


  • MijJurnee
    MijJurnee Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Everyone! :-) I am just signing up today, get this hotness started. After a struggle with infertility, 5 losses and ultimately having 3 babies all within 3.5 years, my body is out of whack!

    I am embarking upon an incredible journey of transformation and have been using my "lack of hotness" as a way to stay hidden, play small and not share my gifts and talents with the world.. :-) Further, not "get out there" and share with other woman how to get pregnant, stay pregnant and deliver healthy babies after losses and infertility... and overall, just how to change their lives today- the easy way.

    I am an athlete who has been so focused of "getting babies", that I have lost every ounce of my self... :-) Love those babies though haha haha...

    ....but I know I have a greater contribution to the world, than "breeding", and would love to get my swag back.

    I have never done anything like this before, but want to be accountable so that I may create the epic shift for myself (return to hotness) and share with others...

    With 3 under 3, not sure how I can rework those limited 24 hours all of us get each day, but I am on it.

    Thank you for reading and I soooo look forward to connecting with you wonderful action takers. YAY!
  • draconiandream
    draconiandream Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm a new mom, my son Atticus is 3.5 months old. I'm on a mission to reboot my healthy lifestyle and get back into banishing my fat for good! I was on the homeopathic HCG plan before i got pregnant over a year ago and lost a substantial amount of abnormal fat. PLUS i went down like 6 pant sizes. but i gained 60+ pounds during my pregnancy and it needs to disappear forever!

    I understand there is a lot of controversy surrounding the HCG plan, but i've found what works for me and i'm doing great! If there is anyone else out there that is doing the same please add me as a friend (we all need support) - and even if not on HCG! :)

    SW: 240.8 (10/8)
    CW: 233.6
  • Hey everyone, New to the group so i figured i would introduce myself a little bit. Im new to MFP all around so Im still trying to figure out how to work things. Im 23 years old and a mom to a precious 2 y/o boy. I work full time for a hospital doing patient relations and work casually in the emergency dept. so I am busy busy busy. I was at my heaviest weight of 215, but i am now at 175.6. i was at 170 even but lately I been pigging out and finally just decided enough is enough. ready to be healthy, happy, and feel beautiful. my goal is to get down to approx 140ish. I felt very comfortable at that weight. Still trying to figure out what plans i want to stick to, but for the most part i am eating healthier and want to incorporate more workouts.
  • khagberg87
    khagberg87 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all, I am a SAHM of a 9 month old boy. I'm currently 192, and would like to be at 135. Feel free to add me, I find having accountability really helps me :)
  • bet3120
    bet3120 Posts: 125
    Hi my name es Betzaida, i'm in MFP a few months ago, but i always look for support and motivation. i'm mom of two kids by C-section

    i have been up and down, but right a maintain this weight between 125-124

    CW- 124.8
    GW- 120.0

    Feel free to add me :)
  • USN7
    USN7 Posts: 3
    I am a mom and married, working full-time. Need to lose weight and support from people in the same boat will help!
  • welfeln
    welfeln Posts: 58 Member
    Hey there! I'm new to the message boards of MFP. I've been using the MFP app on my phone for roughly a month now and decided to jump on the computer to check out the boards for some extra encouragement. :)

    I am a new first time mommy to my son Owen who is 14 weeks tomorrow. I love being a mom! I gained 40 pounds when I was pregnant and was shocked that I lost about 30 of those pounds in the first couple weeks. While that weight flew off, I'm finding it's taking A LOT to loose the remaining 10 (plus a few extra) pounds. I'm excited to have found this board and while I'm super motivated at the moment, I'm hoping that coming here will help keep me motivated for the long haul!

    :) Nicole

    - I'm looking for friends so if you are too, feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi everyone I just joined MFP, so far I am loving it. My goal is to get down to 120 I am at 148 right now. I am also looking for friends to give and get support from!
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    Hi all. I'm not new to MFP, but am new to the group. I am a 28 year old mom of three and I have been battling this weight loss demon since March 2011. I managed to drop 45lbs by May 2012, but I seriously slacked off and thus gained about 20lbs back (as of 8am this am). I am annoyed that I let it get to this point and am trying to make a long lasting change this go round. My goal is 130lbs by my birthday in June (which gives me a little more than 8 months to lose about 60lbs) so I am hoping I can do it. Even if I can only lose 40lbs by then, I'll be happy. lol.
  • Hi,

    I am a mother of 3 and I have been battling with the weight gain since my last child. I gained weight 4 months after my second child which was weird. I was recently diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency and high cholesterol. This journey is to lose weight, but more importantly to be healthy myself, my kids, and my husband. I am on here seeking encouragement and to help those that may need encouraging. I have gained a total of 45, but my goal is to lose at least 30. 45 will be nice, but I want to start small and end big! I'm looking forward to working with you all on our journeys! Good luck!
  • praying4four
    praying4four Posts: 29 Member
    HI I'm Susan, just started my weight loss journey a couple weeks ago when I found this site. I am a mom of 4 great kids 8, 6, 4, and 2. My last was by emergency c-section and spent 8 days in the NICU. I put on weight through out my college days. I lost about 20 lbs before my wedding and haven't seen 175 lbs since. I was always able to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 196 lbs, but was never truely happy with myself. I would love to see 150/145 lbs. My reallity hit when I gradually gained up to my highest weight ever of 217 lbs. So here I am have been logging food for a little over a week and started my Turbo Jam dvds Monday night. The work out felt good and am hoping I can where a bikini this coming summer.

