2 week challenge



  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    Hello, Ladies! And welcome to new members!

    It's been about a month since I've posted. My cruise vacation was an absolute dream, however, now I'm having a really hard time getting back into a healthy routine. With my boyfriend now back from serving overseas, I don't have NEARLY as much free time. I believe now more than ever- this is the place I need to be. I'm going to sketch out rough weekly plans for the gym and create mini goals for myself. One thing I figure is mornings are going to be the best time for me to fit in gym time. This next week the goal will be to make it to the gym for mornings. When i accomplish that, i'll pick a program for myself- whether it's going back to NROL, or just working on HIIT. I've upped my calories to 1800 (Just have to make sure I'm getting to the gym enough to justify that amount) and have given myself more manageable macros (30 30 40). I no longer feel pressure to get a great body super quickly, but I CERTAINLY want to start moving in that direction again. How HARD it is to get back into it after a long break! Here's to making it happen! Taking new measurements and weighing in soon. Another goal of mine is to check in with you ladies at lease 2x a week.

    How are you ladies doing? catch me up briefly if you have time :)

    Kate- YAY for finishing NROL (I'm sure that was closer to the start of september) and your cut (are you done?)

    Amy- how is the mermaid cut coming along?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    abigail - lucky you for getting some weights from your sister - NOW GO USE THEM!

    Sarah - go back to NROL....

    Yes, I'd like to hear about the "mermaid cut", too - I'd forgotten!

    Today is a "rest" day for me. I'm having lunch with an old gf....I'm excited because I don't think I've actually seen her in about 4 years!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashley--happy belated birthday! And nice work with the lifting and running.

    Beeps--congrats on your September measurements! And looks like you have a great plan for October too.

    Amy--Sounds like a nice weekend coming up! Relaxing and wine tasting sound lovely :-)

    kc--I like your burpee challenge! I'm kind of behind but maybe I'll jump in if I remember when I get home. Last time around I closed the door and did them in my office, but I share an office now and I'm not really sure what my office mate would think about that.

    jeno--nice job on your goals last week!


    Looks like you all have lots of great goals for October!

    Well I've been logging every day this week and getting a good amount of exercising in. I'm loving the new job--it's amazing how much more time I have to do stuff when I leave work at a reasonable time in the evening. But I need to get weight lifting into my routine more regularly, so my goal for October (in addition to logging every day) is to lift at least twice a week.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sounds lik everyone is back on track for Oct! Today is day 4 of the burpee challenge. 20 will get you caught up. Sat we go up to 10 a day! (and yes, I wrote it out on a calendar!) I've been rockin the youtube circut. Thank you for suggestion, Mama. I will check it out.

    I think I'm ready to do a full program, but haven't decided which one. Maybe Chalean Extreme? Any thoughts? I like that the videos are shorter than P90X and that it's a woman.

    Ever since I rocked my old jeans, I've been pulling out the old pants to see what I might fit into. All of my 2's give me a big ole muffin top but maybe by Christmas they will fit again!
  • Synryo
    Synryo Posts: 54 Member
    What's an 'eating window' exactly? Is that just like only eating between certain hours of the day? (to cut out late night snacking and such?)
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hey ladies! I hope you didn't all forget about me! I'm trying to get back in the swing of things though! Life has been wicked crazy lately, so I've been very preoccupied! I haven't been able to work out much (maybe 2-3 times a week) but I've been watching what I'm eating and I haven't gone off the wagon too much :) I'm still in the process of buying a house, but if all goes well with the appraisal, I'll be closing on Halloween! I'm sorry I've been such a bad friend on here and not checking in! I want to look back and read about all of your progress, so hopefully I'll find some time to do that soon :)

    Miss you all tons! Hopefully I can get back on here more regularly too :)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I know I'm going to get bashed for this big time. But, I haven't lifted in about a month (and even before that it has been pretty minimal since I finished Chalean in July) now and I have been focusing on running and core work. I have always had muscular legs, it runs in my family. I like my legs, but I have always wanted them leaner. And I am finding that since I laid off the squats and lunges and just focused on cardio I am liking my legs alot more. So when my arm heals up and I reintroduce lifting I am thinking about cutting out the lower body work and just focus on upper body and core. Thoughts?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Ris - I'm glad you're liking the new job - that is AWESOME! Your goals look good, too.

    kclynch - I'm a believer in heavy lifting - so I'll let some of the other ladies weigh in on the other programs they've liked....whatever works for you, THAT is the program I think you should do!

    Synro - an "eating window" is exactly what you've written....a (short) period of time when you can eat your alotted calories. And then you stop eating and don't eat until the next "window". This has been the MOST helpful nutrition piece I have learned since being on mfp - meaning, this has helped MY nutrition piece more than anything. (I've only been doing it for 3 weeks.)

    shander - welcome back! I *have* missed you! I'm VERY excited about your house closing because then I know you can "eat what you want" without family input!! YAY!!

    Chloe - I think the *right* program for you is the one which you like, which leads you to the results that you like. If you like the look of your legs when you run, then I say KEEP RUNNING! I'm all for programs that get you the shape that YOU want - ignore the shape that other people want, or the shape that other people want FOR you. You know you. Do it!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey chicks. I've been off work for 2 days at home with my kiddo and the weather was lovely so we ran Wednesday and took a nice long walk yesterday. I also lifted. So I am 1 run and 1 (short) lift from my goal this week! And I've been doing my burpees. I don't do them with pushups. I am down 2 pounds from 4 weeks ago. I hadn't officially weighed in that long, and didn't log for 2 of those weeks, so I was excited about that. I am at a weight I have not seen in years, so am happy. HOpe it sticks! I would love to respond to you all individually, but I got to work and had 9 voicemails this morning and just finished dealing with them. (Good thing I kept up with email on my days off). I have plans to submit today and I am supposed to be cleaning my workspace out as my company is moving at the end of the month and they are starting to break furniture down Monday. So, have a great weekend ladies and I'll check back Monday!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Chloe- Hell no on the bashing!! Here's the thing...all the recommendations of what works what doesn't work are always just that recommendations. Every body (BODY for that matter) is so different - it's impossible for as all to follow the same programs. What you are saying comes from having experimented with your own body and learning about it. For that I say, props to you for trying, experimenting and then going with what you feel your body responds best to! Run, run run!!

    Ashley- Great job on the goals! Have a great weekend and good luck with the work stuff!

    Shander- Hope all goes well with the house! What a fun time to move in! Totally understand about life! It's sooo busy sometimes!

    Beeps- Great explanation of the eating window and I agree, it's definitely helped me.

    I know when I first caught window if it-I got hung up on learning about how eating 'after hours' or in the evening doesn't inhibit weight loss. But it's really been about realizing that even though those may be the 'facts', this eating window works for me. It's definitely an individual thing. It inhibits some, it helps some. Whatever works for each of us, I'm for it! :wink:

    I'm down 1.8lbs. Thank you LP. Though I think alot of the factor in this loss is the lack of strength training for the week. We will see what next week brings. I have to readjust my calories again per LP and we'll proceed ahead. Either way, I'm wearing my 'skinny' khakis today for work- and it felt great to put them on! I may have to pull out those 'thermometer shorts' at the end of this! LoL. :tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Have a great weekend, Better!

    mama - I'm gonna *finish* the "thermometer jeans challenge", myself. I haven't thought about it, in awhile, but I entered it WAY early in 2012 and, by golly, I'm gonna get into them jeans before 2013 hits! So, if *I* can do that - YOU can get into your thermometer shorts - YAY!!

    Sunday is Thanksgiving. So, I am trying to figure out how to get the turkey items I want, not eat any of the stuff I don't want, and ALL within my alotted calories (which are low right now). So, it's this GIANT PUZZLE - which I'm enjoying figuring out. Tomorrow is cardio, so that will help some! Wish me luck!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Excellent work on the weight loss ladies!

    I forgot to do my burpees yesterday, but I'll do my 25 burpees tonight to catch up.

    Good to see you Shannon, and good luck on getting your house!

    Chloe--definitely no bashing here. If you're liking how your legs are looking, then keep doing what you're doing! I still do squats and lunges sometimes, but I definitely focus on arms and core a lot more. Obviously running is a very different workout for your legs than lifting, but running will still strengthen your legs, especially speed work and hills, so it's not like you're neglecting your legs completely.

    Happy Thanksgiving Beeps! I admire you for sticking within your alloted calories, Thanksgiving is definitely a cheat day for me (though I generally try to do a Turkey Trot or something so things don't get too out of hand).

    Not much to report here. I stuck with logging all week, and I'm going to try really hard to do it over the weekend too. I don't have too much planned (other than a run with an old college friend), so I don't really have any excuse not to log.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    shander - welcome back! Hope everything goes well with the new house, that's veryexciting

    chloe - I know what you mean aout the legs, I also tend to focus more on upper body & core otherwise my pants get a little tight around my legs. Stretching a lot really helps though. My ballet teacher is always fussing about wanting length, not compression in our muscles so we have long lean lines. I also really need the flexibility.

