Stage 2



  • viblanco
    viblanco Posts: 32 Member
    I hold it like holleysings said. I also use the smaller barbells that are weighted at my gym. If your gym doesn't have that I would do step ups at the squat rack facing backwards (back facing squat rack)

    Hope that helped :)

    We are all stronger than we may think :)
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    First B workout today. Reading back through this thread it looks like I'm not the only one who dislikes stage 2. I'm just hoping I can get 3 workouts in a week so it will go by quickly.

    Starting stats:

    Deadlift from box: 80#, but I just did the basic deadlift - will try to add the step or box next time
    Split Squat: 12# medicine ball - so am I correct that this is the same as the static lunge rear foot elevated except the rear foot is higher? On a bench or box instead of a low step?
    Underhand lat pulldown: 115# for the first set, was too light so increased to 130# for the second
    Reverse Lunge: 12# dumbbells each hand. I had a lot of trouble stepping down with my right (dominant) foot. Maybe balance issues with my left? Wasn't a fan of this one.
    Dumbbell prone cuban snatch: 9# dumbbells each hand - this one was interesting...the bench I was using for the incline broke in the middle of my first set and slammed down. Rather embarrassing and painful. :frown: No other options in my little gym at work so I put one knee up on the bench and bent at the waist to do the rest of the reps.
    Swiss Ball Crunch: 10 with arms over head
    Reverse Crunch: 10
    Lateral Flexion: 10 - I guess I don't really understand these? Are they supposed to help with flexibility?
    Prone Cobra: 60 seconds

    I didn't have time to do the HIIT because I go on my lunch break and everything else took a little over an hour. And that was without much rest between the ab sets! I do cardio 2-3 times a week on off days so I'll get my HIIT in then.

    Am I the only one who preferred stage 1? I felt like a beast doing most of those exercises. I just feel like a clumsy elephant in stage 2.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    jhgreer, to answer your Q about the split squat- i'm fairly certain that you rest the top of your foot on the step where as with the static lunge your back foot is on it's toes so it's working more. so there's that difference as well as the height of your back foot. i kind of like these moves in a weird way.

    man oh man, that cuban snatch is WORK though. i was using five pound dumbbells and even had to do a couple reps with 3 pound dumbbells which made me feel like a total wimp.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I agree with pp about the split squat vs. static lunge. I just posted about this. They are similar moves, but I feel the burn in totally different places (front leg vs. back leg).

    I am nervous to try the barbell with my step ups! I FINALLY am getting good balance on this exercise. It's gonna throw me way off to hold the barbell on my shoulders.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I did another B workout today and it went sooo much better. Still took me 75 minutes, but I did each exercise really well. I'm getting the hang of the reverse lunge from a box -- also I reread the book and it said "choose a light weight." That could have been my problem before; today I chose 10 and 12 lbs instead of 17 and 20 (!). I still can only do 10 for the Cuban snatch. I also used a plate today for the Bulgarian SS (instead of barbells). I really don't like the prone cobra, I've decided.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    You just reminded me that I didn't even do prone cobra last time! I totally forgot. Should be easy enough though as it's something I'm accustomed to from yoga. My knees really don't like this stage :( All the lunges, no bueno. Hoping to get in a good B workout today.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    My butt doesn't like this stage. I think this one is rough for me because it's tackling my weak spots: glutes and hamstrings. So it's good, but it hurts! And those Bulgarian Split Squats----ooooph!! Those are tough but I'm beginning to like them for the sheer effectiveness!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    I also used a plate today for the Bulgarian SS (instead of barbells). I really don't like the prone cobra, I've decided.

