2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Makes sense to me, chui - and your measurements are SERIOUSLY trending in the downward direction so you ARE DOING IT ALL RIGHT!

  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy - congrats on the running. It was very difiicult for me when I got started runin so I know what an accomplishment this is, keep it up!

    Beeps - I'm so sorry about the the work thing, that sucks!

    Chui - I never thought about measuring in all those other places, that's a good idea.

    Sarah - best wishes on the clean eating, I also have toork really hard to stay away from sugar.

    Speaking of clean eating. I was doing awesome for a few weeks and then last Friday I took the kids to see Brave at an eat-in movie theatre and had a big cheeseburger with bacon, sweet potato fries & a big sundae. I was so ill when I got home! Anyways I went a little nuts over the weekend as well so I am trying to get back on track. I have actually made a few changes to my diet plan. My calories were set way too low so I upped those and tweaked a few other things - less carbs, more healthy fats, etc so we'll see how that goes.

    As far as exercise goes it is not looking good that I am going to make it to the gym for the rest of the summer. My mother-in-law cannot watch my kids anymore since my father-in-law is very sick and requires 24hr care now so I am scrambling to get childcare for just enough hours to get my work done. I still run and take dance, but I haven't done much weight lifting - I miss it! I may buy a few things to do at home, but that does not usually work with the kids, we'll see. Can't wait for school to start!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Yesterday, I woke up with such motivation. I was excited to be back from vacation, go back to work, and start a new plan. In the late afternoon, i got sick to my stomach, took a nap when my husband got home, then woke up and had an all out BINGE! Today, I feel FAT. And for some dumb reason, I just hopped on the scale. UGH! I guess I really went overboard on vacation! And, no, it's not just the scale. My tummy looks YUCKY! It's so frustrating because I was finally starting to like the way I looked before I left. I think TOM is just around the corner so that makes everything worse.

    I'm going to officially weigh in (even though I'm sure it will be high) on Monday when I start round 2 of P90X. Round 1 was touch and go, so hopefully I stick with it this time.

    Oh, and one more complaint- sorry - I was looking at the pics from my brother's wedding, and it was so breezy, I look pregnant in a few pics. UGH!!!! Okay, positive attitude coming soon!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    abigail, it's REALLY tough if you don't have adequate child-care to get work-outs in. I'm glad to read you are still getting your running in and your dance. (Those will help manage your stress, in any event.) I hope you can get some weight-training in from time to time - I'm sure you will.

    kclynch - heck we ALL have "FAT" days....sorry yours has come along at a time you were really feeling ready to GET BACK AT IT. Keep your motivation - it's more healing than the negative self-talk.

    I'm heading into a meeting in 2 hours that my boss has called for. I don't think this will be a very good meeting and I'm trying to work very hard on "yoga-breathing" and just remaining very calm, regardless of what is said at that meeting.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, I hope the yoga breaths helped. how did it go?
    I will run on the dreadmill tonight. It is so hot in Denver!
    kc, we have all been there, just dust yourself off and get some renewed motivation for P90X round 2! and drink plenty of water before that Monday weigh-in. You can do it. And just try one nutritional thing, whether it's lower-carb or getting enough protein, sometimes that can help me keep things together.
    Abi, sorry about your father-in-law, and your loss of childcare help! I understand, I had the cheeseburger and fries last week. I wanted the shake but I didn't do it. I did buy some mint chip ice cream though...
    I might try to get my body fat measured again.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    the yoga-breathing helped....but, it was terrible, just the same. I obviously need MORE help dealing with "stress", so am seeing a therapist, today. (Even exercising, as much as I do, the cracks are starting to show....)

    I am on vacation from Aug 11 - 18, 2012, so I won't be posting here....my BB only permits me to check-in and log food/exercise. So, I will miss all of you gals.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Enjoy your vacay, Beeps! I am going to Winter Park this weekend. Maybe I will try to get in a jog on Saturday.
    Jog last night went well, not any faster but I get through it.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I am soooo glad it's Friday and from reading some of the previous posts. I think it's probably an overall TGIF for us all. I'm whooped. I need a nap. LoL. But that's not going to happen.

