Tips & Tricks



  • wendytc
    wendytc Posts: 189 Member
    HOORAY!!! I got through the 5 minute runs from week 4 and now week 5, and have been going slower and slower intentionally and I constantly remind myself with form and mental checks:

    1) 3 breaths in, 2 breaths out (times to my footsteps), ( this is a NAVY tip from a friend)
    2) lean forward from the ankle, (
    3) arms at a soft 90 degrees
    4)hands should not cross your jacket zipper (center of your body) If doing this your are rotating your upper body too much which is wasted energy
    5)) hands and shoulders relaxed
    6) look forward and look for interesting things to see (scenery)
    and the biggest...
    7) land mid foot!! (( <-- They have videos on this site which demonstrate)

    By the time I have reminded myself of all this, the run segment is over, lol.

    Most of this I learned from the website, which I watch the videos everytime I get a chance and also review the pictures.

    My first 4 weeks were on the treadmill (dreadmill, lol) and I was really scared to take it outdoors, but now that I have, I don't think there is any going back...

    I am on wk5,D2 and did not realize what was coming up for Day 3, until I read this thread, but honestly, I feel good about it.

    FYI - I can walk faster than I am running (waddling), which I find pretty hilarious. Distance and endurance first, speed and time later.

    You can do this!!!
  • MsTru2U
    MsTru2U Posts: 119 Member
    I'm gonna need to review this often. W1D1 just about killed me :embarassed:
  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    This thread is amazing! I am starting on Sunday and am very nervous. So happy to find such terrific advice ... going to reread and educate myself a bit more before I start :happy:
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    save for later :wink: thanks for the topic!
  • I will be starting this program today. I started the whole My fitness Pal last week. I am excited but would like to know if anyone has some tips for me.
  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    I'm gonna need to review this often. W1D1 just about killed me :embarassed:

    You and me both. I started yesterday and thought I was going to have a stroke ... :blushing:
  • Ok I feel like im going to die. This program was tough the first day but I DID IT..Any ideas on stretching?
  • Ajasper83
    Ajasper83 Posts: 107 Member
    Ok I feel like im going to die. This program was tough the first day but I DID IT..Any ideas on stretching?,7122,s6-241-287-0-0,00.html

    ^^ Runner's World has a wealth of information on stretching. Hope this helps :)
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for all the tips! I will be starting this program tomorrow and I'm super excited and really nervous. I have horrible knees (1 surgery), bad ankles, and plantars' fasciiatis in my left foot so wish me luck! I know my lower extremities will feel better with less weight on them, so I pray I can run through the pain.
  • cinhei
    cinhei Posts: 3 Member
    These are great tips - especially the ones about week 5 day 3 today - I have been worried about finishing it all week! Thank you!
  • cinhei
    cinhei Posts: 3 Member
    This is so funny - I have researched the same things - form, breathing etc. I am doing week 5 day 3 today - trying to stay positive that I can do it. I have read a lot of good tips here on this blog so I feel a little better about it.
  • I just finished W5D2 today and was SOOO dreading D3 till I read all your posts. Just gonna go out there and give it my best. I haven't even looked to see what next week looks like but to me this is the major turning point week with going from an 8 minute run to a 20 minute run. Ready to get it done! Registered for my first 5K the first week of January and am very excited. Have found that running outside is much better than the treadmill and probably gets you better prepared for racing in various weather conditions. Good luck everyone!!!
  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    Thank you for this info! I will be accessing that running site!
  • Hello all! I am looking to start C25K. I am at a total loss. Is this a program I can load onto my I-pod (if so where do I find it) or does it run from the app on my droid? Confused...please help!!:embarassed:
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello all! I am looking to start C25K. I am at a total loss. Is this a program I can load onto my I-pod (if so where do I find it) or does it run from the app on my droid? Confused...please help!!:embarassed:

    i have the app on my phone from the google play/droid market. just search for couch 2 5K. it is free for the first 2 weeks then only 1.60 or something like that to buy the rest! it announces when to run and when to walk as well as the halfway point. you can also play any of your music apps and it automatically pauses it for the announcements. if you have GPS on, it will track and announce your pace and distance too! it is worth every penny. good luck, the program is truly great :)
  • fairyh07
    fairyh07 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ive started the couch to 5k but I dont seen to be able to complete the times that they are suggesting. I start off fine but by the half way mark Im really struggling to keep running then walk etc. This is my 3r d day. Yes I no its only day 3 but the struggle is hard. And then when I dont succeed Im angry at myself for failing.
  • fairyh07
    fairyh07 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Wendy for the tips, it makes sense. Will try these and just got onto the site.
    Keep up the good work.

    Cheers Heather:happy:
  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    I am loving the C25K but have been side-lined by knee pain on the inside of my knee (MCL?) I have had to take a break as they feel very tender. I have been researching on the internet and don't think the cause is my shoes as I have new Asics ... I think it may be the impact from the way I run ... :blushing: I have to figure out how move beyond this problem ... I am very frustrated.
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    Hi I had started a bit of jogging last year but then I got married in November and have since put on about 15 pounds :-(. I am now about 209 you think i'm too heavy to start running again???
    NO you are not to big to run just go slow and use good form and good shoes
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    I've run everyday only because I've heard "once you stop,, it's hard to start again". I'm on W5D2 tomorrow, and I started running Dec 5. I haven't needed to recycle a day or a week (when I missed a day due to gym holiday hours and extreme Canadian cold weather I just picked it up right where I left off). I didn't do it to expect better results, I did it because 1)I wasn't sore, 2)Once I stick to something I have to keep doing it to make the habit form and 3) Planning to run 5k race under 30mins on St Patrick's Day as my NSV.

    Maybe what I did was wrong, but it's working for me.