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  • sheripamela
    sheripamela Posts: 38 Member
    Trying to qualify for weight loss surgery. Waited 4 years for my first appointment. Second one will happen anywhere from four months to a year. For now I am working at losing weight and learning to exercise. Trying to make the changes needed for long term success. Down 34 lbs so far.
  • lovingvampiress
    lovingvampiress Posts: 23 Member
    Hi All,
    My names Christine, I just got OK'd for surgery and am waiting for appointment. This is my second attempt to have this done, first time around after finishing classes I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer and was rushed into surgery for that on March 2012, Also had Radiation Treatments July 2012, I am Happy to say I am now Cancer free!! So back to what I want to be a healthier stronger me, I finished classes again Dec. 24th with Keiser and just got OK'd to meet Surgean. I want to have the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass done because I have alot to loose. Ive never been able to loose weight on my own and have thyroid issues that don't help. I look forward to all your advice and support and I congradulate you all in your success stories. "Good work all, Take one day at a time and celebrate each achievment"
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It's been a long time since I've been here so I thought I'd re-introduce myself.

    I'm MacMadame and I had sleeve surgery back in the Fall of 2008. I did really well, lost all my excess weight and then some, got into triathlon, did two Ironmans. Then I crashed my bike on an all day ride that ended in the dark and rain.

    I spent all last year dealing with Post-concussion Syndrome after the crash. It's really made it hard to maintain my weight. I gained 5 lb. immediately after the injury and then creeped up a few more over the year. But I'm still a normal BMI so it looks good on paper, I guess. :laugh:

    Anyway, recently I was sick and that really killed my appetite so I'm going with it. I also decided when my weight hit it's highest point ever that I needed to start tracking my food again. My labs are great EXCEPT for protein which has been low ever since surgery. So tracking helps with keeping my protein levels up as well.

    I'm still having headaches but I'm seeing the neurologist on Tues. and I intend to push harder for stronger drugs. I really want to get back into working out this year and maybe do some sprint and olympic distance triathlons.
  • My name is Elizabeth Nelms, I had the Lap Band in 2004, only lose about 70 pounds from 2005 to 2011. I had a Total Hip Replacement May 2011, lose 70 more pounds after that. Recently I have gained 40 pounds back and I and trying to take the weight back off. I am an emotional eater, I had an event that happened to me in October. Cookies are not my friends anymore. I had never liked them in the first place. Back in September started back at school and started a part time job. I also eat under stress. I have signed up for weight loss class, which is an exercise program, meets 4 days a week. I have also signed up for a yoga class that meet 2 times a week. Had my bad fill on the 11 of this month. I have already lost 10 pounds, I hope I dont gain the weight back....
  • Spunkielor
    Spunkielor Posts: 9 Member
    Hello all,

    My name is Lori and I am scheduled for RNY on February 6th. I was initially going to do the sleeve and decided after much discussion that bypass was a better choice for me. I have lost 18lbs from November 12th until today and had hoped it would come off faster as it seems I am working extremely hard for it. I started mall walking at lunch and walking on my new treadmill for 25 minutes in the evening and building up courage to get back to the eliptical (which has kicked by a** in the past). Hoping to lose 105lbs total. Thanks for all of the wonderful information you continue to share.
  • Spunkielor
    Spunkielor Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Anita, I'm scheduled for the 6th and am getting alitlle anxious
  • rachellangdon1974
    rachellangdon1974 Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning. I am Rachel, and I had the Sleeve done 15 months ago here in Texas. I have lost a total so far of 77 pounds. The first 45-50 came off pretty easily, however, the rest is my eating and exercise. I downloaded myfitnesspal and love the tools. I try to eat as low carb/high protein as I can. Good luck to all of you that are getting ready for surgery. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • Hello, I am Celia and I had RNY surgery in 1993. I was at 300lbs when I went into surgery and stablized at @ 143lbs over 18 months. There were no medical issues from the surgery, but plenty leading up to the surgery. It saved my life. I continued to maintain that weight until I reached my early 50's, then middle age creep crept in. I did not learn how to eat properly once I had the surgery, so I can not blame anyone other than myself. Additionally, I was a drinker and that did not help matters. Long story short, I reached 206 lbs last year and decided that I had gone through too much to allow the weight back. Twenty years with at least 15 years at a healthier weight is success to me; I consider myself in that 5% often talked about.

    i am now at 167, exercising and determined to reach my goal weight of 130lbs. As I said earlier, the surgery saved my life. Had I known then what I know now, I would have exercised more then and learned how to handle the emotional eating that was the cause of the weight gain in the first place. For those of you considering the surgery, know that it is not a cure all! Ask yourself and be totally honest about why and how you gained the weight. Deal with the emotional issues if that is the reason, as those issues will raise its' head again after the surgery and the weight loss. Begin an exercise program that is sustainable and give yourself time.

