
  • Nicoleholmes2
    Nicoleholmes2 Posts: 49 Member
    Sw 233
    Sep 1 229
    Oct 1 219
    Nov 1 210
    Dec 1 202
    Decemeber 25, 2012 goal weight 196!!!
  • Hey sistas, I'm Tracy, 28, and definitely in on this challenge! I'll post my weight every friday.
    My stats:

    SW: 274 lbs
    CW: 263 lbs
    GW: 220 lbs

    8/23: 255 lbs
    9/23: 246 lbs
    10/23: 238lbs
    11/23: 229 lbs
    ~~*12/25/12*~~ 220lbs
  • valfav
    valfav Posts: 3 Member
    Hey,I'm valencia ,39 and need to be in this challenge... will weigh in on the 23

    CW: 240
    GW:160 TO 180
  • Shawnette97
    Shawnette97 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Guys,
    How is everyone doing? My weight has been fluctuating the last few weeks. It is very frustrating.
  • Well, no loss and no gain. I'm a little disappointed since it is only my 2nd week. Then again, I ate a lot of junk food this week. Didn't go over my calorie count, but I'm sure that had an affect :ohwell:

    SW: (As of July 31):282
    CW: 279
    GW: 257

    Aug 23: 277
    Sep 23: 272
    Oct 23: 267
    Nov 23: 262
    Dec 23: 257
  • myasmom
    myasmom Posts: 26
    Everyone seems like they are doing great! I am really only on day 2 of trying hard to lose weight and so it's constantly running through my mind! I had to look at every bag of chips in the gas station...but I didn't get any, I'm pretty proud of myself :-)
  • Hey everyone, so today is Friday, my weekly weigh-in day and i'm 258. Last week I was 263. 5lbs! I know its water weight but im still happy :) How's everyone else doing? Are you all weighing weekly or only monthly?
  • Everyone seems like they are doing great! I am really only on day 2 of trying hard to lose weight and so it's constantly running through my mind! I had to look at every bag of chips in the gas station...but I didn't get any, I'm pretty proud of myself :-)

    Good job!
  • Well, no loss and no gain. I'm a little disappointed since it is only my 2nd week. Then again, I ate a lot of junk food this week. Didn't go over my calorie count, but I'm sure that had an affect :ohwell:

    SW: (As of July 31):282
    CW: 279
    GW: 257

    Aug 23: 277
    Sep 23: 272
    Oct 23: 267
    Nov 23: 262
    Dec 23: 257

    Good job on not gaining, i'm sure next week's weight loss will incoporate a pound or two that you should've lost this week.
  • Rochie81
    Rochie81 Posts: 106 Member
    Hello again Ladies!!! It has been extremely encouraging and motivating to see all the progress reports; it looks like we are all doing very well thus far. Keep up the good work everyone :)

    SW 7/21: 305
    W1 7/28: 305
    W2 8/03: 302.8
    W3 8/11: 302

    Goal #1 Aug 23: 293 lbs.
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 280 lbs.
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 270 lbs.
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 260 lbs.
    Goal #5 Dec 23: 250 lbs.
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    Hey Ladies just checkn in I was kind of disappointed because I had been exercising daily for a hour drinking 10 cups of water staying at 1200 cal or 100-200 below it when i created this challenge I was 202.3 lbs within 5 days I went to 197.4 last week I reached my aug 23rd goal of 193lbs(yayyy) right.... Since then the scale has been fluctuating down one up 5 and so forth so I was like what in the heck (ill keep it clean) is going on im busting my butt everyday going to the track in the hot florida heat jillian michaels got me sweating like no tomorrow im under my calories ( I did have a cheat day once or twice since ive been on this site) but others thanks that I was on it so I stepped on the scale (I am not a daily weigher) cuz I knew I had dropped 5lbs all that hard work I was doing to my suprize it showed 198.7 I said no no no so I was fustrated so I made my food diary public ns asked for feedback i was told i was a snacker (true) n I eat to many carbs (true) even thought I was eating 1200 I was eating the wrong things hamburger helper bread noodled chips (I figured they're only 90 cal a bag as long as I stay under 1200 exercise n water ill be fine) soooo not the case I also didn't have sodium as a requirement I edited it so basically even though I was doing what I was doing I was eatng too many processed foods too many carbs ns sodithen hopefully ill be 193lbs aug 23rdum after my friends imput I threw out all the processed food ns on my way to walmart to load up on meat (im not a big meat eater) but im going to eat shrimp fish chicken ocassionally eggs yogurt ur know healthy stuff I stepped on the scale a hr ago I said 196.4 wuteva my goal for aug is 193lbs i have 11 days to get there so by me changing my foods up n continue exercising n
  • chandra05
    chandra05 Posts: 3 Member
    This is my second day on MFP. I am so excited to join this group's message board. This discussion will keep me focused and accountable to handle my business on this weightloss challenge. Looking forward to dropping the pounds and making some new friends along this journey. I would like to have some friends on this site so that we can motivate each other as we transform our lives.

    SW = 350Ibs
    GW = 150 Ibs
    CW = 300 Ibs

    I will begin to weigh myself weekly to chart my weightloss.

