2 week challenge



  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend - I did not log at all and I didn't hit my macros...but I ate half way decently, and more importantly, I don't feel too badly about it, I needed a little break. But now I am in the last week and a half of my cut and dedicated to kicking butt. I am going to adjust macros by 5% to give me a bit of wiggle room and to be able to maybe eat a piece of fruit!


    1. Have only 1 cheat day before the end of the cut (Fri. Sept. 14)

    2. Stay under cals on all other days and hopefully macros but cals before macros

    3. Log super honestly.

    Reese - great goals! You can DO this! The LP plan gave me the biggest changes I have seen since I started lifting - so that's pretty awesome. You'll be great!

    Beeps - way to stick to the plans, even with low carbs...

    Chloe - good luck on the job!

    Amy - sounds like a good plan of action! I am trying to figure out my costume...hmmm....
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Just wanted to quickly check in. i had a nice holiday weekend and am still off work; go back tomorrow for a LONG day. I also didn't log food really, but didn't do too terribly and got some workouts in so I don't feel too bad. This is my last week of 6w6p so this weekend I'll probably be posting my progress which I think has been good. Of course I didn't get a 6 pack; I never expected one. So we'll see where next week takes me. I'm sticking with running and 6w6p this week and 100g of protein + a day and 175g or less of carbs for this week.

    I would respond to you each, but my baby is being rather clingy today as she has a couple little teeth poking through. Great job to you all; you're doing fantastic!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hey, hey! So my family had a killer stomach bug followed by severe, sever work stress (my head is pounding as I just finally got a lunch break at 3!). I spent my 3 day weekend being a buzz kill. I was so GRUMPY. Then it clicked. When I don't take care of myself, it changes me from a happy, easy going person to a total B*+CH! I truely am the biggest workout drop out even though i LOVE it when I do it. So I have a new plan...

    1. Work out - 3days during the week and 1 day on the weekend - yes, I hope to do more, but thsi helps with my all or nothing attidude. Maybe I'll actually do P90X or maybe I'll just get in a few workouts. I just HAVE to do SOMETHING.

    2. LOG EVERTHING - sometims I have a late night binge and I want to start paying attention to what may have caused it - like did I eat too little that day or just stress eat. Plus it will give me a TRUE idea of how much I ate.

    I like Amy's idea of easing into it so in two weeks I might start to focus on macros again.

    Amy- I love your plan and think you will rock.
    Beeps- I need to have your positive attitude
    Mama- you totally inspire me to never give up
    Chloe- way to balance drinks and workouts :-)
    Chuisle- if you manage to have only 1 cheat day in the next week and a half, you will be my hero!
    Better- that's awesome that you are about to finish 6w6p - I think I dropped out of 30DS!!!

    Big hugs to all you ladies. I so LOVE and really NEED your support right now. Oh, and I hope to check in more often as I always feel so motivated after reading all the great things you ladies are doing! xoxo
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! Just a quick check in then back to work....

    I did a pretty good job of logging over the weekend. I logged everything Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and while I had a bit more booze than I should have at a party I went to on Monday and didn't log everything I ate, I had a super long workout that morning so I'm pretty sure I still stayed within my calorie limit. I'm cutting out alcohol completely this week, so that should definitely make it easier to stay within my calorie goal this week.

    Sounds like you all have great goals for the next couple of weeks!

    kclynch, sorry to hear about all of the stress in your life! Hopefully this week is better :flowerforyou:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hi ladies!! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Still no word on the job. Hopefully I will hear something today or tomorrow.

    Did ok this weekend. Sunday was kinda bad tho, it was just one of those lounging days where I didn't feel like working out and at whatever I felt like. Sometimes you need those days though. I have through Friday planned out. I am going to try out LP's program also. I'm just having a hard time getting my protein up to where it needs to be. Next week I will do some better preplanning to see if I can fix that. Already got my run in this morning and will do weights tonight.

    My 2 week goals are:

    1) Get on the treadmill 6 days a week, even if I don't feel like running just do a good walk. (would prefer to do this outside, but I have been working out in the morning and it is still dark out)
    2) Get in 4 weight training sessions (I split up my full body workout into 2 parts which I believe Kate suggested, so do each part twice a week)
    3) Stay under cals and carbs at least 6 days

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    chui - I am interested to read, overall, how you found your "cut".

    Better - sounds like you have your plan DOWN. Good for you!

    kcl - I hear you on the "stress", sister!! I REALLY hear you! Good for you for really trying to take the time to figure out WHY you are eating the way you are eating, and if "outside influences" are propelling you to make some (bad) choices. I support you. Period.

