2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    mama, I agree wtih Chloe - if the LP program is working for you, I would suggest following it as written! S90 can wait one week. Spend your precious focus on one week of lower calories and don't worry about the rest of it!

    Hi Ris - I was wondering where you were...I hope the new job is turning out nicely??? yay for scale going down!

    Happy Birthday Better_Balance....sounds like you had a good time.

    kclynch - WAHOO on fitting into old jeans! I think that is a BIG *win*.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    catching up with the "not-that-heavy girls"on a saturday night! gosh, I am pretty boring!
    I didn't have plans and then DH had a show and so I have my alone time-I am watching Long Island Medium on demand. I love this stuff, seriously, psychics, I think there's something to it, but I can't figure it out.
    Beeps, looking forward to hearing about your progress, you have been doing a great job!
    KC, I bet you were pleased about the jeans! I want to try on my wedding dress but I am afraid it won't fit!
    Happy Birthday, Ashley!
    Your wedding pic is lovely, Chloe, but in the tiny image, you husband's hand makes it look like your wedding dress is a half-top!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I did my month-end photos/measurements today. The photos aren't showing much change. Poop. But, the tape measure is! Down 0.75" at my natural waist. Down 1.5" on my belly-button waist. Down 1" on my hips. I credit it to NROL4Abs, where the order of exercises has me doing my core/ab work FIRST. And, also, I've been eating at a deficit, so that is also helping.

    I'm hoping for more changes as I continue on this fall.

    September was a GOOD month!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Ashley - happy birthday
    KC - congrats on fitting into the jeans, that's really a better test than the number on a scale
    Ris - good luck with the running
    Beeps - yay on the measurements going down and a good Sept

    Week 2 of my challenge - okay on the exercise, not so good on the food. I went a little, okay a lot overboard on the junk food over the weekend. I ended up with a nasty sugar hangover - yuck! I need to detox myself and get back on track. Also, I have a 5K on Saturday morning and am struggling with the running. I don't think I will be making good time, but at this point I will be happy just to run the whole race.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Abi - new week, new goals, right? I drank too much wine over the weekend. All these damn fall festivals.....
    Nice Beeps! Great measurements and progess!!
    Amy, I have watched Long Island Medium and I totally buy what she is doing. It's spooky.
    Sweet about the jeans KC!
    Chloe, hope your arm gets better.
    Hello Ris. Hppe work settles down for you soon.
    Reese - I agree with everyone else about taking a week off as needed. It looks like you are breaking some big plateaus! Wait to stay consistent.
    Kate - I see your travels are coming to an end soon. I bet you'll be glad to get back to normal.
    Jen - I hope things are settling down for you too. Looks like you've been getting your workouts in!

    AFM, last week went ok. I ate and drank more than normal, but hey, you only turn 32 once right?! I did manage 2 lifts and got my 2 runs in, one without stroller and I ran 9 minute miles, which is speedy for me. I also walked 4 times over the course of the week and yesterday took the baby in the Bjorn and husband and went and hiked some trails in a park near our house. We hiked/walked about 85 minutes and it was just really nice to all get out together in the gorgeous fall weather. That's something I'd like to try to keep up; good family time and I just love getting out in nature. :smile:

    This week I'm going to stick with my goals and hoefully get all my lifts in. I have 2 days off this week so it should be manageable. We have a football game to attend out of town on Saturday, an art test and jazz fest Sunday, so another busy weekend ahead!

    Have a great week ladies.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    your birthday weekend sounds nice, Ashley-you do only turn 32 once!
    I am still maintaining, I think I will work out MWF this week and try to have a few non-drinking days in there. I go to upstate NY to visit my family this weekend, so I know there will be lots of eating and they want to take me to some vineyards for wine tasting but they are not big drinkers otherwise so it should be a relaxing weekend, then when I get back it'll be ther big push for the mermaid challenge:) I think I might have one cheat day during that time, because a friend is having a house-warming, but I am going to try and limit myself to 2 drinks then.
    Beeps, that is good progress!
    Abi, some days running is a struggle but then the next time it is easier, I don't know why. I ran outside on Saturday and it felt better than the treadmill Wednesday but not as good as the outdoor run on Monday!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Birthday, Ashley!
    Beeps- way to rock Sept!
    Abigail-At least you are still running. i keep telling myself I should just do it. One of these days.
    Amy- Sounds like a nice gettaway. Enjoy!

