December Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    December 2012:

    Terry - 6.5
    The Binge - 1.5

    Logging days - 8 / 31
  • motylekcytrynka
    motylekcytrynka Posts: 48 Member

    Natalie: 4

    Binge: 4

    "Just because I'm losing
    Doesn't mean I'm lost."
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    Me: 7
    Binge: 1
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Me - 6
    Binge - 2
    Didn't finish logging on 12/5/12

    Another non-binge day yesterday, YAY! Went over calories by 190 but I didn't exercise. I did do major housecleaning though (I don't log that as exercise). I think I ate a perfect amount of calories yesterday.

    I'm ready for another binge-free day today!
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    ^^^ @Graewlyn - Yep, me too! How can one dessert be a binge? A "good binge day" for me is less than 3000. I'm sure I've hit 5-6000 in a really bad day. Easily. :embarassed:

    For some reason it's not allowing me to quote posts! :frown:
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I know, right... for the people who claim an extra dessert as a binge - they're lucky. My binges can be 3,000 - 7,000

    Monday is going to be my good day. I can't keep letting myself go, I need to get a grip. The eating I've been doing is only going to bring me to obesity. I have to eat for the body I want. I vow to make it a week binge free. If I am even slightly tempted to binge, I'll go to my room and listen to music or take a walk, browse through quotes...they help me. I'll drink water 'til I feel stuffed, IDC - I will not make another binge week/weekend this month .

    And my negative mindset taunts me on binge days, I keep wishing I could purge. But, no matter how much I tried years back... my body doesn't have a good gag reflect. It's probably best for me - I know that can cause serious health issues. And I would continually be using it as a crutch if I could... .so NO. It's better that I don't purge. I have to deal with the consequences for my actions, there are no easy ways out.

    Sorry for the rambling, I don't know where else to talk about it.

    Everyone in here is doing so good with their binge counts! Way to go!!!
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I know, right... for the people who claim an extra dessert as a binge - they're lucky. My binges can be 3,000 - 7,000

    Monday is going to be my good day. I can't keep letting myself go, I need to get a grip. The eating I've been doing is only going to bring me to obesity. I have to eat for the body I want. I vow to make it a week binge free. If I am even slightly tempted to binge, I'll go to my room and listen to music or take a walk, browse through quotes...they help me. I'll drink water 'til I feel stuffed, IDC - I will not make another binge week/weekend this month .

    And my negative mindset taunts me on binge days, I keep wishing I could purge. But, no matter how much I tried years back... my body doesn't have a good gag reflect. It's probably best for me - I know that can cause serious health issues. And I would continually be using it as a crutch if I could... .so NO. It's better that I don't purge. I have to deal with the consequences for my actions, there are no easy ways out.

    Sorry for the rambling, I don't know where else to talk about it.

    Everyone in here is doing so good with their binge counts! Way to go!!!

    I can relate to all that you say here. I also am unable to purge when I binge. I tried to when I was a teenager, except that I have a bad gag reflex and just felt gross the few times I tried to. I also tend to either do well or really go over my calories (at least several hundred calories each time). They are never simply a few calories. I tend to have the all or nothing attitude, which can be dangerous. I fight this by taking this one day at a time. Looking at the long run too much overwelms me.

    Feeling not so good about today, but am fighting the binge off so far. BTW, everyone seems to be doing very well so far.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I know, right... for the people who claim an extra dessert as a binge - they're lucky. My binges can be 3,000 - 7,000

    Monday is going to be my good day. I can't keep letting myself go, I need to get a grip. The eating I've been doing is only going to bring me to obesity. I have to eat for the body I want. I vow to make it a week binge free. If I am even slightly tempted to binge, I'll go to my room and listen to music or take a walk, browse through quotes...they help me. I'll drink water 'til I feel stuffed, IDC - I will not make another binge week/weekend this month .

    And my negative mindset taunts me on binge days, I keep wishing I could purge. But, no matter how much I tried years back... my body doesn't have a good gag reflect. It's probably best for me - I know that can cause serious health issues. And I would continually be using it as a crutch if I could... .so NO. It's better that I don't purge. I have to deal with the consequences for my actions, there are no easy ways out.

    Sorry for the rambling, I don't know where else to talk about it.

    Everyone in here is doing so good with their binge counts! Way to go!!!

    Yes, I need to get a grip too. It is so hard for me personally because this time last year, I was down at around 124-125Ibs, and I have not managed to recover from the 5 weeks or so of depression and daily binge eating I had in the last weeks of October and first weeks of November, so I am going into Xmas weighing probably at least 7-9Ibs more, which is making me desperately unhappy and full of self loathing. I have binged the last 3-4 days, whilst having this wretched virus as well, and not been able to exercise the last 2 days of that, so I am just ugh. And I realise lately when I binge, it is such a waste of money as beyond a certain point, the food no longer tastes nice, it ruins what little enjoyment might be had from having a treat or something rich, like a self punishment, I suppose. That is what makes it so pointless.

