2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, I agree, it is confusing, first he says diet, then he says workout 3 times per week, then he says work out 5-6 x per week. Then we hear "a shake for breakfast, another shake for lunch, and sensible dinner" and we're right back to what Slim Fast has been saying for years. hey, maybe it works, but I don't want that...
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi all,

    Just checking in. I've slipped a bit on my logging, things have just been kind of crazy lately with work and then my parents were in town last weekend. Plus, I did a triathlon on Sunday so I needed to do a little carbing up and didn't want to freak myself out when I went over. But I'm working on getting back on track, and I've been cutting back on my snacking so I think I've probably been staying within my limits even without logging.

    Reese--I'm sorry to hear you're so frustrated. I'm guessing your husband thought he was being helpful by offering some type of solution without really thinking it through. Like Kate said, men definitely have it easier than women when it comes to losing weight. As for working out twice a day, I don't think it's necessary unless you just want to log more workout time overall and splitting your workouts into two is the only way to fit it in.

    Amy--You really have tried everything that's out there! Well you might not have seen changes as dramatic as you hoped for but you look awesome and I'm sure you're in much better shape than you would have been if you had done nothing.

    Kate--That's awesome that you got to post about your project on Forbes.com! Congrats, I'm sure it's a great feeling to see the results of your work out there.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Mama - My hubby is the same way! He doedn't workout, but has a physically demanding job, eats whatever he wants, and is average/low weight. He tells me that it's not about what i eat, I just need to workout more. Yeah. I get up at 5am, workout, get ready, get the kids ready, and he sleeps until after 7! Men. They don't know. The think they do, but they don't! :laugh:

    Chloe- Sorry about the job.

    And I'm with you all. I have no idea what to do to lose the weight. I really want to be in the 120's again and feel confident in my clothes. Yesterday I went on a huge sodium/carb binge, on accident. I think TOM is coming. That just messes EVERTHING up.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Missed you guys so decided to pop in and say hi. HI!! Not logging has been.....nice. But it's like I'm having to deprogram my brain. I grabbed a handful of almonds yesterday and started to count them and then realized I didn't have to. Kind of liberating. I've been eating what seems like a ton of carbs, and have only walked with the family this week for "work outs" and did not weigh in yesterday. It's been nice. Maybe another week of not logging and try to pick up the workouts back next week, but I think I'm goign to tone it back a bit and not obsess so much, reduce the threads I respond to, and not keep up with news feed and commenting on everyone's stuff. I spend way to much time on the site. Anyways, just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm following along. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks ladies...didn't mean to 'take over' the thread with my long winded vent. It's just been one of those days/weeks/month etc! :wink: He means well, and he's on his own journey so to speak with fitness. His is just a build muscle, eat tons of food, and lift journey. So it does look a little different than mine! :happy: We will keep plugging away.

    Ashley- Hey! :happy: Glad you popped in and that you are finding not counting liberating. There has to be a mixed sense with it. But also a sense of relief!

    We just keep plugging away right?!:indifferent: I mean, the alternative is to not to and revert back to the body we've worked this hard to change. I'm not about to go there and I know none of you are either!! :smile: So we'll keep grumbling, keep moving forward and keep trying new things.

    I promised myself I'd give this combo of diet/exercise a fair shot so I have another 2 weeks to stick it out. The 1530 calories aren't bugging me too bad with the 'eating window'. It's enough food for my needs and I feel fine. So I'll be keeping the same goals this next two weeks too. I do think that I am going to take today off from cardio and just take a walk with the kids and the dogs. The dogs need out in the fresh air and I need to give my body a rest before I knock tomorrow's leg workout out of the park!!!:tongue:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Mama- I'm with on the husband subject! Mine works out almost everyday, but does no cardio ever. He eats somewhat healthy (mainly because of me), but he eats ALOT and he never gains weight. I just hope our kids end up with his metabolism.

    Ashley- hope you are enjoying your break from the craziness!

    KC- sometimes I think none of us really knows what the heck we are doing! Sometimes I think the problem is we are too impatient and don't give things enough time. But, then when we do and we don't see the results we were expecting, it feels like we just wasted months. It seems like a lose lose situation. But, like Mama said, we just keep plugging along!

    Ris- welcome back!

    Amy- I started reading the link you posted. I feel like everything out there is so contradictory lately. Sometimes I think I just need to stop reading all that stuff and just try to figure out what works for me, which I know is why we read all that in the first place :ohwell:

    Anyways, I have had a pretty good week. Got all my workouts in except for my run on Wednesday. Diet has been pretty spot on. Haven't drank all week. Have tonight all planned out with no drinks. Tomorrow we are going out for our one year anniversary dinner to a seafood place. I plan on indulging, there is a roasted halibut dish with a king crab sauce that looks amazing! And I am sure I will go for dessert as well. Sunday we are staining our fence all day which should help to burn some calories and then going to a friends house to fry a turkey. I will try to keep it under control that day, but I am sure I will have some beers. Happy Friday ladies!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I also wanted to say congrats Kate. Great job on a big project!! Very cool!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    kclynch - yes, TOM messes everything up. My week is terrible. Enough said.

    Better - I think I need to *kill* some of my logging, too. I know how to eat healthy. I just need to do it consistently and let the chips fall where they may. I also have to realize the amount I work-out is, like, in the top 10% of the entire North American population. Maybe even the top 5%. That's BEYOND decent, considering the busy life I lead.

    mama - you sound like you are feeling better - and realize that it is the *consistency* that will bring you the results. I agree.

    Chloe - your plan sounds excellent! I really hope you enjoy your anniversary dinner and, yes, I hope you INDULGE!

    Today, I lift. I will go up in some weights. I am controlling my nutrition with protein shakes, at present. It works for me and I am just going to keep that up. September end will come and I can readjust at that time (if necessary).
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was only good about the window for two days! Wed and thursday I was not as compliant! I was thinking maybe I would just see what happens if I try to go super strict for the two weeks before Halloween. I have been able to do two weeks of no booze and no refined flour and sugar, so I think I could do something like that, with a daily zwow/bodyrocks workout.
    Chloe, can't believe it's been a year already, congrats! dinner sounds awesome. Seafood can be so low-cal! I noticed Kate's sea scallops look like an excellent choice, so low-cal and with protein.
    Beeps, you are killing it-beyond decent:tongue:
    And I read your article, Kate, that is so exciting to be published in Forbes. I thought it was very interesting. I work in government and there has been a big push for telework but our agency has been a little slow and reluctant to support it. The thing is, most people say they are not unhappy with telework or lack thereof, so managers don't think it's a problem, yet we don't know how many people we fail to attract because of it. anyway...
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Chloe - sorry about the job, but glad you are okay with it.
    Kate - cool article, congrats!
    Beeps - you, like so many of us, are way hard on ourselves when, you're right, we are way ahead of most of the population on diet and fitness

    So I finally went to the dr after being in misery for the past month. My eating hasn't been too bad since I don't have much of an appetite, but I have gotten in hardly any exercise. He put me on antibiotics for a sinus infection and suggested a different allergy medicine so I am starting to feel better. I really want to run in a 5K on the 29th so I am hoping to be back to normal by then. My time probably won't be great since I have so little time to train, but I won't have a problem with the distance since that's my normal run anyway.

    Have a great weekend everybody!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I hope you get some relief, abigail!

    I had a very crappy weekend, eating-wise. I think I slid backward by MONTHS. I did get a work-out in on Saturday and I did go walking for about 75 minutes, yesterday. This was insufficient to undo appetite-damage.

    My two week goals:

    1. NO late-night snacking. Period. Just none. I will chew gum the MINUTE any "craving" hits.
    2. Trade my protein bars for yogurt. (Trying to wean from the protein bars.)

    I won't be working out from Thurs - Wed, because I am out of town, so I am not putting pressure on my "fitness" side. I simply have to be vigilant on the "diet" side.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! Well I didn't log over the weekend, I was visiting my brother and sister-in-law and their new baby, so I just didn't make the time. But I was pretty good about eating, I pretty much had 3 normal-sized meals a day with no snacking in between. I probably had too many beers, but we also walked a 5k on Saturday and ran 5.5 miles on Sunday, so I think I did okay overall.

    This week is my last week at my current job, so it'll be a little hectic but I think I should be able to stick to the logging, at least during the week. I'm SO excited for the new job, it's with the government so it'll be 8:30 to 5, which will be a huge change from my current job, which is pretty much to work as many hours as possible. I also get an hour for lunch. So between the hour break at lunch and the shorter hours, I'll have no excuse not to exercise. I'm hoping that the easier schedule will also mean a lot less stress and therefore less stress-eating.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    welcome to the government, Ris:) which agency?
    I had a good weekend but I didn't log Saturday. I drank a bit, but it was over the day and we hiked up Vail, 3 miles! When you get to the top you can take the gondola down for free but I probably would have paid anything! I was tired.
    I will work out this week but I am not sure about trying to eat in the window. I have a lot of social stuff this week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Congrats, Ris!! that sounds AWESOME - and I really hope the "more exercise" and "less-stress-eating" formula works!

    Amy - are you doing some sort of IF??? (I can't recall.)

    I got my lifting in! My IT band is SOOOOOOOOO sore, today.

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    So my daughter turned 8 yesterday!!! We had such a busy weekend with soccer, her party, and my second job (yes, for some readon I decided to keep working Fri/Sat nightsfor awhile). I didn't log, but to be honest, I probably didn't eat enough. I haven't stepped on a scale in like two week, which is crazy for me cause I'm usually on there once or twice a week. I avoided it last week because of TOM. Sometimes I think I sabatage my eating just because the scale is up! I'll get back on soon, I'm sure.

    Amy- an eating window eating is SO HARD! Are you going to try again or move on? Hiking in Vail=AWESOME. We didn't to go CO all summer :-( We had three friends who had babies in the spring and hoped to make it up there but summer passed to fast.

    Ris - That's great news!!!

    Beeps- Way to lift - sore is good - means tomorrow you'll be smokin' hot!

    Abigail- I'm glad you went to te dr.! Soemtimes it's hard to tell if it's allergies or an infection. Good luck on the 5K, if you decide to do it.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was trying to eat in a 10-hr window, that's what I did last week, mostly. It's really not that difficult. But now I am getting into the vacation body blueprint and he is advocating the super-strict 3 weeks.
    I think I could do 2.5, before halloween, or the saturday before halloween when I have to be in a mid-riff revealing costume.
    so right now, I am going to "walk to starting line" which means, basically, maintaining with diet and exercise, until Oct. 10-or your body rebels when you go super-strict. And it is strict. Basically, you restrict carbs and cals, workout fasted for an hour everyday (5 days of strength training followed by HIIT 3-4 days, followed by steady state cardio; on the 2 off days is a fat-burning circuit) and eat clean.
    The hardest thing for me will be working out first thing, but it will be a good challenge for me. Which means I will need more sports bras:happy:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Thanks Amy! I'll be at the IRS, but I'll be in the national office, not one of the bad guys telling people that they owe money :wink: That's awesome about climbing Vail! That must have been tough, especially with the incline and the altitude. I love that you're planning your get-ready-for-Halloween routine, a midriff revealing costume is definitely good motiviation! Do you have your costume picked out?

    Beeps--nice job on your lifting! Being sore sucks, but at least you know you were working hard (hopefully your IT band is just sore, not hurt).

    kc--happy birthday to your daughter! Sounds like you have been busy. I know what you mean about sabotaging your eating when the scale is up. I do the same thing, when the scale goes down I get motivated to make it go down further, but when it goes up it's hit or miss whether I get motivated to kick everything up a notch or I get discouraged. Hopefully the next time you step on the scale it'll be down rather than up so you won't have to worry about it!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    It's odd that so many of us work for the government. Mine is a far cry from the IRS just local government but still ironic!! :tongue:

    Ris- That's great news! Congrats!

    Amy- A visual goal and a plan=success! I read through the Vacation Blueprint....intense! But I can see how if you follow that...you'd make some big strides by Halloween!

    kc-Happy belated to your daughter!! You are such a busy girl with the multiple jobs and the family. It's great that you still find time to squeak any workouts in! Good for you!

    Beeps- I hear you..I have a date with the foam roller tonight. So much so that I brought the sucker with me so I have no excuses!

    Things are good on my end. I actually made it through a decent weekend...I did go out for drinks (weird!) Saturday night but with the IF window Sunday morning any hangover cravings subsided by the time it was eating time! So far I'm enjoying the IF. We'll see how long it lasts...with the crazy schedule we have in the AM it's just one less thing I have to worry about. And then I get to look forward to delish lunches (this week I made a copycat of Olive Garden's Chix Gnocci soup...soooo good!) I have 1 more workout and I am done with 60 days of S90-just have to finish up the last 30 strong!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    kclynch - happy birthday to your daughter! My daughter has a 10th birthday right around the corner.

    Amy, oh my goodness that plan sounds "hard". I am introducing an "eating window" into my day, but it is nearly 11 hours long, so I'm not sure it will affect anything. We shall see! I'm also actually REDUCING my cardio and trying to permit more "rest" between weight-training days. I will see how that works, too.

    Ris - I *know* my scale weight sucks right now. I am really trying to use that as "motivation" to make some good strides, diet-wise. I am hoping for some good results - but only time will tell!

    mama - wow, 60 days into it??? that is AWESOME!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    mmm, chicken gnocchi? sounds awesome, I want the recipe. It's almost time for soup in colorado, and slow cooker! I got a london broil at the store Sunday! I don't know why I don't use the slow cooker in the summer, it's nice for convenience and not heating up the whole house and all, but it just seems like a fall/winter thing!
    Anyway, I get to maintain for a few weeks, but it'll be good, time to mentally prepare and all! I think the window does help, it can be challenging if you don't plan well.
    That is interesting that many of us are public servants!
    reese, keep that date with the foam roller! I still haven't discovered the beauty of it-should I be watching a video or something?