Introduce yourself!



  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    We're fast approaching 200 members but still only have a few active members! Come on you guys, GET POSTING! we want to hear from you!!
  • carolinagirl0
    carolinagirl0 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone. I start on week 4 today, so far I've lost 6 lbs. I didn't take my measurement before starting but I can tell a difference in my clothes. This is my very first at-home workout program. I thought the program would be best for a beginner and I couldn't be happier with my choice. Good luck everyone!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hello everyone. I start on week 4 today, so far I've lost 6 lbs. I didn't take my measurement before starting but I can tell a difference in my clothes. This is my very first at-home workout program. I thought the program would be best for a beginner and I couldn't be happier with my choice. Good luck everyone!

    Hi Carolina, welcome!

    I think this is a perfect workout to start out with, my first was the 30 day shred, and it wasn't as kind as the early levels of BR! Congratulations on your great progress so far, long may it continue!
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I am on day 9 of the JMBR program. I am loving it so far. (But then again I am still on workouts 1 &2) I had good results on week one (6lbs and 4.5 inches down) I am really enjoying the workouts. I get up early in the morning and do them and it seems to give me energy through the day. Look forward to reading all the posts and seeing (and sharing) our progress.
  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    Hi! I'm halfway through week 5, and I'm feeling great and loving it so far. I originally tried doing the program starting in October, but I messed up my knees running outside and was too hurt and upset to keep working out, so I never made it past week 1. Now I'm motivated and uninjured and enjoying myself. :)
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I am on day 9 of the JMBR program. I am loving it so far. (But then again I am still on workouts 1 &2) I had good results on week one (6lbs and 4.5 inches down) I am really enjoying the workouts. I get up early in the morning and do them and it seems to give me energy through the day. Look forward to reading all the posts and seeing (and sharing) our progress.

    hello! Wow, you are having such good progress already! Hope you get more of the same! Loving you enthusiasm and drive, its the best mindset to have!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hi! I'm halfway through week 5, and I'm feeling great and loving it so far. I originally tried doing the program starting in October, but I messed up my knees running outside and was too hurt and upset to keep working out, so I never made it past week 1. Now I'm motivated and uninjured and enjoying myself. :)

    Hello and congratulations on being our 200th member! I'm afraid there's no prize, but we promise to offer unconditional support whenever needed!!!

    sorry to hear about your injury, but it seems you have come back at it full force.. Good for you!
  • tooshee
    tooshee Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I am Anastasia, 25. I am 62.5kg (around 140lbs) and 169cm tall (about 5.7/5.8). I am currently at week 5 of Body Revolution and I am very happy I've started it! I am not sure how much wait I lost on the program, cause I dont have a weight at home (I weight in occasionally when I am at my pilates class or the pool) but before starting the BR, in the beginning of January i was 67.5kg, so i've lost around 5kg (10lbs).
    I haven't done any other programs (except for 30 Day Shred, but i haven't finished it because of the being sick), but i find BR revolution amazing. I am not able to do everything exactly as Jillian--some of the moves are very hard for me and I modificate to the easier version, some moves are pretty easy, so I intensify. I didnt quite like the Cardio workout for Phase 1 (Cardio 2 is still ahead of me) so I tried to switch it to something else--like skating, swimming, pilates or, like today, spinning.
    I dont follow the food plan. Mainly because I live in Europe where the products are a bit different and the measuring system is metric, so it's double work to count from lbs to grams and back. But i do stay within 1200cal limit and rarely eat back the calories I've burned during workouts.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hi, I am Anastasia, 25. I am 62.5kg (around 140lbs) and 169cm tall (about 5.7/5.8). I am currently at week 5 of Body Revolution and I am very happy I've started it! I am not sure how much wait I lost on the program, cause I dont have a weight at home (I weight in occasionally when I am at my pilates class or the pool) but before starting the BR, in the beginning of January i was 67.5kg, so i've lost around 5kg (10lbs).
    I haven't done any other programs (except for 30 Day Shred, but i haven't finished it because of the being sick), but i find BR revolution amazing. I am not able to do everything exactly as Jillian--some of the moves are very hard for me and I modificate to the easier version, some moves are pretty easy, so I intensify. I didnt quite like the Cardio workout for Phase 1 (Cardio 2 is still ahead of me) so I tried to switch it to something else--like skating, swimming, pilates or, like today, spinning.
    I dont follow the food plan. Mainly because I live in Europe where the products are a bit different and the measuring system is metric, so it's double work to count from lbs to grams and back. But i do stay within 1200cal limit and rarely eat back the calories I've burned during workouts.

