May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    So I had my first b workout today, and while my squats were much better form-wise, my OP was an EPIC FAIL! I got through 2 sets shakily and half a third before I knew I was going to fail. Is this common with just the bar for beginners? The rest of the upper body stuff was good, so I think the OP just works muscles that I just don't have the strength in yet. I did DL 65 pounds and it great, so YAY! 15 minutes on the elliptical to cool down, followed by a protein bar and a hot shower. I'm hoping that will help with the soreness. : ) Anyway, I hope everyone's having a happy hump day!

    If it makes you feel any better, I started SL with a standard 10 lb bar and 2 five pound plates and worked up from there...OHP is my nemesis, so yes, I would say you are quite normal...I worked my way from 20 pounds across the board until I was over 45 on everything before I went and got my Oly set. Great day, it sounds like to me! :flowerforyou:

    I think its very normal. Esp for women.

    Also getting hte form JUST right on the OHP is very tricky. Its taken me about 18 months (well...there were some breaks in between) to feel like I'm finally clueing in, and that's been a long road of trying various minor adjustments - sticking my chest out, sticking my hips out, where I rest the bar, where my arms are positioned, etc etc. Lots and lots of minor changes. I don't think its anything that can really be described well.

    Also keep in mind that - if you get up to being able to press 100lbs even once, that's very very good for a lady wtih several years of training under her belt so its really a long slow road. After all this time I think my record is 82.5.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I was stoked to get to 55. I could NOT get past 50 in what seemed forever.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Thanks guys! I feel a lot better knowing it's not that I've got tyranasaurus rex arms and that progress will be slow. It was challenging to focus on elbows and keeping my chest under the bar and oh yeah, breathing, so it's gonna take some practice. I got through 2 sets though, so yay for small victories!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Thanks guys! I feel a lot better knowing it's not that I've got tyranasaurus rex arms and that progress will be slow. It was challenging to focus on elbows and keeping my chest under the bar and oh yeah, breathing, so it's gonna take some practice. I got through 2 sets though, so yay for small victories!

    LOL, where OHP's are concerned? I takes them as I can get them!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    So it looks like I've missed about 6 pages worth of posts in the last week... probably won't be catching up on all that, sorry! It's certainly not that I don't love you all -- this is my favorite thread on this site -- just a question of having enough time.

    I have been gone since last Wednesday. I missed working out on Wednesday, then I trained on Friday and Monday in Santa Fe. It was fun to go to a different gym and the owner was wonderful -- he spent a full hour with me on Friday. However, the coaching that he gave me was sometimes really in opposition to Rippetoe's instructions, and I am following Rippetoe, so it wasn't always useful. On the other hand, it often *was* helpful: better to perform reps well at a lower weight than to move up and struggle. Better to progress by smaller increments than to not progress. Better to deload and work up again than to struggle stubbornly with missed reps and poor form.

    I have now deloaded on deadlifts, squats, and OHP. Bench and rows will soon be deloads, I think. I'm certainly starting to stall out all over the place. Even the deloaded squat weight is wiping me out. I've been reading practical programming and will be working with some ideas from that book, so my posts will not be strictly SL 5X5.

    First up will be to try to introduce power cleans again. I got some coaching in Santa Fe and feel more confident now.

    Also, if I keep getting wiped out by squats I will start to do 80-85% on Wednesday for a bit of a break.

    But! I get to go lift tonight, and I ate all da foodz while I was gone, so I'm hoping to have a great session of squats/bench/power cleans. :bigsmile:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Ges, so glad to see you back! glad you had a good time :)

    B session and was a bit pushed for time so only did 3 sets of my squat working weight which was a new one (finally!): 52.5kg (115.5lb). Managed 5 4 4 (well I did all 5 sets but the last one on sets 2 and 3 weren't fab so I'm not counting them!). All in all fairly chuffed with that. Again my left thigh was sore rather than my right hip but definitely only muscular...

