December Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • Me: 0
    The Binge: 1 (I just ate half a bowl of chocolate cake D':)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Me - 3
    Binge - 2

    This flu/cold whatever it is, is really not helping my eating, I am craving carbs like no-one's business the last 2 days.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Dec 5


    Thoughts/Emotions: I had felt tired today and felt some boredom too. Usually when taking a rest day the intensity of these urges grows larger. I know I need a rest day, but gotta work on having them without the binges. I think whats helping me get better is accepting the binge, and forgiving myself from there. I believe I will grow stronger because of that.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Dec 5


    Thoughts/Emotions: I had felt tired today and felt some boredom too. Usually when taking a rest day the intensity of these urges grows larger. I know I need a rest day, but gotta work on having them without the binges. I think whats helping me get better is accepting the binge, and forgiving myself from there. I believe I will grow stronger because of that.

    Rest days make my binge urges larger.

    Good job self evaluating! Knowledge is power. You will grow stronger, forgiveness is way better than guilt.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Me: 5
    Binge: 0

    I'm having some low days, tomorrow I'm aiming for the appropriate of calories I need! I can't have this lead to a binge. It's been kind of an emotional week, with the boy moving and not knowing how to handle this long distance thing...transferring all that energy to the gym...but then not eating enough : / Luckily, I'm recognizing my emotions and allowing myself to feel them, not just turning to food. I learned that here : )
  • Me: 2
    Binge : 3

    ugh. :cry:
  • totalhealth12
    totalhealth12 Posts: 212 Member
    December 5

    Lisa: 4
    Binge: 1
    Over Calories: 1

    Success day.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    December 5, 2012

    Rachael - 5
    The Binge - 0
    Overcalories - 0

    Almost blew it today and felt the urge to go food crazy, due to tiredness and stress from final's week at school and long days at work. Luckily I was able to yank the food away from me before I went over for the day. Close call.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    W, Dec 5

    beatrixia: 5
    The Binge: 0
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    When Greeky posted a list of her December goals, she inspired me to make my own list of goals for the month. I have five goals; the first one is about binging.

    Having the goal written down so that I can read it is helping me this month.

    This month my goal is to...

    Have a binge-free month by making each day binge-free, one day at a time.

    I am Beatrixia the Binge Slayer.

    Why?: To stop unhealthy coping strategies in order to learn healthy ones. To stop eating too much added sugar, which will help improve my physical health & mental health and will help decrease my obesity. To start feeling at peace and in control around food.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    When Greeky posted a list of her December goals, she inspired me to make my own list of goals for the month. I have five goals; the first one is about binging.

    Having the goal written down so that I can read it is helping me this month.

    This month my goal is to...

    Have a binge-free month by making each day binge-free, one day at a time.

    I am Beatrixia the Binge Slayer.

    Why?: To stop unhealthy coping strategies in order to learn healthy ones. To stop eating too much added sugar, which will help improve my physical health & mental health and will help decrease my obesity. To start feeling at peace and in control around food.

    Love it!!!
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    When Greeky posted a list of her December goals, she inspired me to make my own list of goals for the month. I have five goals; the first one is about binging.

    Having the goal written down so that I can read it is helping me this month.

    This month my goal is to...

    Have a binge-free month by making each day binge-free, one day at a time.

    I am Beatrixia the Binge Slayer.

    Why?: To stop unhealthy coping strategies in order to learn healthy ones. To stop eating too much added sugar, which will help improve my physical health & mental health and will help decrease my obesity. To start feeling at peace and in control around food.

    Love it!!!

    Aww, I'm so glad I inspired you! Great goal and GREAT job being binge-free too!!
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    December 2012:

    Terry - 4
    The Binge - 1

    Logging days - 5 / 31
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Ok so I didn't make it through the afternoon without eating chocolate. And you know how that went....

    I really felt like I tried hard to not cave today. In the past I have felt like I gave in too easily so I've really been making an attempt to do everything I can to stop it. I reached out for help, read my goals, stayed on mfp more than usual, read a lot of good stuff and still couldn't beat it. (I guess I could've journaled but I don't journal, although I probably should.) So for a minute I thought, gosh I gave it my all and still failed! I'm a failure! BUT...another one of my goals this month is no negative self talk and punishment if I slip. So now I'm trying to forgive myself and put it in the past but more importantly, learn from it. I'm not sure where I went wrong actually but I guess I learned a few things. Or at least observed a few things. This morning I felt awesome - confident and light. This evening I feel heavy, huge and depressed. And regretful, disappointed, all these not worth it now but at the time I either don't think about it or convince myself that I don't care. I can tell again too since I haven't been eating much sugar lately, after ingesting it I felt totally high and numb. It's not all about the taste - it really does numb me out and change me. At first I feel better but afterward when the reality and regret sets in, I am a different person - one that I don't like or want to be. Cranky, mean, short with others...not good. It was very noticeable to me today. UGH. So, what will it take for me to remember this??? I seem to forget after I feel better and then the cycle continues....

    So as of today:
    Me - 4
    Binge - 1

    Didn't finish logging today. I know I should log everything before I eat it...but when I'm in "binge mode" I can't log, my thoughts are consumed, obsessing about what I'm going to eat even though I know I shouldn't and all this crazy stuff. It's like I can't think of anything else. Yuck.

