May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Happy Memorial Day everybody!

    My gym was a ghost town today. Yay!

    B day Workout 4
    50# squats 5x5
    45# ohp 3x5 (i hate you ohp, but I will beat you someday)
    75# dl 2x5

    I don't know why I can't just do one set of dl. I'm sure I'll just want to do one when I get into the heavier weights.
    Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @beacrys - congrats on your rack!!!

    @kira - nice numbers!

    @aidas - I feel your OHP pain.

    After yesterday's botched lift, I am trying to work up the oomph to do it today. It has been a very nice Memorial Day at my house. Beautiful weather, got a swim in, a little too much sun, perhaps,and am feeling more than a little relaxed, but I know if I don't lift tonight, it will be Wednesday evening before I do (have a Zumba class tomorrow.)

    Hope everyone here in the States is having a great holiday, and everyone not here is having a terrific day!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    today, I decided to do a "DEMI-LIFTING-DAY"-- bascially, just small and wimpy. my chronic fatigue is starting to flair, had a migraine all weekend, I am beyond famished and dizzy (from hungry??) and weak, plus I have a 3 hour hike tomorrow.

    So I just did a few sets of 6-10 reps of my lifts at about half weight.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hi all!

    Cardio day today!

    Did a hill sprint circuit......4 x hill sprint, walk, 20 x mountain climbers, 10 x walking lunges, walk, repeat! Loved it!!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been gone for a few days--girl trip to help celebrate turning 40--so I'm a little behind. But yay everyone getting new racks. I totally love mine and show off pictures of it like it is one of my kids. :laugh:

    My left IT band is still bothering me from my foray into c25k. A PT friend gave me some stretches to do and put me on an icing/foam roller routine. I've given up the running but don't want it to hurt when I lift, so praying this works out.

    And speaking of lifting:

    B workout today. Had to drop squats to 110 because of stupid knee, but nailed OHP at 71. And yeah, the 40 year old pulled 187.5. RAWR!!!!!

    P.S. Also got my navel pieced on my birthday, just to be badass. I never in a million years would have thought I WANTED to draw attention to my belly. But I like it so much better after lifting that I went for it.:drinker:
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    P.S. Also got my navel pieced on my birthday, just to be badass. I never in a million years would have thought I WANTED to draw attention to my belly. But I like it so much better after lifting that I went for it.:drinker:

    Okay, that's awesome. I had set a goal of 10 pullups and a handstand by next year, when I turn 40. But maybe I need to add a tattoo or a piercing on to that list. . .
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    Thx ladies. Bought 170 lbs. of metal weight and a bar today. Tomorrow I pick up mats and set it all up. Very excited. Have sent the Mehdi vid's to both kids emails.

    I am grateful for this group and all the inspiring posts.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Morning all, A lift for me later, and I've got the kids at holiday club so going straight from work at 2 :) this weekend with my mum staying has been a lot of no logging, a fair amount of booze, and I'm feeling pudgy to say the least!! we are away for the huz's 40th this coming weekend for 2 nights too so I'm only going to manage today and Thursday this week.. boo...

    been watching form videos for deadlift, still not sure about my back, but my top tips I'm keeping in mind today are: shoulders back and down, head up/neutral spine, and locked out lower spine. Any more thoughts before 2pm gratefully received! :)
  • Morning all, A lift for me later, and I've got the kids at holiday club so going straight from work at 2 :) this weekend with my mum staying has been a lot of no logging, a fair amount of booze, and I'm feeling pudgy to say the least!! we are away for the huz's 40th this coming weekend for 2 nights too so I'm only going to manage today and Thursday this week.. boo...

    been watching form videos for deadlift, still not sure about my back, but my top tips I'm keeping in mind today are: shoulders back and down, head up/neutral spine, and locked out lower spine. Any more thoughts before 2pm gratefully received! :)

    It is difficult to determine what your flaws may be without seeing video. Until then, try this ?
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Thx ladies. Bought 170 lbs. of metal weight and a bar today. Tomorrow I pick up mats and set it all up. Very excited. Have sent the Mehdi vid's to both kids emails.

    I am grateful for this group and all the inspiring posts.

    Oooh home gym! NICE!!!

    We still have not installed ours, the shed took longer than expected (well it was finished a while back, but the beau wanted faff around with this and that some more) Am waiting for the green light to order the power rack, bar and weights....
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    It is difficult to determine what your flaws may be without seeing video. Until then, try this ?

    thanks.. not sure either, it might just be that it feels heavy! and of course I meant B lift day not A.. durr..
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Got all excited about lifting this morning, but the gym wasn't open. :grumble: If the guy who normally opens the gym was in a deadly car accident this morning, then I'm officially a horrible person... I know, I should be understanding.

    I feel like I've been slacking lately, and only did cardio on Friday (but, I did jog 3.5 miles straight on Friday with no walking!!!). I also ate a ton of food over the weekend, and drank a LOT. And, if the scale can be believed this morning (I may have just been dehydrated), I'm down a pound. I'll wait until official weigh in this weekend (but thanks to shifted lifting schedule, it will be the day after lifting, so who knows what my weight will do).
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I missed the leg talk, but I'm also in the short, stocky leg category. Thank years of soccer and now lifting for the size. I don't have cellulite on my legs though, so that's a bonus. :smile: I've never tried skinny jeans since I KNOW they won't fit over my legs, and skinny jeans in plus-size is ridiculous.

