


  • My name is Jacci and I'm new to MFP. I've been married almost 15 years and we have 5 boys ranging in age from 20-12. I am considered morbidly obese. My goal is 180 pounds, this means I have 170 pounds to lose. I work full time so between work and home, I don't eat right. And I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper. But I'm making small changes to my diet and activity...I deserve to feel better. Our oldest son is getting married and all be damned if I will look like a whale on my sons' wedding day!
  • ms_bri
    ms_bri Posts: 3
    My name is Bri. I joined today and I am so ready for this. I weigh 188 pounds and I want to get to at least 120 pounds. I am like so many of you. I drink a Mountain Dew to jump start my morning. I am going to have to quit because I just added it to my breakfast and almost had heart failure on the spot. I have three children ranging from 3 to 17. I have been married for over 8 years and I am looking to create more healthy meals for my family. They don't have a choice really because I do the cooking. I have a medical issue with exercise as it can be very painful when I do it and I just can't afford it either.
  • My name is Angela. I am the mother of two children 8 and 21 I work full-time sitting all day which is not ideal for me. Since I have started this job a year ago I have gained about 68 lbs. I am new to my fitness I said enough is enough. I want to feel good, look good and be around for my children. My doctor actually told me about this. My current weight is 217 lbs and my ideal weight is 138lbs.
  • Hi All

    I am 34, 5ft 9 and weigh 16st 6lbs (weighed on Monday), I have three children and think I need to shift the weight gained over the years. I would like to get to 11st 7 lbs and maintain that weight x good luck to everyone else with their journeys x
  • Bunniculette
    Bunniculette Posts: 71 Member
    Hello0o0o! Mom of two boys under 5 looking to lose at least 60 pounds. Had great success before baby #1 having lost 60 pounds but can't seem to get my groove back after two kids. Hoping to make some friends in the same boat!!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Hey, I'm Terry. Come over and see my page...add me if you'd like. You can never have too many friends on this quest. :happy:
  • Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is a great cardio workout for 30 minutes a day. And you can do it at home!!!
  • NoleenD
    NoleenD Posts: 38
    Hi I'm Noleen. Working mum with 2 boys 5 and 2 years old. I work full time in the days and my hubby works evening shifts so not a lot of time to focus on exercise, but I am determined to lose 14lbs!!! Would love to have some support so feel free to add me anyone! :-)
  • stephaniemancia
    stephaniemancia Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I'm Stephanie. I'm 28, married, stay at home mother of 2 (2 & 1). I need to lose 60 lbs. looking for any tips or motivation. I'm new to weightloss in general. Any information is extremely appreciated!!

    I need to lose this weight soo soo bad not because my 10 year wedding anniversary is coming up but because my health is starting to blow!! ANY recommendations, dos or donts you may have would be great! I have no idea where to start but I NEED this! I need someone who's been here and can help someone like me who's seen so much info but not sure which is best for a super beginner! I also lack confidence in myself and need some pushers out there to help keep me at it!!!

  • TammyFig75
    TammyFig75 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to MFP and this group. Just started on my New Years resolution today. I have been up and down so many times over the past 9 years - I am ready to do it for good this year. I am hoping this website, the phone app and joining some groups will help to get me to my goal. I am a 37 year old working mom with 2 children (7 year old girl and 9 year old boy), 4 pets and have been married for 12 years now. My hubby lost the weight about 4 years ago and I have been trying to catch up - just not succeeding. This year I think will be it - I am going to drop the weight for good!! I need some support though - so if anyone would like to friend me to keep me going - I am a great supporter as well - we can help each other!! Looking forward to being 56 pounds less by the end of the year!!
  • I currently weigh the same as you and my target weight is 150 for now. I am 8 weeks pregnant but need to get halthy for this pregnancy.
  • Hi ladies. I am mum to 2 beautiful kiddies. Oldest is nearly 9 and youngest is nearly 1. I am looking at losing 30-35kgs. I can't believe how much I let myself go. But new year, new me :)
  • jessicali37
    jessicali37 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello!! My name is Jessica. I'm a married mother of two. Looking for friends to keep me motivated, and push me along the journey to lose 25-30 lbs.
  • Hojworth
    Hojworth Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Chrissy. I am a 34 year old wife and mother of 2. I have been overweight my entire life. I had a hysterectomy 3 years ago and have gained 90 lbs. I have lost and gained and lost and gained a million times. I think I just got used to the idea of being so big and living with it. I have never been this big, so it has got to go. My biggest problem is: I hate vegetables and I love bread/carbs. I really wish I could eat veggies, but most of them actually gag me. Any advice? I will update my pic when I have one on this computer.
  • Hello!!