    Thank you all for your support today, I really appreciate it. Tomorrow will be a good day. I don't want this to continue into tomorrow. I realize AGAIN that I don't want live like this. It sucks!
  • motylekcytrynka
    motylekcytrynka Posts: 48 Member

    Natalie: 3
    Binge: 2
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    Ok so I didn't make it through the afternoon without eating chocolate. And you know how that went....

    I really felt like I tried hard to not cave today. In the past I have felt like I gave in too easily so I've really been making an attempt to do everything I can to stop it. I reached out for help, read my goals, stayed on mfp more than usual, read a lot of good stuff and still couldn't beat it. (I guess I could've journaled but I don't journal, although I probably should.) So for a minute I thought, gosh I gave it my all and still failed! I'm a failure! BUT...another one of my goals this month is no negative self talk and punishment if I slip. So now I'm trying to forgive myself and put it in the past but more importantly, learn from it. I'm not sure where I went wrong actually but I guess I learned a few things. Or at least observed a few things. This morning I felt awesome - confident and light. This evening I feel heavy, huge and depressed. And regretful, disappointed, all these not worth it now but at the time I either don't think about it or convince myself that I don't care. I can tell again too since I haven't been eating much sugar lately, after ingesting it I felt totally high and numb. It's not all about the taste - it really does numb me out and change me. At first I feel better but afterward when the reality and regret sets in, I am a different person - one that I don't like or want to be. Cranky, mean, short with others...not good. It was very noticeable to me today. UGH. So, what will it take for me to remember this??? I seem to forget after I feel better and then the cycle continues....

    So as of today:
    Me - 4
    Binge - 1

    Didn't finish logging today. I know I should log everything before I eat it...but when I'm in "binge mode" I can't log, my thoughts are consumed, obsessing about what I'm going to eat even though I know I shouldn't and all this crazy stuff. It's like I can't think of anything else. Yuck.

    Thank you all for your support today, I really appreciate it. Tomorrow will be a good day. I don't want this to continue into tomorrow. I realize AGAIN that I don't want live like this. It sucks!
    Don't be so hard on yourself. The reason we are doing these challenges is to figure out what are causing our binges and how we can try to stop them. We are not always gonna succeed, unfortunately, but we can take these failures and learn from them. Today is a new day.....
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    Arrrgggghhhh! December challenge just started and has been so tough on me already. There are so many sweets and junk available this month. I've been going over my cals this week but have stopped myself before I get into full blown binge mode. It doesn't help that I hurt my back last Monday so am taking a few days off from the gym because every time I kept going back, I was making my back worse. In addition, I'm going out of town this weekend. I have to keep reminding myself that going out of town is not an excuse to eat a ton of crap. I have been trying sooooo hard to fight the binge monster..........

    Me: 5
    Binge: 0
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    Ok so I didn't make it through the afternoon without eating chocolate. And you know how that went....

    I really felt like I tried hard to not cave today. In the past I have felt like I gave in too easily so I've really been making an attempt to do everything I can to stop it. I reached out for help, read my goals, stayed on mfp more than usual, read a lot of good stuff and still couldn't beat it. (I guess I could've journaled but I don't journal, although I probably should.) So for a minute I thought, gosh I gave it my all and still failed! I'm a failure! BUT...another one of my goals this month is no negative self talk and punishment if I slip. So now I'm trying to forgive myself and put it in the past but more importantly, learn from it. I'm not sure where I went wrong actually but I guess I learned a few things. Or at least observed a few things. This morning I felt awesome - confident and light. This evening I feel heavy, huge and depressed. And regretful, disappointed, all these not worth it now but at the time I either don't think about it or convince myself that I don't care. I can tell again too since I haven't been eating much sugar lately, after ingesting it I felt totally high and numb. It's not all about the taste - it really does numb me out and change me. At first I feel better but afterward when the reality and regret sets in, I am a different person - one that I don't like or want to be. Cranky, mean, short with others...not good. It was very noticeable to me today. UGH. So, what will it take for me to remember this??? I seem to forget after I feel better and then the cycle continues....

    So as of today:
    Me - 4
    Binge - 1

    Didn't finish logging today. I know I should log everything before I eat it...but when I'm in "binge mode" I can't log, my thoughts are consumed, obsessing about what I'm going to eat even though I know I shouldn't and all this crazy stuff. It's like I can't think of anything else. Yuck.

    Thank you all for your support today, I really appreciate it. Tomorrow will be a good day. I don't want this to continue into tomorrow. I realize AGAIN that I don't want live like this. It sucks!

    You are NOT a failure!!! Day by day. You can do this!
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    Elizabeth 5
    Binge 0

    I think I have been binge free for 7 days in a row. I have been eating pretty clean able to let a lot of negative talk go and appreciate myself more and less what I THINK I should look like. Really trying to stop comparing myself to everyone. The fact is not matter what I will never look like the women I compare myself too even when I do lose the weight. I need to love myself for ME and be the healthiest version of myself.
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    W, Dec 5

    beatrixia: 5
    The Binge: 0

    You are rocking this!! Awesome job!