    Got caught up on the workouts, grocery shopping done, and this weekend begins the prep process all over again. :tongue:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA; I've been keeping up. I had Tuesday and Wednesday off work and a seminar Thursday and Friday. I did relatively well with my goals last week: 6w6p 3x, ran 3 miles with stroller 2 days and my speed is improving! I was doing 11 minute miles and last week was doing between 10:20-10:30. I'll take it! My eating was decent. Friday night I made a bunch of sushi and we had a friend over and drank some wine and sake. Saturday I actually didn't eat much but drank too much so felt rather sluggish and yuck yesterday and therefor didn't really care about protein and veggies. I didn't do terribly, but am feeling effects today. This week I plan on sticking with my workouts (level 2 of 6w6p 3-4x and running 2-3x), staying dry till book club Thursday, drinking minimally Friday and trying to at least get close to my protein and carb goals daily.

    Hope you all had great weekends!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Ashley - good job on hitting your goals. Fun on making sushi! I've never tried but I bet it was awesome! I did the same thing yesterday - I was hungover and thus didn't do well on veggie or protein! But I also didn't eat a ton of fried food and for that I am happy :) Great goals for the week!

    I had a crazy weekend but managed it. I went to a pro football game Friday but managed to only drink 2 beers total and not eat any fried food. This made me happy. Saturday was quite the evening - lots of calories and booze which I paid for on Sunday. But since I didn't do my worst on Sunday and I got all my work outs in last week I am calling last week an overall success. I wasn't perfect but I did my best I think. Now - I have 5 weeks left and it's time to be SPOT on nutritionally. I have a very doable week coming up - only one social event on the weekend, and kickball Thursday which I can get away with very little drinking if I try. This is my last week leading up to a rest week so I am ready to hit the training hard and go in next week need recovery :)

    Hope you all has a good weekend! Beeps, I hope you're enjoying some time off!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies! I am back from vacation and I am feeling like a huge blob! We went grocery shopping last night when we get home and stocked up on a bunch of healthy stuff, so I am soooo ready to get back to it. I decided to start Insanity over again from Day 1, I wasn't mentally prepared to start week 4 knowing I would have to begin the really tough month 2 workouts next week. So I did plyometrics this morning and I may have tweaked my lower back, it isn't feeling too great right now. Hopefully it feels better by tomorrow morning, if not I will just do a walk. Also my work schedule changed a little bit, so I will be able to workout in the mornings now, which I really prefer and then walk the dog at night.

    I'm going to finish catching up on all the posts a little later!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    One week til Warrior Dash! I also have a 5k in the dark on Friday. So I will jog today and Wednesday, 5k Friday and WD on Sunday.
    I had an ok weekend. I started Saturday off right in Winter Park with a jog but it was beer fest so I indulged and then had some yummy pizza-it was hawaiian with ham and pineapple but they put almonds on it too, which I liked.
    I need to get to the store to round out my organix delivery tomorrow. I am going to make arugula salad with honey drizzled peaches and goat cheese. and I also want to do mushroom flatbread pizza, yum.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I feel like something that cat dragged in...lol. Despite good eats all weekend and following the workout plan-I am dragging. Any thoughts on why it seems my muscles are not recovering as quickly from workouts? Especially upper body. Maybe it's just the change in pace to circuit training. Not sure, but WOW. I am counting the days until Wednesday=rest day!!

    Amy- your menu sounds delish!

    Kate- Great job with the weekend progress and good luck pushing through to rest week!

    Chloe-Welcome back!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Ashley, good job with your goals & improved speed.

    Chui - good luck with your nutrition goals

    Chloe - welcome back & I hope your back is okay.

    Amy - your salad sounbds divine.

    Mama - it must be the change, your body will adjust.

    I am doing better with diet in general although I haven't had a chance to log. I really need to get in more workouts though and I just found out last night I will be performing that modern piece I did last July again this Sunday at a park. I hope we have good weather - I also hope I don't forget the dance as it has been awhile!
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    So this weekend was the first time I sort of majorly failed at logging- which I'm SURE will happen again the longer I stick to MFP. Balance, right? Living life rules out, as it should, sometimes. It was my birthday Friday, and the celebration carried over sort of all weekend. Calories weren't TOO too bad (I don't think), but paid no attention to macros. I DID, however, stick to exercise. I started stage 3 of NROL Thursday, lifted again saturday, and ran 7 miles yesterday. I'm about to head to the gym again right now, even though if I'm being honest I'd much rather lounge. Today marked my first day of getting back to good eating. Chinese Chicken and Broccoli isn't too bad, is it? I'm trying to figure out the caloric info as we speak...

