how much weight have you gained



  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    39 weeks and +33 lbs :)

    You're soooo close! Yay! Congrats and good luck with an easy, healthy delivery!!!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    After two weeks of holding the same weight. I finally accepted I gained 5 pounds so far. lol Week 17..
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    21 weeks and up 7-8 lbs...I'm really trying to stay between a 15-25 lb gain (which is what my Dr told me) good luck yall :)
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I am 8 weeks pregnant now and I have gained about 3lb so far. Though I'm sure that is more because of my holiday last week than the pregnancy, I would have gained that anyway :)

    Even though I haven't reallt gained much, I feel frumpy and bloated. I have so much fluid retention, its yuck!

    Well I spoke too soon, all of a sudden my weight seems to have jumped up by another 4lb. So I am now 7lb up from my pre-preg weight :( I am fitting the same in my clothes except for massive boobs and bloated belly, so I am pretty confident it is real pregnancy weight and not just fat gain.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I am 8 weeks pregnant now and I have gained about 3lb so far. Though I'm sure that is more because of my holiday last week than the pregnancy, I would have gained that anyway :)

    Even though I haven't reallt gained much, I feel frumpy and bloated. I have so much fluid retention, its yuck!

    Well I spoke too soon, all of a sudden my weight seems to have jumped up by another 4lb. So I am now 7lb up from my pre-preg weight :( I am fitting the same in my clothes except for massive boobs and bloated belly, so I am pretty confident it is real pregnancy weight and not just fat gain.

    That's exactly what happened to me. I gained a cup size in my boobs then my belly started to grow and get all bloaty. Just hang in there!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm 15 weeks and up 13lbs as of this morning - I actually gained most of it fairly quickly (that's what happens when carbs are all you can stomach, haha). Now that fruits/veggies are back in my life, I'm doing a million times better!
  • shellsy0424
    shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
    15 weeks and I have gained 6 lbs. I am really happy because my last pregnancy a 14 months ago I gained almost 20 lbs by now. I got gestational diabetes last time and gained very little in my third trimester because of the strict diet. Nausea is still kicking my butt, so I am looking forward to about 18 weeks when it should subside if it goes the same as last time.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    16 weeks today and I gained 8.8lbs. LOL. I had gained 1lb over the weekend but it somehow disappeared and I am almost back to my previous weight. At 14wks I was 8.4lbs, at 15wks I was 8.6lbs and now at 16 I am 8.8lbs. My weight FINALLY is stabilizing, yey!
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    13 weeks today!
    I'm up 10 lbs which isn't so bad considering I was up 10 lbs at 10 weeks as well.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm up almost 25lbs @ 25 weeks! It has slowed a bit though, I ahven't gained 3lbs in a week lately. Hopefully it stays that way.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I am up 20lbs at 19 weeks. Very disapponted but cannot cut calories nor workout anymore than i do. I guess I will just have to deal with the fact that I will end up gaining at least 40lbs
  • EricaG86
    EricaG86 Posts: 28
    Am I the only one who has gained a lot?

    23w 5d and up 28lbs :sad: My OB said he isn't concerned (however at last app he did remind me that I need to be getting in more exercise and at the same time told me to stay off my feet for the swelling. Confusing much???) and that I may be "one of those" who just gains no matter what. But I am SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED. I truly feel like I am the only one counting calories, trying to exercise, trying to keep under and still gaining like a hippo! DH swears he notices a huge difference from last pregnancy and last night we even compared belly shots. I do look a lot thinner (I had lost 62lbs from last pregnancy to when I got preggers this go), but 28lbs? at 23w 5d!?!?!?! I was only supposed to gain 25lbs this time.

    I am swelling A LOT and never did with my others. But seeing this thread...I think I am the only one with this much gain :cry:

    Hey girl don't fret..I'm 23w3d I gained 29lbs..I was really worried but my Ob said not to worry. I was actually gaining weight pretty slow at first, then at about 19-20 weeks my appetite increased. My blood pressure is fine and I still exercise and I eat healthy. This is my first pregnancy and not sure what to expect with everything, but I hope breastfeeding and exercise help me lose this weight after i have the baby. I'm motivated to get back to my pre preg weight prior to getting pregnant. Plus we only have 3 more months left!!
  • eribooo
    eribooo Posts: 10
    I'm up 17 pounds at almost 25 weeks. I didn't gain much until I hit the 18 week mark, and then it started piling on. My doctor said he would prefer if I maintained the weight I'm at now, since I was a little overweight to begin with. So frustrating!
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm currently 35 weeks and up at least 40lbs. More like 45. I exercised like crazy until 31 weeks and logged my food. Sometimes you just can't help it! I'm praying most of this is water retention. Yikes. But since I'm almost done maybe I'll lose a bunch and give you guys some hope for it being mostly water =]]
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    Just reporting back post baby. I put on 8.8lbs over my pregnancy and lost 20.6 lbs within the first week of giving birth to my 9lb 7oz daughter :) So I ended up lighter after this baby, which was nice.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Just reporting back post baby. I put on 8.8lbs over my pregnancy and lost 20.6 lbs within the first week of giving birth to my 9lb 7oz daughter :) So I ended up lighter after this baby, which was nice.

    Wow!..that's awesome! Congrats on your baby girl! :)
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks Bluegirl :)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I feel like the less I eat the more I gain. I gained 6lbs by my first OB appointment at 10 weeks despite being strict with my diet and kept going from there. I reached 10 by about 15 weeks. However, it slowed way down, even after I largely stopped tracking. I'm now up 24 at almost 36 weeks. Going to a generous maintenance seemed to help. They say a lot of women that have been dieting or are low body fat tend to gain fast initially because the body is ensuring adequate fat stores for the pregnancy. The more you restrict the more your body may try to retain fat and fluids. So increase those calories, stay active, and trust the process!

    Follow-up - I gained 25lbs exactly after all the the drama, and within the first 2 weeks I lost all but 4lbs! Still have to deal with that plus the extra I was trying to lose, but I was shocked at how quickly it came off, especially since I feel like my breasts alone are contributing the extra weight, lol! :ohwell:
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I am 25 weeks today and have gained 20 pounds... I guess the main thing is that baby is healthy and growing! :)
  • chstarling
    chstarling Posts: 35 Member
    I feel like the less I eat the more I gain. I gained 6lbs by my first OB appointment at 10 weeks despite being strict with my diet and kept going from there. I reached 10 by about 15 weeks. However, it slowed way down, even after I largely stopped tracking. I'm now up 24 at almost 36 weeks. Going to a generous maintenance seemed to help. They say a lot of women that have been dieting or are low body fat tend to gain fast initially because the body is ensuring adequate fat stores for the pregnancy. The more you restrict the more your body may try to retain fat and fluids. So increase those calories, stay active, and trust the process!

    Follow-up - I gained 25lbs exactly after all the the drama, and within the first 2 weeks I lost all but 4lbs! Still have to deal with that plus the extra I was trying to lose, but I was shocked at how quickly it came off, especially since I feel like my breasts alone are contributing the extra weight, lol! :ohwell:

    I am 35 weeks... This gives me hope that I can keep the gain under control at the end and lose quickly after birth. Congrats on the new bundle of joy!