    I'm pretty excited that it's a new month. I was pretty lazy in Sept :-) So I decided to bring back - and adapt- the burpee challenge. 5 a day for 5 days, 10 a day for 10 days, 20 a day for 10 days, 25 a day for 6 days. Anyone want to join me? I also HAVE to log every day for October and hit minimum 90 for protein. I tried out the butt bible this morning. Not bad. I used 10 pound weights and ankle weights to bump it up a bit. I feel like I need to change up the routine to be more motivates.

    Does anyone know any good youtube videos I can check out? Looking more for arms/legs/core not cardio.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    Does anyone know any good youtube videos I can check out? Looking more for arms/legs/core not cardio.

    search: blogilates - see if that's what you are looking for. I've tried a couple, not a ton but hear good things. :smile:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    So I decided to bring back - and adapt- the burpee challenge. 5 a day for 5 days, 10 a day for 10 days, 20 a day for 10 days, 25 a day for 6 days. Anyone want to join me?

    That sounds doable. I'm in! When do we start? I guess today since there are 31 days. I'm going to need a calendar for this.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I *love* you burpee-challenge-people and I will be THE BIGGEST CHEERLEADER for you all (even though I won't participate, lol).

    Today was my first "A" work-out in Phase 2, NROL4Abs. My comments:

    1. SOooooooo glad that there were no 'side planks' in the ab piece....my bony elbows need a BREAK! The slides were okay. It was the mountainclimbers that I really need to work on! Boy, I did NOT feel very secure on the swiss ball, at all. I had to stop and re-set about 1/2 way through because it was just making me feel like I was falling. And, I'm pretty sure my "plank position" was terrible - butt in the air - feet not far enough away from the swiss ball. I'll keep trying, though!

    2. I really, REALLY like being back to 8 reps. 12 reps just sucks balls. Yay 8!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I did have time for a "big-lift", but I've decided to put them at the end of the work-out, in case I don't have time! And, instead of using that "big lift" for some UBER-heavy something, I'm just going to work on "muscle-mind" connection. Going nice and deep in a back squat. Going nice and deep in a deadlift. That kind of stuff.
  • Synryo
    Synryo Posts: 54 Member
    Hey guys, I'm kinda new here. Been reading through this forum topic and can't seem to figure out quite what its about haha. But if anyone needs a larger support group or anything, feel free to add me =) So ready to get rid of my extra poundage!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Mama – what did you decide to do?! Congrats on your progress!! Fantastic :)
    Chloe – glad to hear the elbow is getting better!
    Ris – Hope your routine was off to a good start today!
    Better - Happy Belated Birthday!!! Sounds like you’ve had some wonderful active family time!! My family needs to be more active together. And your upcoming plans sound fun!
    Ris – hope your schedule settles, but sounds like things are definitely moving in the right direction for you!
    KC – Wonderful NSV!! How exciting!
    Beeps – I am so happy for you! Way to stick to it…your persistence is paying off  Your plan sounds great and your comment about “sucking balls” cracked me the heck up, lol!!
    KC - the challenge looks great, I’m in!!
    Amy – Glad you are doing well maintaining. Your trip sounds great! Enjoy!
    Synryo – Welcome! We set our own 2 week goals and check in on how we are doing.

    Last week's summary:
    1.Log everything - logged 7/7 completed 5/7
    2. Weights 3x/wk - 3/3 (first time since like April!!)
    3. 10 glasses water - 7/7
    4. 40/30/30 – stayed under carbs everyday 

    So I was going to wait until I was back on the wagon 2 weeks before I weighed myself, but I was feeling so good, I weighed early and was pleasantly surprised. I was only 2 pounds from the lowest I was this summer and I’m only 6 lbs from where I want to be by Dec 22. I think this is totally do-able!! Feels so good to be back!!

    Hope you ladies have a fantastic week!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey guys, I'm kinda new here. Been reading through this forum topic and can't seem to figure out quite what its about haha. But if anyone needs a larger support group or anything, feel free to add me =) So ready to get rid of my extra poundage!

    Like Jen said, we set goals ever 2 weeks and then just kind of check in from time to time and ask for advice, keep each other in check, etc.. It's a good group. :smile:

    I got one of my longer lifts in last night and ate pretty well yesterday. I did day 1 of burpees! I also rewrote my dry erase board and put up my burpee calendar. I'm pretty much obsessed with lists and checking things off. I've got a busy day at work today - 2 meetings, one out of town so I'm headed out at 1:00 to hit the road so I better jump off. Then I have 2 days off. Yay! Hope you're all having a good start to your week!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everybody!

