February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • faeriewings1
    faeriewings1 Posts: 98 Member
    Sorry struggling to work out the quote thing
  • alwyndacara
    alwyndacara Posts: 30 Member
    Totally go for the big plates jarrettd!! Look and feel like a BAMF!

    I was excited that my next DL was going to be 60kgs, so a 20kg on each end - big girl plates!! Then I got sick :(
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Ok, so I have a confession to make. I was setting up for my deadlifts this evening. It would have been faster and easier to load smaller plates, working up to my work-weight of 165. But I couldn't resist using the 45's, not just for the elevation, but because they make me feel like a BAMF!

    Who else?

    I have been using the 25kg (55 lbs) plates for while now (except for bench and OHP)...I even farmer's walk them, one in each hand, around the free weight section of the gym, before I re-rack them, for good measure some days...we are all BAMFs...grrrr!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Zoreena - I find that my row form goes to *kitten* when I am trying to do to much weight. :tongue: Maybe you just need to spend some more time on the highest weight where your form was good. What helped me was moving my feet close to the bar and keeping my arms pretty much right in front of my legs. But your form could be off in totally different ways and that won't help at all. :wink: Could you ask someone to video you with your phone and show us like Vette did?
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Good morning ladies....today is my bench press day - though I'm still feeling slightly crappy from my bachelorette party, so we'll see how this goes!!!

    here's some photos from my bachelorette party too.

  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    here's some photos from my bachelorette party too.


    Nice photos! You look phenom! However there is not enough debauchery, lol.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    here's some photos from my bachelorette party too.


    Nice photos! You look phenom! However there is not enough debauchery, lol.

    I concur. Looking HAWT!!!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    here's some photos from my bachelorette party too.


    Nice photos! You look phenom! However there is not enough debauchery, lol.

    It really was a quiet night - I had a good time with my sister and oldest friend, but the rest of the peeps were all party poopers. It pretty much ended singing karaoke with gay men, the memories will live on!

    We started out with mexican food - got toasty off margaritas, carried it over to a tiki bar where you think the waitress would love to serve us???? hell no - we had to track her down to even get a second round. After that most people left and we went and tried a dance club that was seriously filled with the creepiest people ever. Then we went to karaoke with gay men. I was toasty for most of it and did have tons of fun, but you would be correct in the lack of debauchery.....

    there were penis straws though, complete with veins.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Did my second workout last night. I use the frame that has the pully system so I'm assuming that make the bar zero weight. I did my squats at 50lbs, I was up to 70lbs but I wasn't going all the way down. After watching the video to start the 5x5 program I started over with the weight and went all the way down.

    OHP I could only do 30lbs...deadlift at 80lbs (with the 45lb bar not in the pully cage).

    and man am I sore today. I've been using the machines since last May, but man, I'm just flat out sore. I really struggled to get the 5 sets in for the squats and OHP. Does anyone else stick with the same weight for a couple of sessions? I'm a bit nervous about increasing the weight when I was struggling to do it...though I DID do it.

    Also....I've lost a 1/2 inch from my waist since I started lifting the free weight in January and dropped a half lbs, but today my pants are all tight from last nights workout...

    wait, what??? anyone else feel all swollen or am I really that special little snowflake I've always believed I was?

    sore ...

    but still all RAAAWR!!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Darwin you look so great! What a fun time :smile:

    Zoreena.....I actually just did a deload on my rows for form as well and that has helped for sure. Did you look on the SL site for some tips and written form discussion?

    I'm such a BAMF that I actually let a 45# plate bite my thumb this morning. It was so awesome.....not so much, it hurt like a ***** :laugh:

    The good news is that I turned out some badass numbers this morning....welcome to week 11!

    Squat 5x5 @ 140# (yeah baby!)
    OHP 5,5,5,4,4 @ 52# (massive improvement from last workout...deloaded for form and last workout was 4,4,3,3,3)
    DL 1x5 @ 150# (YESSSSS!!!!!)

    Question though....does anyone else get light headed during DL? I'm finding as my weight is getting heavier I get slightly light headed after each rep???

    Happy Monday Ladies!
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member

    wait, what??? anyone else feel all swollen or am I really that special little snowflake I've always believed I was?