    I just joined MFP and saw your group!! I am hoping this will help me stay accountable! I am a proud mother of a 18 month old, but I have gained so much weight and just really want to work on being healthy and feeling good about my self again!!
  • Hi! My name is Michelle, I'm 26 and a married mom a 3 and 6 year old. I am a working mommy. Two years ago I lost 35lb and I have mannaged to keep it off but I've got anouther 30lb to go before I am at a heathy BMI. I need to get heathy so I can continue to take care of my kids.
  • RLyah
    RLyah Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Michelle and am a married mom of four (ages 5, 3, 2, and 8m). Looking for friends that will help keep me on this site and keep up with all that I need to do. I'm currently overweight and I want to get to my target weight of 135 so I can be healthy for my kids and fit into some old jeans. Anyone can Friend Me!
  • Jessm130
    Jessm130 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi guys my name is Jessica, i am a mom to a beautiful 3 yr old little girl. I am a full time hairstylist as well, finding time (and energy) to workout is kinda tough, i manage to get like 2 workouts a week plus a day or 2 full of errands/cleaning. I am 5'4 and currently 194. i gained 35lb when i had my daughter, lost most of it, but over the past 3 years put it all on again. now im working towards that 130-145 mark and feeling good again! anyone feel free to add me :smile:
  • aimeeernest
    aimeeernest Posts: 159 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new to MFP. I've had the app for a while but wasn't using it regularly. I found the website a week ago (didn't know it was more than an app) and I've been much more dedicated now with so much support! I love it! I've lost 2 lbs this past week, now with the help of the site! Just now I discovered groups and I'm hoping to get some buddies who have things in common with myself.

    I'm 24 years old, a mother in a serious relationship with the father (To be married soon enough). My son is 3 years old and I plan to try for another in a few years. Next time I plan to do better with my health and fitness! I gained 80lbs (YES, 80 POUNDS) with my first pregnancy. The weight didn't start to come off until after he turned 1 when I started being more conscious of my health... and I lost 60lbs of the 80 I gained. Shortly after my awesome success, i started working at a gas station with horrible snacks in my face all day.... and slowly but surely (without counting calories, weighing myself... and exercising less and less, mind you) gained another 40lbs back. So a week ago I was only 10-15lbs lighter than I was immediately postpartum. So, with a wake up call coming from the scale, I realized it was time to get back to eating better, exercising regularly, and not only losing weight but getting HEALTHY. I want to be healthy for my son. I want to look amazing for my wedding. I want to be in the best health possible for my next pregnancy. I want to be healthy for me, have more energy, and feel good about myself.

    Things I'm interested in are parenting/ being a mom (stay at home 5 days a week now, *yay*), I'm a little political, I am interested in organic gardening and eating foods close to nature (and away from chemicals and GMO's), philosophy, history, hiking, going to the gym (more as of recently), checking out forums (This one is saved to my tabs now!), art, crafting, watching old films, cooking awesome meals for my family, and I'm also going to school to be an elementary teacher.

    If it sounds like we'd get along, please feel free to add me as a friend! The more the merrier! :D
  • txsweetie82
    txsweetie82 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey yall!

    New to the group and well MFP too! I started my journey yesterday as a matter of fact. My first day on MFP, at the gym, tracking calorie intake and my first day of changing my lifestyle.

    I am a 30 yr old mom of 2 wonderful boys. I live in East Texas with my kiddos and my husband on our mini farm, lol. With work, sports, youth programs, kids etc. I always said I didn't have time but I hunkered down and found and made time. I work out from 7:30am - 8:30am with two ladies. We each have our own goals and our own reasons.

    My current weight as of weigh in yesterday is 261. I guess my ultimate goal weight would be 150.. However my first goal is to stay with it all and reach my 6 wk goal of workouts.

    I hope to meet lots of new people here.