    OHP - 30kg - my nemesis - took my proper breaks and did 55535. So cross about that 3 and it was all in the head as I'd looked back at the last session and was thinking 'my aren't I doing so much better' grr!! Anyway that was encouraging!

    Deadlift - dropped to 70kg to try mixed grip, then went up to 80 and stuck there for 5 reps, everything started blacking out on the last one oops.. tried really hard with my form remembering the rippetoe vid, and used the 25kg plates which are the biggest, but suspect my height isn't helping - I'm still tipping at an angle down from my hips to my shoulders and I think should be flatter? but concentrated on keeping my back correct and my head up. Still don't think I've got it right, but it was certainly better than last time!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Session A, day 11, I think....
    I had my18 yr old spn,on day 4
    And my 16 yr old son on his first day.

    I went up 2 pounds in squats. I am taking the very very slow path BTW. So going up 2 makes me happy.
    Bench press I went up 5 pound.
    For Barbell Rows, I am staying at 60 until I feel GOOD about them.,I think I did this time!! And will go up 2-4 pounds next session A!

    My 18 yr old did well! Gong up in everything without being CRAZY TOO MUCH at once!

    The 16 yr old has bad case of scoliosis, o had him stick with the empty 18# bar at first for all his warm ups to work on form. He did better than I expected. It's not easy to get a straight flat back with his degree of spinal curves. He impressed me though. And said he thinks his weights were a bit too light (he maxed at about 30-40 on everything,I didn't want to push it until I saw how his back did)
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member

    Squat:70x5x5 (+5 next time)
    OHP:50x5x5 (+5 next time)
    DL:125x2/105x2/95x5 (try again next time)

    Felt good after 2 failed days to hit the OHP today!
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    You all are doing so great. Too many to respond to but I will post my results.

    I did workout A #13 Monday and workout B 14 today. This is my 5th week but took two weeks off because I just got too busy and the heavier the weight the longer it took so I just did my workout dvd's which I can do in 30 minutes and get a good workout.

    May 4, workout 11 A 95lbs 5x5 squats; 75lbs bench 5x5; 70lbs 5x5 barbell rows.
    May 6, workout 12 B 100lbs 5x5 squats; 65lbs Set 1 3x set 2 5x Set 3 4x set 4 3x and set 5 4x; deadlift 120lbs

    May 20 workout 13 A 85lbs 5x5 squats (couldn't do 90 and struggled with 85) Bench 70x5 (these have not been a problem yet. Just thought I'd go down since I had been off for a couple weeks) 70lbs 5x5 Barbell rows (Not a problem yet with these)
    Today, workout 14 B 90lbs Squats Set 1x5 Set 2 85lbsx5 Set 3 85x5 Set 4 80x5 Set 5 80x5 (had to deload. Even though I did 100lbs on May 6 this felt heavy as H3!!); Overhead Press 60lbs 5x5 (deloaded by 5 because I did struggle the last time I did these); Deadlifts 110 1x5 (wasn't even going to try 120 again but happy with these.

    So that is my story. I don't plan on taking off this long again. If I have to deload, so be it. I am going at my pace but I still feel strong and I love it. Now if I could just get this belly to move, I'll be fine. But I know my diet has to get better. I do clean eat most of the time but like today, I pigged out after I got home from work. It wasn't junk food but too much bread. I'll work on that.

    But for all you bada$$ ladies, HAPPY LIFTING:happy:
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Looking good ladies!

    My session was poopy.

    I added two pounds to squats and did 127 for 3X5. It felt unexpectedly hard.

    I tried to add a pound to bench and work 78 pounds. I ended up deloading on the spot in order to get five reps. So 75 1X5, 70 2X5. Yep, I knew a deload was coming, just didn't realize it was going to be so soon.

    Then I did power cleans instead of barbell rows, which is how Starting Strength does it. I did 45 pounds for 5X3, Just working on form, form, form. Which mine sux right now LOL.

