Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Part of it is just "giving things a try"....you'll NEVER KNOW if something might "click" for you if you just outright discount the strategy!

    April, I tried my first 24-hour fast a few weeks ago and bailed at hour 19. Even now, the "longest" fast I've been comfy doing is 22 hours. What I am realizing, for me, is that LONGER fasts aren't necessary. If I'm steady with fasting 16 hours every day, I'm creating enough of a caloric-deficit that the weight is coming off.

    I know women who DO have to fast 24-36-48 hours, every week, because, for them, the "daily eating window" does NOT work.

    Give it a try. And, DON'T worry if you end up "breaking your fast" earlier than "perfect". So what?

    I think what an "eating window" has REALLY forced me to pay attention to is whether I am "hungry" or whether I am "bored". If I'm hungry, I eat. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. And, for whatever reason, my body, for sure, is NOT HUNGRY in the mornings, anymore.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    I think I wrote here that my kids and my husband, for the first time EVER, made me breakfast in bed, for my birthday a few weeks ago.

    Believe me, I was NOT hungry. At. All. If they had made that breakfast 6 weeks earlier, I'd have downed it - and asked for more! Because I was 100% into a 10-year eating routine that included breakfast.

    But, I had been using an eating window for a few weeks at that point, and I was NOT hungry! I *did* choke down every single bite, because the look on my kids' faces - on my husband's face - was PURE joy!

    They even said, "you ALWAYS say, "how come you guys NEVER make me breakfast in bed?" so we decided, this year, to do THAT!"

    FUNNY RIGHT?? As soon as I STOP eating breakfast, that's when my family decides to fulfill some "fantasy" I must have harped on for quite some time.

    Anyway....I haven't had a morsel of breakfast since that day. Some days, when I'm at the office at 4 or 5 am, I do end up having a protein bar about 10:00 am. So be it. THAT day, I WAS hungry!

    But, most days, probably 8 or 9 out of 10, I'm just not hungry in the morning. So, I don't eat. And then I go to the gym at lunch, work-out on an empty stomach, and then suck back a protein shake the moment I'm in the change room.

  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Beeps, do you think if I go from 10pm (last snack because I do like to snack rather than eat 3 large meals), until 11 or 12, that is enough? That's not 16 hours. But I think that's what will work for me.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Sorry to hijack the thread, but according to Lean Gains, many women (not all) tend to do better at 14/10 instead of 16/8, so he recommends that. I usually fall at 15/9 for some reason!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Sorry to hijack the thread, but according to Lean Gains, many women (not all) tend to do better at 14/10 instead of 16/8, so he recommends that. I usually fall at 15/9 for some reason!

    No, thank you! So...I'm gonna aim for the 14/10. That said, time for my last snack! LOL
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Enjoy! Oh, by the way, for anyone interested.... the rippedbody.jp site is great for detailed information. Much more so than the leangains site. Let us know how it goes!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I will! I'm actually insanely excited. I've been wondering forever how to incorporate the breakfast everyone says you should eat...and the late night snacks I can't seem to stop eating. It's,like I said, something about being by myself and enjoying some yum yum, maybe a glass of wine, and a good book. But this is the answer to all that. I think I can do it. I think it may be hard at first, mostly because it's habit to have my breakfast at my desk at 830. But I can do this. I think in the long run, this will be better for me. Thanks, guys!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I'm excited to try too. Thanks for all the info! If I can have coffee and my protein drink, I will be totally fine til noon. I think I will try the 14/10. Starting tomorrow?!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    So? How did the trial "eating window" go???

    I'm dying to hear!

