Sunday - Sharing



  • uniquesarah
    uniquesarah Posts: 79 Member
    Hi everyone im sarah im 34 from england i am engaged to my soulmate we have been together five years in march. I am 208 pounds and want to get down to 140 pounds i was skinny when i was a teenager then went to high school and have been overweight ever since but as im 5ft 4 i want to have a weight thats healthy for my height.
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    I'm Tanya aka mdcjmom I am 32 I am a mom of 4 and both my sons are autistic. just about 3 monthes ago I broke my hip and my knee in a freak accisent but I am mobile not and moving. I love assisting in this challenge and also run one of my own! Oh and its almost my birthday! I am married to ovrsped my best friend....hmmmm
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    Hi! I'm Michelle. I am 300+ days on MFP... I just reset my ticker and all my goals. I am 5' 3" (almost). I am a food addict that is trying to change...

    I am 36 years old, married to my husband for 19 years. We have 2 boys, ages 11 and 6. The 1 yo has high-functioning autism, and the 6 yo was just diagnosed with ADHD. I am in the middle of my 12th year teaching students with special 6th year at the current school.

    I am a woman of Faith.

    Take care!

  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hi, I am Debbie I will be 58 on Valentines day. I have been married for 39 years next Friday. I work outside at an auto auction. I get plenty of walking but not much other exercise.
    I have a very bad body self image and have trouble sticking to my plans for any extended time. It is like I am afraid to finally succeed. The weight loss you see on my tracker has been since 1/2004. I was 306
    then lost to 215 regained to 246 and I am on the decline again. I want off this roller coaster of self destruction. My family is great but I have no weight loss support here. I depend on my MFP family to get me thru.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    Hi, I am Debbie I will be 58 on Valentines day. I have been married for 39 years next Friday. I work outside at an auto auction. I get plenty of walking but not much other exercise.
    I have a very bad body self image and have trouble sticking to my plans for any extended time. It is like I am afraid to finally succeed. The weight loss you see on my tracker has been since 1/2004. I was 306
    then lost to 215 regained to 246 and I am on the decline again. I want off this roller coaster of self destruction. My family is great but I have no weight loss support here. I depend on my MFP family to get me thru.

    I believe that the key is: "Don't give up" You are worth all the effort for as long as it takes
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    My name is Nancy and I'm 59, Been married to my sweetheart for 40 yrs.
    Lost my job almost 4 yrs ago to oversea (China) after 31yrs. Now that I'm home all the time I'm finding it much harder to lose the weight. Not as active as I was when I was working.
    Plus being older makes it harder also.....
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    Hello all -
    My name is Heather

    I am a sahm with 3 girls 10 yr 2 yrs & 1 yr

    i was a stone throw away from my goal weight doing weight watchers when i got pregnant with # 2 & then # 3

    & essentially had to start all over again.

    only now i am 38-

    but I know that we can do this!!
  • Hello everyone, I am Jen and I am a SAHM of a 14mo old! I love being a mom! I am here because I need to lose that baby weight and then some.....before I got pregnant I had lost 80lbs and I am looking to get back there. I look forward to all the friends and support I will get from MFP! Feel free to friend me and we can support each other :)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hi, I am Debbie I will be 58 on Valentines day. I have been married for 39 years next Friday. I work outside at an auto auction. I get plenty of walking but not much other exercise.
    I have a very bad body self image and have trouble sticking to my plans for any extended time. It is like I am afraid to finally succeed. The weight loss you see on my tracker has been since 1/2004. I was 306
    then lost to 215 regained to 246 and I am on the decline again. I want off this roller coaster of self destruction. My family is great but I have no weight loss support here. I depend on my MFP family to get me thru.

    I believe that the key is: "Don't give up" You are worth all the effort for as long as it takes

