Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • Hksalex
    Hksalex Posts: 144 Member
    21 year old..

    started 330 ish.. now 270 ish..

    played alot of CS when i was 13... played alot of MMORPGS... WoW... SilkRoad Online.. Tera.. GW... GW2... alot of RTS.. WC3.. SC.. SC2.. console.. PS3.. all cods... Xbox nah... lol

    i work for a game developer company.. as well so i play a lot of the simulators we make..

    i also compete in MLG tournaments.. since i was 15.. won a few.. and currently competing right now on BO2 ps3
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I'm Tricia
    I'm 33
    I have reached my goals on here but I am still on for maintenance and to support others
    I play WoW Trycia on Malygos if anyone ever wants to play
    I've been doing MMORPG since 07 ish
    I am QA for a software company and I work from home so I am always around.
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Hi I'm Chiavani. 26 year old grad student. I play on my wii or ps3 when I have the time which isn't that often. I mainly play during school breaks. I love tactical shooter games with Metal Gear being my fave series. I'm currently using my wii to exercise with Just Dance. I love anime and it's one of the main reasons I use netflix. I currently have about 60lbs to lose. Good luck everyone.
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    Hey, I'm Tanya, I'm so well into my twenties that i'm practicaly watching them from other side now.
    Mostly PC gamer tho my favourite games are not PC ones (Silent Hill/Metal Gear etc).
    Currenty playing The Walking Dead, and its well awesome and torchlight II coop when my german overlord can stomach few hours of me going on suicide missions.

    Used to play lots of WoW, since beta (2005? O.O), but think around - after Ulduar I started hating that game and that feel still stays. Unfortunately its really well done mmo, and other mmporgers compared are bit, ya know, ****.
    Play a bit of tf2 (well good medic if i may say so) and League of Legends (well bad everything).
    Waiting for SC2 expansion too. Finishing of Deus Ex and Batman Arkham City while I wait,.

    Used to be an unhappy 270lbs heavy Moby **** of a girl, now am 147, seeing my ultimate goal and rather mainaining than actively loosing, But if you want coop partner or sarcastic bimbo to support you on yer weight loss journey feel free to add me,.
    Steam ID - Yanya

    MFP censors the randomest things ever :D
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    Hi everyone, good to see so many alike people!

    I didn't discover I was a gamer until a few years ago when I found WoW, and I've been playing ever since. I'm definitely a PC gamer as opposed to consoles, particularly Fantasy style MMOs. I've played Rift since, Diablo 2 and 3 (also disappointed), Star Wars MMO (more disappointed) and Guild Wars 2, but I keep finding myself back in WoW, though only as a casual player since I got so involved with work (around beginning of Cata). My wonderful fiance is also a gamer... they say the couple that plays together stays together!

    I'm 29, 5'3 and around 140lbs, my love of sitting at my computer and eating chocolate has kept me at this weight for a while, but I want to be about 125lbs or less, and feeling confident enough to wear decent summer clothes this year!

    If anyone wants to add me on here please do!
  • BtheMommy
    BtheMommy Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, I'm Becca. I'm 25 years old and I'm a gamer. I've played video games since I could remember. I love playing Gears of war, Halo, Cod, borderlands, I pretty much like any kind of shooting game. I also been playing stout with the wii fit to lose weight.
  • ruurik
    ruurik Posts: 143 Member
    39 year old gamer here (that fire-cracker noise you heard was the sound of my ancient bones cracking as I sat down). >< I started gaming on a Binatone TV Master in the late 1970s that pre-dates the Atari 2600 in the UK.

    Even though I have a PS3, I think the best era of gaming was the 1980s. I'm a casual gamer so 80s style games are perfect to drop in and out of quickly.

    I've played WoW on and off since the first day of live but take long breaks (like now). The only shooters I'll play are anything from the Battlefield series. Otherwise I'm one of those weirdos that isn't into FPS games.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    20 year old gamer here! I play mostly PC Games, but also card games. Currently playing: League of Legends, Tera Online, and Magic: The Gathering. Looking to lose 69 pounds to be at 200! I used to be a sexy gamer girl once upon a time, trying to get back to that. D:

    Height: 5'8
    CW: 269
    GW: 200
    Ultimate GW: 180
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I'm a 28yo addicted to my WOW hunter. When I look back I realise that my weight gain started because of this.
    Good thing I got my old self back, all I want now is to improve it.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend
  • dantrick
    dantrick Posts: 369 Member
    I am 39yo I play pokewow, My main is a holy priest for raiding. I think I enjoy playing around with the mods more than the game. I am constantly messing with my UI. anyone else ever do this? I like looking for glitches, trying to climb up walls your not supposed to. Basically I am a glitch hunter. Been doing it ever since i discovered my first glitch in the Original Metroid for the NES system.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    I'm 38, and I have been a gamer off and on since my parents brought home our first computer way back in the day. I am currently having a blast reliving my childhood with all the old games from the 80s. I've been getting my kids off to a good start by introducing them to these oldies but goodies. It's been a great way to inspire them to learn to use a keyboard and a huge vocabulary expander. They have no idea that there is any difference between what they play on the iPad versus old PC games. It's all fun to them. And crazy fun for me.

    Getting our Police Quest on!