    Ris - once into the swing of "logging everything", I do find it does get easier and easier. I think I'm on day 9 of "logging everything" and I'm getting a good picture of what is happening in my body. Hopefully 2 months of fully-tracking will get me closer to the goals that I have set for myself!

    Chloe - sorry you haven't heard about the job thing - it ALWAYS takes twice as long as "they" say it will! Hang in there! On the "upping the protein" - there is NO way I could get my protein in if it wasn't for protein shakes and protein bars. I know LOTS of mfp-ers "poo-poo" the protein shake/protein bar route, but it works for me.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Day one I was successful at eating in the "window". I also had no booze. Carbs were high, but the next two weeks I am just going to be keeping track of everything and seeing where I can improve to get protein up and carbs down.
    All of you ladies are keeping me inspired and positive, I think you all rock and do a great job of improving what you're doing and being forgiving too.
    It's been said "it's not about getting what you want but wanting what you've got" and I think that applies to our physical selves as much as material things-like accepting that you (and I) won't ever have a six-pack (unless we pick it up at the liquor store) and that acceptance will ease stress and that will help us all reach our goals.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- You've got it spot on. We always have this desire to strive for things more and more, there's never really an end to it is there? I may have to head to my local liquor store though!!

    Chloe- Great goals. I hope that things at work are settling down and that you hear back. I think Beeps is right...we always have to add a week on to when they say they'll get back to you! Doesn't help settle nerves though!

    Ris- Glad you popped in! Good goals.

    kc- Good goals. I've been trying to be diligent about logging everything too. It's hard to remember to write down that Diet pop or little nugget of something you ate on the way by...but I think it'll help give us a clearer picture. As much as I want to ease off logging constantly, I think right now maybe buckling down to understand my eating habits will help me get to that place faster and without as much anxiety. I hope it helps you identify where you are at!

    Kate- How's the tail end of LP going?! Gives us the details girl!!!!

    I'm doing pretty well with LP's diet so far this week. It helped that I cooked a crap ton of food so I have no real choice but to eat what I planned since I hate anything going to waste!! I was a little (10g) over on carbs 2 of the days. I am going to try to fix that today. The family is having pizza and breadsticks after the kids football practice. But I opted to head up to the grocery early this morning to get turkey burgers and lettuce to make a yummy salad. We can't not eat out just because I'm dieting. But it's soo hard!! I may close my eyes while they eat! Just kidding...sort of! :laugh:

    I did get my HRM working so I was able to find out my burn this morning. It was a good burn but reminds me of the importance of the points Kate made a while ago of not letting your NEAT decrease as you increase your amount of exercise. And so I'm hoping to take the dogs for a walk tonight after dinner. If I can commit to walking them after work, instead of in the morning I think it'll be good for all 3 of us!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night was my first workout in 2.5 weeks and I am feeling it. Keeping my heart rate at 80% wasn't even that hard, I could walk fast on an incline and throw punches:tongue:
    Reese, do you get any cheat meals?
    I am going to try to eat in the 10-hour window everyday, so tomorrow I might not eat until noon because DH and I are going to dinner and first Fridays Art Walk so I want to have some wine up til 10pm.
    How are you doing not drinking, Ris? I had no booze last night or Tuesday night.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- I'm trying to hold off on any cheat meals until next weekend. Weekends are such a struggle for me, I think I need to get a good one under my belt before. The plan doesn't call for one. But, as Kate points out, social life (even as sparse as mine is!) can get in the way and this weekend is quite so no reason not to stay on par. But next weekend we have plans so I'll feel better going out if I can keep my head on straight through that!!

    5am workouts suck. :laugh: That is all for today!! :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    mama - I couldn't do a 5:00 am workout. I just could NOT. So, I bow to you on that. Period.

    Amy - congrats on getting that workout in and feeling VERY confident in how accomplished it was!

    Yesterday was some kind of "refuel" for me. Unplanned. But, it was day 10 of my (attempt at) low-carbing/low-calorie-ing and I was just hungry, hungry, hungry. So, I did eat MORE than I'd planned. And, it wasn't all healthy, but I did make cheese nachos in the evening, rather than digging into a bag of potato chips or something else.....at least there was protein (cheese)!

    I'm okay if that sort of "craving" only happens once-every-10-days.....but, if this is the 'start' of something constant, I'll have to review what I'm doing. I *did* run out of my normal protein powder this week, and was borrowing my husband's, which I think is a mistake. His has MORE calories and MORE carbs than mine (which is lower calorie and 100% protein). I'm going to try and get a very fast trip into costco, today, just to make sure I've got my right protein powder!

