


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Missed a run this week to give myself more rest days, think I might have shin splints, well shin splint, just on my right leg. Been sore for a few weeks, but not too bad, more of a niggle, and not sore when I ran. Did an 8km run 8 days ago and it was a little bit more painful after. The next week was an easy week, only 2 5km and 1 6km runs (omg! I said only 5km, who'd have thought I'd ever say that) I took an extra rest day and did the first 5km run and my leg was much worse. Rested until yesterday and did another 5km on the flat and on grass and my leg was okay. Its tough finding suitable places to run, I live at the top of a steep hill so my runs are normally pretty undulating, I think it's running down the steep hills that is causing the problem. There is a flat grassy area at the bottom of the valley where I can run laps but I find that so boring! Just going to have to be bored until I can find some better places to run.

    As an Atlanta runner (the RunATL tag line is "Heat Hills Humidity, Welcome to Atlanta") I can sympathize. I feel it in my shins because I sit back to break a little while running down hills. I'm working on keeping my weight forward and taking small steps. You should feel it in your quads when you're doing hills right.

    (and I totally feel you on the "only a 5k" thing. How far we've come!!!)
  • carolinesparkle
    carolinesparkle Posts: 60 Member
    Well done everyone! I've got my first race this Sunday, it's 5.6km. I can run it in about 35 minutes usually but recently the humidity here in Hong Kong has been up at 90%! When I ran at 5am this morning it was 28'C and 91%, how do you manage to keep going? I really struggled with it today.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    There aren't any 10Ks here until Sept. but there are some 5 milers that coming up in August that I will probably sign up for. Next year I am going to sign up for what my running club's road race series. It consists of 2 5Ks, 2 5milers, 2 10-Ks and 2 Half marathons. So doing it next year.

    Anyway, so...I am training for my half marathon, which takes place in October. My schedule is at 17 miles a week so far. In 2 weeks it goes up again. I was shifted from days to nights, which ended up with me trying to figure out my food...which ended up me slipping off the nutrition wagon for a few weeks. But I have figured it out and gotten back on board. My cross training is weight lifting, followed by a 20 minute elliptical session. Being on nights really gets me mixed up when it comes to my running, and it affects my long runs. Luckily they are topping off at only 7 miles, and next month I go back to days. I am doing a run one mile, walk a minute training split. My goal is to complete a half...and next year I think it will be to complete it without walking.

    Anyway...happy running and training!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Well done everyone! I've got my first race this Sunday, it's 5.6km. I can run it in about 35 minutes usually but recently the humidity here in Hong Kong has been up at 90%! When I ran at 5am this morning it was 28'C and 91%, how do you manage to keep going? I really struggled with it today.

    Wow, running in Hong Kong! Sounds challenging but just stay super hydrated. Good luck on the race and as they would say over there - 加油!!
  • carolinesparkle
    carolinesparkle Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks! I did wonder this morning if I could possibly even start to replace what I had lost in sweat! I will definitely have to drink a lot more, it wiped me out today. I have begun to really enjoy running and don't want to head indoors to the treadmill and air-con so will just need to learn to adapt. Thanks for the wishes, I will let you know how it goes!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Good luck on your run on Sunday Caroline. What time of day are you running at? Hopefully it won't be too hot and humid for you.

    Rduhlir, I do weight lifting too but I've had to reduce the weight I was lifting as squatting 100lb then going for a run the next morning just wasn't working, my thighs felt so heavy and tired. Now I've kind of lost my motivation for weight lifting... I'm getting a new bike soon so I want to get out cycling on my non-running days. Anyway I hope your training goes well, I'm thinking about a half marathon next year, but I'll have to see how my 10k goes first ;)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I've heard: "When running in cold, run for time. When running in heat, run for place." At my level, this means that you're just running for fun and trying to finish when it's hot. Wait until it's cooler to set personal bests.

    I'm not up to 100 pound squats, but I need to be. One of the things that's inhibiting my running are my weak hip muscles. I'm relying on my weight training to help bring me up to speed on that. However, lifting will always be secondary to running performance. :)
  • carolinesparkle
    carolinesparkle Posts: 60 Member
    The run is at 8am and if it's like today it was 31'C and 80% humidity so am hoping for some light rain on Sunday!
    I too have been lifting and found recently that running after a lifting day was hard, I did think it was just me! I was squatting 60kgs so around the same as you. I am focussing more now on upper body weight exercises in particular my shoulders which seem to be the weakest of all my muscles! Hopefully I will see a difference in the running and not feel like my legs are made of lead.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    I also did a Good Form Running class. I found that my form is mostly good, my cadence is good, I'm a midfoot striker and I'm landing underneath my body. But my weak hips are catching up with me again. I'm dropping to the side when I run and "sitting in my hips." That's a new one for me.

