'm just so pleased to have found this program. Or rather that I got my butt off my couch and tried it instead of saying "I used to be able to run". So thanks everyone for all the encouragement. I'll let ya'll know how Wk6D1 goes tomorrow.
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    Did W6D1 this morning. I struggled a bit with this one. I think it might be because I pushed myself to go a little faster thinking I only had to run intervals and I could recover with a walking break. I was only 8 seconds slower than my pace for the 20 minute run and I had walking breaks in there. Monday I'll need to slow it down a little more. I just keep reminding myself that my goal with my upcoming 5k is to be able to run the entire thing, not to get it done in a certain time frame. Speed needs to come after endurance, well at least for me it does.

    1.83 miles, 24 min, 13:07 min/mile, 4.57 mph

    Including warm up and cool down
    2.41 miles, 34 min, 14:07 min/mile
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    I got up this morning and got out the door for my run. And I discovered that I'm a vampire. I don't like the sun, it's way too hot. Better to stick to running at 10pm then anything during the light of day. But since it appears that all of my races take place in the morning it looks like I'm going to continue with a mornng run at least once a week. And oddly when I came back in and checked the temperature it had just made it up to 72 degrees so it was only 3 degrees warmer then my normal night run. All and all it was a good run and I'm seriously happy with it this morning. Now I just have to recover enough to keep up with my kids this morning.

    Rindy12; We did almost the same exact run this morning. I also did the W6D1 and did a Interval avg of 13:03 and a total of 2.45 miles with a 13:53 average.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I finished W2D1 today! The first and last interval were definitely my best. It wasn't too bad and I feel I might have a bit more endurance than I did last month, but I also can't help but question if I'll ever be decent at running during some of the intervals.

    I always feel great after I'm finished running though if I push myself through it so I'm not going to let myself give up.
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Great job Kanras! Everything comes with time and practice. Even speed and endurance. Just take it run at a time and do the best you can every day and you'll soon look back and be amazed!
  • rschlauch67
    Cool group! Long run today....trying to keep consistent with my training has been a challenge. Need to run more often [need to build up a decent base] to prepare for 1/2 at the end of Oct.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    Great job Kanras! Everything comes with time and practice. Even speed and endurance. Just take it run at a time and do the best you can every day and you'll soon look back and be amazed!

    Thanks! I'm not letting myself give up this time.
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    @lua - congratulations on graduating ;)

    I have a hard time breathing after 10+ minutes of running (which right now, for me is 4.5 mph). I made it through the 20 minutes, so w5d3 down (thank goodness, can't wait for intervals again!!). My biggest problem isn't really my breathing though (that's something to work on for sure) - but the fact that I don't sweat enough... it's always been a huge issue for me, I overheat like crazy and then get dizzy. I've been sweating more and more each time but "more" for me is like a few extra droplets. Hoping to break through whatever is making my body retain all the heat so that I can continue to push!

    I keep saying for me it's not really about speed, which is true. But it is totally inspiring to read about people cutting their time down after completing c25k. I just feel pressure to keep at 4.5 mph because people keep telling me "oh my gosh that's so slow that's not even running". :O