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x- Welcome all cyclists! -x



  • Hi, I am Ronda... mountain biker for years in WY... then moved to TX sat and.... well you know the rest of the story... met some great MFP friends who Road Bike (OMG---no WAY:noway: am I getting on a road bike)---that said last July I bought a Giant Hybrid and fell in love with being a roadie.... just 2 weeks ago bought a Specialized Roubaix... it was pretty hard to do more than 50 miles on my Giant and I did one century and thought I might die... so now a bit lighter, faster bike and centuries here I come!!!!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    New here, new to legit cycling. I've always had a bike, but haven't been to big on getting into it until recently. Years ago I peddled all over Naples, but it wasn't anything respectable (just a Bianchi Snake from the early 90s). I'm 38, fat and trying to use this as some decent exercise to lose weight. I'm riding a semi-old Schwinn mountain bike and probably doing it horribly wrong. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong. I'm fairly lost on most of the technicalities of riding, which is why I'm here: to educate myself and find out how to do things right.
  • New here, new to legit cycling. I've always had a bike, but haven't been to big on getting into it until recently. Years ago I peddled all over Naples, but it wasn't anything respectable (just a Bianchi Snake from the early 90s). I'm 38, fat and trying to use this as some decent exercise to lose weight. I'm riding a semi-old Schwinn mountain bike and probably doing it horribly wrong. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong. I'm fairly lost on most of the technicalities of riding, which is why I'm here: to educate myself and find out how to do things right.

    I think the only think to remember is one foot goes up when the other goes down and dont fall off!!!! LOL glad you are here
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Glad to be here. Thanks.
  • harksy
    harksy Posts: 239 Member
    Only one right thing to do that is keep it up... it wont be long before your bitten by it!
    Good luck
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    If the weather keeps going down I may be frost-bitten by it. :laugh:
  • Hello! I'm Nikki and I just became the 666th member of this group. LOL
    I'm into mountain biking, cross country to be specific with a splash of downhill when I can get access to it. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio and before March 2012, I was a pavement only chick. I now prefer riding in the woods, in nature, over logs, roots, rocks and down crazy hills.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Strangelyinsane
    Strangelyinsane Posts: 120 Member
    Hi! Brian here. I've been cycling for many years but have never combined it with a nutrition program. MFP has been a great help to improving my diet and nutrition. I'm located in SW Washington State, a rural area with some great cycling opportunities. My real passion is touring. If you are in my area or even relatively close shoot me a message. If you want to talk touring shoot me a message. Glad to be here. Glad there is a bicycling group.
  • Hi All,
    I've been cycling since February this year and have had quite an eventful time.

    I haven't logged every mile (will do this next year), but I estimate about 2000 miles. I try to go out once a week with a couple of friends each week as well as a solo ride. I've had fun on a couple of charity rides too; love the atmosphere at those events.

    I have recently upgraded from my old Apollo to a Carrera Subway Ltd (Hybrid). It is a couple of years old, but has been in the box since it was bought, so I got a real bargin there.

    Any-hoo, I love cycling and believe it will help me reach my goals for weight loss and fittness. Great to see some like-minded people on here.
  • Hi! I'm Eileen, and I am back again to MFP after a 6 month hiatus (had logged for over 365 days and then stopped, and the pounds crept back on). This is my third year road cycling and I LOVE IT! I am 44 and live in Central Illinois where the wind and cold make for some difficult days on the bike, but last year I got a indoor trainer, and it has made a world of difference in my riding - I am much stronger this year. And with the biking videos, it is not so bad. But of course being outside is best! The weather is beautiful now and I am really enjoying the smells of autumn on my rides. I set a goal of 2000 miles this year, and I am just about there. My goal is to do a half century, and maybe even a century ride next summer when my 11 year old son is away at camp. My daily rides are about 18-22 miles, with 28 being my longest ride so far. The idea of riding 50 or a 100 miles in a day really appeals to me . . . its just finding the time to do it that is difficult!
    BIRDIEBL8 Posts: 155 Member
    Hello to all cyclists. Love reading the various cycling posts on MFP. I've been cycling for a number of years but don't consider myself a "serious" cyclist. Love it tho & occasionaly I'll take off on some sort of random bike adventure. Currently planning a ride to the beach in the spring but guess I might purchase a touring bike for that one.
  • jagzan
    jagzan Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Ben

