May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I'm thinking about some leg pics for June :) My mouse has inspired's to hoping that inspiration lasts and I don't end up thinking "eff my legs still look fat" :laugh:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I'm thinking about some leg pics for June :) My mouse has inspired's to hoping that inspiration lasts and I don't end up thinking "eff my legs still look fat" :laugh:

    I was thinking "hmmm, how do I not make my legs look short and stocky." The I remembered I'm 5'2", my legs will always be short and I rather have stocky legs that can push a lot of weight up than skinny legs too weak to do much of anything :laugh:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Juliemouse, Sexy strong leg!!

    Sick again last week.

    Yesterday's workout should have been amazing with all the ice cream I ate (Hagen Daz was on sale and my husband couldn't resist...yes it's his fault!)

    Dani, I thought the pint was 1 serving?

    Anyway, I did workout yesterday:

    Squats: 65 lb
    Bench: 75lb
    Row: 60

    I don't know why the squats have been so hard!! and I am sore today which is weird because I really haven't been getting sore except for the injuries. My guess is that I am not completely cured from this disease and no amount of ice cream is going to make up for that. While I was one with the couch I was worried that the pain was going to be permanent, like it was before the MFP lifestyle change. Pretty scary. I am much better but I think the virus really messes with your mind.

    Stay well

    Oh yes, jstout, short strong legs are beautiful!

    PS: congrats to those who are getting power racks!! the best investment I've ever made!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I'm thinking about some leg pics for June :) My mouse has inspired's to hoping that inspiration lasts and I don't end up thinking "eff my legs still look fat" :laugh:

    gorgeous legs!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm thinking about some leg pics for June :) My mouse has inspired's to hoping that inspiration lasts and I don't end up thinking "eff my legs still look fat" :laugh:

    I was thinking "hmmm, how do I not make my legs look short and stocky." The I remembered I'm 5'2", my legs will always be short and I rather have stocky legs that can push a lot of weight up than skinny legs too weak to do much of anything :laugh:

    I'm 5'6" and my legs are short and stocky too. And by stocky, I mean HUGE. Can't be helped. Makes us good squatters though!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Okay I did it! There are my legs....mosquito bites and all :laugh: Such a copy cat I am!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Vegas, I know have Rod Stewart's "Hot Legs" going through my mind! Looking good, girl!

    Thank you, ladies! I have a picture of them pudgy somewhere. You will notice I am not jumping through hoops to dig it up, either, lol.

    Starting to SEE a return on my investment...more than just the measurements, so there is more motivation! :bigsmile:

    Fisher, good lift!!!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Hm. Been lying in bed contorting myself trying to get a decent leg shot how are you all doing it?! Maybe if I wasn't milky white the definition would show up better!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hm. Been lying in bed contorting myself trying to get a decent leg shot how are you all doing it?! Maybe if I wasn't milky white the definition would show up better!

    You can't be much more milky white than I am :laugh: I ended up stretching out from my bed to the wall and leaning over to snap the pic. It all comes down to lighting I think :laugh:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I'm thinking about some leg pics for June :) My mouse has inspired's to hoping that inspiration lasts and I don't end up thinking "eff my legs still look fat" :laugh:

    I was thinking "hmmm, how do I not make my legs look short and stocky." The I remembered I'm 5'2", my legs will always be short and I rather have stocky legs that can push a lot of weight up than skinny legs too weak to do much of anything :laugh:

    I'm 5'6" and my legs are short and stocky too. And by stocky, I mean HUGE. Can't be helped. Makes us good squatters though!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You talking about me again?! ... 23" thighs at 5'7" thankyouverymuch... only poses a problem when I'm busting out of my skinny jeans :wink:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hm. Been lying in bed contorting myself trying to get a decent leg shot how are you all doing it?! Maybe if I wasn't milky white the definition would show up better!

    You can't be much more milky white than I am :laugh: I ended up stretching out from my bed to the wall and leaning over to snap the pic. It all comes down to lighting I think :laugh:

    Yup this is pretty much it! I always find that what you *think* is going to work well really doesn't lol
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I'm thinking about some leg pics for June :) My mouse has inspired's to hoping that inspiration lasts and I don't end up thinking "eff my legs still look fat" :laugh:

    I was thinking "hmmm, how do I not make my legs look short and stocky." The I remembered I'm 5'2", my legs will always be short and I rather have stocky legs that can push a lot of weight up than skinny legs too weak to do much of anything :laugh:

    I'm 5'6" and my legs are short and stocky too. And by stocky, I mean HUGE. Can't be helped. Makes us good squatters though!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You talking about me again?! ... 23" thighs at 5'7" thankyouverymuch... only poses a problem when I'm busting out of my skinny jeans :wink:

    Oh, I totally get the jeans issue :laugh: I stand up and my jeans hang on my thighs making it look like my pants are too short! And they are relaxed fit :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    I've missed so many fun comments! Add me to the 5'1" everything is short and stocky.

    Today felt better (finally).
    Squats 120
    OHP 62.5...and finally hit 5x5!
    Deadlift 165

    Had my hubby take a photo of me doing deadlifts, but ugh. No. Not posting that!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Hm. Been lying in bed contorting myself trying to get a decent leg shot how are you all doing it?! Maybe if I wasn't milky white the definition would show up better!

    I just held my phone at an angle...and not necessarily a comfortable one, either, lol. I am not real brown, either, but the paint in the room helped. :bigsmile: that and a good flex.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm thinking about some leg pics for June :) My mouse has inspired's to hoping that inspiration lasts and I don't end up thinking "eff my legs still look fat" :laugh:

    I was thinking "hmmm, how do I not make my legs look short and stocky." The I remembered I'm 5'2", my legs will always be short and I rather have stocky legs that can push a lot of weight up than skinny legs too weak to do much of anything :laugh:

    I'm 5'6" and my legs are short and stocky too. And by stocky, I mean HUGE. Can't be helped. Makes us good squatters though!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You talking about me again?! ... 23" thighs at 5'7" thankyouverymuch... only poses a problem when I'm busting out of my skinny jeans :wink:

    Oh, I totally get the jeans issue :laugh: I stand up and my jeans hang on my thighs making it look like my pants are too short! And they are relaxed fit :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My legs look a lot like yours - my calves might be a little bigger.

    Mrs Mack, I can't even WEAR skinny jeans. I literally cannot get my legs into them. I mean, I can because they are stretchy but I have to go down with my hands and slowly inch them up by pinching the fabric and yanking it a tiny bit at a time. IT takes FOREVER and then the ankle area looks ridiculous because I stretch the calf of the jean so wide that it hangs weird around the ankle instead of making a nice tight look.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    You guys are cracking me up! I think you all have awesome legs. :flowerforyou:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member

    Mrs Mack, I can't even WEAR skinny jeans. I literally cannot get my legs into them. I mean, I can because they are stretchy but I have to go down with my hands and slowly inch them up by pinching the fabric and yanking it a tiny bit at a time. IT takes FOREVER and then the ankle area looks ridiculous because I stretch the calf of the jean so wide that it hangs weird around the ankle instead of making a nice tight look.

    Right?! That's a good time when you have to pee and you're trying to get them down!!! :embarassed:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    Deadlift 1x5 @ 135, 175, 200!! May goal hit and new PR!! Now, the 200 lift wasn't pretty (and hard as h3!!) and I know my form suffered, but I did it....200 lbs.

    Wheeeeeeee! NICE! All these strong ladies!

    I look like a cross between a puffer fish without the spikes and a beetroot when I deadlift and it always feels like my eyes are going to pop out of my head/face....

    I keep meaning to do some action shots...damn, might just have to ask one of the lads to snap some short vids or pics...mmmm...

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. I have the doms from hell today (was squat day Saturday)...nothing has changed in my workouts, just today my legs felt, well...more sore than they have in a long time pshhhhhhhhhhhht! Was supposed to go running, but took a sneaky rest day and went visiting instead : )
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    Hey I got a rack! A squat rack that is. After a month of me lifting my nineteen yr. old daughter says I want to do whatever you're doing that is changing your body like that. I know what she means. You can kind of see a different body inside the pudge coming through. Some definition happening. My son said he'd lift too if I bought equipment for the home. He's almost sixteen and super fit, though has never lifted weights. So I searched on Craigs List and bought an older NSP squat rack with a bench that clamps in and out very easily. It is in excellent condition and sturdy as all get out. Also has spot bars.

    I am so excited. I got a rack. Too funny. Next up bar, weights and mats.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    beacrys - congrats on the rack! :smile: And on luring in your kids.

    Re: jeans and lifting legs: I used to hate jeans that had spandex in them, but now I am discovering that they are my very best friends. For the first time in my life, I have to buy jeans that fit my thighs first and then belt in the waist. It's not because my thighs have really gotten any bigger (they've shrunk - I think it is because the mass has been redistributed. :smile:

    A today, and the gym was packed.

    Squats - 3x5 at 155. I'm going to alternate progressive loads with 3x5's and see if that allows me to move up weight-wise and keep my hip flexor happy.
    Bench - 5x6 at 95 - working towards 100. Next time I'll do 5x5 at 97.5 hopefully.
    Row - 55544 at 110 - new weight, so I'll repeat it next time. I actually did the two missed reps, they just felt crappy form wise.

    Have a great Memorial Day to the USA folks. If any of you have served, my gratitude. Happy Monday to everyone else!