Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Jennie, I have the same problem when I travel to the kids home. I was hoping I could talk my son into going to the gym with me on Saturday but no such luck, and worse, he's got nearly a full weight set at home and has put them all away, with no easy access. So I didn't get any work done after Monday last week. I didn't do too well on the food either, especially on Thanksgiving Day, there was just too many tempting treats and I couldn't resist them all. But I'm back and in the groove again. Congrats on those squats and wow 130 deadlift! I'm envious!

    Went to the gym this morning. Upped weights on the step ups and static lunge, did better on the pushups, and yippee, I lasted the full 60 seconds on both plank reps!! First time I haven't collapsed halfway through the 2nd rep! Does anyone else have weak ankles and thus real problems with the DB 1PR? They are my downfall. My balance is just awful. I have switched from regular walking shoes to converse - more flat, less squish, and it helps some but I think I am going to wear ankle braces the next workout and see if that helps.

    Liv, I agree with Beeps, I'm using 5 risers on my step ups and lunges.- and I'm moving to the next level up on Saturday. It makes a huge difference!

    Jess, I wish I could carry some of your stress, but I think you did the right thing. Just doing what's on your plate seems more than enough to me. I'm sure we'll have many more challenges ahead of us! Beeps likes to motivate us!!

    Cowgirl, so happy you've found the gym! I honestly never thought it would make such a difference but wow, does it ever. PF was just not a good fit for me, ever-the difference between it and this new gym I joined is night and day! Hope you continue loving the place!!

    Beeps, you are my hero! Thanks for starting and keeping this challenge going, and wow, I love how the IF is working for you!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Yes, IF is my *new* love....I *wish* that I had read up on IF at the same time that I got involved in heavy lifting.

    sue - congrats on the PLANKS - that's AWESOME!

    livlovra - I didn't see your report for week 2 of the challenge - I do believe the point for week 1 went to "NEW". I've now modified the spreadsheet to recognize your week 2 goes to "ME".

    Stats remain crappy - 10 for "ME". 9 for "NEW". I was hoping, at a minimum, ME would be 60/40 by now....still, I *know* you gals are working REALLY, REALLY hard and I KNOW, as January, 2013 creeps into your CONSTANT REALITY, you're gonna KICK IT UP A NOTCH and aim for "ME" on a consistent basis!!

  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    gadenni - I don't workout fasted b/c I have to work 7-330, but I'm finding the more I do this, the more I like it. I break my fast at noon and have my last snack by around 9:30pm. I'm such a late eater, and I didn't realize how much I used to eat late. But now that I'm cutting myself off by 10, I realize I'm also cutting myself off from wine if I was drinking it and going to bed! I would stay up late before for another snack or finishing a glass of wine. Now, at 10pm, I'm done and in bed! LOL So it's healthier for me all around.

    Pretty much what I do except for the fasted *training*. I take my daughter to school by 12:30, so I eat right before we leave, but on Mon/Wed I typically drop her off then hit the Y so for me I just make a whey shake and drink about half before I hit the gym then the other half when I leave and then go home and eat. I was a little worried about lifting while mostly fasted but honestly i was able to up all my weights on Monday by 5-10 pounds so it worked just fine.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    IF is definitely helping me. It's just so much easier to stick to my calories when I have a smaller window. I have eaten breakfast religiously for almost 29 years, but I've found I function better without. So glad that I was somewhat forced into trying it.

    Sue, I feel very awkward doing the DB 1PR as well. I've found doing them barefoot has helped. But you're right- my ankles want to roll.

    Gonna try to FINALLY start S5 tomorrow. Tonight it's push-up time!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Sue-- Great job on the planks!

    Two tests down. Still have lots of work left to do, but just another two weeks until I can rest for a few weeks! And by rest I mean start work out regularly. :-)
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    liv, I think you did great! Are you starting Stage 3 on Wednesday like I am? I'm waiting until after 3 to take a rest week. If I take it then. Stage 1 was just so long that I was ready for a change and ready for a rest week. I was so bored with it by the end of those 8 weeks. But I like that the stages are shorter now. It makes me less inclined to want to take a week of rest! I may just take a few days rather than a full week. I don't know yet. I'm apparently in a rambling mood though....LOL

    Thanks for the compliment, cowgirl! :)

