Summer Weight Loss Challenge



  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Good day everyone!!! :) Welcome new members: Ysmht, Kiannarb, Pennotmam, Ktdancey, Ritaspal, and Mileyea! We're all happy to have you with us getting fit and trim for summer! :flowerforyou: Our forum is your forum. :)

    Pennhotmom - I recommend Vegetarian Times magazine and vegetarian and vegan cook books for great recipes for vegetables. I went vegetarian a few years ago (started eating meat again) and I kept all of my old cookbooks and magazines.


    Angelh1908 - 2
    Ymmy208 - 12.2 total for the month!


    Glad to see you back and feeling better Bravome6!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSMCmPnaL3UeSg4_uma83s1AWeBiRYjAD65TQSq65JoM-tSVC1B Soosweet12, this trophy is for you!

    Your willingness to go back inside and get that workout done shows great mental strength. Like you said, "Your mind took over your body". What an awesome NSV! Seriously, WTG! Yours is the kinds of NSV I want to experience everyday. You're definitely going to reach your goals with that attitude.

    Bravo, Soosweet12!

    @Soosweet12 - here's some motivation for you! :) You can do it, lady! Make this week great!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    SW: 184.8
    GW: 160

    01/21 weight: 184
    01/28 weight: 181.6
    02/04 weight: 179.8
    02/11 weight: 179.8

    No loss today, but I was down to 177 on Friday. The body is a very tricky machine (too much sodium over the weekend I guess).

    Week 3 of Insanity completed! Having some issues with shin but will attempt moving on to week 4. I've been doing pretty well getting up in the morning to face Shaun T. Eating clean can be a challenge but not impossible.

    Weight loss for the week = 0
    Total loss = - 5

    Three weeks of Insanity and you're going back for more? You are a champion! :)
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks. Just trying to "Dig Deeper" :ohwell:
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Hi Yana, would like tobe part of this group.Joined MFP Aug.2012

    SW 242.8lbs
    CW 220 lbs
    GW 200 lbs by June2013
    My NSV last week was using the stationary bicycle for 65 mins(1st time ever)This week I am cutting down on my salty snacks and increasing my fruits and veges.
  • mamagirl49
    mamagirl49 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks for this Yana! I'd love to join in. I want to be in shape to tear it up hiking and backpacking this summer!

    SW: 255
    GW: 215 by June 15

    My mini goals are:
    -move it 5-6 days a week for 30, working up to 60 minutes
    -find a buddy at work to walk 15 minute mile on breaks
    -start C25K and do a 5K (hopefully a Zombie Run) in 2013
    -strength train 4 days a week
    -give away my big girl clothes
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    I am going to start reading all the posts from 1/8/13. Got to catch up on all that I have missed. Have MD's appt. today and then will do my grocery shopping for my fruits and veges because my vegetarian diet (Lenten Season ) starts tomorrow, Ash Wednesday.
  • Yummy208
    Yummy208 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello ladies just a little encouragement can go along way! So we can and we will get through this thing called weight loss or as we should call it our new lifestyle. If we believe in a higher power other than what we can see than we will achieve what we set forth...believe have faith and govern yourself according to what you wish to receive which is something so extraordinary! Be blessed and stay focused!!!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Welcome new challengers: 12774 and mamagirl49! We're so happy to have you join us on as we all make strides towards better health and wellness! Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • Hello ladies just a little encouragement can go along way! So we can and we will get through this thing called weight loss or as we should call it our new lifestyle. If we believe in a higher power other than what we can see than we will achieve what we set forth...believe have faith and govern yourself according to what you wish to receive which is something so extraordinary! Be blessed and stay focused!!!