    I'm officially restarting StrongLifts this afternoon. Excited and nervous. I ate like a hog being fattened for slaughter this weekend, so I should have lot of fuel to power through with no problems. :wink:
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Dang, I have missed so many posts!

    Yesterday, I went back to 5x5 with 5 or 10 lb progression, since it was a holiday and I had more time to spend on my workout. I miscalculated my starting squat weight, so instead of topping out at 150, I did my last set at 160 :). It wasn't nice and ATG like the first few sets, but I'm pretty sure I got parallel. OHP, I tried 5x5 with a 5 lb progression. I was going to try to get 1x1 at 95 for my last set, but I couldn't get 90 up more than 3 times in two tries, so I bagged that. DL at 190 felt pretty good--I really feel it in mah bootay today.

    It was a beautiful day, so I took the kids on a hike--not too strenuous, but maybe 2.5-3 miles. Then did a little yardwork. Then it was so nice out, I decided to take another walk around the neighborhood. Sometime towards the last 10 minutes of the walk, I realized my legs weighed about 150 lbs each. I got home, sat down on the couch and promptly fell asleep sitting up.

    When I was hiking with the kids, I figured out what I want to do for cardio on non-lifting days. We were out at a state park that's about 5 minutes from where I work. I'm going to go there and run on the trails (or at least walk really fast up the hills) in the time I have between work and getting home in time for their bus. I just love hiking and being outside, but I don't really like running on the street, and walking in my neighborhood gets boring. I think this would be a good way for me to get some running in. Of course today is absolutely beautiful, but the kids have an after school activity that I previously volunteered to help with. Hopefully I can acutally do this later in the week!

    Oh yeah--and I'm 5'5". The last time I measured my thighs they were 23", and that's down from 24" from about 6 months ago. All of my skinny/slim cut jeans are way big in the waist.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Workout A for me this morning and I'm so pleased to say that I have FINALLY (just started week 25 of SL today) busted through 66lbs on bench for 1x5! YAY!!!! Fantastic workout overall.....tabata finisher of goblet squats and dumbbell swings x 2 to really hammer it all home. I'm obsessed with swings right now :laugh:

    Have a great day friends!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    So, with the kids in holiday club (I'm getting them in a mo!) I hit the gym after work and too.much.lunch. second the comment about eating like a hog being fattened for slaughter, I'm definitely noticing that with no cardio I'm feeling flabby round the middle. Thinking of reducing cals back from 2000 to 1800, as I seem quite capable of sailing gaily past my target come what may. Pah!

    Anyway, I've officially changed to 3x5 and just as well as it took an hour as it was today!
    Squats 52.5kg (115.5lb) 443 ( I did 3x5 but I'm only counting at least mostly-decent form ones!)
    OHP 30kg 555 YES! A couple weren't pretty, and I nearly lost my pelvic floor control ;) but I DID IT!
    Deadlift - 70kg 1x5, 80kg 1x3, 85kg (187lb) 1x3 and decided discretion was the better part of valour..
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Yesterday week:4

    DL:120x1x5(up 5lbs instead of 10lbs)
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    So, I've been reading along and cheering you all on from the sidelines!

    I haven't been lifting and I am not going to for a couple of weeks. I was just overtrained, and I needed the rest. I kept deloading and still not able to do the weight, and I was just not recovering.

    The whole thing was helped by the fact that I have a *lot* to do before we leave next weekend. I've been to the gym and done cardio but no resistance. It's not easy when it's the exact opposite of what I WANT to be doing, but I've stuck with just cardio.

    By the time we leave, I will have taken over a week off. While we are gone I will do some bodyweight things because I already feel stiff again :sad: I'm thinking squats, pushups, inverted rows or pullups, and situps should cover it.

    When I come back I will go with very small increases and take more rest days so that I don't find myself in this spot again. And I have finished Practical Programming so I have more knowledge to help me recognize when I need to modify, and how to modify. I also found (after Vince mentioned it) the Starting Strength forums and have done some reading there.

    So keep lifting, everyone!
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    So, I've been reading along and cheering you all on from the sidelines!

    I haven't been lifting and I am not going to for a couple of weeks. I was just overtrained, and I needed the rest. I kept deloading and still not able to do the weight, and I was just not recovering.

    The whole thing was helped by the fact that I have a *lot* to do before we leave next weekend. I've been to the gym and done cardio but no resistance. It's not easy when it's the exact opposite of what I WANT to be doing, but I've stuck with just cardio.

    By the time we leave, I will have taken over a week off. While we are gone I will do some bodyweight things because I already feel stiff again :sad: I'm thinking squats, pushups, inverted rows or pullups, and situps should cover it.

    When I come back I will go with very small increases and take more rest days so that I don't find myself in this spot again. And I have finished Practical Programming so I have more knowledge to help me recognize when I need to modify, and how to modify. I also found (after Vince mentioned it) the Starting Strength forums and have done some reading there.

    So keep lifting, everyone!
    Have a great time off and go ahead and get that rest. I took a couple weeks off and had to deload when I started back up but I am back to where I was. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    Thx ladies. Bought 170 lbs. of metal weight and a bar today. Tomorrow I pick up mats and set it all up. Very excited. Have sent the Mehdi vid's to both kids emails.

    I am grateful for this group and all the inspiring posts.

    Oooh home gym! NICE!!!

    We still have not installed ours, the shed took longer than expected (well it was finished a while back, but the beau wanted faff around with this and that some more) Am waiting for the green light to order the power rack, bar and weights....

    Very excited. It was just too hard to find a gym with a lighter bar and smaller increments of weight and no line up for the squat rack.