    The best to you with your decisions.

    Feel free to add me as we can encourage and learn from one another. After 20 years I still have problems eating all the calories allowed, as I quickly get full. I eat about every 2.5-3 hours and drink half my body weight in water.
  • Hi Everyone, I had vertical sleeve surgery two weeks ago 1/10/2013 and I believe its one of the scariest but best things I have ever done for myself. I have issues trying to get all of my protein and water in daily so that is why I decided to join MFP. I really dont know much about the nutrients in food so I love the tools on this site so that I can learn. I have lost 24 lbs so far and im excited about the future. i have never really excersized on a regular basis and would like to find something that I enjoy doing that can help me stay active. treadmills are boring but not sure where to start any suggestions?
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My suggestion is to think about what kind of exercise personality you have. Do you prefer to exercise with other people or alone? Do you like team sports or individual sports? Do you like a structured program or to be more free form? Do you like outdoors or indoors?

    Once you answer some questions like that, you can narrow down the activities you might enjoy.

    For example, if you like to exercise in a group with structure than a treadmill at home is not a good idea. :laugh: You need group classes or some sort of program. If you like to exercise alone but want to be outdoors, then going for a walk at lunch might be a good start. Over time the walk can go longer and eventually turn into a run. But, if you hate the outdoors, then a treadmill is great. If you hate to sweat, then activities that happen in water might be more fun for you than a spin class. (People sweat buckets in spin class.)

    Also, try not to limit yourself to just a few activities. Most people, when they think of exercise, think of going to the gym or maybe going running or joining a sports league and that's about it. But there are so many more things that count as exercise including:

    dancing (ballroom, square, ballet, contra, club, salsa etc.)
    yoga or pilates
    crossfit or weight lifting
    water aerobics
    skating (ice or roller, artistic or speed skating)
    Tai Chi
    Zumba and other group aerobics classes set to music
    Jumping Rope
    Skate boarding
    tennis and other racquet sports
    baseball or softball
    bocce ball
    skiing (water or snow)
    martial arts
    triathlon (swimming, biking & running)
    kite flying
    track and field (like hurdles or shot put or javelin)
    hand ball
    horseback riding

    And that's just off the top of my head!
  • My name is Carrie. I have been considering surgery for a few years but never had good enough insurance to cover it. Now that I do I am currently in the pre op program. I started in Dec so it will be June or July before I can have surgery. I am currently meeting with a dietician and fitness trainer to try and establish good habits before the surgery so that I can continue to do well after. I want to be a good active example for my two daughters
  • nikarjc
    nikarjc Posts: 13 Member
    Im 29, 1 daughter (8 years old), had roux-en-y gastric bypass 1/22/13. Ive been overweight since 12 and obese since freshman year in high school. Current weight 293. Highest adult weight 320 and lowest adult weight 220. Weight goal 150-175. Took me
    approximately 6 months from 1st appointment to surgery. I was approved with my 1st attempt. I have HTN, OSA, and insulin resistance. Excited to be healthier and my weight loss journey.
  • Hi. Brand new here. My name is Jill. I am 53 years old and had RNY surgery in May of 2007. I lost about 155 pounds, got divorced, developed alcoholism, got sober (finally), had a re-gain of about 45 pounds, and then re-lost it. I have found that this is a daily adventure! I use my WLS tool, along with the program of Overeaters Anonymous to guide my life. After a recent food relapse, I went back to the nutritionist, and am now on my second day of eating back on my plan, and it feels WONDERFUL. Found this site today and decided to start tracking my food here.
  • Hi. Brand new here. My name is Jill. I am 53 years old and had RNY surgery in May of 2007. I lost about 155 pounds, got divorced, developed alcoholism, got sober (finally), had a re-gain of about 45 pounds, and then re-lost it. I have found that this is a daily adventure! I use my WLS tool, along with the program of Overeaters Anonymous to guide my life. After a recent food relapse, I went back to the nutritionist, and am now on my second day of eating back on my plan, and it feels WONDERFUL. Found this site today and decided to start tracking my food here.

