2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Better_Balance - I do find that a number of different protein powders DO cause additional "gas" - my protein bars, moreso than my protein powder, actually, though. Switch brands, I'd say, and you might have better luck.

    Hi jen!! I'm glad you are back into the swing of it. You remain my hero.

    I finally whipped through my new "Oxygen" magazine, yesterday....it had coverage of the Toronto women's muscle events. I kind of skimmed to see if Ashley happened to be in it - but nope. I also skimmed to see if Ashley's trainer happened to be in it - but nope. (At least, neither of them finished in the Top 5 - so they may certainly have competed, just not finished Top 5.)

    As always, I find the magazine VERY inspirational....they had a 51-year-old in there whose body was SMOKING HOT. Gives me some hope that I can still move in that direction, anyway.

    This is day 2 of VERY low-carb eating. And, I'm aiming for significantly lower calories, too. I guess this is my form of a "cut". I know I'm LATE to the summer party (most people "cut" in the spring), but my birthday is in November, so that is always my "get 'er done" date.

    I hope to get my lifting in, today, but I have a mediation I have to attend over the lunch-hour. Maybe I can sneak it in this afternoon. If not, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Watching my carbs and lowering my calories will take all the will-power I have!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Hey everyone, still feeling lousy so I started taking allergy medicine. The pollen count here is high so hopefully this will help. I can't wait for the kids to start school so I can get myself onto a better schedule and get back on track. I will be working more hours which means more money, but I will also have more time to workout. I have also decided to go back to taking three dance classes a week - ballet, modern & jazz so I am looking forward to that as well.

    Kate & Beeps - good luck with the low carb thing - that has always been a challenge for me

    Mama - hang in there, your little one will adjust, I know it's hard. Thankfully when my daugter was little I worked for a school with child care and even though she cried when I dropped her off my office was down the hall so I heard that she stopped as soon as she knew I was gone.

    Ris - welcome back, logging again is a good way to get started

    Chloe - glad your interview went well, good luck!

    Jen - thank you for your FB page, can't wait to try out some of those receipes!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    seximami--congrats on your loss the past few weeks! If you're enjoying it, keep up the exercise!

    jeno--sounds like a crazy schedule! I have no doubt you'll get back on track with food.

    Ashley--nice work with not drinking! That's my biggest weakness. I haven't noticed anything with my protein powder, but I've been having a protein drink every day for quite a while and I think you body tends to get used to those types of things after a while. Whether it's the protein powder or the flax, I'm guessing the gas will go away eventually.

    Beeps--I haven't read Oxygen in a while but it is definitely inspirational. You're definitely heading in the right direction!

    Abigal--I'm sorry to hear you're feeling lousy, but hopefully the allergy medicine will help! And those dance classes sound like fun.

    Well I've made it through 3 days of logging and getting in some decent exercise. I have a triathlon in a week and a half so this weekend will be my last weekend to train, which will hopefully give me some inspiration.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    About to head into day 2 with the littlest one. Big man doing great, little man tells me last night 'I won't cry tomorrow mommy!' Such a doll.

    Ris- Sorry to hear things have been so hectic! Great job getting the training in for the triatholon! That's amazing!

    Abigal- Things seems like they are going well (aside from the pollen!) that's awesome!!

    Beeps- Low carbs suck, but do provide results. Stick with it - is today your last low carb day or are you going a few days past measure/weigh in?

    Ashley- I couldn't tell you what it is since eating healthier that gives me gas...everything I think! Ugh!

    Jen- Glad you popped on! Things have got to be hectic for you- what a schedule! Keep at it girl, glad you have a plan!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    As fpr myself, well...I'm still plugging away. The scale still reads the same, sometimes up, but never down. I've set MFP to 1800 40/30/30 with doing Supreme 90 and then trying to add in 3 days of 'extra' workouts. I've met that challenge for the past 2 weeks. I had one overage day Sunday. But many under days as well. Still no budging, and nothing fits any better. I am going to try and complete the rest of this week at this set up and then have DH take measurements. If there isn't a change, I had been eyeing Kate's LP progress. I've read it, I'm just a little scared to be frank. Kate has done an amazing job with it. I'm terrible with calorie deficits, much better with carb deficits! :laugh: And with my training schedule...I'm not sure how it will go. But at this point, it doesn't seem I'm making progress so it might be time to reassess.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Abigail - I'm glad you're back in dance....you love it SO much!

    Ris - a triathalon is a BIG DEAL....congrats on getting your training done - I think you'll KILL IT.

    mama - it's a good idea to re-assess, I think. Focus on what YOU want, and then plan to get there. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint, and "tinkering" with your nutrition plan and your fitness plan WILL get you there!

    I'm on day 3 of UBER-low-carb. I think I will continue on this plan for a couple of weeks. I'm also restricting calories, which I plan on doing for at least one month. I'm going to FORCE that scale down....and then, as I reintroduce healthy carbs, I'll make sure I'm getting in my heavy lifting so that whatever scale weight I *do* put on is MUSCLE and not FAT. One of my goals was to "lose 10 lbs." in 2012. Regardless of my other goals (do unassisted chin-ups/pull-ups, do push-ups from the floor, etc.), THIS goal I'll hit - and if it's by an old-fashioned *diet*, then so be it. I'm sick of driving myself crazy with these "last 10 lbs" and I'm giving it up to the universe, at this point.

    When I go low-calorie, it hurts my tummy for about 3 days, and then my tummy shrinks to accommodate, and it's kind of "smooth-sailing". Today is day 3. I have no restaurant days planned until the 3rd Tuesday in September. I have no out-of-town events until the 4th weekend in September. So, I have NO excuses to just stay 100% on low-cal plan and get this weight loss done.

    I want to show-OFF the muscles I've developed....and the ONLY way to do that is to get rid of this FAT. So, it's done. I'm on a MISSION!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps, sounds like you are ready to DO THIS! Good for you. I hope you see great results and sure you will with you determinimation and planning.

    Reese, sounds like you have a good plan. It's amazing what switching things up will do. I hope you have great success with whatever you do. You are definiltey committed.

    Ris, Wow! Full triathlon? I did a mini mini one back in 2010. It was an 800m swim, 15 mile bike and 3 mile run and it was really fun to train for and do without being super hard. :smile: Good luck!

    Abigal, I watch So You Think You Can Dance and always think I missed my calling as a dancer. :wink: Seriously though, I would love to take an adult class. Sounds fun. I never took dance like typical little girls do. Well sort of, I decided I wanted to be a clogger at age 5 so did that, competing and traveling with a team for 5 years.

    Ummm...that's everyone that shows up on this page. I think I hollered at everyone else last post. :smile:

    I've done 2 6w6p's this week, one walk/run, and kept my macros in check ALMOST all week. But I have been monitoring and actually making an effort to eat more protein and less carbs. This afternoon we have a farewell pizza lunch at work and I'm goign to dinner with my girlfriend (and drinking wine), so I'm making no promises for tonight. I lost 0.5 of 1 pound I gained last week today. I felt very bloating last night and this morning and weighed a pound higher than my sneak peak at the scale yesterday, so I kind of anticipate a loss for next week too unless I really eff up. Which is possible seeing as the holiday is coming up. I'm going to try to be good.

    Everyone have a great weekend. I'll check in but probably not post much over the weekend.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Got my company off to the airport yesterday, then home for grillin and chillin with DH, I think I drank a bottle of wine. We are going to Grand Junction for Labor Day so I think my strict eating will have to start after that, it will be about 8 weeks then til Halloween. So I will check in with my goals then.
    I am in awe of anyone who can do a triathalon- 800m swim, 15 mile bike and 3 mile run sounds intense to me!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Busy bees lately!

    I am feeling pretty good - though definitely feeling restricted with these macros. I have been doing pretty well and I got my body fat done with calipers today and they put me at 19.6! That's the lowest I've ever read by that method and while I imagine I am a bit higher I am happy with the progress. I think I can still drop some more before the end...then onto the beautiful land that is maintenance. At least until another round of cuts.

    Reese - hope today went great for the boys! And yes, the deficit hasn't been fun but I have gotten used to it and more importantly it's been a nice change to know I won't be 'plugging' away forever. Which is how I started to feel before LP. LIke I was cutting but that it would continue forever (which it kind of already had, 1.5 years on and off of course). Knowing that I had 12 weeks to get rid of this fat and then plenty of time eating plenty after that was motivating for me.

    Beeps - I have been low carbing all week....already tired of it. Sigh. 2 more weeks to go! Well really, 12 days with cheat days...but who's counting? Nice job getting yourr work outs in.

    Ris - welcome back! you'll get back to fitness when you can. I hope things with the jobs and the fertility stuff get better! Nice job getting back to logging.

    Chloe - ugh, I hate those people. Any word on the interview?

    Jen - I echo everyone else - you're an inspiration! Thanks for the link! You move SO much that I can't help but think that even when you're 'off' you're still doing GREAT.

    Ashley - on the whey, it can...I mostly noticed it on an empty stomach. Great job sticking to your macros and getting your work out in! Keep experimenting and I bet you'll find your sweet spot for carbs.

    Abigail - dance is such a fun way to stay fit! I would love to take a dance class sometime...

    Amy - 8 weeks is a great amount of time to get to your goals. Enjoy your labor day!

    Have a great weekend all! I won't be posting much but I hope to log :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- I may have no choice. My measurements are up..aside from at my belly button. Which is totally random and I think 'off' even my thighs are up .5 inch. I'll have to get the actual measurements to post...but it's not pretty!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    And on a totally unrelated fitness note, specifically for you Beeps....I just went to look up a contractor I just spoke with on Linked In (I admit I did it because I thought he sounded hot; which I don't know because he had no pic). And then I thought, "crap, now he will know I was spying on him!" And then I went to see who was spying on me and.....my ex from high school that I said I sometimes stalked on FB to see if he ever set up a page! No picture, so I didn't go to his page. It made me think of you. :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Ugh, Better....sometimes it's just better "not to know", right?? I've learned my lesson about that! Mind you, I now check linked-in nearly daily....and my husband's ex- hasn't shown up, again - so I'll accept it as a one-time fluke.

    (PS - sometimes I *totally* love the "unrelated" stuff.....it's kind of fun to see what other mfp-ers are up to!)

    chui - holy crap - 19.6% is AWESOME! I BOW TO YOU!!

    mama - no panic. Don't ever panic. You know exactly the things that you have to do to keep things trending in the right direction. Just work on the tiny things that you can manage to work-on - I know it is a stressful time when little kids have to get off to school!

    I did my first "B" work-out, phase one, of NROL4Abs. So, I've now done an "A" work-out and a "B" work-out and I think I am gonna LOVE this program!! Yes, it's weird to START with stretching (dynamic) and ab-work (holy crap - exhausting!) and then get up from that mat and go do heavy-lifting. But, I LOVE the exercises and I just feel like I'm going to KILL THIS (eventually.....I'm starting off kinda easy on myself!)

    I'm off to the hair salon tonight, so my diet will be 100% in-check. Low carb. Low calorie. Scale-stepping due in a matter of days, now.....
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    :Thanks ladies.....this is what I've got. Help me out?!

    8/3/12 vs 8/30/12

    Rt. Thigh 24 1/2 vs 25 (+1/2)

    Left Thigh 25 vs 24 1/2 (-.1/2)

    Left Arm 11.5 vs 11.5

    Belly Button 33 vs 31 1/4 (-1 3/4)

    Natural Waist 30 vs 30 1/2(+.1/2)

    Hips 37 vs 36 3/4 (-1/4)

    Chest 37.5 vs 36.5 (-1)

    Weight 157.2 vs 158.4 (+1.2)

    Stay the course with an average over the past 2 weeks of around 1700-1800ish.

    Linkldn? Never heard of this...but I have a feeling I better stay away from it! :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Beeps- SO awesome that you are stoked (does anyone even use that word anymore?!?) about the new programming! Sometimes that's all it takes...and isn't it funny the things that keep our diet in check? Mine was football practice...lol.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Yes, mama, I think "liking" the work-outs makes ALL the difference....it is true that the RIGHT work-out, for you, is the one you LIKE.

    I like your measurements, mama....and I think you are on the right track, so I would tell you to "stay the course". I attribute ANY thigh measurement changes, frankly, to just measuring in a different spot on your leg....so easy to do, right??

    I think the MOST important measurement is around your belly button. So, a 2" DECREASE is actually pretty monumental, imho. GOOD FOR YOU!!

    Hips have also reduced....this is all very good.

    As you know, keeping your nutrition in check is KEY, and with your calories, I think you are doing just fine with that.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everyone, still no word on the potential new job, they are caught up in their month end close and said they would be in touch early next week. And the biotch at work has laid off a bit, I have just been ignoring her.

    Everyone sounds like they are doing great this week!! I'm so proud :happy:

    I have been doing pretty well. Got all my workouts in and only messed up a little last night with some wine. Tonight I am going out with some girlfriends for dinner and I already have a healthy meal planned with ahi tuna and a salad. I will however be having cocktails after this stressful week, but I am going to get in a run before I go. No big plans for the weekend, so I should be able to get all my workouts in and keep it relatively healthy eating. Have a great holiday ladies and keep up the good work!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Good job, Chloe!

    I feel like I've turned some corner this long weekend.....getting ALL of my work-outs in (long cardio Saturday, weight-lifting Sunday, step-aerobics today) and eating BELOW my calories, on purpose. Still low-carbing. My calorie-deficit should produce decent weight-loss results prior to my b-day (in about 8 weeks time).

    I'm firing on all cylinders, just now, and I'm proud of my best efforts. Even after going to a "party" last night, I drank only water and kept everything else in check. So, yayyyyy for me!

    PS - I did my month-end measurements and photos and I'm UP in scale weight and I'm UP in 2 of my measurements (natural waist and belly button waist), but I am NOT letting that de-rail my recent efforts. I'm just aiming for better measurements at the end of September, and I think I'll get there.

    GO KILL IT, ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am excited to get into a new program, I had a good holiday weekend but lots of eating and drinking and I haven't worked out for too long! So, the next 8 weeks I am going to "ease into it" basically.
    Week one: working out 3-4 times (every other day) (30 mins cardio, 30 mins strength), eating in a 10-hr window (10am-8pm)
    Week two: add protein and lower cals
    Week 3: lower carbs
    Week 4: cycle carbs

    My friend had a baby last night so I am going to hospital to see her tonight. so I am not sure I will get a workout...
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    What's up lovely NTHG ladies? Looks like we all had a busy little 3 day (for some or all?!) weekend! I enjoyed the extra time with my adorable little men. And I'm feeling geared up to rock this.

    Beeps- your last post was awesome! I loved it! I am glad things are 'clicking' and that you are kickin' some booty and taking names. I'm about to fall instep with that notion! What is it they say?! "let's make September our B*tch!" :tongue:

    Chloe- You too girl! Way to not let the emotional stress lead to overindulging. A few drinks with the girls and a good run- that's all we really need right?! :wink:

    I'm ready for action. I think you all set up 2 week goals but I've been on 2 week goal hiatus. :tongue: No longer...here's where I'm at. My mom and sister are about to partake on a get healthy, get moving journey and I want to be both helpful and a part of it. So it's time to keep at it and keep progressing. And since, I like to beg, borrow and steal my 'ideas' :wink: I've got the following goals:

    1) Optimal Fat Loss. I am going to give this a fair shot (Kate's dedication has me sold, sure her progress doesn't hurt my decision either!! But I feel like she's been great about how she's felt during it and her reports on it have dissipated some of the fear I'd been holding on to regarding a cut that large- thanks Kate! :happy: ) So my calorie intake for the next 3 weeks will be 1535 40/35/25. I set it all up on good old MFP. Locked my diary so that I don't get the crazy looks when I'm all over the place for the next few weeks. And I'm going to stick it out for September to see how I'm feeling on it. I'm going to have to be more creative to ensure that I get my protein in to keep me full since I have been upwards of 1700-1800. It'll suck at first, but I want this...and I want it bad!!!!
    2) Continue Supreme 90. I'm enjoying this, my only issue is I want another leg day since that's my 'lagging body part'. So I found a great (read: killer) legworkout online that I did with DH last Wednesday and again today. I'm either adding this or subbing this leg workout. So that I have 2 leg workouts a week.
    3) Log EVERYTHING, even if it's a Diet pop. I need to start paying better attention to how my body reacts and not how I'm assuming it reacts based on my terrible memory. And by logging it all...I'll have a better idea if I really am more bloated after a late carb meal or a Diet pop. I want to understand my body instead of making arbitrary changes like I have been.

    These are my goals. And I'm ready to tackle them. I put up a picture of DH & I as my profile pic. Yes, I picked it apart when we first took it, my tummy poking out, my thighs...etc and then I thought. Look at us! My handsome, strong husband and I working out, being healthy. Stop beating yourself up and just keep pushing!! Let's get this month girls and make some great progress so that we head into those dreaded holidays feeling 100% ready! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    mama - YOU are awesome....and your PLAN looks AWESOME! I think you're going to really see some GREAT results! Yay!!

    Amy - welcome back to it....easing in sounds like a good plan.

    Today was first day of school and I had my 6th grader and my 5th grader in tow.....I think they'll have a good year. And, so will I!

    I'll try and get my lifting in, today....even though I'm still stiff from Sunday. Mind you, if I get it in today, then I don't have to lift until Friday and, heck, that means a little longer rest AFTER this work-out. Today's work-out is a LOT of "single leg' work, which I prefer, so, all things being equal, I'm gonna go and get it, today.

    PS - today is day 8 of my low-carbing. I think I'm doing really well. I have to decide whether to keep weighing once-per-month, or maybe once-per-week while I'm in (calorie) deficit mode. What do you think??