    Hola! I assume you are talking about the smith machine? The bar weights 15lbs. If you can use a regular squat rack of power cage over the smith machine, you would be better served in the long run. You will use more stabalizer muscles and put less shearing force on the knees.

    And yes, swollen. I generally feel puffy almost everyday after lifting. It is your muscles retaining water and it is normal and good. :smile:
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Question though....does anyone else get light headed during DL? I'm finding as my weight is getting heavier I get slightly light headed after each rep???

    Happy Monday Ladies!

    Vegas - Awesome numbers this morning!

    I get light headed after heavy pulls. After my PR pull last month, I was super light headed but it passed in like 30 seconds. Deadlifts are super demanding on your body and CNS.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Question though....does anyone else get light headed during DL? I'm finding as my weight is getting heavier I get slightly light headed after each rep???

    Happy Monday Ladies!

    Vegas - Awesome numbers this morning!

    I get light headed after heavy pulls. After my PR pull last month, I was super light headed but it passed in like 30 seconds. Deadlifts are super demanding on your body and CNS.

    Thanks! My *kitten* is already thanking me for that badassery lol

    Okay cool that's good to know. It's not something that I was really concerned about because it passes within like 10 seconds of me standing up, but really wanted to know if anyone else finds the same thing.....and now I know! Whoop!

    I also used a mixed grip this morning, alternating hands, and I did find that to help a fair bit too!
  • alwyndacara
    alwyndacara Posts: 30 Member
    I grunted today. Extremely ladylike, I am :wink:

    I was just trying to get the big girl plates up in the DL - 60kgs today!

    Failed on squats though - guess I'm not properly well. Feel so much BETTER for working out though!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Did my second workout last night. I use the frame that has the pully system so I'm assuming that make the bar zero weight. I did my squats at 50lbs, I was up to 70lbs but I wasn't going all the way down. After watching the video to start the 5x5 program I started over with the weight and went all the way down.

    OHP I could only do 30lbs...deadlift at 80lbs (with the 45lb bar not in the pully cage).

    and man am I sore today. I've been using the machines since last May, but man, I'm just flat out sore. I really struggled to get the 5 sets in for the squats and OHP. Does anyone else stick with the same weight for a couple of sessions? I'm a bit nervous about increasing the weight when I was struggling to do it...though I DID do it.

    Also....I've lost a 1/2 inch from my waist since I started lifting the free weight in January and dropped a half lbs, but today my pants are all tight from last nights workout...

    wait, what??? anyone else feel all swollen or am I really that special little snowflake I've always believed I was?

    sore ...

    but still all RAAAWR!!!

    Julie congrats on your results from lifting! And I completely will sit pretty at a weight until I feel comfortable with it. I try to push myself, but pushing too hard can lead to injury. I have decided that I'm only going to add weight to my squats once a week, so I do the same weight for three days, then up the next week. I think I'm strong, but my knees disagree with me. Personally I think it's better for me in the long to progress slower but not have joint issues. :smile:

    Also, I tend to stay at the same weight for OHP just because it's a pain in the *kitten*. I try to do two sessions in a row, then up it. I almost always fail when I add weight, and it takes several attempts before I can complete all of my sets.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Just realized something: I hung from the chinup bar after my workout last night. It felt nice, my back cracked in all the right spots, etc. I didn't stretch like usual after the workout b/c hubz thought he was dying after a vaccine he received was bothering him so we went straight home. I planned on doing yoga at home but didn't get around to it before we went to sleep.

    Today is the first day since mid-Nov. that I am not feeling any SI joint pain.

  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member

    wait, what??? anyone else feel all swollen or am I really that special little snowflake I've always believed I was?

    Hola! I assume you are talking about the smith machine? The bar weights 15lbs. If you can use a regular squat rack of power cage over the smith machine, you would be better served in the long run. You will use more stabalizer muscles and put less shearing force on the knees.

