


  • ruthcriger
    ruthcriger Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I am new to MFP - recently lost 19.6 pounds on Medifast but am taking a break from that plan,and would like to maintain my loss ( or even better continue to lose) by eating lowcarb. I am not sure what amount of carbs will work for me, I need to do my research. I think this site will be helpful, I plan to use the tracker and I know that reading the posts will give me the daily support that I need.

    Ht 5'3"
    Start wt 189
    Goal wt 125
    Current wt 169.6

    I mainly walk for exercise
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Real Name: Steph
    Height: 5'3.5
    HW: 224
    CW: 172.2
    GW: 140
    Location: Prince George, BC
    Age: 25
    Sex: F
    I had my first child last year on December 30th.
    I've been married almost 2 years now.

    Diet Plan- Atkins

    For exercise I was weight lifting but got off track during a rough month. Now my daughter is napping less (leaving me less time) and I have to go back to work in a month and a half so I'll have to figure out a new routine.

    Strengths- I'm pretty good at tracking my food and being realistic. I also notice if I take a break (which I do once in awhile if I get sick or things get hectic in life), I don't go insane with cheating. I try to stay as good as possible.

    Weakness- Whiskey and diet coke. I don't lose as quickley when I indulge, but I have trouble saying no. I love the taste and it's my 'treat'.
  • pakalena
    pakalena Posts: 3 Member
    Real Name: Nichole
    Height: 5'10
    HW: 280
    CW: 176
    GW: I don't know, maybe 160
    Location: MN
    Age: 36

    I've become a pro at this way of eating, it's not going anywhere for me, but I need some good friends. :)
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Hi! I'm Bob and I'm a carb-aholic. Oh, I guess that's not the way we are supposed to start! :happy:

    No, really, I've just started this journey and need the help and support of friends. Recipes would be great too! I know a couple of people who have recently changed to this style of eating and are having great success.

    So here's my stats:

    Real Name: Bob
    Height: 6'
    HW: 376
    CW: 275
    GW: I don't know, maybe 230
    Location: FL
    Age: 51
  • taraknits
    taraknits Posts: 29 Member
    Real Name: Tara
    Height : 5 ft 3"
    HW: 280
    CW: 246.2
    UGW: 135
    Age: 31
    Sex: Female
    Married: 7 years!
    No Children

    Plan: Atkins Induction and I am starting 5K training in January

    My Weakness is: lately, cookies!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend!! Would love low carb support :)
  • Malcah1
    Malcah1 Posts: 32 Member
    Real Name: Malcah
    Ht: 5'9"
    HW: 196? (Without being pregnant)
    GW: 160ish
    Age: 39
    Sex: F
    Married: 21 yrs.
    3 children; 19, 15, and 13
    Plan: LCHF, keeping carbs under 30. Exercise 4-5 a week
    My weakness: Bread
    My strength: strong willed

    Loss close to 25lbs 13 or so years ago after my last baby doing Atkins and Tae Bo. Recently came home to be full time homemaker and quickly, maybe 5 months, gains 20lbs!
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Hi, y'all!
    Real name: Nancy
    Ht: 5' 10"
    HW: 260
    CW: 195
    GW: 175-185 (getting close:bigsmile: )
    Age: 51
    Sex: F
    Location: rural Tennessee
    Married 30 years
    3children, all boys: ages 22, 19, 14
    Plan: low carb for life!
    My weakness: cheesecake!!:heart: , mello yello.
    My strength: sense of humor, positive attitude, counting carbs and finding great low carb recipes!
    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm on here everyday!
  • Hi Everyone! I'm looking for some new friends and support during my weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)

    Real Name: Aimee
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 298
    CW: 295.2
    GW: 140
    UGW: 130
    Location- Ohio
    Age: 39
    Sex: F
    No children

    Diet Plan-Low Carb (I'm not really following any certain plan, but I guess I'm steering more towards Atkins). I try to keep my Carbs at or under 20g a day.

    I started on 1/1/13. I haven't started exercising yet. I want to get the food part down first, then I will add exercise.

