Thursday - Truth

FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
Tell us a truth. Got anything you need to get off your chest?


  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    One thing that no one knows about me even my husband is that when we would have snacks in the house (sweets or salty) I would take out one for me when i got my husband or kids something. But then I would eat even more when no one was looking. Its like I couldnt control myself. There is no telling how many calories I was consuming because I couldnt remember how much I was eating. I blame it on my depression and my anxiety but truth is I knew what I was doing and I was doing it just because.

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  • texasokie
    texasokie Posts: 65 Member
    I have a hard time with dieting. I know I should eat healthier but it's just so hard with all the junk food dh likes to keep around. He's 6' and never has had a problem with his weight. Some times when I wake up in the middle of the night I find myself grazing thru the fridge...bad habit I've got to work on!!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    There are days that I JUST DON'T CARE!! I've learned to manage them most of the time, but I find myself occasionally just going "You know what? I am going to eat this [insert delicious but SO unhealthy food here] because it's awesome and I JUST DON'T CARE what it's going to do to me!!"

    Which isn't so bad if it's ONE food occasionally, but usually it's a whole day, which turns into two, a week, a month... and then I'm back to the start!
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I am having trouble eating all my calories every day.
    (I am attempting a metabolism reset, which requires eight weeks of eating at TDEE).

    No, I am not anorexic. I am morbidly obese with a BMI of 41.2

    The problem?
    I have very little interest in eating healthy food, especially if I have to prepare it myself. And I really have problems eating in the first half of my day. I have been drinking generic Slim Fast shakes every morning as soon as I get up because I find those and chocolate milk are the only thing I can get down in the first hour or so after rising.

    On the other hand, I love greasy, spicy, sugary, cheesy, chocolatey, high calorie, low nutrition junk food. I could be full and still find room for more ... which is exactly how I got into this mess in the first place.
  • reerazzle
    reerazzle Posts: 81 Member
    I can't give up my two squares of dark chocolate every day....
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I am so proud of all of us! We are looking at the new year with high hopes in our weight loss journey. I really think this is going to be a year with a lot of successes. Keep focusing on our goals and we will achieve them.

  • Kate964
    Kate964 Posts: 33 Member
    i hate eating in front of ANY one, when the kids were at home we ALWAYS sat for family meals 5-7 days a week but when the youngest moved out, i stopped eating at the table with my husband and tell him to GO AWAY while i eat alone in front of the TV, when i am done he can come back in if he likes. sometimes it is because i do not want any "witnesses" to my poor choices, but most of the time it is just because i feel judged by everyone when i eat, about my choices and my amounts. even when it is a good choice...i feel uncomfortable and judged. :embarassed:
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    I'm a middle of the night binge eater....well, maybe more like 10 pm...but you get the picture. I do GREAT the first month or two eating healthy and exercising, then I just I am hoping that you all will keep me going!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,252 Member
    Now that I'm in my 50s I have doubts about whether I can still lose the it too late? But I haven't given up.
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,187 Member
    My friends think that I am crazy to get up and hour early, every morning to exercise. BUT if I don't then I am not as relaxed and focused at work.
  • yolste07
    yolste07 Posts: 327 Member
    I know I need to lose weight and when I think about how much weight I have gained then i want to eat, then i get mad at myself. Laugh for today, I walk around last night holding my stomach because it was just plain heavy on my body. Hubby was slept so he did not see me doing this I looked really funny hold that weight but it also let me see how much extra stuff my body is carrying around. Have a great day
  • valcladdagh
    valcladdagh Posts: 210 Member
    I have lost and gained back the same 30 or so pounds several times over the last ten to fifteen years and I am worried that the same thing will happen again this time, but I hope my willpower will win over the urge to eat this time.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    I am embarrassed to be seen in public in my local area because I'm 70lbs heavier then I was 6 years ago.
    I hate bumping into people I know so I TRY to avoid them because I'm afraid when I was away, they'll talk crap about me and tell everyone how big I've gotten.
  • jl20whyd
    jl20whyd Posts: 79 Member
    I think I am a pretty honest person, and I don't really hide things so I had a hard time coming up with a truth. However, I have also hid stuff that I eat from people. I eat "normal portions" in front of everyone and go back for seconds in secret. I know that it is too much, but I have had very low will-power for a while, so I still eat it, but hide it. This is a habit that has gone back years now, not just when I was overeating. So it will be hard to break, but I think with a group like this I will get the support I need to break it.
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    Everything people posted is soooo true. Weight lose is a frustrating journey. I lose weight then have to do it again. In the past it has always been gained during pregnancy. This year not so. I am scared that I won't be able to lose it and keep it off. I look at my mom, she has lost weight in the past, them gained it back so many times. A couple of years ago she just gave up. I don't want to be that way. I want to lose the weight and keep it off. Sometimes I think my fears are what prevents me from being successful. If I don't really try then when I fail I can blame my lack of effort, not my inability to truly lose weight.
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    I buy special food for me- usually healthier snacks that make me feel bad & I hide them so none of my family can find and eat them LOL

    I dont share my food very well- you know those animal shows where they test the dog for aggressive behaviour with food- & he growls and bites the hand- THATS ME lol now dont get me wrong i am a mom of 3 & give up my plate ALL the time but seriously there are times i just want to hold my food and become like golum "my precious, my precious "
  • asusundevils22
    asusundevils22 Posts: 11 Member
    I am addicted to chocolate. I haven't had it for 2 days and think about it way more than I should!

    I also found out last night that I really like Zumba!
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    I always do good with my eating during the week days. But I have a hard time with the weekends when my husband is home.
    So any weight that I lose during the weigh I tend to put back on because of the weekend. So I'm always up and down the same couple of pounds.
    This is the one area I need the most help with. So I'm right were I started last year at this time.
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    I am normally a happy person and today I am so angry at one of my sons I could just strangle him. He is almost 16 and making mistakes that can affect his whole life if he doesn't turn it around. Just grrrr!
  • nresides
    nresides Posts: 15 Member
    I here voices, they are especially loud now that I am trying to get healthy, but it's only food wise, you girls and work girls and the hubby have been very great and supportive thank you!