


  • t_illan
    t_illan Posts: 7 Member
    I'm finally back on MFP again, so excited! My name is Jessica and I'm 27, and live in Arizona. My son will be 1 year on February 6, I can't believe how fast this year went by!
    I stopped using MFP when I got pregnant (after losing 35 lbs) and gained it all back and then added an additional 20 lbs on top of it. Now being a mom and trying to lose weight I'm realizing that setting the time aside to work out is going to be the hardest obstacle for me. I work 100 miles (one way) away from my home, so I'm usually gone ~12 hrs per day. Anyone have any ideas?

    Right now my weight goal is 20 lbs in 12 weeks (by 04/07/2013). We have a bet at work, anyone who doesn't make the -20lbs has to put $50 in the pool for whomever can make the goal. So far I'm 6 lbs closer to the goal.

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • MrsNHayes
    You can loose up to 15-20 pounds by not drinking soda alone! Its hard cause i had to give up the pepsi and Dr. Pepper that I thought I needed so BAD! Also carry healthy snacks in your purse and portion your meals for the week on Sundays. Do it with your kids they love to help!
  • MrsNHayes
    Hello Everyone!

    I am not new to MFP it helped me loose 50lbs with diet and exercise before I got preggo w/my son who is now 10months. I went from a 18 to a size 10 and now I am back in that 18 and NOT happy at all. I want to hopefully be in a size 10 again by July for my honeymoon! I have 3 kids 2 step kids and 1 that I carried for 8 months. I hope that you'll be motivation for me as well as I can be for you! I don't want to get comfortable with this weight on me.

    We can do it ladies!
  • jessie_lynn71929
    Hi everyone! My name is Jessica and i just joined today. I am 22 and i have been overweight most of my life. I have a one year old son and I want to give him the kind of mom that he deserves, one that can play and run aound with him. I can some but i quickly lose energy. I would aike to make some friends that would understand what I am going through and what i am trying to accomplish.
  • mrswebbie10
    Hi I am Michelle. I want to get down to where I was before I got out of the Army and had my son! I have 50lbs to lose! It would be nice to find moms in my area of TX!
  • carmel282
    Hi, I'm a mum of twin boys that are 8 months old. I work full time and I just feel like I'm exhausted all the time. Anyway, I want to get back into loosing weight and not do the comfort eating, feeling tired eating and just eating too much of the wrong thing. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people struggling with the same so we can encourage each other on.
    Carmel :smile:
  • getfitLiss
    getfitLiss Posts: 11 Member

    My name is Melissa I am a WAHM. I have a 2 year old and I am expecting a second in just a few days. I am using this app and Instagram (getfitLiss) to motivate myself and other moms to get back in shape after pregnancy. Follow me as I post my progress! I also love to discover new workouts/excercises that helped other moms reach their goals.
  • kendaQ
    kendaQ Posts: 14
    Hello everyone,

    I am new to MFP and am hoping that this time when I try to lose weight it will be better than before. I would like to lose about 20lbs. My problem is junk food, I love sweets, My other problem is over eating, I find that if I enjoy the flavor of what I am eating I will keep eating although I am full. I know its terrible but its how I have eaten my entire life.

    After I had my 2 kids I got lazy. Especially with school, work, and family life. I also recently quit smoking cigs, but I fell off the band wagon a few times. The combo of life and stress makes this really difficult. My ultimate goal is to be a healthy mother for my kids.

    This time I decided to try a diff approach...My plan is to go my first week w/o weighing myself at all so that I can try to focus on just changing my eating habits. Next week I will weigh myself and hopefully a pound or two will be lost.

    Wish me Luck!!!
  • stephlillyann4ever
    stephlillyann4ever Posts: 18 Member

    names stephanie..25 years old.
    i have a two year LillyAnn

    and i just want to be the mom she is proud of..i remember when i was times i was ashamed of my mom bc she was over weight..and i don't want that for me

    so here i first month with mfp..and i love it

    i just joined two days this group..and finally got a chance to introduce myself

    so if you like add me

    can't wait to get to know everyone
  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi - I'm Terri. I will be 40 on Sunday.
    I have two kids (Girl 5 and Boy 3 months)

    I am 5' 6" and have weighed 150-165 since high school. The exception being when I was pregnant. I started my last pregnancy @175 after gaining 15 lbs while on progesterone supplements. I gained 50 additional lbs while pregnant and walked out of the hospital 6lbs less then what I weighed when I walked in (my son weighed 7lbs so don't ask me how that math works). I lost 6 more before the holidays came around but gained it back around Christmas because my will is weak around Christmas Fudge.

