Anyone doing any hiking?



  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    Mount Rainier National Park - Summer Land for lunch then headed up to Pan Handle Gap , and then to the Frying Pan Glacier. Ran out of time so we had to head back. Going to backpack in next year so I have time to explore. Total Round Trip 13.5 Miles



  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member

  • 1960HikerDude
    1960HikerDude Posts: 215 Member
    I just did a nice hike on Mt. Hedgehog in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It's a 5-mile loop with some great views. It's a good intermediate hike for folks who aren't quite ready to tackle some of the larger peaks.
  • murphette2
    murphette2 Posts: 75 Member
    I shouldn't admit it but I am a fair weather hiker. Here in WA my husband and I hike late spring through fall but when the rain comes we stop! Wimpy I know but we have all kinds of excuses like our dog would get muddy, ect. The last hike we went on to Monte Cristo was AMAZING. See ya on the trails in the spring!
  • Love the Thorsbourne trail ... Did it years ago... This year did the 6 day Jatbula track, near Katherine Gorge in Northern Territory (Australia) we were treated to a different spectacular waterfall everyday and Part of the West Macdonald Ranges - the Larapinta Trail ... Near Alice Springs ... Hiking in the desert was really a challenge ... Carrying enough water and finding more when we had run out ... All part of the adventure.
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    Just began (restarted) hiking with my husband in the last few months. We've done day-hikes, etc. in the past, but are planning, and training to do a longer trip next summer. Here in eastern Canada there aren't any mountains, just hills, lots of streams to ford, and stunning sea views.
  • Got one last hike in before I had to go in for knee surgery, (on the mend now). Well it was overnight to watch the meteor showers with my girls in the Salmo-Priest. Beautiful night slept on a peak and had a sunrise wake-up view to the east of the spine of the Selkirk Crest. I'll try to post pics.
  • _dadgad
    _dadgad Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, new to the group. Took my Venturing crew hiking last Saturday at Rocks State Park in Maryland. Then Monday went out on our annual Veteran's Day Old Farts Hiking Club. Five miles in Savage Park, in Laurel, MD. Both were a little tough for me as I'm overweight, out of shape, and I've got HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy). But then, that's why I'm here.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    This morning I hiked my town's trails through a local park, lots of elevation changes and no paving.
  • Surfrider
    Surfrider Posts: 364 Member
    Just did part of the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal back in Sept. (yay monsoon)

    Pic of me at Pokhara in my profile.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Just completed a 30 mile hike on the Ouachita Trail in Arkansas. Very rocky and steep in some places.
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member

    So far this year I have hiked 383.57 miles. The goal is 500 for the year, but I won't make it. This weekend I will be hiking Tiger Mountain 8 miles and 2600 ft elevatin gain, and then on Sunday Rattlesnake Mountain, 10 miles 2300 ft Elevation gain? (can't remember for sure)
  • volleypc
    volleypc Posts: 134 Member
    I did the southern half of the Appalachian Trail through the Smokies.. roughly 35 miles and the Art Loeb Trail.. roughly another 35 miles back in October. I am looking for a trip to maybe do over New Years.. I like the idea of spending new years backpacking camping.. not really sure where I want to go yet. Maybe Sipsey Wilderness, maybe try some place new. I have been traveling alot lately so I want to keep it fairly near North Mississippi.
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member

    Sorry I was trying a new site, photo bucket gives me way too much grief......Anyway the Frying Pan Glacier behind me in the Mt Rainier National Park.
    So much to explore that I am going to backpack next fall & spend a weekend exploring different directions.
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    #2 Summit of Tiger Mountain, having a late luunch

    My hiking buddy

    Lunch Guest
  • imaginaryplaces
    imaginaryplaces Posts: 123 Member
    #2 Summit of Tiger Mountain, having a late luunch

    My hiking buddy

    Lunch Guest

    @Hikergirl - You are in my territory! Most of this summer, we hiked W. Tiger #3 every Wednesday evening as a conditioning hike. I haven't been up there since October. How high up did the snow start?
  • imaginaryplaces
    imaginaryplaces Posts: 123 Member
    @Hikergirl - Was that the Frying Pan Gap trail? It's on my list of must-dos for next summer. This past summer I wasn't quite ready for it - Next year I will be! I hope :-)
  • MarisaLWood
    MarisaLWood Posts: 44 Member
    @Hikergirl and imaginaryplaces--you're in my territory too! My focus this summer was on elevation gain... although knee problems ended my hiking season at the end of September.

    In a three-month period (May through August 2012), I hiked up 5 peaks:

    West Tiger #3, #2, and #1 in a single day (May 2012)--7.3 miles RT, 2400' gain
    Mt. Si (first time, June 2012, three days after my 43rd birthday)--8 miles RT, 3100' gain--made the summit in 2.5 hours!
    Crystal Peak, near Mt. Rainier (July 2012)--8 miles RT, 3100' gain

    I also made an attempt on a sixth, Little Bandera (August 2012)--7 miles RT, 2850' gain--turned back after the steep scramble to the top of the ridge, about 350' vertical from the top. Most of the rest of my group also turned back; it was a hot day (87F) and we were running out of water. I'm just proud of myself for getting up that scramble--I think it was 1700' in one mile!

    My profile photo now is of me on Kendall Katwalk--11 miles RT, 2700' gain--that was one of the hikes I did in September. That one took me 8.5 hours, burned over 5300 calories :) , and left my knees in so much pain I could hardly walk for days afterward!
  • imaginaryplaces
    imaginaryplaces Posts: 123 Member
    @MarisaLWood - Props to you! I too am working on increasing elevation gains, but not yet on par with you.

    This summer I did four hikes with over 2000' elevation gain: Park Butte (7.5 mi 2200'), Cutthroat Pass (11 mi 2100'), Cascade Pass (9 mi 2000'), and Maple Pass/Lake Ann (9 mi 2100') - all in the North Cascades. (Send me a message if you want more info - these were among my most favorite hikes so far in the two years I've lived in the PNW).

    I have a goal of hiking Mt Si by the end of next June - it will be my first 3000' gain hike. BTW: I am afraid of open exposed drop-offs (go figure) and find just thinking about the Kendall Katwalk mildly terrifying. :-)

    I feel so fortunate to live in such a spectacular part of the world!
  • mountainmojo34
    mountainmojo34 Posts: 18 Member
    Hitting the Northern section of Virginia on the AT this weekend - weather has been great so far. We hiked AT from Pen Mar, PA to Harpers Ferry, WV last January and couldn't have asked for better weather - looks like this year it' s repeating. Anyone getting in some backpacking this weekend?