
  • AmberNicoleSS
    AmberNicoleSS Posts: 16 Member
    Great Job Christina !!! Your well on your way to meeting your goal for August!!!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!! SO glad to see people focusing on their health and fitness!!!

    Ladies, we're all doing AWESOME!! People are losing weight and maintaining weight all over the place! Let's keep it up!!
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    Hey everyone just checking in...saying hello
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    Greetings--it's 8/2/12 and I just wanted to check in. I am on track so far and currently at 239 lbs. Thursday is my weigh-in day so I should be back on 8/9/12. So far, so good! Good luck everyone. :smile:
    I'm in! I started my journey about a month ago with 110 pounds to lose. I am 5'4".
    For this challenge:
    SW 246

  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    I love how you set your Nov-Dec goal low in anticipation of your holiday struggles ;) Maybe I should've done that too. Great job on your success so far!
    Good morning ladies!! I'm so glad to see that many others have joined this challenge. I don't have the time to personally welcome you all, but I'm glad that you have decided to take this journey with us!

    I am SO SO SO SO SO glad to post my results for the past week. My recap is below:

    SW (before this challenge started): 327
    SW of this challenge: 302
    Goal weights:
    August 23rd - 292
    September - 282
    October - 272
    November - 262
    December - 260 - Lord knows I will struggle around the holidays!

    *drum roll*

    And my CW as of 07.30.2012 is 294.6!! That's down almost 8 pounds in a week and 3 days!!

    I credit my success to the fast that my husband and I were on where we ate an ABUNDANCE of fruits and vegetables over the past week. I still ate at least 1300 calories a day, but it was mainly fruits, veggies, and whole grain items. Apparently my system likes it :) We went back to normal eating on Saturday and Sunday, but everything in moderation of course with no weight gain. I'm excited, and looking forward to giving my system a good 'cleanse' like that once a month!
  • Ilene36
    Ilene36 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! I'm Angela. I'm looking forward to this challenge. I bought an elliptical to help me lose weight so this challenge will really help me. I'm 5'5. My ultimate goal is a size 8 and 150. For this challenge I want to be at 162. I plan to lose the remaining from Christmas to the end of January. Let's get it !!!:drinker:


  • Kaw169
    Kaw169 Posts: 29 Member
    Good morning Sistas! Hope everyone had a great week! Continue to stay motivated and motivating each other! I truly appreciate all the support I have been receiving! Thanks all!
  • Good am sistas!! I'm in..being that i didn't set a deadline..Christmas sounds like a good plan! Let's do it!!

    I'm Nena

    Sw 240
    Cw 214
    Gw 190

    Thanks to my new pal Kaw169 I found this group... ")..let's do it ladies!
  • Kaw169
    Kaw169 Posts: 29 Member
    Glad you found it Nena!
  • MrsRAW712
    MrsRAW712 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all! I'm in for the challenge :)

    My name is Jessica and I live in Texas. Right now I would like to lose about 5-7 pounds but am more interested in maintaining my weight until Christmas.

    My starting weight is 120 and I weighed 139 when I gave birth to my daughter almost 2 years ago. I'd like to get down to a goal weight of 115 and then see what happens from there. I could use the motivation to stay on my grind and I'm looking forward to doing the same for you all!

    Feel free to add me :)

    *Hi ladies! I just realized I didn't update my post with my goals!! I'm wanting to lose the last few pounds and they want to stick around!

    SW: 120
    CW: 119
    GW: 115

    Aug. 23: 118
    Sept. 23:117
    Oct. 23: 116
    Nov. 23: 115 (reach goal by Turkey day?)
    Dec. 23: 114

    Best wishes to all of you!
  • Denise0211
    Denise0211 Posts: 5 Member

    My name is Denise and I am from good ole Arizona! This sounds like an awesome challenge so count me in!

    SW 190
    GW 170

    Goal 1....August 23 - 184
    Goal 2....September 23- 180
    Goal 3 ...October 23 - 176
    Goal 4 .....Nov 23 - 172
    Goal 5 .....Dec 23 - 170
  • Rochie81
    Rochie81 Posts: 106 Member
    I couldn't resist...I weighed myself a day early ;)

    SW (at beginning of challenge): 305 lbs.
    CW: 302.8 lbs.
    GW: 250 lbs
  • QuestToLose
    QuestToLose Posts: 124 Member
    Count me in!! I'm May and I'm from NYC. My starting weight was 196lbs. I'm currently 183.

    Goal #1 August: 177

    Goal #2 September: 170

    Goal #3 October: 163

    Goal #4 November: 155

    Goal #5 December: 150

    That is a total of 33 pounds. I tend to lose weight very slowly(About 4- 5lbs per month) but I am going to switch this up and fight for this weight loss goal. Lets do this!! Goodluck divas!
  • Kaw169
    Kaw169 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Sistas! Weekly Weigh in Update:
    SW: 265
    7/28 weigh in: 262
    8/4 weigh in: 261

    Almost there to my monthly goal! I realized that I can't have major cheat days because my metabolism is not there yet to handle them. So I have to stay focus the entire time to be successful in this journey!

    Let's get it!
  • alleykatwill
    alleykatwill Posts: 25 Member
    Hello! I just joined this group and LOVE this challenge.

    SW: 180lbs ---BMI 29.5

    GW: 155lbs---BMI under 25

    Aug --175 lbs

    Sept-- 170 lbs

    Oct-- 165 lbs

    Nov--160 lbs

    Dec--155 lbs

    I want to drop all of the extra fat, strength and tone my entire body.
  • mstissa02
    mstissa02 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello Everyone! Just joined MFP & this group! Ready for the challenge!

    SW : 205

    GW: 175

    August: 200

    September: 195

    October: 185**hopefully, I can stay away from temptation since this my birthday month!**

    November: 180**Thanksgiving may trip me, but I will prevail**

    December: 175
  • candy_mcswole
    candy_mcswole Posts: 33 Member
    Hey girls, I just joined the group! I'm happy to be a part of this challenge. If I can get down to my goal it will be the best Christmas present I've ever received!!!!

    Height: 5'7
    Build: Hour Glass

    Starting: 196
    Goal: 150-140

    Current: 184
    Aug 25: 178
    Sept 25: 171
    Oct 25: 164
    Nov 25: 157
    Dec 25: 150

    I haven't decided if I want to go all the way to 140.. I've never been that light so I'm not sure how I would look. I do love my curves and my big hips so I'll probably stop at 150. We'll see.

    I think this challenge is very doable!!! I'm very excited for all of us!!!
  • candy_mcswole
    candy_mcswole Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Sistas! Weekly Weigh in Update:
    SW: 265
    7/28 weigh in: 262
    8/4 weigh in: 261

    Almost there to my monthly goal! I realized that I can't have major cheat days because my metabolism is not there yet to handle them. So I have to stay focus the entire time to be successful in this journey!

    Let's get it!

    Keep up the good work!!
  • Hello All!!!!
    My name is Danielle i live in NV Feel Free To Add Me !!!!!
    I'm so happy i found MFP i now feel accountable for everything i eat it has opened my eyez :-)

    SW 260
    GW 220

    I weigh in every 2weeks

    Goal #1 Aug. 252
    Goal #2 Sept. 244
    Goal #3 Oct. 236
    Goal #4 Nov. 228 B-Day Month Yay!!!
    Goal #5 Dec. 220

    Let's stay Focus & Motivated :-)
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    Good evening,

    I love this challenge. It keeps me focused and motivated. I'm weighing Tuesday and will give a report. Between this challenge and JMBR I'm feeling good! Have a great week ladies! Thanks for the support!!!