  • Hey everybody!!! I'm Ebony in Tampa Fl. I'm 28 at 240 pounds.....I want to get under 200 by Christmas! I sure hope I can do it or at least close to!

    SW July 2012: 240
    GW December 2012: under 200

    August 2012: 230
    September 2012: 220
    October 2012: 210
    November 2012: 200
    December 2012: at least 199

    Can't wait to see all of our results in December!!! We can do it!!!! Feel free to add me! :)

    Ok It's Monday, I'm checking in! (I think I missed last week....don't kill me LOL)

    So this morning, I weighed in at 236.4 which makes me happy because I was stuck at my plateau and its finally going away! I don't know if i'll make it to my GW for August, but I will hopefully be close! (crossing my fingers)

    Its so great to see all you ladies doing so well! Lets keep it up!

    Have a great week :happy: :heart:
  • milleyea
    milleyea Posts: 95 Member

    SW: 331
    CW: 326
    GOALS: AUGUST - 321 (lose those 5 pounds i put back on!)
    SEPTEMBER- 315
    OCTOBER - 309
    NOVEMBER - 303
    DECEMBER 299 or less!

    I missed the first check in so here is a rundown of my weigh-ins:

    7/12 - 331
    7/17 - 328
    7/19 - 321
    7/25 - 323
    7/26 - 323.6
    7/27 - 324
    8/12 - 327.4
    8/13 - 326.2

    I really have a lot of trouble with water weight gain. I exercise at least twice a week and try to stay under 1600 cals (I dont always log it in, though). I definitely need to cut back on carbs. Any suggestions would be great!
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Looks like everyone is doing an awesome job!! Way to go Team!

    I weighed in this morning and here are my numbers.........

    As of 08/07/2012 182.8. Woo Hoo!!!!

    SW: 189 for this challenge
    GW: 155
    Goal #1 Aug 23: 182lbs
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 177lbs
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 169lbs
    Goal #4 Nov 23. 160lbs
    Goal #5 Dec 23 155lbs

    Hey Divas,

    Looks like everyone is still doing their thang!!! That is awesome!! Keep it up ladies....We got this!!! To all the new members who joined "Hiya doing, and welcome aboard" *waving*
    Weigh in was this morning so here are my updated numbers.....

    As of 08/13/2012 180.8 Alright, Alright, Alright!!! So I met and exceeded my goal for August!!! Yay!

    Keep it pushing everyone and have a healthy and productive week!!! :smile:
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226

    My height is 5'11''

    SW - 294.2
    GW - 250.2

    Goal 1 - August 25 = -8.8 (285.4)
    Goal 2 - September 22 = -8.8 (276.6)
    Goal 3 - October 27 = -8.8 (267.8)
    Goal 4 - November 24 = -8.8 (259.0)
    Goal 5 -December 25 = -8.8 (250.2)


    Checking in! I'm 0.4 lb. away from my August 25th goal. WHOO-HOO!!!
  • Queenie_O
    Queenie_O Posts: 65 Member
    Monday check in!

    07/26/12: SW is 213 and GW is 165.

    1 - Aug 205
    2 - Sept 195
    3 - Oct 185
    4 - Nov 175
    5 - Dec 165

    08/06/12: CW 206.8 <-- Admittedly, this weigh in is from Saturday. It's been so long since I've been this close to 200 that I'm afraid to step on the scale again just in case it really WAS one of those fluke happenings where I've lost 10 lbs overnight! I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and enjoy the feeling for a couple of more days -- maybe even until next Monday -- before I get on the scale again.

    Monday 8/13 check-in

    Today's weight is 208.0, which is up 1.2# from last week so I'm a little bit pouty; HOWEVER my pants are also smaller, so I look good while I pout :wink: Seriously though, between my cousin's wedding on Saturday and our family reunion yesterday I'm pretty sure I consumed an entire week's worth of sodium in two days even with staying at or below my calorie range. I plan to give it a day or so to see if it drops off before I let it hurt my feelings.
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    Great job ladies! Keep it up!
    My weigh in is on Thursday. I just got a heart rate monitor on Friday and learned that my workouts weren't as effective as I thought they were so I don't know how this weigh in will go. My diet has been decent so far this week though. We'll see.
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    Hey Ladies! I love the idea of this challenge and I am so happy to see sista divas supporting and motivating each other!

    I'm Kim from Ohio.
    33 years old. Please feel free to add me.

    SW: 272 (EEEEEEEK!)
    GW: 228 Not my ultimate goal, but I think it's a good start.

    Total Weight loss by December 25: 44 lbs

    GOAL #1: August 23 - 264
    GOAL #2: September 23 - 254
    GOAL #3: October 23 - 246
    GOAL #4: November 23 - 238
    GOAL #5: December 23 - 228

    I'm going to weigh in tonight to confirm my weight, but that's what it was the last time I got on a scale. I will continue to weigh in on Mondays.

    Holding steady at 265 this week. I actually went up .4, but I am determined. I am so close to this months goal. I will not give up. Thanks ladies for the encouragement. And Way to go on all the positive progress.
  • pinkz
    pinkz Posts: 1
    Hey Ladies,

    I'm joining the challenge!

    SW 386
    GW 330

    Sept 2012 - 370
    Oct 2012- 360
    Nov 2012 - 350
    Dec 2012 -330