    History: I've probably followed just about every diet plan there is. I was successful with Weight Watchers about 9 years ago, losing 110 pounds but after a divorce I gained it all back within a year. It's been a struggle ever since then. I've done a lot of reading and eating lower carb makes the most sense to me.

    Strengths- I love creating new recipes when I have time. I have a good sense of humor and love to make people laugh. :)

    Super weakness
    Ice cream and baked goods. If you add chocolate to either of those, I want it even more (so sad).
  • Hi everyone! I'm a newbi too. Looking forward to getting to know all of you, and hope I can be supportive.

    Real Name: Sandi
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 180
    CW: 150
    GW: 135
    UGW: size 6 and fit would be awesome. I've never been a size 6. lol even as a teen, what does that tell you about the sizes in this country (USA).
    Location: Maryland USA -- Just moved back from Florida!
    Separated in August, 2012. :brokenheart: :sad: :mad: :explode: it's complicated :laugh:

    My crisis has caused me to readdress my health, fitness and weight. I've had the creep going on since I was a teenager. At 14, I was 115 lbs. At 50, I was 180. I'm down to 150. I'm on Dr. Mercola's Nutritional Type -Protein diet, which is based partly on William Wolcott's book, The Metabolic Typing Diet. My user name is PaleoNewbi because it's similar and more people seem to be more familiar with the concept. A couple/few of years ago, I did the atkins diet for about 3 weeks. I found it to be too restrictive for me at that time in my life.

    The NT-Protein diet is a high protein, low carb, more fats diet, while eliminating white sugar and white flour, process foods, etc. I can eat eggs and raw diary (which is illegal to sell in my state!). I try to stay gluten free. I'm still in a state of transition, and am looking forward to getting to know all of you.

    Strength: organized, not feeling very strong yet, but I like the outdoors: motorcycles, scuba, kayak, hiking, bird watching, curious.
    Weakness: procrastination on starting a project, UGH. Can anyone relate?!

  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    ha I guess I never posted here! Always looking for more friends who are following a LC lifestyle. :)


    Real Name: Jay
    Height: 5'9''
    HW: 470
    CW: 247
    GW: 200
    UGW: Who knows!
    Location- Orlando, Florida
    Age: 27
    Sex: F
    No children
    Foreveralone ;)

    I have followed a low carb diet for over 2 years now. More specifically the ketogenic diet, which is kind of like taking phase 1 of Atkins and running with it - forever. I've had about 10 days in the last year that I have eaten more than 25g net carb. I eat high fat, with a split of 65/30/5 macros. 1200-1600 calories a day. Obviously, low carb has been very successful for me and I am huge proponent of it. I'd be happy to give advice and learn from others as well, feel free to add me!
  • Hi all

    Real Name: Eric
    Height: 5'8"
    HW: 218
    CW: 197
    GW: 178
    UGW: Using Army height/weight standard for my max weight, for my age and height, that is 181. Anything under that is great.
    Location: Seattle
    Age: 45
    Sex: M
    Kids: 1 daughter, 2 stepkids

    I started a low carb diet in June, 2012. I follow the recommendations of Gary Taubes with some Practical Paleo mixed in. I'm not particularly religious about it other than keeping my carbs minus fiber to 25g daily. I want my fat, protein, carbs to be roughly 50/40/10. This appears to work for me since I have lost 27 lbs this way. Then I gained 8 back over the holidays, even though I barely splurged at all. Lesson learned there. Mashed potatoes, fudge and stuffing are evil and I will pass by them in the future.

    Last year my weight had gone to 218, my cholesterol hit 290, my BP was 140/90, my fasting glucose was 135 and I could hardly run a mile. All this for a guy who, when I was in the Army from 18 to 30, was a consistent 160 lbs, could run 2 miles in 11:00 minutes and had a BP of 110/70 every day of my life. Over the years, clearly that changed and I suddenly discovered that I was a fat, unhealthy middle aged man. I tried a couple of times with Weight Watchers to fix it. I would lose 5-10 lbs and then fail radically because I was always hungry and unsatisfied.