    And yes, swollen. I generally feel puffy almost everyday after lifting. It is your muscles retaining water and it is normal and good. :smile:

    The gym does have a regular squat rack, but I guess I'm a little chicken...I'm afraid I'd lose control of the barbell if it was truely free. Of course for the DL and BR I use a free one. But then a month ago I was too chicken to try a DL...so I'm sure I'll work up to it. Maybe if I get through this week's sessions I'll move to the squat rack and away from the smith machine. I'd just like to be a little more confident that I truely can bench press...also, I wasn't able to do more than 35lbs bench press although if you say the bar weighs 15lbs in the smith machine..feels like nothing. RAAAWR!!

    I did give in and take a motrin...mostly just feeling it in the intercoastals and down my left leg...right side dominant so I'm guessing the left side has weaker muscles.

    Anyother question - doing my DL when I'm headed back to the floor I'm getting a ripple twinge down my left side about 4" away from the spine...I've watched several videos trying to get the right form, and I know how to lift from the floor without hurting my back, but this does worry me a bit. Any advice? I was thinking it was just my left side being weaker, but now I'm wondering if I'm using my back too much for the return to the floor.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Did my second workout last night. I use the frame that has the pully system so I'm assuming that make the bar zero weight. I did my squats at 50lbs, I was up to 70lbs but I wasn't going all the way down. After watching the video to start the 5x5 program I started over with the weight and went all the way down.

    OHP I could only do 30lbs...deadlift at 80lbs (with the 45lb bar not in the pully cage).

    and man am I sore today. I've been using the machines since last May, but man, I'm just flat out sore. I really struggled to get the 5 sets in for the squats and OHP. Does anyone else stick with the same weight for a couple of sessions? I'm a bit nervous about increasing the weight when I was struggling to do it...though I DID do it.

    Also....I've lost a 1/2 inch from my waist since I started lifting the free weight in January and dropped a half lbs, but today my pants are all tight from last nights workout...

    wait, what??? anyone else feel all swollen or am I really that special little snowflake I've always believed I was?

    sore ...

    but still all RAAAWR!!!

    Julie congrats on your results from lifting! And I completely will sit pretty at a weight until I feel comfortable with it. I try to push myself, but pushing too hard can lead to injury. I have decided that I'm only going to add weight to my squats once a week, so I do the same weight for three days, then up the next week. I think I'm strong, but my knees disagree with me. Personally I think it's better for me in the long to progress slower but not have joint issues. :smile:

    Also, I tend to stay at the same weight for OHP just because it's a pain in the *kitten*. I try to do two sessions in a row, then up it. I almost always fail when I add weight, and it takes several attempts before I can complete all of my sets.

    Thanks for the advice...I was a bit worried about adding weight everytime, I'm all about getting stronger, but I want to be safe about it. I don't want to fall on my *kitten* with a barbell on my chest. The OHP was hard yesterday...and I think I mentioned that the barbell row was really REALLY hard for me, I managed 55lbs and that wasn't done well with good form...we shall see how workout A goes tomorrow...

  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Oh my gosh!! You all ARE bada$$!!! You look amazing and I can't believe how much you're lifting!!! I was feeling good about my numbers this morning...

    45 lb row
    55 hack squat (i do this at home and have no squat rack)
    65 dead (i do 5x5 because i like them, so lighter weight...is this bad to do??)

    Now I see how much stronger I will get once I get further along in the program (this is week 5 for me). You all rock!!! I hope to be able to lift that much in my future.

    AND...speaking of hack squats...they work the crap out of my back!!!! Is that supposed to happen or is my form wrong??
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Darwin you look so great! What a fun time :smile:

    Zoreena.....I actually just did a deload on my rows for form as well and that has helped for sure. Did you look on the SL site for some tips and written form discussion?

    I'm such a BAMF that I actually let a 45# plate bite my thumb this morning. It was so awesome.....not so much, it hurt like a ***** :laugh:

    The good news is that I turned out some badass numbers this morning....welcome to week 11!

    Squat 5x5 @ 140# (yeah baby!)
    OHP 5,5,5,4,4 @ 52# (massive improvement from last workout...deloaded for form and last workout was 4,4,3,3,3)
    DL 1x5 @ 150# (YESSSSS!!!!!)

    Question though....does anyone else get light headed during DL? I'm finding as my weight is getting heavier I get slightly light headed after each rep???

    Happy Monday Ladies!

    Well done! BAMF for sure. Happy Monday!