    Hello Jill, congrats on deciding to get to a healthier you in all facets of your life. Do you mind sharing what you eat on a normal day after meeting with the dietitian? I ask as I have trouble getting all my food in for the day. I had my RNY in '93 and I am thankful that I have not done permanent damage to my pouch by overeating, but I want to ensure I get what I need to lose the fat, not the muscle mass. Thanks and congrats again. Celia
  • This is my food plan:
    No sugar. No fast food. No snack food.
    Meal #1 - 7 - 7:30 a.m.
    2 oz protein (1 egg = 1 oz)
    ½ dairy or ½ oz cheese
    1 oz or ½ cup grain or starchy veggie
    (I want to be able to throw some veggies into eggs -- onions, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms)

    Meal #2 - 10:30 a.m.
    1 piece of fruit or ½ c. cut up fruit

    Meal #3 - 1:00 p.m.
    2 oz protein
    1 cup raw salad with 1 tbsp dressing OR ½ cup cooked veggie
    1 oz or ½ cup grain or starchy veggie
    Lean Cuisine/Smart Ones with 1/2 cup raw salad or a piece of fruit or ½ cup 4 oz cut up fruit

    Meal #4 - 3:30 p.m.
    ½ piece of fruit or ¼ c. fruit
    1 c. dairy or 1 oz cheese

    Meal #5 - 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
    2 oz protein
    1cup raw salad with 1 tbsp dressing OR ½ cup cooked veggie
    1 oz or ½ cup grain or starchy veggie
    (I want to be able to eat 6 oz of lasagna or pizza if it’s planned in place of protein/starch -- but this will be rare)

    Meal #6 - 9:30 - 10:00 p.m.
    1c. dairy or 1 oz cheese
  • Hello everyone, My name is Tanya, I am a mother of a 18 month old boy and have finally saved for my VSG down in Tijuana. I am scheduled for my surgery April 12th. I also am trying to lose weight before my surgery, if my BMI is under 49, I would save $1000 and as I mother that money could go to SO many other places! I have struggled with my weight my whole life, I remember being bigger than all my friends through 4th grade. I have never had motivation like I do now, I want/need to break the weight cycle before it takes hold of my son. I would love to hear any advice or info you all can share. Please add me and help me stay accountable and on this very important track!
  • Hello everyone, My name is Tanya, I am a mother of a 18 month old boy and have finally saved for my VSG down in Tijuana. I am scheduled for my surgery April 12th. I also am trying to lose weight before my surgery, if my BMI is under 49, I would save $1000 and as I mother that money could go to SO many other places! I have struggled with my weight my whole life, I remember being bigger than all my friends through 4th grade. I have never had motivation like I do now, I want/need to break the weight cycle before it takes hold of my son. I would love to hear any advice or info you all can share. Please add me and help me stay accountable and on this very important track!

    Hi Tanya:

    I wish you all the best! The only thing I can say is, (and you probably know this already and have done it) make absolutely certain that your surgeon is board certified! That goes for any surgeon no matter where you go.

    My insurance requires me to lose 12 pounds before my surgeon can resubmit my paperwork again. So, I trying to get through that. I want the gastric sleeve as well. You're having your surgery on my birthday! God bless you and have a safe and successful trip and surgery!

  • Hi Tanya:

    I wish you all the best! The only thing I can say is, (and you probably know this already and have done it) make absolutely certain that your surgeon is board certified! That goes for any surgeon no matter where you go.

    My insurance requires me to lose 12 pounds before my surgeon can resubmit my paperwork again. So, I trying to get through that. I want the gastric sleeve as well. You're having your surgery on my birthday! God bless you and have a safe and successful trip and surgery!


    Thank you so much! I am super excited to have the surgery and receive the tool for my weight loss. Also, it is a great reminder to check certifications, that was one thing I never thought to do with an international doctor. Thanks again!
  • sclark70
    sclark70 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi my name is Sarah, I had RNY surgery on December 18, 2012. I am 6 weeks out and feel like a million dollars, oh and I am down 27 pounds!! I didn't not have all the medical conditions that most do and was approved for surgery right a away. The morning of surgery I was at my record high of 256 pounds. After two children I don't think that I can honestly say that I can remember my adult low weight! I know that I started freshman year of college around 175 and for my short statue still looked and felt over weight! My goal is around 125-150.
  • Spunkielor
    Spunkielor Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm scheduled for this are you feeling and adapting 1 week out? Lori