


  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Congratulations on your run, glad you've had no ill-effects. Great tune to finish on! Glad you enjoyed your outdoor run, it keeps things fresh when you vary the scene. And kudos to your husband for supporting you.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Sounds like a great transition, Festival Diva. Glad it went so well for you.

    Romyhorse, I doubt anybody on this discussion board would finish DFL without an injury. Our times are all average/better than average. Does your husband run? Because there's a big difference between being fit and being able to run (LOL).
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    My husband does everything! He runs, fights, lifts etc etc...... When he was younger he could run at 6 minute mile pace, now he thinks he could run a 10k in under 45 minutes, but he hates running, he's only thinking about entering the race because he's super competitive and doesn't want his wife upstaging him, lol!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My husband does everything! He runs, fights, lifts etc etc...... When he was younger he could run at 6 minute mile pace, now he thinks he could run a 10k in under 45 minutes, but he hates running, he's only thinking about entering the race because he's super competitive and doesn't want his wife upstaging him, lol!

    Tell him that if he runs backward to let you catch up, the woman behind you will fantasize about hitting him in the face.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Ha-ha! I'd probably be fantasising about that myself!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    5km run this morning, was really tired (my husband woke me up at 12:30am banging about doing the ironing and I couldn't get back to sleep) and it was a warm day (well, warm in Scottish terms!) Wanted to push myself this morning so I set of at a faster pace but died on km's 3 and 4, finished strong though. Found the perfect post-run warm down and stretch routine, bouncing on the trampoline, though don't know what the neighbours thought when they looked out at 7am!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Great job on the run! Never thought of a trampoline, though I've started using jumping jacks as a warmup for some things.
  • FestivalDiva
    FestivalDiva Posts: 84 Member
    Fantastic trampolining! Yay

    I just came back from a very hot jog, outside in the park alone (!) this time, it was great. Only prob I had back ache for 1st 1.5 miles it seemed to subside a bit after then. I think it's to do with the fact someone pushed us at the music festival (high spirits!) and I was posting to Facebook at the time looking down at my phone, so hadn't braced myself ready to be shoved hard. With my old injury, it flared up so I think that's what the pain was :yawn: oh well I have got to give this a whirl as I have my race number now lol!

    It was fab being outdoors

    Ps I did the full 5k
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Congratulations on completing 5k outside on a hot day, that must have been tough! I hope your back settles down and doesn't give you any more problems. When is your race?
  • FestivalDiva
    FestivalDiva Posts: 84 Member
    Hi well my race is the 23rd June at 11am :)) exactly 14 Plymouth, Devon

    I took my run indoors tonight just for quickness really and I have had a hectic w/e- thought it may be a little easier! Well my back has calmed down again on Friday when I ran outdoors-zero back pain so thats great news. So that can't stop me, thank goodness!

    As for an 'easy' run today I smashed through my previous stats with a, hang on let me just open my APP, :love: 5k (3.11miles) in 30 mins 51, a 9min 54 sec mile so it says! NOW I feel like a real jogger where I felt an improvement in my running, going from my previous 5.5mph last week (treadmill speed) to between 6-6.5mph today! I felt emotional as I could feel a difference! It's a slow process, but since March I can now really see a difference in my fitness woohoo

    Got my neon pink tutu today (race for life)!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Isn't it amazing when that happens? You go!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Wow, that is a great pace! You'll soon have 30 minutes cracked. Well done!

    Today I had to run 8km, got out early and it was much cooler than it has been lately. Run went okay, some hard parts, especially at 3km when I realised I still had another 5km to run! But by 6km I was feeling good and picked up the pace for the last 2km. It was good to look back over previous runs and see my km times getting quicker, even though I am running longer distances. And it was nice to see that my calves are a lot slimmer, shame that's the only part that is getting thinner at the moment.
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    I'm coming late to this party, but let me just say how awesome you guys are! Great jobs, all!

    My training goals for the summer: a) run a 5K in under 27:00 and b) run a 10K at any slow speed required to get the job done. I'm slowly working my way through B10K, allowing myself extra runs at each level and not sticking to those distances/times for all 3 runs each week. The local tick explosion appears to have subsided, so I'm looking forward to doing trail running in the hills again.

    A question for you guys: How do you balance training for speed vs. distance? Also, how often do you check in on your form via external methods like video or an expert witness? (I'm worried about possible heel striking, and my form on hills is still sketchy.)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Hi Shannon, it's great to hear other people's plans and goals. A sub-27 minute 5km would be awesome, I'm a long way away from that.