    I really enjoy reading about everybody's progress/weekly updates - it's a great reminder that it's all about doing the best you can. No one can be perfect all the time. There will always be obstacles, we just have to ride the waves. And you bet we can!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Started week 3 of Supreme 90...still feeling the effects..phew. Drank up my protein shake today hoping that will help recover these muscles! :tongue:

    Sarah- Yes, I think we all experience those balance issues whether it be social life, weekends in general, or crazy work schedules. We've got to find what works for us and it's a slippery slope sometime! Way to jump right back in!

    Abigail- Good luck with the upcoming performance! I'm sure it'll all come back to you...like riding a bike right?! :bigsmile:

    I know we are a 2 week challenge board. But I'm still trying to balance out a little more relaxed MFPing while stepping it up on the diet/workout front. It 'feels' like it's working for me. Not trying to nail down X, Y, Z and just trying to hit my macros and do my workouts. I am sore as hell..:embarassed: , eating well, and although the scale isn't moving...I'm not feeling defeated. This is 110% of my effort and that's what I have to give...the results will come or they won't...either way, I'm going to keep plugging away. I did drop my calories down 100 to see how my body responds to that...which puts me around 1650. Nothing drastic, just eliminating my desire to have an extra snack. I have 2 weeks left before the kids start back to school and schedules start getting even more crazy. So as long as I keep this pace, I should be in a good place when all of that hits.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Got in a run last night before a massage reward, so that was nice. Had a pretty good dinner and nutella crepe which fit with my macros so it's all right.
    Abi-I am sure your dance will go well, dancing is good exercise isn't it?
    Has anyone heard of Orange Theory fitness? It's a gym and they have you wear a heart rate monitor and do 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training and keep your heart rate in EPOC (?) or 80% for 20 minutes. I figure I could do that at my own gym(s) but I might go for some examples and such.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Mama- I need to get some of your dedication! It is so hard to get back to it especially after vacation and now my back is all messed up on top of it! Can you give me a brief description of Supreme 90?

    Abigail- good luck on your dance! That has to be a great workout!

    Amy- I have not heard of Orange Theory fitness, but it does sound like a program you could just create on your own.

    Sticking with nutrition so far this week. I upped my carbs because I was finding low carbs was causing me to binge on the weekends and that really wasn't doing me any good. Didn't workout today, back feels better today than yesterday, but not good enough for Insanity. I think I am going to take today totally off and do a good treadmill walk tomorrow morning. And since I'm not getting in good workouts it is forcing me to really watch my food.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Chloe- I bought it online but Big Lots (if you have one of those) has it for $4.00 this week. It's an 'as seen on tv' prepackaged program *(I know, kate, i know:wink: ) that a friend of mine of MFP had great success with. Our gym is being sold (and at this point it doesn't look like the new owners are going to keep it as a gym) so I had to make a quick decision on where to go. i went with it because it's short *30-40minutes* 6 days a week mixing heavier lifting with cardio circuits that include weights. I'm really enjoying the fast pace of it, it is leaving me ridiculously whipped, and I can 'add' a little of what I need *read-booty work* if I have time. The production of it is not nearly as fancy as P90x or Chalean Extreme. But it feels like a good workout and given the time slots I had available for now..this has been great.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey chicks. Looks like you're all doing fabulous! Just wanted to quickly check in. So far so good this week. I started level 2 of 6w6p Monday and I like it better than L1. My butt was sore yesterday from it. I also got an outdoor non stroller run in yesterday. It felt great! I ran a 5k in 29:45 which is on the faster end (historically even) for me. So I felt good about that. I plan on 6w6p tonight and maybe tomorrow but I'm hosting book club tomorrow so may not have time. I've got Friday off for make up workouts.

    I've been doing reasonably well on my protein; I'm not hitting my 30% but that is tough on 1900 cals! I'm getting over 100g which I guess in my mind is a goal. I'm cutting some carbs too. Last night I put my pasta salad over a cup of spinach to fill the bowl. Typically I fill the bowl with pasta. Baby steps..... I've also traded (usually) my dessert of sugary popsicles for Greek yogurt with Stevia and fresh mashed blackberries and it's very satisfying.

    Hope you're all having a good week!