    Amen !! I recieve that !
  • Welcome new challengers: 12774 and mamagirl49! We're so happy to have you join us on as we all make strides towards better health and wellness! Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome ladies !
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 413 Member
    Hey everyone so I came across this neat lunch. It's called salad in a jar. I tried it for the first time yesterday and absolutely loved it!! I made 5 jars on Sunday so I'll have one for everyday this week. Here's a link

    I think next week I may add chicken or tuna to my jars.
  • Pennhotmom
    Pennhotmom Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion. Years ago I was a vegetarian. I am now a meat eater, but I definitely want to try different veggies. My goal is to eat more things that are in season.
  • mamagirl49
    mamagirl49 Posts: 97 Member
    Hello ladies just a little encouragement can go along way! So we can and we will get through this thing called weight loss or as we should call it our new lifestyle. If we believe in a higher power other than what we can see than we will achieve what we set forth...believe have faith and govern yourself according to what you wish to receive which is something so extraordinary! Be blessed and stay focused!!!

    Thank you Yummy! This is what I needed to hear today!! Bless you good!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Hey everyone so I came across this neat lunch. It's called salad in a jar. I tried it for the first time yesterday and absolutely loved it!! I made 5 jars on Sunday so I'll have one for everyday this week. Here's a link

    I think next week I may add chicken or tuna to my jars.

    I just love this idea! I pinned this on Pinterest but I haven't tried it yet. I'm making spaghetti for dinner, perhaps I'll use the jars from that for my salads.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,320 Member
    Latest stats...

    SW 1/7: 218
    1/14 - 216.4
    1/21 - 216
    1/28 - 216
    2/02 - 214.9
    2/12 - 215.6

    OMG I got totally off track this weekend. The church dinner required so much time and work. It was fun and a success but I ate horribly all weekend and did not log or have the time or energy to exercise. I need to get back on track and start again....NOW! I need to refocus.
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Went to my MD today . Got the ok to start my vegetarian diet. He was very pleased with my wt loss and also my water intake.Was dreading that visit for a few months now.I am back on track and ready to kick it.
  • I have a question. I know that sugar from fresh fruit is best, but do you think it is possible to have too much fresh fruit where sugar could hinder weight loss? Reason why I am asking is because, I am not moving in my weight and I may need to tweak what I am eating. I have been making Nutribullet drinks with (spinach, frozen fruit, chia seeds or flax seed, 1/2 banana, and fiber powder or sometimes protein powder if I need that boost). I have been using green tea with pomegranate flavor or either water as my liquid for these drinks.
    Then sometimes as a snack, I have a piece of fruit (whatever I have on hand: apple, orange, pear....), do you think I am taking in too much sugar and that could be causing me not to lose weight? I am working out and staying under my calorie count, so I am not sure what is happening. Wanted to get a few suggestions.

    Thanks Ladies!

    Decide .Commit. Succeed (from Beachbody)
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    SW: 302 (1/23/13)
    299.6 (1/26/13); 2.4 lbs. eliminated (mid-week weigh-in)
    298.1 (1/29/13); 1.5 lbs. Gone!
    296.1 (2/05/13); 2 lbs. Gone!
    CW:295.2 (2/12/13); .9 lb. Gone!
    NSV this week lifted 10 pounds more of my body weight doing assisted chin ups and dips!
    Total Weight eliminated during this challenge 6.8!

    GW: 252
    NSV 1) Stay focused, 2) increase Cardio duration, 3) Drop 2 clothing sizes, 4) Have Active Rest Days

    Thank You for this Challenge! Thank you to everyone for sharing ,it helps me stay focused. It is so refreshing to know I am not in this battle alone! Continuous success to all!
  • krysB_kreme
    krysB_kreme Posts: 2 Member
    Im new to the forum but im glad I came across this! Great job so far ladies!

    SW: 264
    CW: 245
    Short Term Goal: 200

    Victories I would like to achieve:
    1: Continue to stay at calorie goal
    2: Work out 3-5 times a week with variety to workouts
    3: Be swim suit ready of course! :smile:

    I look forward to seeing everyone else's success in the challenge!