    Would love to have some friends for support and motivation!
  • Hi my name is Brittany, I am a full time working mother! I have a beautiful 2 yr girl. I am hoping to lose about 10-15 lbs :smile:
  • HeyItsCatt
    HeyItsCatt Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is Cathy. I've been married 10 yrs & we have 4 children 10, 8, 7, & 4. . I'm currently at 154, my goal is to be 145. After reaching 145, I then hope to aim for 135. If possible that is. I do my best to eat healthy, portionize, and I do zumba. I'm also a college student, so it helps to walk with a heavy backpack to classes.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm new here (Signed up today)

    My names Carrieann I'm 23, an army wife and a mother to two boys ( 2 and 7). We are currently living in Germany for the next 3 years. It's hard living here with all the amazing food. I hear the beer is really good but I dont' drink so I wouldn't know ;)

    I'm currently weighing in at 188 but would love to get down to 145-50
    The dr. says I need to way no more than 120 but I'd look sick, so i'm going with what will make me happy.

    I'm currently doing ChaLEAN extreme and hopefully start 30 day shred really soon!!
  • Hi - I've been on MFP for a while and just joined this group today. I'm a mom of two boys and I work outside the home with a pretty stressful job that involves travel. The combination of it all has caused me to put on about 25 pounds over the last few years that I'd like to get rid of...I have a hard time sticking to eating healthy and finding time to work out when work gets crazy, but I'm hoping that joining a group will help give me that extra motivation :-)
  • prpljellybean
    prpljellybean Posts: 68 Member
    Hi there! My name is Anna. I currently weigh 170 and my goal weight is 145. I have two boys ages 8 (9 in January) and 11 and a husband who is 9.5 years younger then me and has a screaming metabolism (no fair!) I topped out after I had my first son at 240 lbs (I am 5'4"). I lost a little weight and then got preggers with my younger son and gained some back. A year after I had him I decided it was time to lose weight and get healthy! I lost nearly 100 pounds through Weight Watchers and lots of exercise. My lowest I got to was 148. Then along came my now husband and over the past three years I managed to put on over 30 pounds. I joined MFP a couple months ago and have managed to get down to 170 but I still have a good 25 to go. I am an emotional eater and can rarely say no to sweets. I am glad to be a part of this group and anyone here is welcome to friend me. Today was actually my 65th day straight of logging on to MFP :) I am happy to give support and advice and encouragement!!
  • PinUpGirl73
    PinUpGirl73 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Allison. 39 yrs old, with 2 sons, 10 & 13, and a daughter, 16. I've been married for just under 11 years. I was always at a good weight and healthy, but, after gaining 40 lbs with each pregnancy (thankfully, I don't have all that extra weight still, but about 40 lbs of it has stuck around!), I want to try and lose the extra weight. No more pregnancies in my future, so I have no more excuses! I'm currently at 173 lb, and my goal is 130 lb. In the last week, I have not had fast food once (which for me is a really big accomplishment- I would eat out pretty much every day of the work week, Mon-Fri) and I've cut out pop (soda) as well. I have been working out, eating better, drinking more water, and tracking my food here on MFP. Looking for new friends and to increase my support system. We are all in this together and it's great to be able to talk to others that are on the same journey! I have been a member of MFP since May, but didn't get on the site much and didn't stick to anything, so I am back! This time, is my time, and this time, I'm going to DO IT! :smile:
  • aefallis
    aefallis Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone! I first joined MFP in 2011. I have 4 kids. My oldest (girl) is 5, second (girl) is 3, third (girl) is almost 2, and fourth (boy) is 3 months. I have been married for almost 7 years now and work part time from home to stay with the kiddos. Since getting back on MFP I've lost 12 pounds and am 17 under pre pregnancy weight. I'm hoping to reach my ultimate goal of 150 sometime next summer.
  • Hi everyone! I joined MFP today! I have two small boys (one is 3, the other is 7 months) and I am 41 years old. I want to lose 40-45 pounds by summer 2013.I am a stay at home mom. Looking for lots of encouragement to keep going!
  • Hi,
    Been here for about a month and somewhat shy so this if I remember is my first introduction. I am a mother of one but two step daughters I call my own. Ages are 16, 13, 7. They keep me busy and on my toes. I am a stay at home mom and going to school online. I have been fighting this weight loss since my divorce in 2008. The stress and depression set me in a downward spiral. My goal is 135 which is what my average should be. I have a long way to go but my new husband and my 16 year old are following the diet and exercise with me and helping me along. only lost 12 pounds, Looking forward to reading and posting goals we all have met.