3rd Trimester



  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Holy Crap I'm in the 3rd trimester now! :)

    Nerdygirl-sounds like you're going to have a big girl! hopefully the ultrasound is a bit off ;)
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    When I was 32 weeks they were telling me Brock was 5.3 pounds and my next growth scan is on 1/23. I've heard ultrasound measurements can be WAY off so I wouldn't get too worried! I hope everything turns out well for you :-)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    speaking of ultrasound measurments being off....my friend was told she was having a 10.5lb boy....she then delivered 2 5.5lb girls :noway:
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    speaking of ultrasound measurments being off....my friend was told she was having a 10.5lb boy....she then delivered 2 5.5lb girls :noway:

  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    speaking of ultrasound measurments being off....my friend was told she was having a 10.5lb boy....she then delivered 2 5.5lb girls :noway:

    How did they miss that on the ultrasound?!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    speaking of ultrasound measurments being off....my friend was told she was having a 10.5lb boy....she then delivered 2 5.5lb girls :noway:

    Holy crapzilla batman!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    speaking of ultrasound measurments being off....my friend was told she was having a 10.5lb boy....she then delivered 2 5.5lb girls :noway:

    Holy crapzilla batman!

    this was also 30 years ago, so I'm thinking ultrasounds weren't quite so good back then ;)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    speaking of ultrasound measurments being off....my friend was told she was having a 10.5lb boy....she then delivered 2 5.5lb girls :noway:

    Holy crapzilla batman!

    this was also 30 years ago, so I'm thinking ultrasounds weren't quite so good back then ;)

    I just had a horrible vision of being in the birth room and hearing "Ooh.. here's #2!"
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hey ladies, I have a moment to post my birth story! Our little boy was born Sunday night. At 7lb 6oz and 20.5in long. I started having dull cramps Saturday night, I brushed it off and was able to sleep throughout them. Woke up 730 and they were tolerable but painful, I knew this was the real thing. They were coming every 5 mins or so. I timed them for 3 hrs and saw they were getting stronger and closer together so I called the hospital. They told me to come in for monitoring them for 30 mins. So I went in and just my luck they became very mild and the monitor wasn't picking them up. I was dilated at a 3-4 She sent me home cause i was dilated at 3 for about 2wks. As soon as I left the hospital they were super strong. I got home and I could barely walk, layed down for 10-15min and then called the hospital telling them I was coming in again. I got there within an hour and was already an 8cm! She started freaking out cause I am gbs positive and needed 4hrs of antibiotics. Soo the fun part, they couldn't find my veins. It took them 45 mins to get IVs in. I was asking for through epidural the whole time. I needed to be on fluids for 30mins be4 they can give me the epidural. By the time I got the epidural I was fully dilated. But they gave it to me only beccause they needed me to be comfortable so I can keep the baby in for 4 hrs of antibiotics. Soo luckily my water never broke and I was able to keep him in. I also had to wait for the Dr another 45 min cause she was busy doing something else. Finally she came and broke my water and he was here within 40mins of pushing. (My first baby I pushed 3hr17min so I was thrilled for 40mins) lol it could have been a much faster time frame had I stayed at the hospital and never gone home, but in the end, everything went smoothly and we came home just 21hrs later. :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Hey ladies, I have a moment to post my birth story! Our little boy was born Sunday night. At 7lb 6oz and 20.5in long. I started having dull cramps Saturday night, I brushed it off and was able to sleep throughout them. Woke up 730 and they were tolerable but painful, I knew this was the real thing. They were coming every 5 mins or so. I timed them for 3 hrs and saw they were getting stronger and closer together so I called the hospital. They told me to come in for monitoring them for 30 mins. So I went in and just my luck they became very mild and the monitor wasn't picking them up. I was dilated at a 3-4 She sent me home cause i was dilated at 3 for about 2wks. As soon as I left the hospital they were super strong. I got home and I could barely walk, layed down for 10-15min and then called the hospital telling them I was coming in again. I got there within an hour and was already an 8cm! She started freaking out cause I am gbs positive and needed 4hrs of antibiotics. Soo the fun part, they couldn't find my veins. It took them 45 mins to get IVs in. I was asking for through epidural the whole time. I needed to be on fluids for 30mins be4 they can give me the epidural. By the time I got the epidural I was fully dilated. But they gave it to me only beccause they needed me to be comfortable so I can keep the baby in for 4 hrs of antibiotics. Soo luckily my water never broke and I was able to keep him in. I also had to wait for the Dr another 45 min cause she was busy doing something else. Finally she came and broke my water and he was here within 40mins of pushing. (My first baby I pushed 3hr17min so I was thrilled for 40mins) lol it could have been a much faster time frame had I stayed at the hospital and never gone home, but in the end, everything went smoothly and we came home just 21hrs later. :)

    Sounds like things went decently well!

