Where are my fellow P90xers?



  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Hey guys. I have to hit my own personal pause button on p90x. I think it will just be this week. I did the first two workouts. But today I was in a car accident. The other driver ran a red light and wrote off my car. I am stiff and have a massive headache and super stiffness all over. I am just going to walk my dogs for the rest of this week and then re-start this week next week. Hope you all have a good week of workouts!!!!

    Hey Moran, how are you feeling?

    Hey guys, I am doing okay. I am stiff and tense through my back and shoulders, having some trouble with headaches. I think I'll be good to go on Monday. Everyday I feel calmer and more back to normal. Thanks for asking.

    Make sure you start slow on Monday, glad you are feeling better though.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Tommorow is my final weigh in/inches for the end of Phase 2.

    I will post my Phase 2 results and running total.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    So has anyone been keeping track of their Harte rate avg through out for Kenpo X and Plyometrics? Mine has been dropping, I guess it means the workouts are becoming less intense for my body even though I'm sweating like crazy. Anyone else experience this?
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    My heart rate is still pretty constant doing plyo and kenpo. It generally only changes if I am slacking off. You can try making the movements bigger, deeper, more intense while you do them. I also like to jump about like muhommad ali when I do kenpo to up the intensity and calorie burn.

    Today was my first day back at it since my car crash and it felt great to workout again. I am repeating last week since I only managed two workouts then....so week 6 it is. Everything felt a little harder, especially on my left side since that is the sore spot from the accident. I just tried my best and forgot the rest!!!!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    So has anyone been keeping track of their Harte rate avg through out for Kenpo X and Plyometrics? Mine has been dropping, I guess it means the workouts are becoming less intense for my body even though I'm sweating like crazy. Anyone else experience this?

    Yea, I noticed my burn is suffering as I am nearing the end...I guess that is a good thing...right?

    I sure wish I had some weighted gloves for kenpo. I do have some wrist weights. Wonder if those would work?
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Yes I have noticed this with my kickboxing/boxing sessions, I have to pick up the pace and do other things to keep the heart rate up. The fitter you get the more it takes to scorch those calories.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    So has anyone been keeping track of their Harte rate avg through out for Kenpo X and Plyometrics? Mine has been dropping, I guess it means the workouts are becoming less intense for my body even though I'm sweating like crazy. Anyone else experience this?

    Yea, I noticed my burn is suffering as I am nearing the end...I guess that is a good thing...right?

    I sure wish I had some weighted gloves for kenpo. I do have some wrist weights. Wonder if those would work?

    I was thinking the same about the wrist weights but I can see myself throwing a punch too hard and the weights end up flying into the TV, lol.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    So has anyone been keeping track of their Harte rate avg through out for Kenpo X and Plyometrics? Mine has been dropping, I guess it means the workouts are becoming less intense for my body even though I'm sweating like crazy. Anyone else experience this?

    Yea, I noticed my burn is suffering as I am nearing the end...I guess that is a good thing...right?

    I sure wish I had some weighted gloves for kenpo. I do have some wrist weights. Wonder if those would work?

    I was thinking the same about the wrist weights but I can see myself throwing a punch too hard and the weights end up flying into the TV, lol.

    I bought the beachbody ones you put your thumb and fingers in and so they are attached to your hands, no ruining expensive equipment in the house. HA!
  • amygiommetti
    amygiommetti Posts: 7 Member
    On week three I pulled my hamstring in so much pain. Been just walking the past two days!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I need a reset of Phase 3. I started my new job this week and it's put my body in a complete tailspin I don't know what is going on, I haven't been able to go to the bathroom, I'm up 4 lbs on the scale, I didn't work out yesterday, it's so weird, as I have a pretty good schedule but it's really thrown my body for a loop. I will definitely have to start again next week for week one of Phase 3. It's just crazy.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I need a reset of Phase 3. I started my new job this week and it's put my body in a complete tailspin I don't know what is going on, I haven't been able to go to the bathroom, I'm up 4 lbs on the scale, I didn't work out yesterday, it's so weird, as I have a pretty good schedule but it's really thrown my body for a loop. I will definitely have to start again next week for week one of Phase 3. It's just crazy.

    Dang...sorry to hear this...try to calm down and take it one day a a time...drink a shakeology..you will be running to the bathroom
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I need a reset of Phase 3. I started my new job this week and it's put my body in a complete tailspin I don't know what is going on, I haven't been able to go to the bathroom, I'm up 4 lbs on the scale, I didn't work out yesterday, it's so weird, as I have a pretty good schedule but it's really thrown my body for a loop. I will definitely have to start again next week for week one of Phase 3. It's just crazy.