    I finally read a bunch on a blog (http://www.instapundit.com/) about Gary Taubes and tracking tools like Livestrong and decided to try something new. Bought Gary's book, "Why We Get Fat", signed up on Livestrong and away I went. My wife joined me (at 5'6" and 160 she wanted to lose weight but wasn't unhealthy). She's now dropped 18 lbs herself and is nearly back to her high school weight and size. Left Livestrong a few days ago because I don't feel like being associated with Lance Armstrong :-(

    My goal is to be physically fit and healthy using Army standards. That amounts to the following as a minimum

    Weight: 181, or less
    Body Fat: 26% (preferably 18%)
    2 mile run: 19:23 or faster (currently at 18:00)
    2 minutes of pushups: 30
    2 minutes of situps: 32

    I figure if I meet those standards, I'm pretty healthy. Especially for a 45 year old desk jockey.
  • Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I had my 45 year old physical in late November, about 6 months in to the lifestyle change. Had gone low carb in June, and started running as well. Up to running daily, 2 miles on MWF and 1 mile fast run on TTh.

    So, here's the outcome of the first 6 months:

    Nov 2011: 283
    Nov 2012: 228

    Nov 2011: 24
    Nov 2012: 41

    Chol/HDL Ratio
    Nov 2011: 11.79
    Nov 2012: 5.6

    Nov 2011: 135
    Nov 2012: 107

    and as a plus, my doctor ordered a Hemoglobin A1C which came back at 5.6 .... I was probably diabetic last year and am now post diabetic! Yay! Also notice that my cholesterol #'s are moving in the right direction and I just about got to the safe range on risk of heart disease.

    My doc is pretty perplexed since I'm not eating the FDA recommended diet of 55% carbs that she pushed on me. But she told me to keep doing what I'm doing since it is obviously working.
  • Hello, great to find a low carb group! I know it works for me, so need to stop to listen to all the healthy talk about low calories, and low fat, and light products...


    Real Name: Saskia
    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 243
    CW: 231
    GW: 165
    UGW: 143
    Location- Holland( the Netherlands) bunschoten
    Age: 43
    Sex: F
    No children
    Not married- have a black lab.

    Diet Plan; Atkins, but around 35 grams of carb

    Try to add exercise into my daily habbits. Just bought a second hand elliptical trainer, and use Leslie sansone DVD's. My walks with my sweet black lab, I don't count as exercise, because we have the speed of a snail.. LOL

    Strengths- Love cooking, and baking.

    Super weakness- backing sweets, chocolate, chips, (fried) potatoes, ice cream. ( all the bad carbs..)

    Add me as friend if you like, we (I) can use the support!
  • rdcphone572
    rdcphone572 Posts: 75 Member
    Hello! I am in my 40s, just over 200 lbs, looking to get back to below that (170 which is what I weighed tops all of my 20s and 30s with no effort...sigh). I am new to this forum but not to low carb. Still looking for just the right carb level. I did really really low carbs 4 years ago and loss 42 lbs. Yea! Near goal weight that time but had strong cravings after 12 months of real effort and absolutely strict carbs. I found it too difficult at that carb level, fell off totally, and did not stop falling until I was back up 21 lbs. Yikes! I now do fairly low carb but not as strict and am going back down! Down more even though I wasn't really on plan from Nov 15 to Jan 1. It has been so much easier this time. I don't eat most white foods - flour, rice, bread, etc. I don't drink sugary drinks. I do eat fruits but mostly berries and an occasional apple. I enjoy fruit with low sugar yogurt for breakfast. When I eat fruit, I eat it before 7 pm which is my personal cut off time for anything particularly higher glycemic. Diabetes runs in my family and although I am not diabetic I do believe that I cannot handle a lot of sugar and carbs. I am mentally clearer and more energetic when I reduce the carbs. My blood pressure is lower and my other numbers improve without a lot of unbearable changes. My annual doctor visit is much more pleasant! LOL! I try to keep my carbs at 30% or less which is lower than the RDA of 45% so may not be for everyone. I do eat a good bit of nuts for snacks, I eat dark chocolate for a treat, I always eat breakfast (even it is just a boiled egg in the car on the way to work), and I allow myself 1 cheat day per month usually the first Saturday as an outing dinner. Cheat days are days when I can eat up to double my carb daily goal if I really want...usually I don't want it! how cool is that. An extreme cheat day is a kids meal at a fast food chain or a couple of thin crust pizza slices. I try not to eat any of that fast fried junk more than once in a quarter. I really don't miss it now that I have been back lower carb for 9 months. I have only had it twice in 9 months when traveling. Dark chocolate is my personal sweet treat and I try to get it at least 70% cocoa. I sometimes have sugar free dark chocolate jello pudding with sugar free cream on top. I watch my calories every day with my phone tracker but that is seldom if ever a problem on low carb. Calories were impossible for me to maintain when eating higher carbs. I was always hungry on higher carb foods and the cravings increased the more I ate. I walk for exercise. I just get up from my desk and walk around for 15 to 30 minutes a day. No special equipment and no particular location. I think more exercise would be better and have that as a goal for this year. I wish you joy on your journey and am hopeful you are blessed to reach your life goal weight on low carb or however you find that works for you.
  • rdcphone572
    rdcphone572 Posts: 75 Member
    please add me as a friend if the above fits you at all
  • zombiexmama13
    zombiexmama13 Posts: 5 Member
    Real Name: nell
    Height : 6'0
    HW: 375
    CW: 300
    GW:240(comfortable weight)
    UGW: 200 (feelin hot weight lol)
    Age: 28
    Sex: Female
    Married, 4 yrs august
    3 kids, 1 girls (4) and 2 boys (2yr old and7 months old)