    Thank you for taking the time to write up everything and congratulations on your baby! :)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Yay, I love hearing birth stories! Congrats on your little boy and enjoy him :) That's sooo fun!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I am so freaking huge. I'm gaining weight so quickly. At 35 weeks and I think I've gained 42lbs. At last Friday's ultrasound they discovered Persephone is already 8.6lbs. The weird thing is my cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose and everything are as they should be. ALSO, I'm nursing a toddler 3-5 times a day. The calories should be melting off. hrmmmmmmmmmm
    At 37 weeks, by my midwife's scale I've only gained 33 lbs, but based on the weight I know I was at the very beginning and not at my first appt (12 weeks) it's actually 42 lbs. And they have yet to give me a weight estimate for her, although I don't think I want to know other than to have it written somewhere so I can refer to it later to see how close they were once she's actually born lol. Your body may not be melting cals because it's storing it for the baby you're making. Once you give birth I would expect the cals to melt away!!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Ok so since weight gain has been mentioned I have a question. (and i'm afraid to ask the doc b/c he hasn't commented on my weight gain and I don't want him to lol) Do you all know if it's "ok" to mantain in the 3rd trimester? I have gained 34lbs at 27 weeks and would really like to try and mantain that rather than continue to gain. Since I have extra fat stores now is it ok for me just to mantain or is it important to gain/continue to eat more calories?
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Congratulations cocolo! What a perfect weight, funny about the contractions easing off, sounds like your body might have a bit of white coat syndrome going on! Pleased he arrived safe and sound, enjoy him!

    Emily Ranae - I reckon it's fine to eat maintenance amount of calories, as long as you're focussed on eating the good stuff! I'd be interested to hear if you manage to maintain or not. I have been eating sensibly recently, in the hope of maintaining, but still gaining pretty steadily!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Ok so since weight gain has been mentioned I have a question. (and i'm afraid to ask the doc b/c he hasn't commented on my weight gain and I don't want him to lol) Do you all know if it's "ok" to mantain in the 3rd trimester? I have gained 34lbs at 27 weeks and would really like to try and mantain that rather than continue to gain. Since I have extra fat stores now is it ok for me just to mantain or is it important to gain/continue to eat more calories?

    Baby puts on a good 1/2 lb per week alone, so I imagine it would be very difficult to maintain during third trimester. Just try to eat as well as you can and aim for 1/2 lb per week gain. That's only about 6 lbs total for the whole trimester, and that's very reasonable.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    What happened to these topics being pinned at the top of the list? Thought it got deleted on us!

    Very cool ultrasound today (36 weeks, 5 days)! Baby was practising "breathing", so got to see lungs and diaphragm moving. This is the latest ultrasound I have ever had, and got to see so much! Still a surprise for gender though!

    Finally starting to get a few Braxton HIcks contractions, so thinking I will be close to my due date. Can always hope for a little earlier, but won't be disappointed if I go longer. Hope all is going well with everyone!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Hey ladies, I have a moment to post my birth story! Our little boy was born Sunday night. At 7lb 6oz and 20.5in long. I started having dull cramps Saturday night, I brushed it off and was able to sleep throughout them. Woke up 730 and they were tolerable but painful, I knew this was the real thing. They were coming every 5 mins or so. I timed them for 3 hrs and saw they were getting stronger and closer together so I called the hospital. They told me to come in for monitoring them for 30 mins. So I went in and just my luck they became very mild and the monitor wasn't picking them up. I was dilated at a 3-4 She sent me home cause i was dilated at 3 for about 2wks. As soon as I left the hospital they were super strong. I got home and I could barely walk, layed down for 10-15min and then called the hospital telling them I was coming in again. I got there within an hour and was already an 8cm! She started freaking out cause I am gbs positive and needed 4hrs of antibiotics. Soo the fun part, they couldn't find my veins. It took them 45 mins to get IVs in. I was asking for through epidural the whole time. I needed to be on fluids for 30mins be4 they can give me the epidural. By the time I got the epidural I was fully dilated. But they gave it to me only beccause they needed me to be comfortable so I can keep the baby in for 4 hrs of antibiotics. Soo luckily my water never broke and I was able to keep him in. I also had to wait for the Dr another 45 min cause she was busy doing something else. Finally she came and broke my water and he was here within 40mins of pushing. (My first baby I pushed 3hr17min so I was thrilled for 40mins) lol it could have been a much faster time frame had I stayed at the hospital and never gone home, but in the end, everything went smoothly and we came home just 21hrs later. :)

