What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • mybestself604
    mybestself604 Posts: 5 Member
    I overeat when I am bored or tired usually... I noticed I crave things with sugar or carbs when I am tired. I also tend to overeat when I am not eating at home! Restaurant portions or finger foods at parties. I almost feel like I make an excuse that I am paying for it so I should eat it or I wont have the change to have some later so enjoy it now... something to think about and plan for with extra activity prior to going out.
  • bsoberanez
    Being bored, stress, and getting too comfortable in my relationship. Plus food always looks good! I use to eat healthy couldn't even pass a Mc Donlds without getting wanting to throw up. When I got pregnant 3 years ago my cravings were chocolate and other junk. Those craving still stick with me today and I'm ready to get rid of the overeating and get back on track. It's been hard finding support within my family and friends so I'm turning to different ways to get myselft starting. This group seems to be what I'm looking for in ways and thank you for this!:happy:
  • sassydebbie67
    I overeat when i'm Stressed out , Bored, Sad .... I would say when i'm happy but i'm not.... I have alot going on and the only way i know how to deal with my problems is to eat my way thru it..... I have no family where i live and its so hard to make friends any more... I have lost weight but its creeping back on as i stay stressed out...
  • pseel42
    pseel42 Posts: 82 Member
    i do the same thing!! i try to limit my food intake but if it's really good, i'm in trouble.
    I tend to overeat when i am stressed!
    Or when i cook something i really enjoy eating as well for my family
    it is so hard to eat just a bit of it.:noway:

    I also overeat the day after my weigh in and once i do that it is always soooo hard to get back on track the next day!

    What makes you overeat?
  • 21June
    I have to agree; its either stress or boredom with me too! To be honest, I have developed some real will power since using this site. Don't know where its came from yet though, LOL. One thing I often think is that my weight would not be so much of an issue if I didn't have a family with kids!
  • kathyimitchell
    Stress, anxiety, parties, and "All-you-can-eat" buffets! I hate buffets because most everyone eats more to "get their money's worth". I would make them illegal if I could! :wink:
  • maggbrooks
    maggbrooks Posts: 13 Member
    I seem to always be in the kitchen. With 3 little ones and one only slightly bigger one there are always lots of leftovers, once I start picking I can't stop, next its a bowl of cereal or a yogurt, maybe some of the kids cookies or chocolate. I do think its boredom and a bit that I didn't plan to be a stay at home mum with triplets +1 and I've lost my identity. I eat because then I'm too busy to be unhappy and I should be very happy, I'm a very lucky Mum and wife and my life is good. Its just that I don't always think I deserve it and I self destruct by stuffing myself.

    I get where you are at completly, we can do this I am sending you a friend request. I can use all the like minded help I can find :)
  • TLCarr03
    I tend to overeat due to change of lifestyle. I am not as busy as I use to be so I sit around thinking that I am hungry when I really am just bored. Need to back into the things that I love and keep myself from being bored. My kids use to keep me busy, but now they are teenagers and they are busy with their friends, so I need to find things that keep me busy and stay busy.

    :smile: T
  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
    Anything....being happy, sad, frustrated, angry, etc.

    Let's face it society has groomed us this way; family gatherings, weddings, funerals, work accomplishments, educational accomplishments, etc, all revolve around food. It only makes sense that when I go visit my parents, which is my vacay, or I've accomplished a hard task at work, I should reward myself with food. Hell, even when I was little and would hurt myself, whether it be a scratch on the knee or stubbing my toe, my mom would give me sweets to make me feel better.

    No wonder we salve ourselves with food huh? The question is, how do you cease something that's been ingrained in you?
  • mychef
    mychef Posts: 7 Member
    I overeat because I love food! I adore it, its my friend, its my confidont, my secret hiding place, my happiness, my consoler, my hero..........

    It is also my worst enemy!

    I now realise that it doesnt love me as much as I love it and that I need to leave this bad relationship!

    i toldally am the same way :mad: :explode:
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Get togethers and celebrations

    Or..when something just tastes too good. I try and fight the urges, but it feels like the longer I go, the stronger the urges get..and it gets soo much I have to cave in somehow..sometimes I just go to the store just to get the smallest containers they got to save any additional damage.
  • renehallen
    renehallen Posts: 49 Member
    For me, it's either stress or boredom.
    Having foods I tend to overeat on in the house is awful too. The kids aren't bad eaters, they just like granola bars, and other little treats I shouldn't be eating.
    To be quite honest, I think I have a sugar addiction too! I can down so much sugar it's crazy. I'm actually going to try Sugar Busters or Atkins to try and rid myself of those cravings.
    Ditto!!! I could not have written it better! (Except for me instead of kids it is just one grandson).
  • renehallen
    renehallen Posts: 49 Member
    I third that!
  • Tobethin608
    Tobethin608 Posts: 47 Member
    I could not have said it any better! I have noticed that sugar and carbs seem to be my undoing so am gving a low carb diet a try. So far, so good.
  • meganmadden2816
    I think I'm over eating due to all the stress I have been going through since last October. Bought a house with my then boyfriend. Had our second daughter in May, Moved out of our house in August, just wasn't safe to be around my ex. Now we're going through the courts for child support and visitation issues. On top of me being a full time college student and a full time mommy, and looking for a full time job. Things are just piling up and I feel like I'm sinking. So I just eat, makes me happy at the moment.
  • 2MuchOfMomma
    I think stress does move me to overeat, but recently, I got to thinking I also tend to overeat when I go too long without eating. Some days, I go to work and school all day long and don't take the time to eat. Then, when I get home, it's like I eat something, but can't get satisfied, so I just keep eating, if that makes any sense. So, I am thinking I need to start eating more often in the day, spread out more evenly.
  • lbenson83
    lbenson83 Posts: 10 Member
    I haven't been able to pin point what triggers my over eating. I think mostly boredom.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Stress.... boredom.... pot-lucks at church.... boredom.... family get-togethers.... boredom.... etc.... I get bored a lot at my job. :wink:

    I'm getting better but it's still hard to watch portions. I'm slowly learning, though. :smile:
  • carty05
    I overeat because I love food! I adore it, its my friend, its my confidont, my secret hiding place, my happiness, my consoler, my hero..........

    It is also my worst enemy!

    I now realise that it doesnt love me as much as I love it and that I need to leave this bad relationship!
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I overeat when...
    I am stressed.



    Upset about something someone did, but have fear of confronting them.

    When someone yells at me, and I want to cry.

    When I am very hungry.