    Dang...sorry to hear this...try to calm down and take it one day a a time...drink a shakeology..you will be running to the bathroom

    HAHA! that is funny, I cannot afford shakeology right now, I bought some samples off Amazon and they were delicious but the price tag is pretty hefty and since I've been unemployed for a year, money has been really tight.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Ouch! You sure don't have that kinda money to burn. You might try taking some magnesium or swiss kriss. I take 800 mg of the magnesium, 2 swiss kriss pills & 2 fiber gummies in the morning before my coffee (yea I have issues constantly)!
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I need some advice. I am having some real neck trouble and upper back from the car accident. I started phyiso for them and hope they will heal quickly. What it means for p90x is that I have to miss this week, that makes two weeks in a row. Would you: A) just pick up on week 6 next week as if no time had passed? or B) start over.
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    I need some advice. I am having some real neck trouble and upper back from the car accident. I started phyiso for them and hope they will heal quickly. What it means for p90x is that I have to miss this week, that makes two weeks in a row. Would you: A) just pick up on week 6 next week as if no time had passed? or B) start over.

    I think you could start phase 2 over. The three weeks blocks of strength is what makes them effective I think, so if you start from week 5 so will still benefit from that.
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    So has anyone been keeping track of their Harte rate avg through out for Kenpo X and Plyometrics? Mine has been dropping, I guess it means the workouts are becoming less intense for my body even though I'm sweating like crazy. Anyone else experience this?

    Plyo not as much, I just push myself harder if I don't feel like I am getting my HR up enough. Kenpo has pretty bad so I added the weighted gloves. I have gloves and wrist weights, with the gloves they stay on my hands, the wrist weights would definitely fly into the TV with those punches. The last two weeks I have substituted Kenpo X with Jillian Michaels' kickboxing DVD though, which is giving me much better burns.
  • gpcoleman
    gpcoleman Posts: 9 Member
    Completely messed up my phase 1 recovery week with no exercise and reduced attention to diet. I was so looking forward to today being my 1 month picture and measurement day and I blew it! Anyway, should I do recovery now or move on to week 1 phase 2? I have to do a better job of planning my time!
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    That is a tough call. I would say go on to Phase 2, the purpose of receovery week is to allow your neuronal development to catch up with your muscular development by having a week of strength training. You have done this, but you might not have the benefit of those extra calories burned and conditioning from the recovery week workouts. The other option would be to start from the beginning again... but I think getting back into it with the week 5 workouts will be your best bet, two weeks off from strength training could mean a loss of some of the gains you made in the first month.
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    Day 50 today, should have been Yoga X to kick off my second recovery week but instead I substituted it with levels 1 & 2 of Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown. Definitely a different type fo workout, but I did manage to do Crane for the first time! I think I am going to alternate between Tony and Jillian for my yoga days. I find it difficult to make it through those 93 minute of Yoga X, but I know that it is helping me a lot so I am going to make a deal with myself that I will do it over other time and see how I go. I stopped Kenpo X two weeks ago and have been doing 2-3 of Jillian's Kickbox Fastfix workouts instead so I am at least able to get my Jillian fix once a week. It is a crazy good workout, too, I burn way more calories than I do with Tony. Again, I think I am doing well at that workout because of what I have learned from p90x. But I do not like Kenpo X and Kickbox Fastfix is similar enough that I am going to keep substituting that every week.

    I haven't noticed much in the way of changes in my body during phase 2. I have been pretty good with my nutrition, and haven'tskipped any workouts (with the above mentioned substitutions). I guess Sunday will be the day to find out howit went when I weigh in and do my measurement. I really hoped I would have better definition in my stomach by now and less fluffiness around my hips, but it will come in time (I hope). If not I guess I can always do another round! I am still undecided on what to follow this program up with. I am torn between Insanity (which I didn't really like in the one workout I did), NROL4W (which is a really long program and I am not sure I have the attention span for it), doing another round of p90x (although the workouts are just so long!) and Jillian Michael's Body Revolution (I love her, but I am worried that this program will be a little too beginner for me after having done p90x). PHEW! I have another 40 days to decide.

    I hope everyone is going well!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Nice Nicole as long as you are making it work, then you are all good!

    I find Yoga X too long myself which causes me to do it Friday or even Saturday.