    I really got into cycling 2 years ago when my brother took us on a cycle ride of 257 miles from Paris to London. Went on the London2Brighton ride this year - awesome feeling and met some great ppl!
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hey guys! It's sillygoose. I took a break from MFP but I'm back now and ready for winter training! I did some major slacking this season but I' ready to get strong for next year.
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    Just realized that I never introduced myself.

    My name is Tom. I'm a cat 4 road racing cyclist living in the Philly suburbs. Between a couple injuries and a major motivation problem last year, I gained quite a bit of weight and was up to 194 pounds. I'm looking to get back down to the 168 to 172 range by the spring.

    Depending on the year, sometimes I've more of a crit racer (best place: 4th), some years more into time trials (best 40K: 1:02:39).

    I'm fanatical about tracking data and have all of my training logs going back to 1995. I now use a power meter, CompuTrainer, and WKO+ (the desktop version of TrainingPeaks) to track all my power data so that I can track performance and calorie expenditures with a great deal of accuracy.

    I've also become a Strava addict and I'm working on collecting as many KOMs as I can... I've got 14 so far. As my weight drops and my power increases, I expect to claim more of them. I've really got my eye on one that is 2.8 miles at 2.4%. I'm second place and need to be 24 seconds faster...
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Just realized that I never introduced myself.

    Funny, me too. Funnier, I'm also named Tom.

    I'm a dedicated bike commuter, have been doing it for well over 5 years (was also doing it >10 years ago when I was a poor college student with no car). Used to live in Portland, OR and now living in a small town in rural east central Arizona. I work as a nurse and started riding (again) to disconnect from the rigors of the job and fell back in love. As another bio of me says, "I write, I read, I ride." Love good craft beers and that has been a big challenge in my weightl loss journey, but easier here in rural America since most seem to think Bud Light is the best beer in the world.

    Rubber side down!
  • Hello All,

    I just joined the group. Just purchased a used Caad10 Rival 4 from 2011 and excited to go on some long rides. I've been going on recreational rides for the last 4 months and can attribute much of my health improvements to this new sport/hobby.

    I'm in Essex county NJ and would love to join up with any road bikers out there at any experience level... if experienced then must be somewhat patient with my speed.

    Need to purchase a balaclava and some shoe covers and i'm ready for a ride this weekend.

    Oh... and can mainly do 6 am rides on the weekend. Crazy family, work and school schedule.

  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    welcome to MyFitnessPal, cycling, and the group!

    I'm kind of close (near Philly) but not close enough for rides.
  • indeterminate
    indeterminate Posts: 63 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Noel. I've flirted with cycling for the last 10 years but never quite got to the level I was hoping for. After working abroad for a while and eating hotel crap for months on end, I went back on the health kick (cycling and weight loss) from around September. I'm going to push on this time as I want to complete LEJOG before I get too old and knackered. Good to meet you all.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Noel. I've flirted with cycling for the last 10 years but never quite got to the level I was hoping for. After working abroad for a while and eating hotel crap for months on end, I went back on the health kick (cycling and weight loss) from around September. I'm going to push on this time as I want to complete LEJOG before I get too old and knackered. Good to meet you all.

    Oh that's on my list of things I want to do in the next few years. Which is the more challenging - JOGLE or LEJOG ???
  • indeterminate
    indeterminate Posts: 63 Member
    Oh that's on my list of things I want to do in the next few years. Which is the more challenging - JOGLE or LEJOG ???

    From the many blogs that I have read on the subject, the consensus is that JOGLE is more difficult, as it is against the prevailing wind. That said, I imagine Cornwall can be a bit of a shock to the system, coming at it cold.
    I'm planning Way of the Roses for the coming spring, as a bit of a warm up.