Welcome! Say hello....



  • landslde
    landslde Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm Lauren and I'm 32 years old. I used to never struggle with my weight, but as I've gotten older my metabolism has slowed down and I've gotten into some bad eating habits as well. Despite being active (I play roller derby), I have managed to keep packing on the pounds. I would like to lose around 50 pounds total.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Lauren!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We have been doing a 3 Month Self Challenge, join us if you are interested. I believe it wraps up just before Valentine’s Day, which then I will start another. Check out the thread (3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 4) and if you care to join us just private message me and I will add you to our spreadsheet.

    I have also started a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.
    Good luck on your journey! Here is to a healthy new year! :drinker:

  • AskingTooMuch
    AskingTooMuch Posts: 50 Member
    Hello! I've been watching my weight my whole life, but haven't done much about it until i got too frustrated with it. Then I'd lose a bit, and go back to bad eating & drinking habits. I am about 10 pounds from my goal weight, and my main problem will be maintenance. I love to eat! I love healthy foods, but I'm also a sugar junkie who loves my wine and a few other drinks that are not 'diet' friendly. That's about it for the eating part! I'm very interested to learn about other people's journey, and how you all deal with life!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group AskingTooMuch!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We have been doing a 3 Month Self Challenge, join us if you are interested. I believe it wraps up just before Valentine’s Day, which then I will start another. Check out the thread (3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 4) and if you care to join us just private message me and I will add you to our spreadsheet.

    I have also started a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.
    Good luck on your journey! Here is to a healthy new year! :drinker:

  • Hello, my name is Cathy. I'm 35 and live in Frederick, MD with my husband and our fur babies. I miss the body I had on my Wedding day. My profile picture is to remind me of my goal and motivate me to keep trying. I swear if one more person asks if I am pregnant I am going to cuss them out! lol
  • Hawkeye_74
    Hawkeye_74 Posts: 205 Member
    Hello Cathy. On behalf of the group, WELCOME. There are several active members here that can assist with staying motivated and accomplishing your goals. There are recent challenges that help us all keep on track. Hope you can meet your goals. Send a request if you are looking to add to your friend/support list. Welcome.
  • Hey im Craig 36 from Nottingham in the UK and only been on here nearly a month now and im loving it. Last year i lost 210lbs in 45 weeks by eating healthy and exercise, im not on here to lose any more weight but to maintain now and take my exercise to the next level.

    So far this year ive been doing Insanity workout but had to stop as i was struggling to maintain my weight, it was just dropping off me, so ive gone back to a slightly modified weights and cardio based workouts and added some insanity and les mills workouts into the mix.

    Always looking for new friends to help motivate and motivate me back.


  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Cathy and Craig!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We have been doing a 3 Month Self Challenge, join us if you are interested. I believe it wraps up just before Valentine’s Day, which then I will start another. Check out the thread (3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 4) and if you care to join us just private message me and I will add you to our spreadsheet.

    I have also started a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.
    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy new year! :drinker:

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hey im Craig 36 from Nottingham in the UK and only been on here nearly a month now and im loving it. Last year i lost 210lbs in 45 weeks by eating healthy and exercise, im not on here to lose any more weight but to maintain now and take my exercise to the next level.

    So far this year ive been doing Insanity workout but had to stop as i was struggling to maintain my weight, it was just dropping off me, so ive gone back to a slightly modified weights and cardio based workouts and added some insanity and les mills workouts into the mix.

    Always looking for new friends to help motivate and motivate me back.


    I just re-read that you lost 210lb, that is amazing!! i cannot even fathom that. :noway: AWESOME dedication Craig!
  • Hey im Craig 36 from Nottingham in the UK and only been on here nearly a month now and im loving it. Last year i lost 210lbs in 45 weeks by eating healthy and exercise, im not on here to lose any more weight but to maintain now and take my exercise to the next level.

    So far this year ive been doing Insanity workout but had to stop as i was struggling to maintain my weight, it was just dropping off me, so ive gone back to a slightly modified weights and cardio based workouts and added some insanity and les mills workouts into the mix.

    Always looking for new friends to help motivate and motivate me back.


    I just re-read that you lost 210lb, that is amazing!! i cannot even fathom that. :noway: AWESOME dedication Craig!

    Yeah it went pretty quick once i started to be honest i just kept a good mental focus.This might sound crazy but i do actually struggle to keep my weight up now and theres no way i am losing anymore as i am at a healthy weight lol
  • Hi. My name is Shelly and I'm looking to make all kinds of friends on here to help support each other! I've been heavy all my life but after my divorce in Dec. 2010, I decided to do something about it. I had ballooned from 270 at age 22 to 440 at age 35. Since the divorce I've lost 140 pounds and am right at 300...looking forward to seeing the scale change to the 2's but it's being stubborn!!! Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all!!! Please add me as a friend and good luck!
  • KariAmbriz
    KariAmbriz Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am Kari. I have been trying to lose weight since 2009 (just after a c-section and tubal) but because of the hormonal imbalance it has been hard :cry:

    Hopefully this will be the year I do :wink:

    I currently live in Sin City....The Land of Excess...Hopefully that doesn't interfere with my success!

