
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    Hey ladies just checking in welcome new members!!!
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Just a quick check in. I haven't made any real changes from last week. This morning 8/30/12 my weigh in was 233 pounds(down two pounds from last week--yay!) A defininte move in the right direction. I am six pounds away from my September 23 goal of 227. I think I can, I think I can.

    Keep pushing ladies! We can all reach our goals.
    Greetings ladies!

    Time for my weekly weigh-in. It's 8/23/12 and as of this morning I weigh 235 pounds! WooHoo. :happy: Made my goal for August (236).

    I've continued with the additional daily workout after stalling at 238 last week. I have been doing dvds Leslie Sansone Walk (with weights) and The Biggest Loser Cardio Max Weight-Loss (which also has some light weight/strength training) in additon to walking my dog and/or walking on the incline trainer. I have been keeping my calories close to 1200/day.

    Keep pushing ladies! :flowerforyou: Be encouraged! You will achieve your goals.
    Greetings--it's 8/2/12 and I just wanted to check in. I am on track so far and currently at 239 lbs. Thursday is my weigh-in day so I should be back on 8/9/12. So far, so good! Good luck everyone. :smile:
    I'm in! I started my journey about a month ago with 110 pounds to lose. I am 5'4".
    For this challenge:
    SW 246
    8/23--236//actual 235

  • cyndi851
    cyndi851 Posts: 7 Member
    Stay strong you can do it!!!!
  • Shawnette97
    Shawnette97 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I have been out of the loop for over a week. I don't think I ever posted my results last week. It was a crazy week. I started this challenge at 198 and weighed 194.6 lbs on the 23rd. I'm happy with these results but think I set my monthly goals too high. That's ok. I'll keep working on it. I hope everyone is having a good week. I am ready for the weekend.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    SW: 221 lbs.
    GW: 195 lbs.
    Goal #1 Aug 23: 216 lbs. / Actual 219

    Goal #2 Sept 23: 211 lbs.
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 206 lbs.
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 201 lbs.
    Goal #5 Dec 23: 195 lbs.

    I think I am getting obsessed with the scale. I'm putting it away and not weighing again until next Friday. I didn't make my August goal but I did lose two. I need to up the cardio and watch my sodium and carbs. I know I can do this...can't get discouraged. My thly goals are within reach.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    SW July 2012: 196
    GW December 2012: 165 (5lbs shy of Ultimate Goal Weight)

    Monthly Goals: Actual Weight:
    Jul : 194 lbs / 195.5
    Aug :189 lbs / 191.5 (shy 2.5lbs of goal) :grumble: Hopefully September will be better
    Sep :183 lbs
    Oct : 177 lbs
    Nov: 171 lbs
    Dec 25th : 165 lbs

    *Based on this months results, I have adjusted my monthly goals slightly.
  • thicknsexiTy
    thicknsexiTy Posts: 24 Member
    Just checking in! So I've been doing ok this week with my workouts. I've been enjoying Kickboxing at home (cable). I was also doing a 10 min cardio quickie but its been removed :mad: . I wont weigh my self until next Thursday. I really wanna try losing 5 lbs by then so Im thinking of cutting carbs and sticking to proteins until then. This morning I had a egg beater omlete and it was delicious. It was huge and since I can't eat much at once (surgery) i'm having this for lunch and probably a snack too! I think im going to up my workouts again, well go to the gym on my lunch breaks or walk around the hospital to help with the 5 lbs. I hope evevryone's week has gone good. Enjoy your LABOR Day, but not too much.:wink:
  • hellcatx
    hellcatx Posts: 17 Member
    I love the name of this challenge!
    SW is 194
    GW is 155 (I'd like to eventually get down to the 130-140 range, but I think 60 pounds is too much to safely lose in 4 months)
    Goal #1 August: 194
    Goal #2 September: 185
    Goal #3 October: 175
    Goal #4 November: 165
    Goal #5 December: 155
    Good luck ladies, we can do this!!!