    April I was looking for this post! Yup started Stage 3 today. How did you find it. What a killer! That one arm over head squat thingy - blimey. I totally failed to finish the body weight matrix at the end. My legs were total jelly. I think I am really going to be feeling it tomorrow. Nice to feel like I'm pushing it a bit more tho.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    liv, I think you did great! Are you starting Stage 3 on Wednesday like I am? I'm waiting until after 3 to take a rest week. If I take it then. Stage 1 was just so long that I was ready for a change and ready for a rest week. I was so bored with it by the end of those 8 weeks. But I like that the stages are shorter now. It makes me less inclined to want to take a week of rest! I may just take a few days rather than a full week. I don't know yet. I'm apparently in a rambling mood though....LOL

    Thanks for the compliment, cowgirl! :)

    April I was looking for this post! Yup started Stage 3 today. How did you find it. What a killer! That one arm over head squat thingy - blimey. I totally failed to finish the body weight matrix at the end. My legs were total jelly. I think I am really going to be feeling it tomorrow. Nice to feel like I'm pushing it a bit more tho.

    That's fantastic! Good for you! Do your legs retain a lot of fluid after lifting? Mine do. the next day (since I work out in the evenings). More than any other part of my body. It's annoying. LOL

    I do 3/A tonight, so I'll let you know how it goes. I'm super excited!

    I love New Rules. Just bought New Rules for Abs and am going to start reading through it. That may be next. Or if I get the Cathe videos for Christmas. Just to mix it up a bit. Or...maybe even the lifting videos of P90X. I love having options, and I'm always planning ahead. LOL. That's me - Type A planner. Drives my husband nuts!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I did enjoy moving to NROL4Abs following NROL4Women.

    Jessica - you must be looking forward to your "break".

    It's funny how so many of us "lucked" into (or were "tricked" into....) IF at nearly the same time. For me, this is the *opposite* of a diet - it TRULY is a "lifestyle change". I'm heading into month 3 of trying it - and, I'll weigh myself today, but I figure I've lost ~12 lbs at this point.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    I've been off the radar, but I'm finally settling back into a routine and I'm so happy about it!

    My husband bought me one-on-one boxing sessions for my birthday—tried it last night and had a blast! I was so nervous to do something new. I think it's good to face that feeling head on every once in a while. I'll be doing that one night a week in addition to NROL 3x

    Anyway, back to NROL this week. I'm really slogging through stage 3.

    Just a reminder, that the Facebook group "Fierce. Fit. Fearless" is so great. A bunch of women who IF and lift heavy. They're hardcore and it motivates me to visit the page.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Wow you guys all make me SUPER want to try IF! I think I am just too hungry in the am though....that morning protein smoothie stops me from getting hangry (so hungry you are angry).

    I had an NSV today! I really haven't lost any weight since starting NROL, but i keep thinking my thighs look slimmer and more toned (I have a big ol quad muscle now). Well this morning I went to put on a pair of work pants that are ALWAYS too tight on me, not only did they fit great but they are now TOO LONG! Like stepping on the hem of the pants as I walked too long because I lost so many inches in my butt/thighs! I had to come up with a new outfit but getting these pants hemmed will be the best $10 I've spent in a while =D
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I did enjoy moving to NROL4Abs following NROL4Women.

    Jessica - you must be looking forward to your "break".

    It's funny how so many of us "lucked" into (or were "tricked" into....) IF at nearly the same time. For me, this is the *opposite* of a diet - it TRULY is a "lifestyle change". I'm heading into month 3 of trying it - and, I'll weigh myself today, but I figure I've lost ~12 lbs at this point.

    It is funny, isn't it? I know I haven't lost (though I've only been on IF for a little over a week), but I don't really expect to. I'm a recovered anorexic/bulimic, so...I gained weight when I started lifting and eating better. I'm still having a VERY hard time getting used to my new body. But I'm having more good days than bad. I like IF because it...I need rules. That's part Type A, part ED. But I like having a set time to start eating and a set time to stop.

    Plus, as I've mentioned, it really works with my life anyway. Including my family .My husband doesn't eat except one big meal at the end of the day. for the most part. Just because of his job. So it works even on weekends.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Wow you guys all make me SUPER want to try IF! I think I am just too hungry in the am though....that morning protein smoothie stops me from getting hangry (so hungry you are angry).

