December Check In and Chat Thread



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Today! I seriously wish there were more women in the weight room, I never see any other ladies lifting! And if they are, they are doing the 10 lb dumbells.

    Me too! I wish some of you lived closer to me and we could meet once a week at a nearby gym. It would be nice to have another girl in there sometimes. Sometimes I STARE at other ladies in there with their little weights and think "NOOOO COME HERE AND ASK ME HOW YOU CAN DO BARBELL WORK, I WANT A BUDDY!!!"

    I actually almost ran over to a girl doing dips the other day on the assistance machine to strike up a conversation but she left before I was done with what I was doing (because I see even fewer girls do dips and chins than I see in the weight room).
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Oh yes Darwin!! I feel seriously high when I get to lift weights!! The in between days are a bit of a let down. Today I used my 25 lb weights for the first time!! I'm so excited!!

    Squat 65 lb Clean and press (I believe that is the correct term)from the floor so I can't do more yet.)
    OHP 65
    DL 100lb!!

    Yesterday was a non lifting day and I was feeling quite lazy so I didn't do anything physical during the day and I also ate closer to what MFP tells me to eat. Only 55 calories over net. I went for a run in the evening. Today I felt ...well a little weak. I had 24 almonds before my early morning workout (I usually only have 12). I got to the OHP and on the second set I could only do 4 reps. So during my 5 min break I scurried upstairs and had some cottage cheese. When I came back down I felt much better and was able to finish all of my reps and sets. The moral of the story is that Tomeko is right. My lifting suffers too if I don't eat enough.
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    Big night last night -

    Squat - 110
    OHP - stalled at 65 so deadloading next week
    DL - 150 - a little more than my bodyweight!!!!!!

    I can't believe how strong I feel. I know I can squat more as the 5 sets aren't easy, but I know I can go up the 5 lbs next session. The DL was hard, but I did it!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Today! I seriously wish there were more women in the weight room, I never see any other ladies lifting! And if they are, they are doing the 10 lb dumbells. But today I got to use the 25 lb plates for my squat!!! I felt so awesome doing that!!! I love weights....seriously love them! Anyone else feel exhilarated doing this?

    5x5 squat - 95#
    5x5 rows - 65#
    1x5 dl - 115#

    We are in the same next of the woods on a bunch of our lifts... I did the 25 lb plates for my squat for the first time today too! Was definitely looking forward to it. *high five*

    I'm a little worried about my knee though... these past few squats my "bad" knee - meaning, when I carry two children up the stairs at the same time, it sometimes hurts for a few days - has been feeling strained.

    I feel very blah about the deadlifts. I love them and one set at full weight is just anti-climactic. I don't see why we don't just do one day squats, one day a full 5 deads.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Today! I seriously wish there were more women in the weight room, I never see any other ladies lifting! And if they are, they are doing the 10 lb dumbells. But today I got to use the 25 lb plates for my squat!!! I felt so awesome doing that!!! I love weights....seriously love them! Anyone else feel exhilarated doing this?

    5x5 squat - 95#
    5x5 rows - 65#
    1x5 dl - 115#

    Exhilirated! Sexy! Healthy! BADASS! YES YES YES! I'm totally with you :)
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Tameko, I'm the same way when I see girls doing wee weights at the rec center. I keep staring (not in a creepy way) at them, trying to use my Jedi mind powers to get them to look at me benching 75 pounds...all the way to my boobs, and not using 8 pound dumbbells.

    Oh, speaking of benching, a couple of weeks ago, one of the center's personal trainers was doing a group session. She took them though a bunch of different lifts in the free weights section, then had them partner up to go through the circuit. She stayed at a bench so the women could BP the bar. She was only having them lower the bar a few inches, and then go back up! I almost wrote a complaint to the personal trainer head--the trainer clearly has no idea!!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Today! I seriously wish there were more women in the weight room, I never see any other ladies lifting! And if they are, they are doing the 10 lb dumbells. But today I got to use the 25 lb plates for my squat!!! I felt so awesome doing that!!! I love weights....seriously love them! Anyone else feel exhilarated doing this?

    5x5 squat - 95#
    5x5 rows - 65#
    1x5 dl - 115#

    We are in the same next of the woods on a bunch of our lifts... I did the 25 lb plates for my squat for the first time today too! Was definitely looking forward to it. *high five*

    I'm a little worried about my knee though... these past few squats my "bad" knee - meaning, when I carry two children up the stairs at the same time, it sometimes hurts for a few days - has been feeling strained.

    I feel very blah about the deadlifts. I love them and one set at full weight is just anti-climactic. I don't see why we don't just do one day squats, one day a full 5 deads.

    I'm a dork, or overachiever, so yeah both...but I was reading Mendhi's whole thing on deadlifts, and he was saying that if you do the full 5x5 that you plateau sooner, so to avoid that, that's why we do the one rather than the five. That made sense after I read that, cause I could totally see that happening.

    It's nice that someone is in the same boat as me with the 25 lb plates, it was so awesome!! I really felt like giggling like a girl and wish I had another one there to be girly about weights with!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Tameko, I'm the same way when I see girls doing wee weights at the rec center. I keep staring (not in a creepy way) at them, trying to use my Jedi mind powers to get them to look at me benching 75 pounds...all the way to my boobs, and not using 8 pound dumbbells.

    Oh, speaking of benching, a couple of weeks ago, one of the center's personal trainers was doing a group session. She took them though a bunch of different lifts in the free weights section, then had them partner up to go through the circuit. She stayed at a bench so the women could BP the bar. She was only having them lower the bar a few inches, and then go back up! I almost wrote a complaint to the personal trainer head--the trainer clearly has no idea!!

