x- Welcome all cyclists! -x



  • amazinglywell
    Hello, I joined this group awhile back, but just getting serious about MFP now! My eating habits got very sloppy this summer, and I am determined to get this extra weight off before spring!

    I am just using MFP for food logging, so you wont see my rides here, I do track them on my Garmin. I just decided to give Strava a try, so joined your group over there as well.

    I road cycle mostly, although love to do rail trails when I can. My favorite thing in bicycle touring (credit card touring!) and I do group rides at home to stay in shape for that. This year I am also working on more general fitness and flexibility. I have been riding a few years now and am close to 5K miles this year. But even though I increased my mileage this year I still managed to gain weight so I really need to get focused on my portions and quality choices.

    Glad to meet other cyclists on MFP!
  • AmyCasey127
    AmyCasey127 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there, my name is Amy, I'm from Eastern NC. I have 2 little girls and an awesome husband that supports me in everything I do! I am definitely an amateur cyclist. I have a second hand Iron Horse I picked up on Craigslist a couple years ago and I love it. I'm looking/thinking about getting a new women's specific road bike, just not sure yet what kind. I'm also toying with signing up for a century ride through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, specifically the Fletcher Flyer ride in June. Anyone have any tips/tricks/advice/warnings on this one? :)
    I have fallen off the wagon a bit lately with my food logging but I've lost 58 lbs using MFP so far.
    That's about it for now.
    Glad to find this group!!
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    Welcome AmyCasey127 and amazinglywell!

    Amy, is that 127 your birthday? If so, depending on the order of the dates, we might have a birthday in common. Mine is January 27.
  • AFAwaterpolo
    AFAwaterpolo Posts: 1 Member
    Hello my names is Alex, just turned 35 and recently got back into cycling after taking 10 years off. I used to do it mostly as an off season sport when I wasn't playing water polo. Since moving from Southern California to Texas I decided the flat open roads of the Dallas/Fort Worth area were a nice place to get back on the bike.

    I had been averaging 60/70 miles a week but recently had a herniated disc due to a car accident. Hopefully I can get back on the road soon and look forward to mewing new friends here to help keep me motivated.
  • fatmanriding
    fatmanriding Posts: 2 Member
    I am rather new to this sight. I have been on similar sight for the last year. My newly found dietition/nutritionist uses this sight so she can track my food intake. I have been cycling for awhile now, but have gotten serious about it in the last five years. Last year I rode over 6000 miles, but ended the year only five pounds lower than where I started. Hence the dietition/nutritionist.

    I ride a Surly Long Haul Trucker and love it. Over 14000 miles and not so much as a single broken spoke. It's designed to carry heavy loads long distances and I am a heavy load who likes to go long distances. I commute during the week, depending on the weather, all year long. I enjoy longer rides on the weekends.

    This year I have a couple goals.
    1. Ride 7200 miles
    2. Working with my dietition, lose 10 pounds per month until I have my weight where it should be.
    3. Ride the Virginia Brevet series.
  • moozak
    moozak Posts: 5 Member
    I've been using MFP for a while, but I am a wanna-be cyclist. Got the bike, got the gear, but its been ages since I have been on a road. So any hints, tips, tricks or warnings will be very appreciated. I would like to commute to work without shaking in my boots!

    I have probably the most sedentary lifestyle known to humankind, so be gentle with me.
  • cyclenut64
    Hi All!

    My name is Jon; I have been riding all my life but started putting some distance on my rides in 2010 when I did my first century ride. I was totally wiped out the next day but I couldn’t wait for the next one. Last year I completed 7 century rides and just over 3000 miles for the year. Most of the rides were charity events, but some were just a stroll in the beautiful country side of Wisconsin. I am happy to report that I am no longer wiped out after a century ride and with each one seams to get just a little easier. I also enjoy skiing, golfing, racquetball (although I haven’t played since I tore my ACL) and woodworking. My goals for this year are to complete all the rides I did last year schedule permitting and increase my annual miles to 4000. I plan on commuting more and doing a mult-day ride 200-300 miles. I am considering leaving from my house and going to Green Bay which would be 300 miles.
  • allenhandley
    allenhandley Posts: 134 Member
    Hello all,
    My name is Allen and I joined MFP 5 days ago. I am a 50 yr old cyclist, married, with 2 children. I have been riding road bikes for over 25 yrs, but over last 5 yrs have started to enjoy mountain biking.
    I joined MFP because I have not been as diligent with my training as I had been. I once did triathlons. I don't expect to be in the same shape I was 20 years ago, but I would like to shed the spare tire that I am carrying now.
    Anyway, I stumbled across the group and wanted to join like minded MFP's who can keep me motivated and give a little encouragement and I will do the same. I look forward to reading and posting in the forum.
  • redwine63
    Hi I have just joined MFP today and stumbled across this group.

    I am in the process of needing to loose weight after taking my eye of the ball a couple of years ago when menopause set in.
    I took up cycling about 8 years ago after loosing allot of weight and took the challenge with a friend to learn how to race. For 6 years I lived for my training and racing but came to the realization that my young teenager daughter needed more of my time.
    Unfortunately I got the balance wrong and let my goals slip and now find myself back at having to track my food and loose some kgs.

    I love cycling, any form of cycling but at the moment am really enjoying riding single track mtb in the forest near our home in Australia. I try to get out on the road bike a couple times a week and on the mtb 2 nights a week as well.