    I also get to lift, today, and that will be my first work-out in 3 days....which gives me a few more calories to then work with.

    I haven't decided if I'll weigh tomorrow, or not. I'd like to, just to make sure these past (nearly) 2 weeks of lower-calorie are doing what I'd like them to do. But, I just find the scale ALWAYS DE-MOTIVATES me, so maybe I'll just stay off and let September play out.

    Have a good weekend, all!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Amy- good job on the 10 window! That would definitely help to cut back on drinking.

    Mama- good luck making it through the weekend. Tomorrow is my cheat day, only with drinks really I am going to try to keep my food in check though. We are having people over for dinner and I am going to make a healthy shrimp salsa for an appetizer, chicken with mango avocado salsa, black bean salad and corn on the cob. A friend is bringing the dessert, so I will probably have a small serving of whatever she brings. But, then of course there are the cocktails which will derail me a bit I am sure.

    Oh and I have been doing great at doing 5:30 AM workouts for the past month, but for some reason this week I had a hard time, so I had to get them done in the evening. Next week I would like to get back into morning workouts though.

    Doing good with eating and workouts this week. Now just to keep it up through the weekend!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    so, I have somehow gotten moderator status-but should I use my power for good or evil :huh:
    I can delete any post, so if there's one you don't like, let me know :wink:
    I did let MFP know about this and they said they would fix it, but that was two days ago.
    Anyway, planning on a workout tonight. Trying to not eat til noon so my window will last til 10pm but this is hard and I am hungry, making some tea now...
    Chloe, your dinner sounds divine, I will have to remember that menu. We had corn on the cob last night and it was very good.
    I have been good on not drinking tues-thurs!
    My weekends are always bad, too Reese, I am not sure I have ever had a really good one!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    You all and your early morning workouts....I wish I could do it. Gotta keep this short but you all are doing great! I also wanted to share my results from 6w6p. I am more pleased than I imagined. My abs still need work, but I see big changes.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    just saw the pics, Ashley and they are impressive!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Amy - that is great that you can do the window. I did see results when I tried that, but it was too hard! Since I work out in the am, I was STARVING by 10:00! If I try it again, I might to 8-6 or something.

    Ashley - I think I might go get 6w6p because you look amazing!

    Mama- good luck this weekend! You got this!

    My plan for this weekdn is to plan my meqals for next week. We are just so busy during the week with soccer/dance/piano. On Wed we don't get home until 8:30. I have reached for convience food more than once so I want to try preplanning and cooking this weekend - Mama, I'll be spending this Sun in the kitchen with you!
    You ladies have an awesome weekend!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    Mama, I'll be spending this Sun in the kitchen with you!

    Let's whip up some tasty healthy to go dishes girl!!! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Wow, Better, that is AWESOME! Good for you! What next??

    Good luck to the ladies who are cooking in the kitchen this weekend - I'm sure you'll feel more confident about your meal-planning this way....
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hello to my favorite MFPeeps!! Just as I was determined and ready to be full force, I woke up with a tight itchy throat Monday. I did weights anyways and it felt GREAT! But everyday since, I've woken up worse and worse!! Allergies are HORRIFIC right now and I am supposed to do the Mudzilla tomorrow! Needless to say, I am not racing, just participating. A bunch of my girlfriends are doing it too and our hubbies, so we will have each other to drag each other a long, lol! Been eating soups and whatever is quickest as I have no energy from my meds, work (staying up late doing paperwork) and teaching and subbing classes. I have got to learn to SLOW DOWN and say "no"! Ok, sorry, enough excuses and whining.

    I've read the thread and you ladies really are what keep me motivated and wanting to come back. It's like I don't want to let you down. Your goals and dedication have me revved up and as soon as I can breathe again, I'm giving it all I have (especially because my pants are too tight :grumble:

    Hugs to you all!! and thanks for not giving up on me. Hope I can be on here more regularly soon to cheer you all on!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Jen, I hear you on the allergy thing. I have them too and I am going on week three of non-stop stuffiness, hacking and general misery. I am impressed that you are still working out though. My workouts have been pathetic, mostly because it's hard to breathe. I have taken tons of different medicine - antihistamines, decongestants and immunity boosters and nothing is touching it. Oh well, enough complaining. I'll just do what I can and hope it goes away soon! Keep up the great work everyone. As always, you continue to inspire and motivate me.