    Then I start considering giving up sugar entirely, which probably isn't a solution either. I certainly intend though on cutting down the sweeteners I use and the sugar I have in my foods for now in hopes I can retrain my taste buds a little. I rely too much on food for pleasure, rather than other things.
  • berumotto
    Binge: 5

    I want to die.
  • totalhealth12
    totalhealth12 Posts: 212 Member
    December 9

    Lisa: 6
    Binge: 2

    Even though I had some foods I could've binged on, I had them in moderation.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Me: 7
    Binge: 2

    Restricted today. Vicious cycle! I went ten days not bingeing and I know how that feels. I'm going to get back to that without eating too few or too many calories.

    ***NOTE: "Few things In the world are more powerful than a positive push. A word of optimisim and hope. A "you can do it" when times are tough" -Richard

    This is my positive push to all of you! We have all been in those tough points, but I believe in you, just as I'm striving to believe in myself. Here's to a new, positive & healthy week. Remember, you are never (!) alone! We are here.
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    Elizabeth 7
    Binge 2 (12/7, 12/8)

    Beat that binge monster today. I went over a bit in calories, but feel I am not likely to binge if I give into what I want in moderation than to not allow myself to eat it. Yay, back on track!
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    December 9, 2012

    Rachael - 8
    The Binge - 1 (12/7)
    Overcalories - 0

    Made it through a tough and emotional day today. Wasn't easy, but I got through it and stayed within my calories today.
  • wilmawm
    wilmawm Posts: 81 Member
    Time to 'fess up. I have been on a binge tear.
    Binge--5 (12/3,12/6,12/7,12/8,12/9)

    It's such a vicious cycle when it starts. Now I'm depressed, I'm not exercising, I'm eating crap, and that sick part of me doesn't want to stop the binge, even though I know I'll feel better if I do.

    I'm having a personal pity party for myself; no-one else is invited.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Me - 6
    Binge - 3

    Today wasn't horribly bad but I had sort of a mini-binge on what I call "healthy snacks". My total calories for the day weren't too bad but the behavior was bingey...there was a sort of urgency to eat something sweet. And I was going to stop before I did but I did not. So I'm counting it as a binge day, even though I don't feel too terrible physically or mentally.

    I too have wished that I could purge but never could. I tried more than once as a teenager and couldn't. I think that's probably a blessing though.
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    December 2012:

    Terry - 7.5
    The Binge - 1.5

    Logging days - 9 / 31
  • motylekcytrynka
    motylekcytrynka Posts: 48 Member

    Natalie: 5
    Binge: 4
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    U, Dec 9

    beatrixia: 9
    The Binge: 0
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    ...I am quite envious of those who consider an extra dessert to be a binge, actually, I have to say.

    When I began doing this challenge several months ago, I went through a period of time when I wasn't sure what was a binge or what was simply overeating/overindulgence. Some friends from the group explained to me that each of us defines what is a binge for ourselves, so I only have to understand and define what is a binge for me.

    So for me, defining a binge is hardly ever about calories consumed (although when I binge it is on high-calorie foods or large portions, so I do usually end up having a big overage). It's about a mindset that is then translated into behavior. When I binge, I have strong tunnel vision; I think about that one food (or foods), and that's my focus. I am very "in the moment," not in the good way but in the way wherein I don't care about consequences or how I'll feel after I eat X--I just think about eating X. I eat very, very fast. I usually eat beyond one or two reasonable portions. I almost always binge on a particular food category. I almost always am avoiding what I have (counterproductively and falsely) labeled a negative emotion. I am often physically and mentally tired. I'm alone. I have a feeling of the food controlling me rather than me controlling the food. And afterwards, I often feel discouraged and ashamed. All that together is a binge for me.

    I could binge on one dessert if I have all these thought processes and behaviors going on. (Maybe I stop myself and don't add too many calories to my day.) Or I could eat that same dessert mindfully, slowly, enjoyably without experiencing any binge-y thoughts and behaviors at all, binge.

    I've counted some days as binge days even though I was under my calories and some days as binge-free days even though I was over my calories. It all depends on my thoughts and actions...I'm trying to really focus on my approach to food rather than numbers because that's where I have to be honest with myself. :heart:
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Binge: 5

    I want to die.

    Bev, I confess that when I read things like this I feel :cry:. I believe you are so much more than what and how you eat. And really, recovery is a process, so think in terms of progress, not perfection. Your journey isn't over--you're still battling the binge and will continue to battle it...and you will have more and more success.

    I'm not sure how literally you meant your post, but if you are feeling hopeless to the point of not wanting to live, then I encourage you to reach out to a loved one and a mental health professional to share how you are struggling. Also, there are numbers you can call if are in an emotional crisis, for example 1-800-TALK (8255) ( and 1-800-442-HOPE ( :heart: