2 week challenge



  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Reese - hey, if you like then go for it! There are plenty of prepackaged programs that work. You know your stuff and you know when you're working hard :) Bummer about your gym...I would be so depressed!

    Chloe- hope your feeling better post vacation and less blob like. What's wrong with your back? Injury is the worst feeling.

    Amy - nice job on the run! I haven't heard of that. Interesting. I bet you probably already keep your HR at 80% for 20 minutes though....how's warrior dash prep going?

    Happy Birthday, Sarah! Glad you enjoyed a fun weekend - and yes, the longer you're on here to the more time you'll sometimes just have to choose to 'take off'. All of us do it. Life is much more than logging and being on plan and you can' go at 100% forever! It's healthy to take a step back and relax.

    Ashley - way to get hte work outs in - you've been dominating! And yes, that's a lot of protein but you'll get used to it.. your greek yogurt sub is a great one! You're on the right track it sounds like!

    Getting my work outs in so far! One more workout in stage 7 and then I am technically DONE. I might do it again or switch to an LP weights workout for remainder of my cut. Haven't decided yet. My weight is STILL stagnating which sucks but I just need to keep on. 4 weeks after this one...I need to remember that's a lot of time to still make progress!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everybody!

    Thanks Reese, we do have a Big Lots by us, maybe I will check it out! For 4 bucks it cant hurt!

    Kate- I'm not sure, I had a lower back injury last summer that put me on the couch for 3 days, so I don't mess around now when I start to feel a tweak. I did Insanity Monday morning before work and it just started to feel sore and then by the end of the day I could barely sit up in a chair. Yesterday it was much better and this morning I did an easy 3 mile walk on the treadmill, which I think is what I will keep up with the rest of the week and then try to give Insanity a go again on Monday.

    Still doing good with eating. Have my weekend pretty well planned out, so I am feeling confident getting into next week. We are having dinner at a friends house Saturday and I am planning the meal (she just had a baby) so I will make it something healthy. And my new plan for drinking is to have 1 drink an hour it will force me to pace myself and pay attention to what I am drinking. And then get in some water if I finish before the hour is up. And then Sunday I have a early dinner and drinks with some old girlfriends from highschool. We are going to a restaurant that has a great grilled chicken salad and I will go with the same approach for drinks. I figure with this plan with the drinking I should not have more than 6-8 drinks for the whole weekend (which as of lately would be a great improvement!)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    so, I'm a dork and think it's cool that the thread rolled!!
    But, haven't heard anything from Beeps or Jen, hope they are enjoying their time...
    The rest of you are doing great!
    Chloe and Kate, I know pilates and core work really has helped my back. I used to have low back pain and it's from spenidng most of the day in front of screen, but maintaining core strength has helped a lot.
    For $4 I might stop by Big Lots. I am still not sure what to do for my 9-week mermaid challenge, I was thinking of focusing mainly on diet, doing some carb cycling and IF, and then maybe some HIIT and strength, but only 3 days per week.
    I like the idea of spinach under the noodles, that might be good for a few recipes.
    The honey-drizzled peach and arugula salad was really good, I had it at dinner last night and lunch today.
    I got some oyster mushroom with my organics delivery and I am trying to find something fun to do with those. And I am going to do zucchini boats when my boss brings me some of the big zucchini from his garden:
    I will use ground turkey, I think and maybe just a little parm. mmm....
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hi ladies!
    My first week back at work had been crazy busy! But...I'm pretty proud of myself because I started P90X on Monday - even though I tried to talk myself out of it 100 times! I weighed in on Monday and took my measurements. I was up 3 pounds, but I was only up 1/2 inch in my arms and 3/4" in my lower belly. I actually lost in my thighs, hips and bust! Crazy! I'm not a big fan of cardio X or Kenpo X so I sub something else. My nutrition has been horrible, This is the only week teachers get to eat out and I have been!!! Next week I will focus on my macros again.

    Mama, I didn't realize you had started S90! I think we have the same friend that has rocked that workout more than once! I want to try to find it for after P90X. How does it compare. I think you did P90X too....

    Amy - warrior dash is this weekend right? I fell off the running path at some point I hope to get back on!

    Chloe - sounds like you have an awesome weekend planned with healthy choices.

    The rest of you ladies are rockin' your workouts!!! Keep it up!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I just ordered Supreme 90 on Amazon, I figured for 16 bucks it was worth a try and I think I want to do some sort of strength program. Insanity isn't cutting it for me right now. So I am looking forward to this. Got in a 3 mile walk on the treadmill again this morning. Don't know if I will get an evening walk in or not, pretty crappy weather here today. Also doing very well with eating so far this week. My back is feeling much better, but I think I will just keep with the walking until I start the Supreme 90 program.

    Thanks Reese I hope I like it as much as you do :happy: Oh and I wanted to ask you what equipment is needed besides weights? And what range of weights do you use? Thx
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Well....I had good intentions last night. I rushed home to get my workout done before husband and baby got home, but they got home early; same time as me. It was pretty nice so we walked to our Wednesday spot instead of working out or doing yard work and split a bottle of half priced wine (hence why it is our Wednesday spot). I managed about 75 minutes of walking between lunch, walking to and fro meeting and walking to and fro dinner so not a total wash. Unfortunately I doubt that I will get my workout in tonight either. I'll try to double up on 6w6p and a run tomorrow on my day off. Saturday we're headed to the lake/golfing so I may be stuck doing round 3 this week of 6w6p on Sunday which I typically don't like doing. I'll do the best I can. I needed the break and QT with my husband yesterday so don't feel bad about it. And the scale was nice to me today; I was down 1 pound from last week which was a loss of 1/2 pound I gained and another 1/2 pound. So the scale is still moving in the right direction. Yay!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yes, for those who are asking, Warrior Dash is Sunday! I have been just running every other day for 30 mins but I am slow and I don't even get 5k, more like 2.59 miles, but I think it will be ok.
    I actually have a 5k on Friday night and it is my first 5k! Maybe the energy of running a race will make it seem better, and I will be with friends, so I hope it goes well!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Have fun at your 5k Amy! Yes, I'm sure all the people will move you right along. Good luck. What is the distance on Warrior Dash?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Warrior dash is also 5k. But it is an obstacle course so I don't think it counts as a real 5k...
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    Thanks Reese I hope I like it as much as you do :happy: Oh and I wanted to ask you what equipment is needed besides weights? And what range of weights do you use? Thx

    I use 5s (for tricep extensions because he has these odd ones that feel very ackward! :tongue: ) up to 20s right now for things like lunges and chest presses.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Girls...I don't know what it is but I'm still holding steady at 158. I'm not going to freak but I am kind of surprised. I don't think I'll measure yet since I didn't start a 1st measurement until 2 weeks ago...but I'm a little shocked by the last of scale movement. Not even a smidge. (sorry Chloe if this is a downer given you've just ordered Supreme 90...I always blame my calorie intake for this definitely not the workout!!) I'm not sure where to go. Stay stead fast for a couple more weeks? I'm at 1650 right now with the 'burned 1 calorie' so no exercise calories. I was at 1750 for the first two weeks of the program and saw a lb down but it went right back up. Any thoughts?
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member

    I finished NROL today, which was an awesome feeling! One more cardio session and I will be on to rest week next week (and 50% carbs...WOOO HOOO). I have 4 weeks left in my cut so I am going to finish it out with LP's exact program instead of subbing in my own weights. I had considered redoing stage 7 of NROL but it's pretty intense and since the diet will be taxing I need to keep my activity level in line with that. Looking forward to making my own pita pizzas tonight :)

    Reese - LP has you measure every 2 weeks during 'cut' just fyi. Keep at it, give it 4 weeks total, see what happens. I sympathize though - I CANNOT get out of the 140. I haven't seen under 141 to be exact and I getting irritated, especially since I weighed in a 143.2 this morning. I have been retaining a lot of water - I can tell from my ring and my carb levels. This could be the case for you too!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I agree with Kate, Reese, it could be you are retaining water, or the muscles are because of your new workout.
    Pita Pizzas sounds awesome-is that low carb? I am trying to think of some good meals for low carb, I should check out the paleo stuff, since it is usually low-carb.
    I am looking forward to the 5k tonight, should be fun!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Not particularly low carb...but lower than a lot of straight pizza crusts and healthier than most pizzas I can buy. I have been getting into the habit of making some of dinner that approximates my favorite unhealthily weekend foods on Friday. I look forward to it and don't do the real thing.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- I forgot!! Good luck this weekend!!

    Kate- Congrats again on wrapping up NROL!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I survived back to school week and boy did it wipe me out!! I’ve missed you all and just got caught up on your posts…YAY we rolled over, lol :laugh:

    Lexiliz – Welcome to the group!

    Beeps – I am so sorry about the $hitty job news :frown: I really hope you are enjoying your holiday with your family. Looking forward to having you back, though!!

    Chloe – glad you enjoyed vaca but sorry about your back. Glad to hear it is on the mend!

    KC – I ate out all last week too for lunch :ohwell: But sound slike you have a plan in place, so good luck with round 2 of P90X!

    Abigail – Sorry about your FIL. Hopefully your new nutrition plan can help with your goals! Glad you can still run and dance though :wink: Hope the dance went well!!

    Mama- your new program sounds great! There goes that d@mn scale again messing with our heads! :grumble: But I love your “keep on keeping on” and “give 110%” attitude. I do think you will see changes in your measurements. Remember a couple weeks ago I was feeling discouraged and looked at pics and was able to see progress. Keep at it, you are doing great!

    Kate – Girl, you have been a machine!! Excellent progress and excellent dedication! I am in awe :love: Congrats!! I can’t wait to see what following LP’s workout plan does for you this last 4 weeks. You are right, A LOT of change and progress can be made in this amount of time.

    Amy – I am so proud of your running progress!! Your food has been sounding great too! I can’t wait to hear how the Fri 5k went and what you thought of the Warrior Dash!! :Giddy:

    Sarah - Happy Belated Birthday!! Way to stick to the exercise over a b-day weekend :flowerforyou:

    Better – Looks like you have been making some nice strides with your nutrition! Excellent time on your 5k too! Sounds like you are just rockin everything!! And yes, baby steps!

    Looks like everyone is grasping the “progress not perfection” attitude and I think that is so healthy!

    As for me, I am sure I undid all the progress I made two weeks ago. So today is food prep day: egg cupcakes; mini meat muffins; and banana chocolate peanut butter protein muffins. Menu also planned and all ingredients bought – Spicy Basil Chicken breasts with curry rice; Carnitas tacos (pokey Pot); and chicken, spinach and white bean soup.

    So happy to be back at work, to have a routine and to have back my motivation!!! Thank you ladies for always keeping me inspired!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Whew! Busy weekend. We were traveling a lot of it and had a fussy baby for some of it so I'm beat today. As for how my week ended up, I got 2 runs in and 2 rounds of 6w6p. Not as well as I would have liked, but not too bad. My legs was bothering me for the past few days and is feeling better now so maybe taking a couple days off helped. It was strange; it was tender to the touch, not like muscle soreness. The pain started in my left IT band and radiated around to my inner thigh throughout the weekend. Anyways, my eating was good on days I logged. Friday wasn't bad for food, but I had some wine and vodka drinks. Saturday I didn't eat much throughout the day, but made up with it with a big burger and 2 pumpkin beers for dinner followed by some vodka drinks. So naturally I ended up snacking on some junk yesterday but did get off my lazy butt and take a very relaxed walk with the family. This week I'm going to stick with my workouts and work on my protein again. I hope to do some cooking Wednesday as I blew that off yesterday. I need a new breakfast. I'm thinking of oatmeal with protein powder and some other stuff. Any ideas?

    Hope you all had a great weekend!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Well, I made it a few weeks without having to come in with an 'opps' of a weekend. Unfortunately, Sunday was a big bad fail. I've got Monday ready to rock-workout done, food all prepped. No reason to wallow just time to move forward. Tomorrow I finish the 1st 30 days of Supreme 90. Went to the gym to do it since it's one of the last days I can go there. Was nice to just get out of the house for the workout. Plus legs day is better served at the gym for me anyways. I'll do it while I can-until the doors close!:grumble:

    This is the last week before school starts. So I'll be off Wed-Friday to enjoy some QT with the kids. Going to take them on an animal safari on Wednesday if the weather holds out. So I'll just need to make sure to get AM workouts in to stay on track. It'll be fun and a nice end to our summer.:smile:

    Ashley- I'm a simple breakfast eater. Stick with protein shakes mainly, sometimes spice it up here and there with egg muffins...so I'm not full of idea!

    Jen- As usual your array of foods sounds so delish!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Hello all....you've been busy in my (vacation) absence!

    Yay on the thread roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My holiday was really good. The weather was PERFECT and we all had a really good time. As you can imagine, time FLEW by.

    I forced myself to NOT think about work. And, coming into work, today, I 100% realize that I need to find another job.....this one has become soul-sapping and it's a terrible way to survive. I want to thrive. It will take quite awhile to find something new (it took me 7 years to find this job!), and so I am in it for the long haul. But, long-term, this is the right decision - and it is my career I need to focus on, just now.

    That doesn't mean lifestyle/fitness isn't a focus, but I cannot obsess about MORE than one thing at a time (and I simply have to focus on career over the next while).

    I will use my fitness/nutrition as a continuing way to de-stress. Managing my stress is becoming key, because it is SO VERY STRESSFUL at the office. I am meeting with my personal trainer, today. We were supposed to go through the exercises in NROL4Abs that I am unfamiliar with....but, my back is sore from yesterday (I did a MEGA 'spring clean' of our storage room and the kids' bedrooms!). I think I'll just let him do what he wants. I meet with him again, on Thursday, and we can go through NROL4Abs at that time.

    I still (technically) have 2 work-outs to get through of my second set of Stage 7 of NROL4W, so I might squeeze those in this week, too.

    I've missed you.....but, I haven't missed the logging (which is something I have to decide if I want to re-connect with, just now, or not).
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    So 7 days later, I should be on day 4 of P90X. This weekend got crazy busy and I did no workout. I slept in this morning so I'm just hoping to get on the elliptical tonight. I did go groshery shopping and planned out healthy lunches and dinners for the week :-)

    Mama -special times with your kids our more important sometimes :-)They will remember that you spent time with them more then that you ate healthy all the time.

    Jen - I need to check out your recipes!

    Beeps - Welcome back! I'm sorry your job isn't working out anymore.

    Better- awesome job with your workouts

    I hope you all rock your goals this week!