    IT band issues?
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    The run is at 8am and if it's like today it was 31'C and 80% humidity so am hoping for some light rain on Sunday!
    I too have been lifting and found recently that running after a lifting day was hard, I did think it was just me! I was squatting 60kgs so around the same as you. I am focussing more now on upper body weight exercises in particular my shoulders which seem to be the weakest of all my muscles! Hopefully I will see a difference in the running and not feel like my legs are made of lead.

    My shoulders are my weakest point too, I can't even manage 25kg shoulder presses. We had 80% humidity too when I was out for my run this morning, only difference was it was only 14°C (which is about my upper temperature tolerance!)
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    The run is at 8am and if it's like today it was 31'C and 80% humidity so am hoping for some light rain on Sunday!

    Wow. Good luck out there! I'm going to think of this temp/humidity next time I want to complain about the conditions here in Idaho. It gets hot, dry, and windy, but I can avoid most of that if I'm willing to get up early enough -- we're a high altitude desert, so it cools down a lot at night.

    My training was derailed for a week while I was working with students in the field (it turns out that I'm completely uninterested in running before or after 7-8 hours of hiking in low mountains), but I'm back on my training cycle again. Trail running up hill tomorrow.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    You are all so incredibly amazing! Keep on!

    Caroline, good luck in the race this weekend!

    Today I completed 4.5 miles in 80 degrees, which was my longest run at this temp. Not sure how July and August will treat me, but it was nice to actually be able to do it. Until now temps over 70 have also meant 3 miles or less, so this is good!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I have a 5.5 mile trail race coming up tomorrow. I haven't done any running for a full week now due to hip pain last week so hopefully I can make it through the race. Now I am starting to think the pain might be a "sports hernia." It's much better now and I have been mountain biking to keep active (hurts to pick up my leg but not to press it down).
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Hope your race goes okay, but take it easy because if it is a sports hernia you don't want to make it any worse.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I also did a Good Form Running class. I found that my form is mostly good, my cadence is good, I'm a midfoot striker and I'm landing underneath my body. But my weak hips are catching up with me again. I'm dropping to the side when I run and "sitting in my hips." That's a new one for me.

    IT band issues?

    It'll probably end up as IT band issues if I don't strengthen my hip muscles. :)
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Thinking about doing another 5K race in two weeks. It would mean less than a month between races, but I figure it falls on Saturday, so I could just consider it a long run day. I am also beginning a training plan based on the work of Hal Higdon. That week calls for a 3 mile run on Saturday (after 2 2.5 mile runs earlier in the week. I guess the difference is I wouldn't be running "easy". It would also throw my training plan off by a couple of days to allow for a lighter recovery run and rest.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Thinking about doing another 5K race in two weeks. It would mean less than a month between races, but I figure it falls on Saturday, so I could just consider it a long run day. I am also beginning a training plan based on the work of Hal Higdon. That week calls for a 3 mile run on Saturday (after 2 2.5 mile runs earlier in the week. I guess the difference is I wouldn't be running "easy". It would also throw my training plan off by a couple of days to allow for a lighter recovery run and rest.

    I would say go for it, unless you have another race you are training for soon after. It would be nice to see how your time has improved.
  • carolinesparkle
    carolinesparkle Posts: 60 Member
    I did it!! 28'C and 92% humidity....sunshine too! I ran 5.68km in 35 minutes so I achieved my goal. Now to think about the 10K !!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I did it!! 28'C and 92% humidity....sunshine too! I ran 5.68km in 35 minutes so I achieved my goal. Now to think about the 10K !!!

    Congrats - that's an awesome time!! And in those conditions - wow!

    My race day yesterday was much more comfortable - 72°F with 65% humidity. A pleasant summer morning here. We've been very lucky with the weather this year. I finished my 5.5 mile trail race in 44:53 (8:10 min/mile overall pace) which was 58th overall and 9th in my age group. A lot of fast runners out there! I was glad just to finish in the top 25% of the field. I really want to do a 10K in under 50 minutes and this race proves I am right on the edge of that. Just need to get that pace a tiny bit faster.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Well done Caroline, great time too! Have you got a 10k in mind?

    Tim, that is an awesome time. I'm sure 50 minutes is within your grasp, you should be able to run slightly faster in a road race.

    Today I was thinking ahead, in 2 weeks I have a 10k training run, but that's the day after I fly into Majorca for a weeks holiday. That's obviously not going to happen though I do plan to do some shorter runs when I'm away. So today I ran 9.4k instead of 8k and I will have a longer run on the Thursday before I go, hopefully that will keep me on track.