    I had an NSV today! I really haven't lost any weight since starting NROL, but i keep thinking my thighs look slimmer and more toned (I have a big ol quad muscle now). Well this morning I went to put on a pair of work pants that are ALWAYS too tight on me, not only did they fit great but they are now TOO LONG! Like stepping on the hem of the pants as I walked too long because I lost so many inches in my butt/thighs! I had to come up with a new outfit but getting these pants hemmed will be the best $10 I've spent in a while =D

    I'm happy for you but jealous. LOL My thighs went the other way. *sigh*
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    I just finished my last workout of stage one and I cannot wait to post my results. so excited...but I am meeting my husband at the shooting range here soon so I have to run again. just a little preview...squats went from 39lbs to 100lbs. oh my hell...I was so happy when I saw that. Back soon!

    and yeah on the NSV...I too have many pants that are now too long, it took me a bit to realize that is because of inches lost.

    and I LOVE to flex my legs now...the quad muscle on my thigh is so pretty. lol
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    gadenni - your post made me smile!!! Yay! Congrats! I'll look forward to seeing your stats!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    *drumroll* just kidding...I know I am not the first one to ever finish stage one and there are probably some better stats out there but I am excited that I completed stage one and also thrilled with my ending weights in most of the categories.

    workout A
    Squats- starting 39--ending 100
    Pushups-knees for all sets--toes for all sets
    seated row-starting 55--ending 85
    Step-ups-starting 20lbs/4 risers--ending 40 on bench
    prone jackknife-starting barely struggling through the 8--ending with pretty decent 15

    workout B
    Deadlift- starting 45(just the oly bar)--ending 95
    dumbbell shoulder press- starting 20--ending 36
    wide grip lat pulldown- starting 55- ending 80
    lunge- starting 16--ending 36
    swiss ball crunch- starting body weight--ending 12lb ball

    I can say that when I began stage one I HATED lunges with a passion and my legs would burn and feel like jelly but today I lost count and found myself easily doing more than the set called for. I still have to do my AMRAPS on Friday. I will weigh in then and will measure either then and take some pictures too. the prone jackknifes are still not a fave of mine BUT I finally figured out that doing them with a smaller ball helps so they got a little easier by the end of this stage. Now to read up on stage two and get myself acquainted with those exercises.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Wow, gadenni, that is AWESOME! My goodness, with THAT sort of improvement in ONLY Stage 1, I WONDER what NROL4W has in store for you??!! Your body must LOVE this. (Did you exercise prior to NROL4W - inquiring minds want to know!)

    April - my thighs aren't showing the *improvement* I'm certainly seeking. I still think there's a big ol' layer of fat surrounding mine....can't see the muscle like I WANT TO (like the bikram hot yoga instructors have when they say "lock your knee!")

    Congrats to all you lifters...things are moving along in ALL THE RIGHT DIRECTIONS!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I got to the gym, today. Lifted. Stepped on the scale and was UP 1 POUND from last week. THAT PISSED ME OFF!! I am breaking my OWN rule of only weighing "once-per-week" - because the number was sooooooooooooo DUMB - and I'll weigh again on Friday and HOPE for a 'drop'.

    Yikes - Friday I ALSO have to do my month-end photos/measurements. That friggin' pound MATTERS.

  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    Wow, gadenni, that is AWESOME! My goodness, with THAT sort of improvement in ONLY Stage 1, I WONDER what NROL4W has in store for you??!! Your body must LOVE this. (Did you exercise prior to NROL4W - inquiring minds want to know!)


    I was doing Body Pump classes prior to starting NROL4W. It was in those classes that I realized how much I love lifting. and yeah...I guess my body loves it. I have also learned, through this process of self improvement, that I am very competitive with myself. so upping my weights happened frequently, almost every session, because I wanted to do more and do better. :0)
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Awesome, Gadenni, you did FABULOUS!!!! That's amazing!

    Beeps - my thighs had always been big until I stopped eating. Well, duh. Then they were so thin for so long that now that I'm building muscle again (they were big as a kid from ballet), I just can't get used to them. Plus, the whole water retention thing in them most days irritates me.

    Did Stage 3/A today and LOVED it!!!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Okay, so my thoughts on 3/A:

    I thought the snatches were fun and not quite as difficult as I thought they'd be. I did 20lb DBs, but I think I'll try 25 next time.

    Bent-over rows, I started where I left off in Stage 1 (80) but upped to 85.

    I loved the one-legged DLs! LOVED! Did 20s. May try 25 next time.

    Bench Press - 20DB

    Dumbbell Single-Arm Overhead Squats were very awkward at first. But by the 3rd set, I felt better. I did 10s/20s.

    Planks - first one was 100 seconds! Then down to 70, then up to 90 lol

    Reverse Wood Chop, I did 2 sets at 20lbs but then did 15 on the last set and had much more control.

    BWM I did about 2:45 the first time and 2:23 the second time. I can't believe I did the second one faster, but I didn't have to pause quite as much as on the first time! Weird.