    BTW I am 30, married with 10 kids total (only two at home)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Shelly and Kari!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We have been doing a 3 Month Self Challenge, join us if you are interested. I believe it wraps up just before Valentine’s Day, which then I will start another. Check out the thread (3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 4) and if you care to join us just private message me and I will add you to our spreadsheet.

    I have also started a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.
    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy new year! :drinker:

  • MissCryssi
    MissCryssi Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there. I'm Cryssi. I'm a 38 year old mother of 4. I've always struggled with my weight. I was a WeWa for years, but finally admitted I couldn't afford the $$ monthly or the time in our hectic schedules. At my heaviest, I was 234 lbs. I made it to 146 once, but fell off the wagon. Now, I'm trying to get back down there. I just joined the site a couple days ago, at the prompting of a co-worker. I like that it has an app that's free and the site is free, too. I'm a foodie and love to cook. So, now, cooking healthier more often and portion control are my main goals.

    Nice to meet all of you! Well, type to all of you! :)
  • Time4MomTrish
    Time4MomTrish Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a 32yr old mother of 5. Kids ages are 10,9,5, and 2yr old twins. I am a very busy mom and wife and do work outside the home too. I have been struggling to lose the weight from my last 2 pregnancies which were back to back twin pregnancies. I hit my heaviest at the end on 2012 at 205 lbs. I am oly 5'4" and am an ex gymnast so to me that is aweful! My goal is to get back to 140 maybe 135. So far this year I'm doing well but on my days off I catch myself surfing the cubbards and refridgerater , so far I haven't caved but can see it easily happening. I am determined to be a fit mom for my children. We are a very active family and are involved in many sports like baseball, softball, football, soccer, dance, basketball, etc. I want to be able to help the kids more as the practice and play. So far I'm working out at least 5 days a week and eating well but I know it is easy to "fall" out of practice!! Looking to keep motivated in 2013 to hit my goal and say goodbye to the fat me!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Cryssi and Time4MomTrish!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We have been doing a 3 Month Self Challenge, join us if you are interested. I believe it wraps up just before Valentine’s Day, which then I will start another. Check out the thread (3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 4) and if you care to join us just private message me and I will add you to our spreadsheet.

    I have also started a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.
    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy new year! :drinker:

  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    I'm 33, married, no kids, two cats. From Vancouver Canada, but live in Seattle USA now. I need to lose about 30 pounds. I'm so sick of being fat !

    HW 182
    CW 176
    GW 150

    I joined Oct 2011 and lost 15lbs after a long 8 months...and lots of plateaus and hard work.... took a "break" from MFP last summer because I thought I needed it....omg what was I thinking!!!??!?!?!? :noway: :sad: :frown: ...Gained back most of it...came back logged a bit more ... then the holidays and stress came and completely ruined me! Now, basically back to square one, gonna start over.

    Would love some new pals my age who actually comment on stuff and who truly want to be motivators. Also, happy to find this group of people my age.
    Even though we are all on our way to the same health goals, sometimes it's difficult to relate to 20 year olds in college that still live at home, or senior citizens that don't have a profile photo who don't drink and are in bed by 8pm.

    *If you add me as a friend, please tell me about yourself and why you think we'd be good MFP pals. thanks. If no note, sorry, I will have to decline.

    :) Cheers to success in 2013
  • fayeded2
    fayeded2 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I am Debbie. I am 39 Years Old, Married, 3 daughters’, 1 grand-daughter and a son-in-law. I work a sedentary job and have never been very physically active. I currently weigh 171 lbs and would like to lose about 40 lbs but would be happy with 30 lbs. I am working with an underactive thyroid and low iron, which give me low energy. I have also been told yesterday by my doctor that my cholesterol is high and that I must exercise. So now my goal is to incorporate foods that help with my energy level, help me lose weight and lower my cholesterol. I am starting with low impact moderate exercise that I plan to increase as my energy levels increase. Good luck to everyone and my hope is that this group will provide motivation for me.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group lovelee79 and Debbie!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    Our current 3 Month Self Challenge wraps up next week and I will start another on the 8th. Keep an eye out for the thread (3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 5). If you care to join us just private message me and I will add you to our spreadsheet.

    I have also started a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy new year! :drinker:

  • gtpjamie1
    gtpjamie1 Posts: 35 Member
    My name is Jamie and I just turned 34. I have been struggling with extra weight since I was about 13, I was always a bit heavy. I am married with 3 children and I feel blessed everyday for my family and friends! This is my second go around with MFP, the first time I used it I was successful, losing 15 lbs. It was working!! But then I started making excuses,i.e. its the holidays, I'm sick, I have homework, Im sad, I'm happy...blah blah. So the new story is NO MORE EXCUSES!
    HW- 206
    LW- 138
    CW- 199
    Hoping to meet motivators!
    :heart: Jamie
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