TDEE & BMR: What they are and what to do with them



  • Bump
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    @ soysalva - I would say you're on the low end of lightly active but definitely NOT sedentary!
  • SoySalva
    SoySalva Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks for responding Amanda :flowerforyou:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member name is Jennie I am 52 years old. I have gone from 224 lbs to 148 lbs on low calorie method (ugh) I still have 13 lbs to go.

    I would like to make adjustments on my calorie intake and the only thing holding me back is that I honestly do not know what my activity level is.

    I brisk walk 45 min 5 x a week but other than that, I am mostly home watching tv or doing housework.

    Am I sedentary or lightly active? I am really confused and need some advice....please help!

    52 yrs
    5ft 3in
    148 lbs

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.....I appreciate any suggestions :flowerforyou:

    Mifflin BMR (since no BF% which may or may not change things much) - 1250
    activity multiplier with 225 min weekly walking - 1.35
    TDEE - 1686
    daily eating goal - 1431 (based on 23 lbs left (goal weight 125 for your height and medium frame), 15% deficit, less to lose should be less deficit)

    If you miss a planned walk, skip 100 calories that day. If you make it up on the weekend, add 100.

    If you've been much more less than this, increase 100 per day for a week at a time.

    Edit - oops, that's what I get for unfinished window.
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
  • Stobes80
    Stobes80 Posts: 9 Member
    I love this group.
  • enoid1
    enoid1 Posts: 14 Member
    Thx for the info...I've def plateaued so trying this certainly cant hurt. I have to admit, it won't be easy to increase my calories, but what do I have to lose??
  • SoySalva
    SoySalva Posts: 136 Member name is Jennie I am 52 years old. I have gone from 224 lbs to 148 lbs on low calorie method (ugh) I still have 13 lbs to go.

    I would like to make adjustments on my calorie intake and the only thing holding me back is that I honestly do not know what my activity level is.

    I brisk walk 45 min 5 x a week but other than that, I am mostly home watching tv or doing housework.

    Am I sedentary or lightly active? I am really confused and need some advice....please help!

    52 yrs
    5ft 3in
    148 lbs

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.....I appreciate any suggestions :flowerforyou:

    Mifflin BMR (since no BF% which may or may not change things much) - 1250
    activity multiplier with 225 min weekly walking - 1.35
    TDEE - 1686
    daily eating goal - 1431 (based on 23 lbs left (goal weight 125 for your height and medium frame), 15% deficit, less to lose should be less deficit)

    If you miss a planned walk, skip 100 calories that day. If you make it up on the weekend, add 100.

    If you've been much more less than this, increase 100 per day for a week at a time.

    Edit - oops, that's what I get for unfinished window.
  • SoySalva
    SoySalva Posts: 136 Member
    Thank you....will be doing some adjustments see how things go.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Want to see if I got this right...

    So my BMR is 1628
    TDEE is 1954
    So -20% is 1563 cals a day to eat?

    I'd be very happy if this is correct
    On 1,200 cals at the moment & hungry..
    I don't mind if my weight loss slows don't I just want to be healthy :)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Fantastic post, thank you for all the information and once again, reinforcing that Eating More is the way to go!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Want to see if I got this right...

    So my BMR is 1628
    TDEE is 1954
    So -20% is 1563 cals a day to eat?

    I'd be very happy if this is correct
    On 1,200 cals at the moment & hungry..
    I don't mind if my weight loss slows don't I just want to be healthy :)

    You do absolutely no exercise, and your normal daily activity has barely any walking or standing in it - including weekends?

    Because majority with FitBit's and BodyMedia's will tell you they discovered on non-exercise work days as a desk jockey - they still hit just below the Lightly Active level, what MFP calls Lightly Active, at 1.35 multiplier.

    If you do no exercise and are mainly bump on a log, then indeed, that would be correct. Suggest you eats lots of protein since you are doing nothing to help retain muscle mass.
  • starryskies_16
    starryskies_16 Posts: 31 Member
    This is really interesting... and I'm sure it'll make more sense once I've got my mind around it all! I've adjusted my MFP goals and I'll be interested to see how I go. Thanks :smile:
  • cmeroar68
    cmeroar68 Posts: 40 Member
    Bump & thanks!
  • I think I am completely stupid when it comes to this .
    okay according to the Scooby's site
    My BMR is 1942
    My tdee to maintain weight is 2330
    And according to step 6 (which I choose desk job with little excercise) is 1980..

    I have been eating 1490 with the MFP, I just this week increased it to 1590 because I have been feeling wore down and been sleeping a lot , not feeling like I had a lot of energy. I have lost 21 pounds in a month, but I still have 125 to go so I want to make sure I am doing this right, so this time when I lose (lost 70 two years to have gained all but 10pounds back) I lose it right and will be able to maintain and not just be smaller but my ultimate goal is to be healthier and more fit.