    My daughter has been going around telling people that she is bigger then me cause her number starts with a 5 and mine starts with a 2 OY! That alone was enough to motivate me. I swore after the holidays - when I went back to work - I was going to make a big change and get this weight off. So on January 2nd I joined MFP, on January 3rd I joined the gym near where I work. I have totally surprised myself with my will power and motivation thus far and I'm trying to keep that MoJo going. I thought it might help if I had more support as well as having someone else to support. I talked a couple of my new mom friends into joining MFP with me but neither of them have near the weight to lose that I do:(

    Looking forward to meeting new people and cheering everyone on as we embark on a life changing journey.
  • JennaGthtzMe
    JennaGthtzMe Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I am 31 with 3 kids ages 14,8,2. I am 5ft2 and weigh 141 lbs as of Jan 16th. I find it hard to stay motivated. I have a full time desk job. I would love to get down to like 125 and be in shape not muscular to much more toned and in place. I can do it I know I can but keep putting of exercising routines off until the next day so to speak. I would love for some support and words of encouragemnet
  • BtheMommy
    BtheMommy Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Becca. I'm new to the site. I'm also a stay at home mom and I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated as much as I would motivate them. I'm in process to lose weight for my son. He is 10 months old and I need to quit making excuses on why I cant lose weight . I need to do it for him.. Its already showing I need to when I get of breath from playing with him or chasing him down when he crawls away or gets into something.. I need to be in better shape where I can play with him. I can see if I dont change what I'm doing I wont get to see him grow up.
  • Chanti1620
    Chanti1620 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm one week into using mfp, and also a recently new mom. i just had my little girl in october.
    I actually loss about 80lbs while pregnant, really happy about that. I did gain 10lbs back after i had her and now i'm still within that weight category. I want to keep losing but need more motivation!

    Looking to add friends!

  • bittc
    bittc Posts: 2
    Hi, Just joined Myfitnesspal a few days ago. I really like it and think this will keep me on track. I thought it would be good to be in touch with other moms who also cant just drop everything and go to the gym and want to finish thier kids untouched food ( waste not, want not). I know all of you can relate to the dieting pitfalls moms face.
  • bittc
    bittc Posts: 2
    Thanks, what great advice
  • leannecrystal
    Hi, I am a new Mom, I gave birth to my first baby in September 2012. I managed to gain 40lbs during my pregnancy and have gained a few more now that I am at home on maternity leave. My daughter will be crawling before I know it and I hope to start getting in shape to keep up with her. I also hope to return to my wedding weight (married September 2011) and find some confidence again. Hoping to find some support through forums and new friends.
  • bkelley32148
    bkelley32148 Posts: 279 Member
    Hi I'm Briana. I'm new to the group and am trying really hard to "tighten up" and reach all of my weightloss and fitness goals... again. I have an amazing four year old son that keeps me super busy and my goal weight is 125.
  • StaceyMayfonz
    StaceyMayfonz Posts: 36 Member
    I have 2 children ages 3 years and 6 months. I only gained 8 lbs with my second pregnancy due to a restricted diet because I had gallstones. I lost 31 lbs after having my son and gained back 10 because I had surgery and got my gallbladder removed and was so happy not to have such a restricted diet I over did it a little I still have about 25-30 lbs I would like to lose and having the support of fellow mothers would help. Anyone who wants to add me feel free.
  • decoma81
    Well I've had MFP for a while, because I only had a computer at work I couldn't figure out how to join any groups. I am a single mom, 31, of 2 holy active boys, 10 & 6 yrs old. We eat pretty decent, my major problem is self control. If I like it your darn right I'm going back for seconds or thirds, ugh, that added up fast. I joined a gym last October and love to run, and recently started doing some weight training, unfortunately by body hates what I've done it thus far. If its not my back going out its my hips locking up. Sticking to exercise is a huge challenge because of this, but I know if I don't run I'm going to get bored and head for the fridge, drive-thru's, or gas stations. I've lost 27 pounds in just over 2 yrs, but unfortunately really struggling to keep if off for the past 6 months. Need distractions when I can't run or idea's on how to keep my back and hips from bothering me, ANY suggestions?? Oh yeah, the reason I started this was because my then 7 yr old asked me at a family reunion if I had another baby in my stomach, nope pure 100% overload!! Yep still bothers me to this day!!
  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    Hi. My name is Christine. I'm 32 1/2 and have an almost 3 year old daughter (on 4/9) and an almost 3 month old son (born 11/12/12). I'm happily married to my high school sweetheart. We've been together for 15 years this November and married 8 years this May. I work full-tim as an auto claims adjuster. I find it hard to stay consistent, not go over my calorie goals and find time to exercise. These are things I'm constantly working on.

    I was about 50 lbs over weight when I had my daughter and gained 40 lbs. I only managed to lose 20 lbs by the time I got pregnant with my son. Luckily I only gained 20 lbs with him. I've lost those 20 lbs plus an additional 7 lbs. So I'm happy to say I'm currently chipping away at the last 20 lbs from my pregnancy with my daughter.

    I love to run and need to start training for some runs that are coming up. My sister-in-law lives in KS but is going to come up here in May to do a run with me and I don't want to let her down. My husband is more than willing to give me the time to work out at night (I've tried getting up in the morning but I already have to get up at 5:30 just to get myself and the kids out the door in time) but I need to find the internal motiviation to do this.

    Height: 5'7"
    Age: 31
    SW: 235 (38 weeks pregnant, DS was born 38w,5d)
    CW: 208
    GW 145

    Always looking for new friends, new work out ideas and new food ideas (I get bored pretty easily with food and then resort to unhealthy snacking).