    Diet Plan: since its still chilly im in doors doing 30 min of workout ( on top of chasing kids) 6 days a week, i want to be under 40 g of carbs a day annnd once the winter thaws then i will begin running... even though im no good at it lol

    My Weakness is: pizza, chocolate, and pasta
  • Denisejonel
    Denisejonel Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I am excited to find this group. I am continually looking for recipes and support. Low carb has always been good for my husband and I but I get so stumped on what to make. One prob is I don't like to eat birds so chicken is normally out for me but I don't mind using it to add it for his meal.

    Real Name: Denise
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 175
    CW: 174
    GW: 140
    UGW: 130
    Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    Age: 52
    Sex: F
    1 dau, 2 step-dau (all grown)
    2 Doberman (Bonnie and Penny)
    1 Cat (Jupiter)

    Diet Plan; try to stay as low carb as I can. And to add exercise. I just started walking and trying to begin the C25K. Only been a week so struggling but plugging along!

    Strengths- I like to cook. And I don't mind being hungry...I don't get crabby and work better when I'm not full. (I'm an office manager/confidential at an elementary school)

    Weakness- Hershey bars, licorice and any gummy candy...I tend to be an evening eater and need to learn to spread my food out....And exercise. I really struggle to be motivated .

    Add me as friend if you like!
  • Real Name: Melanie
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 238
    CW: 195
    GW: 150ish
    Location- Connecticut
    Age: 47
    Sex: F
    Married with 3 sons
    Profession: Full-time mom

    MANY years ago (pre-kids) I lost 50 pounds on low carb. I kept it off until I became pregnant with son #1. I gained 60 pounds. After birth, I went back to low carb and lost 50 pounds again, only to regain 60 more with the next pregnancy. After the birth of my twins (about to be 8) I have found it hard to stick with a plan, any plan. For the past year or so I have been low carbing and have lost 28 pounds. I have not been consistent, not for any other reason than my lack of conviction. I came back to MFP to track and to become active in a community so I can keep myself moving in the right direction.

    Diet Plan-Atkins. I aim for 20g a day but some days I go a little higher.
  • candicehusum
    candicehusum Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I wondering if anyone can help me. I wanting to change my nutritional goals to accommodate a high protein diet. I'm a 145lbs female who works out 60 min a day, 4-5 days a week. Can anyone help?
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Real Name: Brittany
    Height: 5' 3"
    HW: 176
    CW: 155
    GW: 139
    UGW: 135
    Location- Western Maryland
    Age: 26
    Sex: F
    Trying for children after I'm married
    Engaged- Getting married in September.

    Diet Plan- Stayin right around 50 carbs and working out when I can.

    Strengths- Well, I have Celiac Disease - So i consider it a strength to avoid all things i shouldn't eat (because it's hard!!)

    Super weakness
    chocolate, chips