    I really would love someone to help me, I don't want to mess this up.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I think I am completely stupid when it comes to this .
    okay according to the Scooby's site
    My BMR is 1942
    My tdee to maintain weight is 2330
    And according to step 6 (which I choose desk job with little excercise) is 1980..

    I have been eating 1490 with the MFP, I just this week increased it to 1590 because I have been feeling wore down and been sleeping a lot , not feeling like I had a lot of energy. I have lost 21 pounds in a month, but I still have 125 to go so I want to make sure I am doing this right, so this time when I lose (lost 70 two years to have gained all but 10pounds back) I lose it right and will be able to maintain and not just be smaller but my ultimate goal is to be healthier and more fit.

    I really would love someone to help me, I don't want to mess this up.

    You do no exercise at all, 40 hrs desk job, 2 hr car commute daily, go home and on weekends, and are a bump on the log, park the closest in the parking lot, do no stairs, no cleaning at home, no kids, ect?

    You selected Sedentary.

    Your only saving grace is your BMR is likely inflated, as is TDEE and eating level, so that should help.

    But the math is right. Confirm you eat enough protein to help retain muscle mass.
  • I am a currently a college student, and do very light house keeping. My kids are grown, so I am not running after them. I choose the the very least option of activity because I feel that is where I am at this point . I am working out on occasion, but I am not into a routine yet, the first week I started I worked out twice but I am feeling very tired and don't really have any energy. I thought at first it was because I cut my caffeine use to one diet pop a day, and I was a all day drinker of it . But after 3 weeks still not getting any better so I increased my calories by 100 this week. I am still feeling really tired and have barely any energy.

    This is why I asked if my calories were correct . I weigh 270, 5'5. So your saying I am right at 1590? my BMR is higher and what I am reading is your never suppose to eat below that , this is why I am so confused. Thanks again for the help
  • Anjali
    Anjali Posts: 4

    Please can you help? I have been logging my food pretty accurately for the last 10 m and seem to be gaining weight. I work in a surgery - desk based- and do at least 1-1.5 h yoga most days. I am not sure about the TDEE and BMR but feel I need to change something? I find I crave carbs at night? Please please help. Thank you very much

    I weigh 126 (57.3), height 5 ft4.5, exercise 1-1.5 h vinyasa flow yoga
    Only things not on mfp are my coffee and water intake
    Calculated Tdee to be 2324 cut value 1975.4
    Calculated bmr to be 1343
    Calculated Rome to be 1332

    I just am not sure what to do with this and with reference to my log of food - the changes I should make. I would really really appreciate any advice . Merci x
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I am a currently a college student, and do very light house keeping. My kids are grown, so I am not running after them. I choose the the very least option of activity because I feel that is where I am at this point . I am working out on occasion, but I am not into a routine yet, the first week I started I worked out twice but I am feeling very tired and don't really have any energy. I thought at first it was because I cut my caffeine use to one diet pop a day, and I was a all day drinker of it . But after 3 weeks still not getting any better so I increased my calories by 100 this week. I am still feeling really tired and have barely any energy.

    This is why I asked if my calories were correct . I weigh 270, 5'5. So your saying I am right at 1590? my BMR is higher and what I am reading is your never suppose to eat below that , this is why I am so confused. Thanks again for the help

    Sounds like symptoms of not eating enough for sure.

    I said your math was right. But your math didn't leave you at 1590 did it, that's just where you are currently eating? Your math was 1980, right?

    That figure that you have for BMR is inflated, because you are using a formula, Harris or Mifflin that doesn't take into your bodyfat and LBM, and that Katch BMR is more accurate.

    So in reality, you eat at that 1980 and you are safe.

    And if you do exercise, you eat 200 extra that day.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member

    Please can you help? I have been logging my food pretty accurately for the last 10 m and seem to be gaining weight. I work in a surgery - desk based- and do at least 1-1.5 h yoga most days. I am not sure about the TDEE and BMR but feel I need to change something? I find I crave carbs at night? Please please help. Thank you very much

    I weigh 126 (57.3), height 5 ft4.5, exercise 1-1.5 h vinyasa flow yoga
    Only things not on mfp are my coffee and water intake
    Calculated Tdee to be 2324 cut value 1975.4
    Calculated bmr to be 1343
    Calculated Rome to be 1332

    I just am not sure what to do with this and with reference to my log of food - the changes I should make. I would really really appreciate any advice . Merci x
    I would suggest that you eat 1975, or closer to that than you are. If you don't want to increase by that much all at once, add 150 or 200 calories the first week and then when you are comfortable eating more, add again.