Thursday - Truth



  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I have no will power what so ever. I am gluten free because of health issues, but if it looks good and I want it I'll eat it. I am sabotaging my own health for the simple pleasure of a cookie here and there.
  • Monicapierce
    Monicapierce Posts: 126 Member
    Before trying to better my health, I would regularly (like everyday) binge eat. When my husband asked where all the donuts went or the cookies I would always say something like, "The kids got into them", or "We shared them", or "I had people over that shared them with me". What a fatty move of me!!! I was embarrassed that I put it all down myself, so lied about it..... Stupid lies, but they still made me cringe everytime they came out of my mouth. Eventually I would end up telling him though cause it would eat me alive! Another thing, when nobody is looking I used to always go for seconds on cupcakes or whatever the dessert was....
  • zoeysmom08
    zoeysmom08 Posts: 117 Member
    I have become somewhat of a social recluse since I have gained some of my weight back. I dislike going anywhere in public anymore :(
  • I am trying to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time. I have quit a couple times before, so I know I can do it cold turkey. But, I must admit, trying to stop smoking and not pig out at the same time is really making me struggle this time around. However, I am doing better with the eating part. I am watching what I eat, and record everything on here. Just think happy thoughts for me while I try to stop the other habit! I am finding that doing both really makes me a moody momma and wife!!! LOL
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    I sometimes secretly snack, or hide snacks so i can eat them later when no one is around..
  • scpeach04
    scpeach04 Posts: 32 Member
    I started Zumba in December and also love it! I haven't been in a while with the holiday and last night I had a migraine - so no class for me. I am so excited to get back tonight! It's a great burn too! Good for you!
  • scpeach04
    scpeach04 Posts: 32 Member
    My truth...

    1. I'm completely obscessed with the number on the scale. I haven't weighed in since before Christmas and it's killing me.

    2. I need to overhaul my life in many ways this year, not just in terms of healthIf I don't get organized and start pulling my weight I am afraid my relationship will suffer.
  • kelcity
    kelcity Posts: 27 Member
    I can identify with what many of you are saying, especially hiding snacks so people don't see me eating things I know I shouldn't be eating. I guess my biggest truth is that I act like a full blown diva who loves her body. In reality, I am ashamed of my weight and find myself getting jealous of my thin friends who seemingly do not put any effort into maintaining their figures.
  • I love sweets so somedays the anxiety attack me and Eat a kiss oen two or three no more like that lol =) I feel like alcoholic person each day is a race and in the end of the day I feel like a champion. Pray to my lord Jesus and say thanks for another day... =):flowerforyou:
  • meredithfp
    meredithfp Posts: 104 Member
    I haven't been diagnosed or anything, but I'm worried that my weight is causing sleep apnea. Diabetes also runs in my family and I'm kinda afraid to get my numbers run. Hoping to lose a few before getting those things checked out.
  • Cocooma
    Cocooma Posts: 13
    Same here! I can get along fine in the world at this weight. But, weeks after this attitude I find that I can't even get out of bed without using my arms to brace me. The way I'm looking at it - I (we) have a year to change this attitude and change our lives.
  • My truths.......

    1. I love working out and the way it makes me feel but seem to fall off the wagon more times than I would like to count. Here's to 2013 and staying on.
    2.. I'm also obsessed with the number on the scale, and I'm trying so hard not to focus only on that number.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Now that I'm in my 50s I have doubts about whether I can still lose the it too late? But I haven't given up.

    Have faith! It is not easy but you can lose it. I weight 306 on1/4/2004. I have been up and down but I just refuse to give up.
  • sarahbethrn18
    sarahbethrn18 Posts: 127 Member
    Truth:I don't know if I will ever be happy with my body. I am still totally disgusted with myself, even though I've come pretty far. I will be trying to improve my self esteem this year, and work on loving myself a little more.
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I am scared half to death that I will wake up one morning and all the weight I have lost will be right back on. I play with my loose rings all the time to reassure me. I am also scared that once I am at goal weight, I won't be able to maintain and i will regain all of my weight.
  • Michy737
    Michy737 Posts: 25 Member
    I am a very lazy person. I have been known to sit on my couch watching TV in my PJs all day long. This causes me to both not get any activity and then sit and eat out of boredom or habit. Even things that I consider to be fun I don't always feel like getting up and doing. This has been a struggle for a while, and I can slowly see myself coming out of it, but it also still is a temptation daily.

    Today I am almost done with the third load of laundry and I played 20 minutes of DDR (great cardio!). Not everything I need to get done, but it is a start! :-)
  • I'm an emotional eater. Food makes me feel better when things are not going just the way I need them to. For the last 6 months I have been continuously working on how to control this and different ways to deal with my stress. I am not saying I haven't relapsed but I am more conscious about it now than I ever have been and I will continue to grow and learn!! :)
  • I had lost 80lbs only to gain most of it back after getting pregnant with my 1st child......I was so healthy and happy before and I desperately want to get back to that again :) I know we can do it!!
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 218 Member
    i HATE HATE HATE!!!!!!!! the way i look right now
  • edgardy160
    edgardy160 Posts: 11 Member
    My only sweet cravings are butterfingers and brownies. All the other cravings i get is for fatty foods. Those cravings will subside when the habit of healthy eating has set! :-)