2 week challenge



  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    I've noticed that when I check the scale and see progress in the right direction, I immediately give myself permission to back off my goals and start justifying food choices that I wouldn't normally go for otherwise. I did good these last two weeks, and I am down a pound which is right what I expected to be - but then I just become really lax instead of focused. Not that having a little break sometimes isn't OK, but I should probably apply myself for longer than a few weeks before I relax. :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Why did I do that? Why did I add back in all that cardio??

    Oh, yes...I remember....after my Mexican vacation, I PANICKED at the number I saw on the scale and immediately regimented myself into 4 x weekly cardio along with my 3 x weekly weight-lifting.

    So dumb. I mean, it *felt* so super-smart at the time! But, frankly, I should have REALLY thought this thing through.

    So, anyway, here I am doing the cardio-bunny routine T/Th/Sat/Sun and, of course, the Venus routine M/W/F. And, WHAT do I have to show for it??

    NUTHIN. NOT A FRIGGIN THING. I weigh 147 lbs. That is 0.4 lbs MORE than a week ago. And, frankly, that's a WHOPPING 2 lbs LESS than January 1st, 2013.

    So dumb.

    What *was* working for me was doing my weight-training 3 x weekly and doing one day of cardio (Saturdays)....I was losing approx. 1 lb per week from Oct - Dec doing THAT.

    Forget cardio. Just forget it. It DOES NOT WORK FOR ME. Not that it EVER did....

    So, despite the fact I entered into a February 'streak' challenge (i.e. to create a "streak" of how many days, in a row, I could work-out....) cardio is OFFICIALLY OFF THE TABLE.

    If you EVER read my posts and I do the "I wonder if I should add back my cardio", just f*cking STOP ME and kick me in the rectum. HARD.

    For real.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Chloe - I'm at 1,350 calories per day. I really try NOT to eat back my exercise calories (whatever they are)...although, tonight, I am going to give myself permission to include them in my alottment.

    PS - I've been to the restaurant's website, have pre-determined what I will order, and calculated my supper at 1,100 calories. So, it's within my calorie allowance for today!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yes, Beeps, the "Girls" chick is dating the guitarist from Fun!
    I can't believe you are on 1,350 per day, though, Beeps, that seems so low! But it seems to be working for you...
    A 1100 dinner sounds like you fasted all day for it, enjoy!

    I might mess around with maintenance and see if I can figure out how to keep the scale from creeping, creeping up but I wanted to get to lower point to maintain, and see if that would "reset" my happy weight...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I'm still trying to figure my calories out..... I had a 0.5 pound gain this week. Granted it may be due to the fact that a) I've had a couple glasses of wine every night this week...oops b) I did Insanity yesterday and my muscles are sore (therefor potentially holding water right?) or c) TOM is on the way. Or a combination of all three. I was doing 1200 cals a day for a couple weeks, and have since bumped up to 1300 this last week. But it all is useless if I'm eating 2000 calories a day on Friday and Saturday. Which I probably am. So I am going to log weekends the rest of February, no matter what and get this thing figured out once and for all. I can't remain "in diet mode" forever during the week and eat and drink whatever on weekends. I'd say one cheat day a week is fair.

    I did Insanity at lunch yesterday and like it though. I may start doing it with my coworker once a week at work. It sucks being sweaty the rest of the day, but it was so nice to not have to get my workout done when I got home.

    Today is my Friday! Have a great weekend chicks!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    My goal is to average about 1500 a day. So if I go under during the week and a little over on the weekends, then I am ok. But, I have been doing so bad on the weekends lately that hasn't really worked out. I did my classes at the gym last night and my body is hating me today. I planned on doing a run after work, but I am not sure that is going to happen. I may need a rest day. I skipped my morning protein smoothie this morning to make up for dinner. And I am not sure how you guys do this fasting stuff. I feel like I'm not gonna make it to lunch....does your body get used to it eventually?

    Better- I could never do Insanity and then go back to work, I am drenched after that workout. But, good for you!

    SchmoozyQ- I tend to do that too. Its a lose lose because if the scale is going up or staying the same I am too hard on myself, but if its going down, then I am like oh I am doing good I can have that glass of wine.

    Beeps- 1350 was what I was doing, but with my weekends, I tended to go over and then I was like F*** it and eat whatever I want. I am hoping with the 1500 I can actually stay under my weekly goal and keep up my motivation.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    It's all "trial-and-error" on the calories in v. calories out piece.

    Husband and I did have a lovely supper out, last night. We shared appy's and then each had our own entree. The owner brought us out 2 desserts (which he paid for!), but I did NOT even taste either one! I really was "full" after my meal and I knew even ONE MORE BITE would toss me over and I'd have a sore tummy all night. So, husband ate BOTH desserts, lol.

    I'm happy with my discipline!