    Oh man that is SO depressing, why wouldn't she want them to use a full range of motion? That's just ridiculous and sad.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Ugh. I reloaded on squats today to 95 lbs. my quads were still so sore from the other day. I did, however bench 80 lbs.

    I think I'm going to watch Rip's video in the hip thrust and stay at 95 for a week or two.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Second time through workout A

    Squat 35lbs (up 5 on last time)
    Bench 25lbs (had to deload from 30 to 20 after 2 sets last time)
    Row 35lbs (too light)

    Squats - so much easier when you push your knees out and engage the inner thighs!! :D
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    So I just had my final workout of week 4 and still loving it! Here are my week 4 stats:

    Squat 5x5 @ 100#
    BP 5x5 @ 51#
    Row 5x5 @ 85#
    OHP 5,5,5,4,4 @ 48#
    DL 1x5 @ 125#

    The 100# squat this morning was a big deal for me.....I think that I had some mental roadblock telling me that something would change at 100 and that I wouldn't be able to do it. I tossed around the idea of only going up a couple of pounds.....of doing 1 lb increments from 95 up and on and on. Finally this morning I said NO! 5lbs it is! FAIL BABY FAIL! But I didn't fail! I did it!!!!! YAY ME :) Big moment in terms of my frame of mind, that's for sure :)

    Happy Saturday all!
  • _danjo_
    _danjo_ Posts: 134 Member
    Hi all! I haven't been to the gym since last Thursday but it was a great workout.

    While I was there I met a very friendly and helpful older gentleman--he gave me some pointers on my form (head UP on Pendlay rows) and was super nice about it, saying he hoped he didn't come off as pushy. I said NO! I need all the help I can get!! I have a feeling I'll see him there again.

    And, some good news and some bad news. Good news is there is a set of fractional plates (1.25#) which I had not seen before!
    Bad news is that I discovered them as I was taking them OFF of the bar which I thought I had loaded to 100# for squats, so it was really only 97.5#. Boo. But I know they'll come in handy later, especially on those OHPs.

    So, my stats for now are:

    Squat 5x5 @ 97.5#
    Bench 5x5 @ 70#
    Row 5x5 @ 80#
    OHP 5x5 @ 65#
    DL 1x5 @ 145# (my bodyweight!!)

    Also I've been doing Calf Raises 4x25 with a 10# weight in each hand. I really need better calf strength to protect my shins while running. And I went for a quick (2.3 mile) run on Friday and felt GREAT---NO PAIN ANYWHERE!!!! Which, of course, I attribute solely to SL! :bigsmile:

    I've been feeling pretty drug out the last couple of days and tomorrow of course is a wash, so I'm back at it on Wednesday.

    Hope everyone has a good xmas!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    MERRY XMAS ladies!!! Bring on 2013!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Merry Christmas Ladies!

    The best thing about having a home gym? The fact that you can still get a workout in when everything else is closed!

    Santa is buying me a power rack :) I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Merry Christmas Ladies!

    The best thing about having a home gym? The fact that you can still get a workout in when everything else is closed!

    Santa is buying me a power rack :) I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!

    I'm so excited for you!! Let us know what kind of rack you get!! I hope we can get one soon too!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Merry Christmas Ladies!

    The best thing about having a home gym? The fact that you can still get a workout in when everything else is closed!

    Santa is buying me a power rack :) I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!

    I LOVE my home gym. Thats very cool about the Power Rack! Congrats.

    Anyway, I've been doing a deload week every 4 weeks. Basically I still workout but with no schedule so it gives me the opportunity to try different things. This morning I did a 100 rep workout. Basically you drop the weight 50%, do as many reps as you can, 30 second rest, then repeat until you get to 100 reps, then next lift. It is killer! I was literally exhausted when I was done.

    Merry Christmas ladies!
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone! :o) Hope you all had an amazing day! <3
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Merry Christmas Ladies!

    The best thing about having a home gym? The fact that you can still get a workout in when everything else is closed!

    Santa is buying me a power rack :) I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!

    I LOVE my home gym. Thats very cool about the Power Rack! Congrats.

    Anyway, I've been doing a deload week every 4 weeks. Basically I still workout but with no schedule so it gives me the opportunity to try different things. This morning I did a 100 rep workout. Basically you drop the weight 50%, do as many reps as you can, 30 second rest, then repeat until you get to 100 reps, then next lift. It is killer! I was literally exhausted when I was done.

    Merry Christmas ladies!

    This 100 rep workout sounds cool! Did you follow the same exercises as SL or is it different?
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Merry Christmas Ladies!

    The best thing about having a home gym? The fact that you can still get a workout in when everything else is closed!

    Santa is buying me a power rack :) I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!

    I'm so excited for you!! Let us know what kind of rack you get!! I hope we can get one soon too!

    Thanks! I'm pretty sure the brand name is Northern's pretty basic but it's full cage and I believe has a pull up bar EEK!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    This 100 rep workout sounds cool! Did you follow the same exercises as SL or is it different?

    I did an upper body version on Sunday and Legs yesterday. On Sunday I just picked an exercise for each upper body muscle group e.g. Chest-Bench Press, Triceps-Skullcrushers, etc. Yesterday's workout was brutal with Legs - Barbell Squats, Romanian Deadlifts w/step, Alternating Lunges w/Kettlebells, and finished it up with Barbell Calf Raises. It's fun to switch things up once in a while. :)