Did you do your workout today?



  • jenniekw
    jenniekw Posts: 104
    First day of Level 2, wasn't too bac. Just glad to get rid of the jumping jacks....lol
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    Another day of level 2. I almost didn't do it. I took the last 2 days off because I wasn't feeling well so even though I was exhausted, I knew I should not take another day off so I pushed through. My body feels like it is fighting something off so it was extra hard. One day closer.....
  • katanasnk
    katanasnk Posts: 52 Member
    Groan.... yes... and I can barely type my arms feel like noodles... agggghhhh. I didn't get home until 9:45 PM and I STILL made myself do that. ONE WEEK to go!!!! That's right, just 7 more days for me! Tonight I made it through the horrific plank rows with leg raises--both sets--without having to go to the "beginner" mod! Progress!
  • I wasnt going to today because i was involed in a car crash this morning (some idiot ran a red light and i couldnt stop in time) and now have an achey shoulder thanks to my seat belt. BUT i decided screw it ive just got to get up and try it if it hurts i'll just not use the weights or just do it with one arm, at least i will be doing something and i made it all the way through! Level 2 day 3 complete.
    so proud of myself right now :smile: , normaly would have just written today off and not have bothered.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I wasnt going to today because i was involed in a car crash this morning (some idiot ran a red light and i couldnt stop in time) and now have an achey shoulder thanks to my seat belt. BUT i decided screw it ive just got to get up and try it if it hurts i'll just not use the weights or just do it with one arm, at least i will be doing something and i made it all the way through! Level 2 day 3 complete.
    so proud of myself right now :smile: , normaly would have just written today off and not have bothered.

    Thank you for this!!!
    I haven't done 30ds in over 3 days and I wasn't planning on doing it!! I had no excuse I guess I just didn't want to do it because I'm not seeing the results that I have in the past!!! So now I'm off to do it and thats because of you!!! =)
  • I read this thread whenever I feel like I can't be bothered working out to get myself motivated.
    Happy i can return the favor
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    So after a few days off I finished Day 8 level one and I feel great. The only problems I have now are the Jump Ropes and I dont see myself getting better at that for awhile!! It puts alot of strain on my knee so I'm trying to find another alternative until I can get them done without it killing me!

    I read somewhere and it could've been here but I've been having alot of troubles with the lunges and someone told me to start with the opposite leg to see if that helped and you know what; I finished them all without stopping!!!! =D
  • nerchk
    nerchk Posts: 136 Member
    i didnt do my workout today. knee injury. im kinda sad :sad:
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Day 8 level 2 + 20min elliptical. Couple more days and I'll be taking pictures and measurements again.
  • jenniekw
    jenniekw Posts: 104
    Level 2 Day 2. Haven't made up my mind yet about if I like the planks or not...lol
  • Level 1 day 10 done. On to level 2 tomorrow. I've aslo been following up with 20 minutes on the elliptical. Kinda scared but excited to see the end results. Excellent work ladies!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Day one level 9 completed! I got up at 530 and pushed play while everyone else was asleep! It felt amazing!!!!
    Can't wait to be on level 2.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Hi, I am new here. I am at Day 8 of Level 1. I actually joined two other 30DS Groups here on MFP at the beginning of the month... but no one else seems to post much on them any more and I would really love a group with daily check-ins.

    I have not missed a day since I started, but I have had 2 days when I wasn't up to the full intensity and didn't use weights.
  • nerchk
    nerchk Posts: 136 Member
    Hi, I am new here. I am at Day 8 of Level 1. I actually joined two other 30DS Groups here on MFP at the beginning of the month... but no one else seems to post much on them any more and I would really love a group with daily check-ins.

    I have not missed a day since I started, but I have had 2 days when I wasn't up to the full intensity and didn't use weights.

    i also left6 2 other groups because no one posts. I prefer this one
  • nerchk
    nerchk Posts: 136 Member
    Knee still not working with me. I really felt bad for not doing any workout yesterday, i wanted to do weights sitting down and lying on my back so i dont affect my knee, but my daughter refused to sleep till 10. Today i will make sure she sleeps early so i can lift weights. I miss Jilian so much but id rather nurse the knee than to force myself to workout
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi, I am new here. I am at Day 8 of Level 1. I actually joined two other 30DS Groups here on MFP at the beginning of the month... but no one else seems to post much on them any more and I would really love a group with daily check-ins.

    I have not missed a day since I started, but I have had 2 days when I wasn't up to the full intensity and didn't use weights.

    Welcome, =) I hope you like it here better.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Knee still not working with me. I really felt bad for not doing any workout yesterday, i wanted to do weights sitting down and lying on my back so i dont affect my knee, but my daughter refused to sleep till 10. Today i will make sure she sleeps early so i can lift weights. I miss Jilian so much but id rather nurse the knee than to force myself to workout

    I hope your knee feels better. i know how it feels to have something like that sideline you!!!
    Listen to your body, there were a couple of days I had to take off because my knee swelled up like a melon! (Normal for me when the weather drastically changes)......
    Don't be so hard on yourself , take care of yourself and when your ready just press play! =D
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Day 9 level 2 and only 10min on elliptical. Just not feeling it today, but I did do it.
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi, I am new here. I am at Day 8 of Level 1. I actually joined two other 30DS Groups here on MFP at the beginning of the month... but no one else seems to post much on them any more and I would really love a group with daily check-ins.

    I have not missed a day since I started, but I have had 2 days when I wasn't up to the full intensity and didn't use weights.
    Welcome aboard. I have joined groups as well, but no one ever posts. I love this one b/c I can keep track and I love to see everyones progress.
    Good luck on your journey!!!1
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Knee still not working with me. I really felt bad for not doing any workout yesterday, i wanted to do weights sitting down and lying on my back so i dont affect my knee, but my daughter refused to sleep till 10. Today i will make sure she sleeps early so i can lift weights. I miss Jilian so much but id rather nurse the knee than to force myself to workout
    I hope your knee feels better soon. Just don't push it. Listen to your body. We all need to take a break. You are doing great.