    I also ate more than I intended to today, so maybe I just need a few more days to get back in the groove.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    My session was poopy.

    Hey, welcome back! How was the vacay?

    I spent the day power-washing our back porch and organizing/cleaning our garage. I'm glad it wasn't a lifting day, BUT ... I made it trough everything without collapsing. Yay lifting! Good for more than just getting rid of jiggly bits. :laugh:

    Mid-week lift day tomorrow, having a friend come over for some fun with front squats, rows and power cleans. Woop woop!
  • kellieem
    kellieem Posts: 53 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I did workout B today.
    Squats 45 5x5. I deloaded to work on form and try to alleviate the pain in my hip flexor. It still hurt, but was better. My squat form still isn't right. Whenever I try to really "sit back" I lose my balance. I'm getting frustrated, but I'll keep trying.
    OHP 50 5x5. This is the third time at this weight, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to increase yet.
    Dead lift 125 1x5. This felt good.

    I just wish I could get the squats right!!!
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    So impressed with everyone!

    W/0 A Week 4 Moved to a gym with 2.5 increments of weight.

    S 50 lbs.
    BP 30 lbs.
    R 50 lbs. Iffy about my form here, even though I watch vids. Must read up on rows in starting strength. I have just finished the squat section. Love that book.
  • Amazing1985RSD
    This past Monday I did 3 sets of 5 at 265 pounds on squats and today I was only able to do a few reps at 270 pounds. Same issue with the bench press. I'm guess that it's just taking longer than the 48 hours to recover. I think I'll go ahead and start this "Advanced Novice" program everyone keeps talking about.
  • Amazing1985RSD
    Double post.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    This past Monday I did 3 sets of 5 at 265 pounds on squats and today I was only able to do a few reps at 270 pounds. Same issue with the bench press. I'm guess that it's just taking longer than the 48 hours to recover. I think I'll go ahead and start this "Advanced Novice" program everyone keeps talking about.
    Wow, great job! It's take me two weeks to recover from that I bet!
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Felt sluggish all weekend...skipped my workout on Sunday, which I almost never do unless I'm out of town. Got back to it today and did a deload on squats to work on form (again, arrrgh!), but they felt right.
    Squat 115
    Bench 80
    Rows 95
    All felt good, so that's kinda progress!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    This past Monday I did 3 sets of 5 at 265 pounds on squats and today I was only able to do a few reps at 270 pounds. Same issue with the bench press. I'm guess that it's just taking longer than the 48 hours to recover. I think I'll go ahead and start this "Advanced Novice" program everyone keeps talking about.

    Terrific, you are graduating! :flowerforyou: I am not as far along as you are but I think that my age is making it hard for me to recover enough, too. I hope the change of light squats on Wednesdays will help you keep progressing. Oh, and eat that food, too!
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 66 Member
    I'm still here! I took 6 days off, which is awful considering I started last week!

    But I went back last night. Yay, me! I'm NOT quitting.

    So, for my fourth session I'm still pretty much lifting just the bar. But that's okay. I'm not in a big hurry. Need to be sure I have some decent form and not going to wreck my back.

    I still feel really self conscious and out of place in the gym. But that will pass, I know.

    Tomorrow, I start adding weight!
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Hi! I started SL5X5 3 weeks ago. My numbers below are higher than what Week 3 of the program calls for, but it's because I had already been lifting before this, so I started Week 1 with a deload of about 75% of what I was lifting. Awesome training session today!

    Work-out B today:

    Squats: 110# 5X5 - this was REALLY tough, but I'm going to attempt adding 5 more pounds next time anyhow.

    OHP: 60# 5X5 - SUPER tough. I wasn't able to get 60# last time, so I was doubtful I would get it this time. The last set was pretty bad form, so I will be repeating this next time. Still glad to hit 60#!

    Deadlifts: 115# 1X5 - I think I will be fine to add an additional 5 pounds next time.

    Feeling awesome!