    I got my cardio in. And it went MUCH better than last week! I have to teach a university class next Saturday, so won't get my cardio in on that day....guess I'll have to figure out where to get it in this week. Yuck.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I was doing great and then I did some totally MINDLESS eating. I was at the grocery story and took a sample of deli meat (1/2 piece) and a small piece of swiss cheese (less than 1/2 ounce). As I was eating the cheese, I remembered: IF!! And considered spitting it out but didn't. Anyway, I did fine on coffee til noon -- aside from the mindless noshing. BUT, then at noon, I went a little nutty with eating. I consumed 800 calories between eggs, toast, and a protein shake. So needless to say, I'm totally satiated and won't be eating for at least another hour or two. :)

    I'm looking into BCAA (powder or tablets) to take after my workouts instead of a shake; 0 calories. I still reading up on it. If it's something I can get at GNC, I might give it a try.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Very interesting. I can't do it because of the hypoglycemia, but interesting nonetheless.
    Didn't make it to the gym last night. hubby and I both passed out just after 8. Making it up today :)
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Did NR4WL Stage 3 WO B and burnt 585 calories.. Was easier this time.. I'm surprised
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    2nd full S2A today and I upped weight. Not where I expected I should be, but I'm getting there. OMG planks are so much harder than they look! My HRM pooped out on me and I'm not a happy camper. It's not old enough to do that! I hope I pushed the stop button by accident, otherwise I'm going to give Polar a call.

    Did my posture lifts on the swissball. I'm feeling 'em!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I was doing great and then I did some totally MINDLESS eating. I was at the grocery story and took a sample of deli meat (1/2 piece) and a small piece of swiss cheese (less than 1/2 ounce). As I was eating the cheese, I remembered: IF!! And considered spitting it out but didn't. Anyway, I did fine on coffee til noon -- aside from the mindless noshing. BUT, then at noon, I went a little nutty with eating. I consumed 800 calories between eggs, toast, and a protein shake. So needless to say, I'm totally satiated and won't be eating for at least another hour or two. :)

    I'm looking into BCAA (powder or tablets) to take after my workouts instead of a shake; 0 calories. I still reading up on it. If it's something I can get at GNC, I might give it a try.

    I use Scivation. Nice balance, and according to what I've read drinking the liquid gets the BCAAs into your bloodstream fastest.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks Sue! I will look for that tomorrow. PLANKS - boo!! :) I'm getting better at them, but my body is literally shaking during those last 30 seconds (they are 90 seconds in Stage 3 - yeah). I just talk myself through it, like "you can do anything for 30/20/10 seconds" -- until I'm done. lol

    dwn2erth - Awesome. I have a Stage 3 B coming up Monday. I am not a fan of the B workout, and I'm going to have to get up at 5:30 to be home in time to get kids/hubby out the door. It's a long (and in places boring) workout. I like the HIIT though; would much rather do that over BWM! I'm in awe of the calories you burned. I wonder if I am burning more than I think? I really must replace the battery in my HRM...
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    Hey everyone, just popping in randomly like I do! I think the 7 week challenge sounds fun, I'd like mine to be push-ups, too. Luckily I've been able to do all 15 in a row but no more than that. I'd like to be able to do two sets of 25 in 7 weeks. Idk if that's a lot or what, but if my arms aren't tired I can already probably do more than the 15.

    I am in stage one still, I started it beginning of October and ended up slacking so I restarted two weeks ago and haven't missed my workouts. I'm doing workout A3 tomorrow.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Bad week. I hate this crazy schedule. Just a couple more weeks now....

    I did not meet my goal this week. For much of anything.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Plan this week is to actually manage to go to the gym 3 x. Would be a first! but my hubby is away and I'm not able to do my runs so will have a bit of extra time. Wish me luck.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I have to be honest and give up my point. I did not win. LOL. I forgot all about it yesterday. I'm still able to do 15 pushups in a row while pooped at the end of the workout. Today is Stage 2/A, so I'll be doing pushups, and hopefully, I can up it to at least 16!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I think I get my points for last week! My "push up" goal is just to do push ups EVERY day! And thus far I have =D

    Today was my first stage 2B workout...holy bulgarian split squats, those things are hard! Did anyone else's back foot (the one elevated on the bench) feel weird during the exercise?

    I have been having HORRIBLE stomach pains since yesterday so the swiss ball crunch, reverse crunch, and cobra didn't go as well as possible...but at least i did it!

    Also, what is the purpose of the flexion? When I tried just the version where you raise your leg I didn't see the point at all...anyone??