    Beeps - have a wonderful Thanksgiving and best of luck staying within your calorie goals. I fail miserably with that every year as Thanksgiving is my most favorite meal.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    YUM I cannot wait for Thanksgiving food! That is my favorite. Have fun Beeps!

    Thanks for all the input on the leg work. I do mix it up and do walking steep hills, speedwork and then some longer steady runs. So I think I am hitting all muscles. So I found a good workout that combines some chest, shoulders, lower back and core exercises that I am going to try to do twice a week. That will be added to my goals starting next week as long as my arm stays good.

    Shander- good luck with the house stuff, that is definitely a stressful time and I would love to say that the stress ends there, but a house is such an ongoing project....it will definitely keep ya busy!

    Mama- you are doing great! I have not been as diligent with LPs program

    Ris great job with the logging!

    Ashley- nice job on the loss!

    Kate- I know you have been busy...but I am missing your motivating words! Come back soon:wink:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I did my burpees! 25 to catch up and then today's 10. I forgot how hard they were, I had to spread them out across the morning.

    The scale has been down a pound for a few days now, so I think it's going to stick. I'm pretty much back where I was before I let things slide a bit. I'm not quite ready to get my thermometer jeans out, but maybe next weekend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member

    I could barely get through my cardio work-out this morning....my endurance is *definitely* suffering as I work on my weight-training. Oh well...it is what it is! Usually on a holiday Monday I would hit another cardio class, but not this time - I'm going to do the weights!

    I think my calories on Sunday Thanksgiving will be doable. I'm not eating any of my cardio calories back from today (about 500) and I'm going to go for a long walk after supper, too, so if that gives me another 225, that means I'll have a little wiggle room when tomorrow shows up!

    Turkey YUMMMY!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Mmmm....Thanksgiving. I can't wait.

    I was close on my goals last week. I did all my burpees and was just 1 short lift and 1 run from finishing it all. I would have done at least my lift yesterday but I started feeling congesty and crappy Saturday night and now I am full fleged sick. I think just a cold or something; I'm at work. But not sure how hard I'll be working out thisweek. Blah.

    Sounds like you're all doing fanstically! I'm sticking with my goals this week pending my health. Have a great week ladies!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi Friends!!!!!

    So ready to be back! The schedule forced break in logging/worrying was really good mentally for me. I am squishier than when I finished my cut (as I expected) but am hoping a few good weeks will have me right back (I always find its MUCH easier to regain fitness than to make new progress). My trips were good (exhausting but good) and I'm glad I didn't try to force more health into them, it would have been a recipe for failure! This week I am easing in -

    1. Exercise 5 times - shooting for 2 cardio/light circuit days, 1 yoga day and 2 of the 'on ramp' crossfit classes where they teach you all the movements.

    2. Log and try to eat semi-clean. Though since it takes planning I will need at least a buffer week :)

    How are you all? Missed you!
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Hello everyone! I participated in the 2 week challenges about a million years ago (or, last year), and am looking to get back here, if that's ok with you ladies. :) My current medium range goal is to be confident in a bikini when my hubby and I go on our honeymoon cruise the first week of January. I know that realistically, the bulk of the work I do needs to fall before the holidays since it's very difficult for me to lose during a season full of food and parties. If I can maintain through Thanksgiving and Christmas I'll be a happy lady.

    So, my goals for the next 2 weeks are to exercise 4-5 times per week and finish phase one of NROLFW; to eat at least 100g of protein a day.

    Betterbalance, I know how you feel with the congested/crappy feeling. I've had it for a few days too and it sucks. I'm finally feeling better today than I have in 5 days, I hope you get to feeling better soon too!

    Chuisle, good luck this week!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Welome back, Rogie!

    Better- I hope you feel better soon. Way to go on your goals. I am actully 10 behind on my burpees...YIKES! I skipped yesterday but already got 10 in this morning. Tonight I'll do 10 more.

    Chui- Glad you're back

    Beeps- How was Thanksgiving? YUMMY!!! I can't wait. I always say I'll do extra workouts because it so worth it...but I never do.

    I'm happy to say I have logged everyday this month! I had to go back and log Sat yesterday, but I did it and it wasn't as high as I thought. This weekend I discovered blender fitness on youtube and I LOVE it. I'm still sore from Saturday's Brazilian workout. I should have stretched more, which is why I did today. There are TONS of videos to choose from and they are go go go. Just a voiceover the workout with form tips. No chatting between sets. I think I'll spend my money on more weights rather than expensive DVDs, for now

    How did you all do thsi weekend?