  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member
    RP: Yes
    LARP: No
    What are your weightloss goals: 26kg atm
    How many pounds have you lost: 16lbs
    Walk on the Beach? Why not whos taking me?
  • kbitzonefour
    kbitzonefour Posts: 114 Member
    PC only. Started in 1998 with HL/TFC
    TFC, CS 1.6 / source, HL, DoD, RtCW, NS, FA, WoW, D2, Bastion, can't remember most of the other ones. Currently Gw2 (pm for username add)...
    Started at 200#, now 144.
    Met & married husband through WoW. Lived in Oregon, he came to see me, ended up staying a month and took me across country to live with him in VA.
    Also have a nerd half-sleeve tattoo.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    25 years old, female.. been into games ever since I was a little girl.
    Before I played on consoles, but now I just play on PC :3
    I like rpgs, fps.. Half-life, HL 2, Deus Ex. Used to play Call of duty, but I don't like the new ones.
    Played BF 3 for a while. I just usually play some java games when I'm bored.
    Weight loss goals are not that big, starting weight was 56kg and I want to be somewhere in 50-52kgs.
    Yeah. Walks on the beach? I'd rather jump in the water :3
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    25 years old, Female. Been playing games since I got a Super Nintendo under the tree at Christmas.
    Not so big on consoles anymore, mostly PC.
    I've been a WoW addict for about 5 years now (You need heals? I got Priest/Shaman/Paladin/Druid/Monk heals for you.) but I quit recently since I find I shove a lot of sugary salty food in my mouth while raiding. Actually met the Husband in WoW, but we don't tell people that. Except I just did.
    I'm playing Tera right now with a little GW2 on the side, waiting for ESO. Playing the girlfriend class in Borderlands with the Husband (I am bad a shooters.), been known to enjoy a good game of Civ.
    RP: I may or may not have written World of Warcraft fanfiction. That's kinda like RP.
    LARP: Once or twice or a dozen times in my youth
    Trying to lose 30 to 40 pounds (started at 160) and/or get back a size six.
    Walk on the Beach: I live in Hawaii...but I've only been to the beach twice in two years. You do the math.
  • Chellethulu
    Name's Michelle, I'm 21 years old and I live in the middle of nowhere, Arizona. There really isn't much to say about myself. My first loves were Spyro and Crash Bandicoot. Then my poor Playstation went down hill after a certain father had spilled some soda upon it.

    After a few years, we discovered the PS2, and Kingdom Hearts and Soul Reaver had taken their places of favorites. This probably helped me grow the fat I have today.

    Then the PS3 came along and Red Dead Redemption came out. I thought I had my one true love. It was one of the greatest games I had ever played. And I just loved Undead Nightmare. But then...


    I had been pushed back by this amazing game that Bethesda had made. At first I was wary, but then after watching a few people play it I knew the game had potential. My fiance` became a Skyrim Widower shortly after that, and I've stuck with it through thick and thin, and now the DLCs are finally coming out.

    This was my reaction when I heard they were coming out this month. (SFW, I promise.)
  • jmmcs
    jmmcs Posts: 46 Member
    I'm Jessica, 22. I like mostly classic rpg's, like old Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Zelda, Secret of Mana etc. I also played Runescape waaay too long, up to 2400 total level. I played Rock Band and Guitar Hero obsessively for leaderboard scores before the games got boring. The most recent game that I played was Dark Souls 2(and I'm terrible at it)

    I'm at 274 pounds, down from my high of 296. I've started to count calories and watch what I eat, but I haven't really done much in the way of exercise besides the stationary bike and small weights. For now, I want to see if I can get below 200, and then go from there.

    I'd totally LARP if I had any real life

    Beaches are a little far from the midwest
  • _Phoenyx_
    _Phoenyx_ Posts: 17 Member
    Seda, 34, f, Lower Saxony.

    Started gaming on a Commodore 64, followed by Heretic, Doom and the likes... Currently, and predominantly, soloing Guild Wars 2. Before that: Guild Wars, Diablo I-III and Hellgate: London.

    Main character/profession throughout every game: Ranger. Barrage FTW! ^^

    Started MFP last Sunday and aiming to lose ~20 kilos. Haven't weighed myself since.

    RP & LARP: Nope.

    Why walk on the beach when there's so much more fun stuff you could do there... go for a swim, play volleyball/frisbee, read a good book, you name it! :)

    You're most welcome to add me as a friend, if you like.
  • NurseSturgill
    NurseSturgill Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there! I'm 26 years old from Ohio. Been gaming for about 4-5 years. Started playing WoW when my hubby conned me into trying it. Played pretty addictively for a while, raiding and what not. I haven't played steadily though for a bit because I had been doing the school/work/family thing for the past year. Tried out Rift, Tera and have been playing a little GW2 lately. I've been thinking about dusting off the ol' shadow priest and trying out the new we'll see....I'm pretty sure it's going to happen though ;p

    So, I was pretty excited to see a group on MFP! Always good to have fellow gamers trying to lose a few lbs! Feel free to add me, new friends are always good!
  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    Hello, bonjour!
    My name is Rosa, I'm 22 I'm also a gamer; love playing all sorts of games for example: the assassins creed games, battlefield, some COD, portal games, gears of war trilogy, and many many others i can't remember at the time.

    My highest weight was 196
    My current weight is 183
    My goal weight is 135 :-)

    Embarrassing as it is to write my weight it's a reality, as good thing is that nobody suspects I weigh this much mwahahahaaaa!!!