    Tonight, I have a hair appointment and then immediately off to an open house to try and figure out middle son's junior high school sitch. That means my supper will be a protein bar. I expect it will be a lower calorie day - good because I'd like to water-out all the salt from last night's meal AND get a lower scale weight tomorrow!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    sounds good, Beeps, that is amazing you didn't even have a bite! Nice of your husband to step up and finish both:love:

    ChLoe,some days are better than others with the fasting, I don't wake up hungry so I can go for awhile and sometimes I don't even notice, but sometimes I am hangry-so hungry I am angry.

    I think I was hangry last night and just went ahead and ate all I wanted, and had a beer. It did make me feel better!

    :heart: :smooched: And happy VD, chicks, have a great one! :heart: :smooched:
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Beeps, I'm so impressed by you skipping even a bite of dessert!

    Amy, Hangry! I use it all the time. And I get hangry a lot if I'm behind on a mealtime, haha. I can't do the IF thing. Maybe I could skip breakfast sometimes, and sometimes I won't eat lunch until 2 or later. When I miss meals it's cause I'm really busy - but I couldn't do it otherwise. I get ILL with low blood sugar when I don't eat. It's not pretty, haha.

    Chloe - You and I are very similar. I'm trying to average 1500/day too. I find it fairly easy to hit that number and not be really hungry. For me it means three square meals a day, and little to no "treats" on any given day. So that's OK with me.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been running around a bunch the last few days so I'm not even going to try to catch up on commenting on everything. I was at a conference yesterday and went a little overboard with the sweets they had there, and was way over on calories by the end of the day. But I had to fast until 10:30 this morning for bloodwork (and usually I've had breakfast and least one snack by then), so I'm pretty much back on track today. We don't really have anything planned for V day, so I'm going to try to get in a workout tonight and have a light dinner with the hubby. I finished up my frozen greek yogurt last night, so I'm going to try to break my nightly dessert habit over the weekend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    You are diabetic, right, Schmoozy?? It makes sense, to me, that you cannot do IF at all....

    PS - I didn't have an alcoholic beverage last night, at all. My husband had 2 manhattans, instead, lol.

    Today, all I've had is 1 protein bar. I have to get my daughter to a dr appointment, so I think I'll grab a salad w/ grilled chicken on it prior to my return to work. Then it's off to a hair appointment followed by an open house - so, check, no time to eat!

    I don't mind it when low-cal days come because I'm *busy*....but, if it's just me sitting at my desk at work, I have to fight HANGRY, MUNCHIES, GRAZING all the time!


    Which reminds me - I *finally* got a line on a very decent job....have to get an updated CV into the recruiter, today. So, will make final tweaks, send off and HOPE that I get an interview really soon.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Ris - Frozen greek yogurt sounds good. I've never seen it in the store, do you make it yourself or buy it?

    Beeps - I'm not diabetic, but I am hypoglycemic so I go crashing too low (and get super HANGRY, dizzy, shaky) without evenly spaced meals. Good luck on your new job prospect!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I sometimes wake up hungry (no hangry) if I have a very light dinner. Usually I will feel hungry for a bit and then it goes away. I get up around 7 and typically don't eat breakfast till at least 9. Sometimes I won't eat until noon. Sometimes I'll get hungry around 10 and have a handful of almonds. It's weird. In my head it makes me feel like I have a slow metabolism. Of course I am only 5'2" and have a desk job. But even days I'm home running up and down steps, cleaning, running errands, and doing 1-2 workouts, I'm still not super hungry. Monday I ate 2 bites of banana, then ran 5 miles with a stroller, showered, and then ate lunch around noon. I was pretty hangry by that time, but not as much as I would suspect. Don't get me wrong....I'm not one to "starve" oneself. I LOVE to eat. And cook. And go out to dinner. I just don't get super hungry. But I often eat like I am. My worst "binge" time is after work and before dinner while I'm cooking.

    Anyways....I like the idea of averaging a number each day. I looked back to September when I was my thinnest. I was eating 1800-1900 calories a day and breastfeeding so I reckon that equals about 1300-1400 consistently a day. I'm going to shoot to average between those numbers next week and see if I can lose a couple pounds and then play around with maintenance in a few weeks. My main goal is FL vacation in May, so I have time.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think hangry is new for me too, I never used to care that much and now I am, like, frantic, if I don't know when and what I am eating! So different from before, when I was a smoker who didn't workout!
    right now I am trying not have a fun-size snickers...
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    SchmoozyQ--Making frozen greek yogurt would probably be much healthier, but I buy it. This is the kind I get, but I think it's a Safeway brand (not sure if they have Safeway near you or if its a local thing): http://www.safeway.com/ShopStores/Open-Nature-Dairy.page