    I switched to a plate today too (instead of DBs) and I liked it much better. It was easier to balance and set up than holding two DBs
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Completed my last A workout in this stage! Final B workout on Wed. I am SO ready to move on. The gym was ridiculously crowded at 6:15 AM (!!!!), so all of the dumbbells were taken except some 20s. So instead of going for 25s for my lunges and step ups, I used 20s. GRRRR.... And yes, I was too nervous to try the barbell this late in the game. I'm looking forward to being done with Stage 2. My FSPP was not pretty today! I saw guy lifting like 300 lbs doing the same move. It looked so effortless! I even tried doing 65, but just couldn't.
  • kimmae17
    kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
    My gym has been closed for a week because they have no power from the hurricane! Im going nuts! haha I may just restart stage two when i finally get back there.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    My butt doesn't like this stage. I think this one is rough for me because it's tackling my weak spots: glutes and hamstrings. So it's good, but it hurts! And those Bulgarian Split Squats----ooooph!! Those are tough but I'm beginning to like them for the sheer effectiveness!

    My butt doesn't like this stage either!

    Also, I use a barbell instead of DBs or a plate for split squats and static lunges. MUCH MUCH EASIER!!!!
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Finally got back to the gym tonight - its been 2 weeks so Ive decided to restart stage 2 completely. It was pretty hard tonight, although Im pleased with most of my weights, and that I hardly fell over on the FSSP at all, although a bit peeved at how difficult plank position is. Still just about managed 30 secs.....

    It was tough going, and Im not sure how much the other people in
    the gym appreciated my coughing LOL, but I feel great now!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Hi Guys, joining you at last! Stage 1 took me ages. Did S2A1 last night and my bum is killing me today. But the most frustrating thing was the front squat press. What is with that. I used the oly bar and thinking that I am a stong lady now having finished stage 1 I confidently put 10kg on each end, couldn't even lift it. Went to 5kg, still no joy. Finally the bar alone I was able to struggle to 8 reps. Wow that is a killer - but mostly on my wrists - I just don't get it.

    The rest of it I didn't mind and glad to be working on my core as I am pretty soft in the middle. See how I get on with B - humm...
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I start Stage 2 Friday after a recovery week...any suggestions?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Hi Guys, joining you at last! Stage 1 took me ages. Did S2A1 last night and my bum is killing me today. But the most frustrating thing was the front squat press. What is with that. I used the oly bar and thinking that I am a stong lady now having finished stage 1 I confidently put 10kg on each end, couldn't even lift it. Went to 5kg, still no joy. Finally the bar alone I was able to struggle to 8 reps. Wow that is a killer - but mostly on my wrists - I just don't get it.

    The rest of it I didn't mind and glad to be working on my core as I am pretty soft in the middle. See how I get on with B - humm...

    My wrists hurt a lot the first time I did the FSPP. I switched to the free weight 50# barbell for my second workout and my wrists liked it better than the OLY bar. Maybe try that?
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Since I posted at the end of the last page, I'll post again - I start Stage 2 on Friday. Any hints, thoughts, suggestions, tips?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Since I posted at the end of the last page, I'll post again - I start Stage 2 on Friday. Any hints, thoughts, suggestions, tips?

    Keep your wrists straight when you do the push press part of the FSPP. I didn't the first time and it HURT. Also, remember that you're only doing two sets, so you can actually push a bit harder than you did in Stage 1. Take the rest time seriously too.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Since I posted at the end of the last page, I'll post again - I start Stage 2 on Friday. Any hints, thoughts, suggestions, tips?

    Keep your wrists straight when you do the push press part of the FSPP. I didn't the first time and it HURT. Also, remember that you're only doing two sets, so you can actually push a bit harder than you did in Stage 1. Take the rest time seriously too.

    Thanks! I will definitely keep that in mind!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey all, I am finally back amonst the lighted! I've been without power and living away from my home since Sandy blasted through our area. No workouts... none... nada! I didn't weigh but all my clothes are still fitting the same way. I just need to get back to it! Lovely that we're having a Nor'easter today and tomorrow with a possible 6" in my home area. But that's fine, I can manage to get around the corner to the gym in that. I guess I will start Stage 2 all over again!!!
  • MissSifaka
    MissSifaka Posts: 25 Member
    I start stage 2 on Friday as well. I feel like I've been doing stage 1 forever, I'm nervous to change.