    I am now 192, 2 pounds closer to my September weight! Uping my water intake has helped a lot over the summer months.
  • mstissa02
    mstissa02 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Yesterday was the end of August and I was almost to my August goal (just 2lbs shy of it). I have lost more inches that the weight. Some days I gain weight & others I lose. The scale sometimes discourage me with the numbers, but the good thing is that my clothes are getting bigger. I am going to try and keep my goals, but just work harder to meet them. Happy Saturday!
  • Arwhite1865
    Arwhite1865 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I'm doing this!

    SW in September 2012: 207
    GW in December 2012: 191
    Total lbs lost by December 2012: 16 lbs

    September: 203
    October: 199
    November: 195
    December: 191

    I have my daily caloric intake set so that I'm consistently losing only four pounds a month. Losing slowly is the only thing that's keeping the weight off because I'm not depriving myself. I've lost 13 pounds in the last few months and I hope to make it a total of 29 by the end of the year! Good luck ladies!
  • Rochie81
    Rochie81 Posts: 106 Member
    SW 7/21: 305
    W1 7/28: 305
    W2 8/03: 302.8
    W3 8/11: 302
    W4 8/18: 298.8
    W5 8/25: 296.8
    W6 9/01: 300.2

    Goal #1 Aug 23: 293 lbs.....*****actual: 296.8 lbs.*****
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 280 lbs.
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 270 lbs.
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 260 lbs.
    Goal #5 Dec 23: 250 lbs.
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member

    SW (before this challenge started): 327
    SW of this challenge: 302

    Goal weights:
    August 23rd - 292
    September - 282
    October - 272
    November - 262
    December - 260 - Lord knows I will struggle around the holidays!

    Weigh In's:
    7.30.2012: 294.6
    08.06.2012: 292.2
    08.20.2012: 285.4

    And my OFFICIAL weigh in for 8/31 is 281 pounds! I have surpassed my August AND September goal!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!
  • ellie_uk
    ellie_uk Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ladies - I think this is a great idea and with your help and encouragement I definately will be a new woman in the new year.

    SW 226
    WG 199

    Goal Sept - 219
    Goal Oct - 212
    Goal Nov - 205
    Goal Dec - 199

    Looking forward to seeing how you are all doing.
  • Hey all! Congratulations to all on all the hard work. I am down a pound this month so I am going to adjust my goals to lose an additional two pounds before the month is over....I think that's

    SW 244.4
    CW 181
    End of September goal 179
    ". " October goal 177
    ". " November goal 175
    ". " December goal 173

    1/2 a pound a week so I don't lose my mind (and have ample time to adjust to maintenance
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi ladies just checkn in have a safe labor day 2mrw!!!!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    One week late, but I made my goal. I weighed in at 284.8 on Saturday. :)
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    One week late, but I made my goal. I weighed in at 284.8 on Saturday. :)
    thatz awesome @ pretty bird !!!
  • Khloe_Nicole
    Khloe_Nicole Posts: 42 Member
    SW: 236
    i didnt reach my goal of 11lbs but 7lbs is good to me. I have set some new more realistic goals
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    SW July 2012: 196
    GW December 2012: 165 (5lbs shy of Ultimate Goal Weight)

    Monthly Goals: Actual Weight:
    Jul : 194 lbs / 195.5
    Aug :189 lbs / 191.5 (shy 2.5lbs of goal) Hopefully September will be better
    Sep :184 lbs
    Oct : 177 lbs
    Nov: 171 lbs
    Dec 25th : 165 lbs

    *Based on this months results, I have adjusted my monthly goals slightly.
  • Shawnette97
    Shawnette97 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm adjusting my goals. I think I need to make a more realistic goal. Here are my revised goals.

    CW 195
    GW for December 175

    Sep: 189
    Oct: 185
    Nov: 180
    Dec: 175

    Hi Ladies,

    I am excited about this challenge. My name is Shawnette from CA. I'm 36 yrs. old. I am 5'6" w/ a SW of 198 and final GW of 155.

    Aug: 189
    Oct: 171
    Nov: 162
    Dec: 155

    Good luck to everyone. Feel free to add me as a friend.