    I just keep getting back on the wagon. Someday I will make it.
  • asusundevils22
    asusundevils22 Posts: 11 Member
    I am Brittany. I am a recovering chocolaholic! I am 5'6". I am a 5th grade teacher and LOVE what I do. I have been married for almost 10 years and have a 7 year old and a 4 year old (love this job too). I had a problem with birth control when we got married and it caused me to gain weight. After each kid I gained some more and have had a hard time getting it off (insert chocolate problem). I have to wake up at 4:30 am to work out due to work, kids, homework, working at home, etc. It is difficult! I am here to lose weight to feel better about myself.
  • MarielenaC
    MarielenaC Posts: 94 Member
    My name is Mari, and I am a foodaholoic! Im 31 getting older and bigger :/ Not good! Truth is I;m fed up and starting to do this for me. I gained weight from my pregnancies and just never seemed able to get it off. But its time. Theyre getting older and I not only want to be around but want to be someone they admire and are proud of. wouldn't hurt if I can still keep my hubby's attention ;) lol
  • lisa2219
    lisa2219 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello! My name is Lisa, I am a 32 year old librarian from Southern California. I like many have struggled with my weight all of my adult life. In 2007 I joined WW and was able to lose about 70 lbs. The fact is I never really changed my eating habits some days I would eat within my points others I would have one large meal (bingey meal) not eat the rest of the day. I also exercised a lot sometimes more then once a day to keep losing or maintaining weight. Obviously these bad habits caught up with me and I started gaining again eventually gaining all my weight back. I have been trying on and off to get back on track. Earlier this year I lost 20+ lbs but found myself resorting to the same bad habits... eating like crap but working out for 3 hours a day to make up for it. Long story short I am starting again and trying to work on doing it healthy this time... and the emotional side of it all. Its going to be a struggle but I know I can do it.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    Im a 33 year old mother of three. I've been married to a wonderful man for 14 years. Up until May of 2012 I managed a large Convenience Store but decided management wasn't for me, and came home to be a Mom again. :) I now work part time at Arby's just for gas money. And am enjoying the time with my children, while they are still littlish. :)
  • hey everyone! I am a 25 yr old nurse that lives in Houston, Tx. I am single and have a cat named Jax. I have always had a low self esteem and my weight issues started about 10 years ago, but college and especially nursing school took its toll on me and i gained a bunch of weight due to crazy hours and stress. I hit my bottom when I weighed myself one day and saw I weighed 245. It was the worst realization even to think I was actually that big and only about 23-24 yrs old at that time. Currently I am 206 lbs and hope to be 130-140. Crazy hours and stress are still an issue with my job but I am sick and tired of feeling ashamed/upset about my image and am eager to lose these last approx. 78 lbs so I can finally start enjoying my 20s and move on with my life happier.
  • mrtobias50
    mrtobias50 Posts: 93 Member
    This is it. This week I will be 63. I am widowed and a retired school administrator. We were married for 32 years when he passed away in 2008. in 2010, I retired to focus on my health. I have been on and off diets since 1961. I was in the beginning of Weight Watchers (white bread, liver and canned tuna were required). I was on prescription amphetamines when it was legal. I can no longer count the number of times I have rejoined WW. I did Jenny Craig and other programs. I have been somewhat successful having lost 100 lbs but never have gotten to a healthy weight and stayed there. I began eating Vegan in Sept. 2011 and have stuck to it. I feel good and the weight is slowly coming off. Exercise is my challenge and I am committed. I have a wonderful grown daughter who will be 36 this year and many grand puppies and grand kittens. I hope that one day my daughter and her husband will make me a true grandmother!
  • rethadiet
    rethadiet Posts: 25 Member
    Where do I find the Scripture for the day?
  • rethadiet
    rethadiet Posts: 25 Member
    I could not look at myself in the mirror. Late last year, I realized that I was created in the image and likeness of God (not the excess). I found myself one day looking at myself in the mirror and accepting myself, overweight and all. That is when I knew my time has come. I am going to lose weight until I am back to weight I should be.
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 218 Member
    my name is michelle. i am 35 years old. i am 4'11" so all this weight looks bad on me. i have been married to my best friend for 11 years and we have 2 wonderful kids together. Shae is 11 and Kean is 8. my hubby works for himself so i actually get the joy of being a S.A.H.M,lol. we have a dog and 2 birds. oh and this past november my dad moved in with us :). my starting weight for this challenge was 193 and my goal weight for the challenge is 137 but overall my goal weight is 125ish,lol.
  • gavins1mimi
    gavins1mimi Posts: 15 Member
    My name is Cheryl. I am 58 yrs old, been married for 38 years to a wonderful man who just happens to be my dearest friend, have two absolutely fabulous daughters, and one extremely awesome grandson! I went back to school when my job moved to another city, and I am now just 2 semesters shy of having an RN degree! This year is going to be HUGE!
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I have a full house to feed. Hubby and I were alone for a month, but then plans changed. Both girls and their boyfriends are back in the house living with us. Due to finances both girls need to move back in with us temporarily. It's going to be interesting.

    Anyone else have children move back in? How did it go? How did you survive the whole thing? Any tips?