    Ashley- Sounds like you had a fabulous birthday week!
    Jen- awesome job with getting back into it! and 6 pounds by December is definitely doable!
    I'm with Beeps on the burpee challenge! I am here to support, but I will stick this one out!

    So I am going to give my October goals, rather than 2 weeks....

    1) Log everything and stay within calories every day except one (which usually turns out to be Saturday or Sunday)
    2) Keep under carb goal
    3) Run/walk 3 miles 5/6 times a week
    4) Do Core work 3 times a week
    5) Keep drinks to 2 days per week

    Have my whole week planned out thru Friday. My arm is still in bad shape, so I am going to stay away from the weights until it feels 100%. Got in a good walk yesterday and plan on running today. My weekend wasn't too bad. I didn't log and I drank too much, but my eating wasn't bad.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Welcome syn!

    jen - without fail, you continue to do AMAZING! I have no doubt you'll be at goal LONG before Dec. 22 - YAY!

    Better - I like "checking things off", too.

    Chloe - I like your idea of making it an "october" challenge.

    My October goals:

    1. get my protein in, daily;
    2. eat at my caloric deficit - I don't plan on cheating, at all, actually.....I'm comfortable with the routine of where I'm at and I'm just going to fit my meals into the calories I have alotted.
    3. Lift 3 x per week. Cardio 1 x per week. If possible, maybe some light cardio on "in-between" days, but more important for me to get "rest" on those days, actually.
    4. weigh in once-per-week to keep my motivation!
    5. do month-end photos/measurements

    All do-able. No worries. I'm committed!
  • Synryo
    Synryo Posts: 54 Member
    Neat, suppose I'll add in my 2 cents then!

    For October I'd like to:
    -lose at least 4 pounds
    - stay hydrated
    - hit my protein quota at least 5 times a week
    - workout at least 5 times a week
    - buy a flexible tape measure and actually take my measurements for once

    Recently made a collage of me at my thinnest and posted it on my bedroom wall for motivation ^^
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey girls (and welcome Synryo!) I like the idea of a month challenges this time around!!

    For me:

    1) Prioritize LP's OPT program 1st (thus, I am not working out this week per her guidelines)
    2) Complete S90 (though I'll be a week behind from following LP's guidelines :tongue: )
    3) Avoid cheat meals until the epic cheat meal at my Grandma's 90th birthday party on the 27th of October!
    4) Log, log, log 7/7

    Things are going good with the LP's guidelines, I'll be interested to see what Friday's weigh in brings with the drop in calories and then what happens next week when they go back up. It's been a lot easier than I thought it would be, but I will say the 'eating window' has really helped my mind focus on staying on track without causing any negative side effects. So keep on keeping on!! :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Im *really* liking the "eating window", too, mama. It has helped TREMENDOUSLY with keeping my calories at a deficit! And, now that I'm in the "pattern", it just feels easier to keep with it. So, thanks to all the ladies here who have been writing about their IF exploits - it is YOUR posts that got me interested enough in it to give it a try!

    I was bang on with my protein, yesterday. I did go over in my calories, so I will have to fit in some extra-cardio somewhere in my week. On days I lift, I don't have any problem with staying within my alotted calories. However, on rest days, I *do* seem hungrier....mind you, I had a MUCH bigger lunch yesterday than ever I would normally because of a networking event, so I might just chalk it up as a "backward" day and keep moving on to my "forward days".

    Synro - yes, TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS! They are a MUCH more useful tool than just about anything else (besides photos....take your photos, too!)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    So, I tried on my wedding dress and it won't zip up! I was bummed. I need to motivate but I am struggling. I have been looking at a lot of your diaries :blushing: to see if I can get an eating plan. I think the two weeks before halloween will really be about cleaning up my diet, limiting alcohol and carbs.
    I will reintroduce the eating window too, it does help control cals.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Welcome to the group synryo and those look like great goals!

    I like the idea of an October challenge as well so I am extending my 2 week challenge out for the whole month. Also, I have decided to start the P90X program on Sunday. Right now I am focused on running so I wanted to wait until after my 5K on Saturday. I do not have a gym membership anymore and I really need to do something at home and that will keep me on track. My sister has the whole set and doesn't use them so she gave it to me. I will have to buy some equipment and hopefully my children will be able to leave me alone long enough to do it. If not, I may have to get up extra early in the morning - yuck!