    I live in a small town in a rural area so we have no running clubs or running shops nearby, so I have no opportunity to get my form checked. I do know a few people who run, but I wouldn't consider them expert! As for speed/distance, everyone says start building distance and speed will follow. The plan I am following has tempo runs and sprints which are supposed to help your speed, but I've only being doing it for a few weeks. I have noticed my speed has gradually increased but I think this is more down to regular running at this point.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    A question for you guys: How do you balance training for speed vs. distance? Also, how often do you check in on your form via external methods like video or an expert witness? (I'm worried about possible heel striking, and my form on hills is still sketchy.)

    The typical rule is to have a long run that is 20-30% of your total weekly mileage. Yesterday I ran 9 miles for my long run but 25 for the week so I am getting a bit out of balance. During the week I did a 4-mile tempo run, a 4-mile run including some hill sprints in the middle, and a 4-mile easy run. Now I need to bring that into balance but it gets interesting when you factor in the 10% rule of increasing weekly mileage. I want to keep increasing my long run, but I need to increase one or more of the other runs to balance things out. And I need to do it without going more than 10% over last week's mileage. I will probably bump up my tempo run to 6 miles and only increase the long run by half a mile each week. Then keep adjusting the shorter runs each week until it gets balanced out.

    Regarding form, I never got serious about it until last month. When I restarted C25K after getting tendonitis, I increased my cadence and shortened my stride. I thought this would make me into a midfoot/forefoot striker automatically. I completed the program without injury and thought I must be doing things right. Then I signed up for a Good Form Running class just to verify what I was thinking before any bad habits got too deeply intrenched. The baseline video they took of me at the beginning showed heel striking - totally not what I expected at all. But since I shortened my stride, I was striking with more of a bent knee under my body so the impact wasn't as bad. Most people in the class were also heel striking and didn't know it. I immediately ordered a foot pod for my Garmin so I could have constant feedback on my cadence. That helped a lot because I often slow down my cadence when I am not paying attention. They gave us some other things to work on like arm position and forward lean and so far I think it has helped. In our second class (2 weeks after the first class) my form was showing improvement. They also took a video of us running strides and I saw my form go to heck when I run fast. I need to work on my feet pushing off more behind me to run faster instead of reaching out ahead (overstriding).

    I highly recommend the Good Form Running class. Or even just record yourself and play it back in slow-motion. I plan to do that every 2 weeks.
  • FestivalDiva
    FestivalDiva Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks ALL
    for your support and encouragement, and checkins its great seeing your progress, you are totally awesome :flowerforyou: it's really motivating to check in and find some inspiration, through the hard work and the fun.... keep calm and keep joggin..
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I also did a Good Form Running class. I found that my form is mostly good, my cadence is good, I'm a midfoot striker and I'm landing underneath my body. But my weak hips are catching up with me again. I'm dropping to the side when I run and "sitting in my hips." That's a new one for me.

    A description:

    My video:

    I did a Google for online coaching and found this:

    I haven't used the service and have no idea of the quality of feedback they provide, but wanted to provide an example of services that might be available. If you wanted to go this route, I'd suggest posting a message on the Happy Feet runner's board and see if anybody has experience with this.
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I'm in a small town in Idaho, hours from anywhere I can get a professional form check or class, so I'll definitely look into the online options.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Will have to check out those links when I get home from work.

    Didn't run today, I'm not a great sleeper and suffer from occasional insomnia. Last night I woke at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep. My friends are going to wonder what I was doing sending emails at 3:30am!! Still eating breakfast and have to be at work in 30 minutes.... make that 25 minutes. I think I'm going to be late today, it's lucky my hours are somewhat flexible ;)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Missed a run this week to give myself more rest days, think I might have shin splints, well shin splint, just on my right leg. Been sore for a few weeks, but not too bad, more of a niggle, and not sore when I ran. Did an 8km run 8 days ago and it was a little bit more painful after. The next week was an easy week, only 2 5km and 1 6km runs (omg! I said only 5km, who'd have thought I'd ever say that) I took an extra rest day and did the first 5km run and my leg was much worse. Rested until yesterday and did another 5km on the flat and on grass and my leg was okay. Its tough finding suitable places to run, I live at the top of a steep hill so my runs are normally pretty undulating, I think it's running down the steep hills that is causing the problem. There is a flat grassy area at the bottom of the valley where I can run laps but I find that so boring! Just going to have to be bored until I can find some better places to run.