    It was in the freezer section along with the rest of the ice cream. It's definitely not low cal or low sugar like the greek yogurt I usually eat, but I figure that it has to be at least a little better for you than regular ice cream since it has more protein. At least that's what I tell myself :tongue:
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I swear I'm like a baby, I have to eat every few hours or look out, so no fasting for me. Fortunately I have a fast metabolism and have always gotten away with eating a little more than the average person. My husband made me a huge platter of chocolate covered fruits and I totally overdid it last night. I was so sick! It was really sweet of him, but now I am feeling so gross. I have a friend from out of town coming to visit and we are going out for Mexican tomorrow night so that is going to be tricky, but I am going to stock up on some healthy foods for us to have over the weekend to make up for it. She is eating vegan so I have to keep that in mind as well. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yes, Have a great weekend all! I am off to the Dominican REpublic and probably won't log on for a week!
    VD was good, we had a very reasonable dinner and split only a half bottle of red wine, but then at the concert i had two beers and they were 24 oz each! yowzers... The scale hasn't moved much this week, but I am off for a week of fun in the sun, and I will get into a new program when I return.:flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Better - having a vacation on the horizon has been THE biggest *push* factor for me....becomes a DOUBLE bonus: 1. I focus on my fat loss goals really easily; and 2. I get to travel to neat places! WIN-WIN.

    Ris - does "frozen greek yogurt" taste any better than regular greek yogurt?????????? boy, I am NOT a fan of the "greek yogurt" rage - I hope it settles down or goes away because I'm just not a fan, lol.

    abigail - nice that you have a fast metabolism - I think I'm totally jealous. My older brother has NEVER had weight issues and, yes, he is a candy addict, a pop addict, blah, blah, blah. I keep thinking it will *catch up with him* but it NEVER DOES!

    Amy - have a GREAT time in the DR!!! Go. Enjoy. Real life will return soon enough. Can't wait to hear ALL about your adventures!!

    PS - I'm back to 146.8 lbs. Which is EXACTLY what I weighed on Feb. 6th. This week, officially, is a *stall* week. Blah.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey chicks. I hope you all had nice weekends. Mine was pretty good. Not the healthiest, but not terrible. I logged my whole Friday and came in right under 2000 calories, as I suspected. Saturday I was around 1000 before dinner. It would not surprise me if I wound up close to 3000! I had three presumably high calorie beers, a pork belly lettuce and tomato sandwich, and duck fat fries for dinner. And some red wine for dessert. :blushing: I should have done a little better Friday to help with Saturday. Lesson learned....I'm going to continue to be diligent with my logging this weekend and try to only have one real cheat day this week. Also cutting out most wine during the week with chocolate kisses. I did that almost every day last week.

    Yesterday wasn't awful. I didn't finish out my logging but was probably just a little over. I had the strangest hangover yesterday. I woke up exhausted (even though I got about 8 hours sleep), almost like I was coming down with something. I shook it off, rallied and painted for a bit. Then laid around and was lazy and snacked on carbs. Then I rallied and cooked some lunch for the week, some chili, baked some chick peas, and made some food for my daughters lunches (we're transitioning from bottled formula to milk/formula in a sippy cup....she is stubborn....so she requires more "real" food at day care now....more prep). Then I started feeling terrible: horrible headache and very nauseous. I thought I was coming down with something so went to sleep at 9 and feel fine today. Just puffy. Anyways, that's the most I've drank this month and I remember now it's not worth it. Moving on.

    I did get a good 4 mile (cold) run in Saturday. I have plans for 3 runs this week and another day of something. I planned on a workout yesterday but just felt blah. I don't know where we stand in goals, but mine are for the next 2 weeks:

    1. Log everything everyday
    2. 3 runs + 1 day of "total body workout"
    3. Only 1 cheat day
    4. Average of 1300-1400 calories daily
    5. Don't get hammered
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies! So this is the first Monday I don't feel totally puffy in awhile. Even though I did some major damage calorie wise this weekend, I'm still feeling good. I think it is because I really limited snacking, just had solid meals. I did log everything though and ended up averaging 1900 cals a day. Which is totally maintenance. Oh well. We will just blame it on Valentines day. I walked the dog all 3 days (2 miles) and went to spinning and hot yoga Saturday morning.

    This week I decided to start trying to skip my normal breakfast smoothie. I normally have that around 8, so I am going to try to not eat until 10. Its 9:10 right now and I'm starving, but I just made my second cup of coffee so hopefully that tides me over. so my eating window will be 10 AM to 8 PM. (even though I am normally done eating before 8). Then maybe I will keep trying to push it back, but I figured this is a start.

    Better- my friends and I always joke when we are hungover "that was totally not worth it!"

    My 2 week goals:

    1) Stay in my eating window of 10AM to 8PM
    2) get in my 3 days at the gym (2 classes each day) and 3 treadmill runs (I have been slacking on this)
    3) limit drinking (and like Ashley don't get hammered)
    4) log everything and average 1500 cals a day