    I look forward to reading your posts and learning from your stories.
  • stepheniejdb
    Hi, I joined MFP 4 weeks ago in order to trim down by about 20 lbs for some challenges that I am taking on this year. I am 48 married with teenagers, and am currently living in Leeds in West Yorkshire UK. I abandoned weight watchers as it wasn't giving me the calories I needed to sustain a training regime AND lose weight where MFP does. A keen cyclist 25 years ago, I have just dug my vintage road bike out of the garage, joined a social cycling club, and aim to do the 106 km Otley Sportive out in to Northern Yorkshire in September. At the same time I am training for the York marathon in October. I track my training on Endomondo which uploads cycles/runs on to here. I also use Strava which has my club group on it. I consider myself a novice cyclist embarking on a huge learning curve, and look forward to sharing tips and experiences.
  • ronin_cyclist
    ronin_cyclist Posts: 4 Member

    My name is Alan and I joined MFP a few weeks ago because I found myself getting off-track with my dietary habits and wanted to make sure my cholesterol levels are kept in check. I'm 51 and currently live in southern California. I was an avid cyclist 20 years ago before life got in the way. Thankfully, the same friend who got me started in cycling way back when re-introduced this wonderful sport to me again (thank you)! I caught the century bug when I successfully completed the Solvang Century. Followed this up with a mix of full (?-100 mile) and metric centuries. Looking to do a few century rides this year.

    Looking forward to reading your posts and sharing info and experiences.

    Ride safe :-)
  • jagzan
    jagzan Posts: 3 Member

    My name is Ben and I started cycling last year with a Paris 2 London bike ride over 5 days. Cycling is a brilliant way to get fit and feel really alive!

    Been on MFP for almost a year now - done wonders for my blood pressure and waistline :-)

    Starting training for London 2 Brighton in UK soon - 55 miles with a vertical hill at the end...

    Glad to be here!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    great to have you aboard :drinker:
  • sineadlpb
    sineadlpb Posts: 59 Member

    I'm Sinead and I'm 18 years old. Came back to MFP to help me in loosing about a stone alongside training for a marathon. I recently took up cycling and joined a local social cycling series who ride once a fortnight with the view to doing my first sportive in September. I'm really enjoying it so far!

    I look forward to sharing experiences with everyone here!
  • ay1978pa
    ay1978pa Posts: 142 Member
    I am Alex, I am 35 and I love cycling.

    In lighter/warmer months I try to cycle to and from work every day (5 miles each way) and I absolutely love the trails. Can't wait for this last snow to melt so I can get back onto the road. I am also hoping to fulfill my ambition of several years and bike from Pittsburgh to DC sometimes this summer or early fall.

    Feel free to add me as a friend or just say hi!
  • Spence_
    Spence_ Posts: 139 Member
    Hellooooooo! Wow, I never even knew MFP had 'groups'. I'm Laura - relatively new to cycling (started last summer and got my own road bike in October) and only on an average of 45 miles a week at the moment. But when the weather gets better, I hope to be out a lot more :) Please feel free to add me, I'm very keen to have a few more cyclists on my friends list!

    Any hints or tips appreciated. I was at the velodrome the other day and a guy told me I needed to cycle in a higher gear... but it just felt like I was bouncing around all over the place and not getting much power from the bike. I'm clueless - any advice on gears n cadence? Are you supposed to ride so it feels 'easy' on the legs or get more resistance using gears?
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Jess, I popped up in here briefly last year. Just put together a new Leader brakeless fixed gear. Planning on doing the "tour de queens" (20 mile bike ride in NYC) in July. Its my first organized race/ride/event. It gives me a good reason to get out & train myself and work on endurance. I also just got a trainer so I can even ride my bike in my house! I think Im going to start visitng the velodrome near me soon.. I just get a little nervous riding around people that clearly are much more fit than I am but I have to get over that.

    Feel free to add me if youre into cycling and especially if you live in or near NYC!
  • composite
    composite Posts: 138 Member
    Hi, I signed up to the group recently, although I have been on MFP for a while now. Only really just started using the site properly though. I'm a mountain biker really, although I do commute on my bike as well. I'm looking for friends into cycling so I'll probably add a few of you regulars and feel free to add me to.

    I'm fairly in shape already and do a fair amount of riding but I want to take that next step. Thinking I might start getting into endurance racing but I'm not really sure I'm competitive enough by nature. I might just train for it and do the big rides for my own satisfaction.
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    Hello!! I'm Mónica, I'm 23, sociologist, bookworm and dog lover :P I've been on MFP for about 3 months I think, and I just got a bike to go to work, to my internship and move around in the city. I'm pretty excited about being an urban cyclist and learning how to deal with my environment. I also enjoy running and walking a lot :D Feel free to add me up!
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Hello there, my name's Angel and I'm a 25 year old housewife and shop girl from Chesterfield (UK). My bikes been out of commission for a while...quite a long while actually. I used to live just off the trans-penine trail out in Stocksbridge and we used to get out there every weekend as a family, but...years later I finally get my bike fixed and have attempted what I thought was an easy ride that included a gentle slope...Well I think I've finally stopped having my heart attack now...It did not go well. I almost collapsed on more than one occasion and had to stop at a cafe. This is a trail I walk with the dog when I feel lazy and we still run up that slope!

    Still, as much as it nearly killed me, I so loved being out on my bike again. Looking for some motivation and encouragement as I try and reclaim my fitness.