    wow that's crazy. how did he stay in there for 4 more hours when u were fully dilated? I always thought once your completely open the baby would kinda start coming out on his own w the help of ur pushing. Glad you got your epidural yay for pushing less then an hour this time and u all went well . except the IV part.. They can never find a good vein on me and blew a few of them on my arm before finally finding one that didn't. I think the iv is the worst part of the entire labor for me. haha
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Well, I am finally there! 3rd trimester here I come!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hey ladies, I have a moment to post my birth story! Our little boy was born Sunday night. At 7lb 6oz and 20.5in long. I started having dull cramps Saturday night, I brushed it off and was able to sleep throughout them. Woke up 730 and they were tolerable but painful, I knew this was the real thing. They were coming every 5 mins or so. I timed them for 3 hrs and saw they were getting stronger and closer together so I called the hospital. They told me to come in for monitoring them for 30 mins. So I went in and just my luck they became very mild and the monitor wasn't picking them up. I was dilated at a 3-4 She sent me home cause i was dilated at 3 for about 2wks. As soon as I left the hospital they were super strong. I got home and I could barely walk, layed down for 10-15min and then called the hospital telling them I was coming in again. I got there within an hour and was already an 8cm! She started freaking out cause I am gbs positive and needed 4hrs of antibiotics. Soo the fun part, they couldn't find my veins. It took them 45 mins to get IVs in. I was asking for through epidural the whole time. I needed to be on fluids for 30mins be4 they can give me the epidural. By the time I got the epidural I was fully dilated. But they gave it to me only beccause they needed me to be comfortable so I can keep the baby in for 4 hrs of antibiotics. Soo luckily my water never broke and I was able to keep him in. I also had to wait for the Dr another 45 min cause she was busy doing something else. Finally she came and broke my water and he was here within 40mins of pushing. (My first baby I pushed 3hr17min so I was thrilled for 40mins) lol it could have been a much faster time frame had I stayed at the hospital and never gone home, but in the end, everything went smoothly and we came home just 21hrs later. :)

    wow that's crazy. how did he stay in there for 4 more hours when u were fully dilated? I always thought once your completely open the baby would kinda start coming out on his own w the help of ur pushing. Glad you got your epidural yay for pushing less then an hour this time and u all went well . except the IV part.. They can never find a good vein on me and blew a few of them on my arm before finally finding one that didn't. I think the iv is the worst part of the entire labor for me. haha

    i know! the nurses were surprised he stayed in so long! They said my waterbag is made of steel. LOL. He still was high up so I am guessing thats why I didnt feel the need to push. I'm sure if my waterbroke he would have descended on his own. He kept getting caught at the pelvic bone so maybe thats what kept him up there?? who knows, i'm just glad to be done and oddly enough, we still want 2 more kids! LOL
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    So this might get a little long. My birth story. Let me begin with my two due dates I was given. Dec 30 by my LMP and Jan 7th by the U/S. Made this pregnancy very confusing. I was convinced I'd have my baby in end of Dec or first week of Jan.. YUp didnt happen.. I felt like i was going to be pregnant forever. Although I had my mind set on avoiding induction at all cost unless medically necessary by my 40week (going by jan DD) appointment I asked to be induced..When I got home from the apt I started to regret it more and more each day. and kept praying &hoping the baby would come on her own.. I had false labor twice in the last week, contractions lasting for several hours getting stronger and closer and then stopping. It was devastating. lol
    Wednesday I got in w my chiropractor to try my last hope of going into labor on my own. He adjusted me which was very needed. and did some acupuncture. The same night the 16th I had to go to the hospital to start cervadil. When I got there after filling out all the papers and getting my painful iv in. The house doc did an u/s to make sure the baby was head down and checked to see how far I was dilated. Turned out I was already 3cm and 90% effaced last doc visit i was barely 1cm. So they couldn't do the cervadil. I had a choice to start pitocin in the morning @4 am or go home get some rest and come back the next day. Yup i chose to go home. Still convinced Id' go on my own over night. Yea it didn't happen..
    next day I got to the hospital around noon.. Had to wait several hours till finally IV's were in again after several attempts. And then at 2pm they started the pitocin.. At 4pm they broke my water. Which there was barely any. I felt no gush and the doc asked if my water had already broken because there was really none.. Not good.. I was 4cm when they broke my water.. Contractions got bad that hour and I asked for the epidural. So about 5ish it was in& givin the dosage, but i was still feeling the contractions only on my left side. Shivers began and would not stop. Got checked and was about 8cm already.. The baby's heart rate started to dip pretty low every contractions. They gave me some oxygen &started to pump more fluids in me. They couldn't pick up my contractions on the monitor so the doc was going to put in an internal monitor on the uterus. but when she went to do that she said i was fully dilated and it was time to push..
    They called the my doctor. It was a few mins after 6 and I started to push. Feeling every bit since the epidural didn't fully take effect. She was born w just a few pushes at 6:14pm.. No tearing, no stitches needed. I got to hold her whiled my husband cut the cord. Then they took her away. And had another doc come in to check on the baby. I was asking them to give her back to me but kept her away to examine her. And told me her cord was around her neck and she was too pale. Which didn't make sense since the babies are usually blue in that situation.. But she checked out great with nothing wrong and I finally got to hold my precious baby. Jessica weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was 20 inches tall. Her weight still doesn't' make sense to me considering I was over due w both of my due dates. But she is perfect. We got home the next day. Recovery has been great. I feel like I can go run a marathon. But i will enjoy this resting period before I jump in full force to shed the rest of the baby weight and more :)
    although my all "natural birth plan" didn't happen and I got the pitocin again and the epidural I wouldn't change it.4 hours of labor and a few pushes can't complain. I'm enjoying my baby girl every moment every minute.