    Hi Anastasia! Thanks for joining us, it's great to see that you are already being active on the boards!

    I think we can all relate to you, there will be some moves that we can do fairly easily, and others that we need more practice on. All you can do is your best, and make sure you keep it consistent! Nothing binds you to doing BR alone, it's good that you like to mix it up, i too substituted Cardio 1 at the end of Kickstart week because i got SOOOO bored of it!

    As for the diet plan, i don't follow it either, mainly becasuse i'm on maintenance now, but even if i was in weight loss mode i'd much prefer just go by MFP macros. Although Jillian does recommend a 1200 cal intake, don't ever be afraid to eat your exercise calories back if you need to - don't go hungry, it won't make you progress and quicker, you will probably just get dizzy spells and feel seriously drained. Fuel that body! It will be working hard for you!! 1200 cals is quite a low amount to be fair, and MFP recommend you NET 1200.

    Good luck with the rest of your BR journey! with a 10lb loss already it sounds like you are on the right track!
  • Hi! I'm Shari. I'm 42 and started Body Revolution 1 1/2 wks ago. I love it! I'm 5'4" and my weight varies from 137 - 140. I tend to self-sabotage when I hit 137. I only want to get down to 125 so it's easy to rationalize when I get closer..."I look good enough, I'll eat a cupcake!"

    I love Jillian's workouts! She's so motivating and I love that they are short. I have two kids (8 and 11) and a high maintenance husband :wink: so I don't have time (or the desire) to do more than that.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • Bug2love
    Bug2love Posts: 41 Member
    Hi, I am 32 years old and starting the kickstart program for jmbr this Sunday. My roommate agreed to do all the meals with me but I am alone in working out so I thought I could find some motivation here. I have also been using mfp for about. Month he and all my friends backed out on me. It hasn't been as motivating seeing only my info on the feed so if anyone needs or wants some new friends I would love to connect with someone to help push each other. I am also excited about starting jmbr and hearing what everyone has to say about it. Happy Wednesday everyone! :)
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Hi! I'm 26yrs old. I purchased Body Revolution last night at Target.
    I plan on sticking to the diet as well as the exercise schedule.
    I'm starting on Friday (tomorrow).

    SW: 249
    CW: 225
    GW: 160ish
    I'll take before and after measurements and pics also.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Welcome to the group Shari, Bug2love & crunchybubble! it's great to have you as part of the BR crew!!
  • Hi All! I started the Body Revolution on 12/31/12 and am now in week 8. I'm in my late 30's, weigh 156 lbs, and am 5'0 tall. I've lost about 1 lb/week so far on the program, but I am not following the Jillian meal plan and my average daily calories has been around 1600 cals. Going to try to do better on my calories from here on out and hopefully lose more weight!

    This is a great group! Tons of useful information!
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Karin, 48 years old, happily married w/o kids, and a professional pianist. Coming up on my 6-month anniversary on MFP. I reached my goal weight and measurements around Christmas time. Since then, I've upped my net calories 50-100 per week, and now I'm up to 1800 before exercise. (I eat 2100-2300 after exercise.) I worked out a *lot* to lose the weight (I like eating!), walking/running to work 21 total miles per week, plus circuit training DVDs 5 days/week and Zumba class once a week. As I've become more and more fit, Jillian's workouts have become my favorite of all the 40+ DVDs I own, especially Extreme Shed & Shred, Killer Abs, KickBox Fast Fix, and RI30. I'm still losing body fat even as my weight has stabilized.

    Last week I realized I was over-training. I have come to realize that I would get even better results with more recovery time after strength training. I've been thinking about getting JMBR for months and finally ordered it this week. Jillian says that as a system, the muscle recovery is built into the workouts (front of the body one day, back of the body the next), so you can work out every day without stressing the same muscles 2 days in a row. This sold me. My package is supposed to be delivered by tomorrow--I hope to start Monday the 25th. Can't wait!
  • Welcome Karin! I also started JMBR after reaching maintenance and I also eat very well! I didn't lose any lbs (as expected when eating back every single exercise cal) but I'm much stronger and am able to do moves that were previously impossible. I think you'll love JMBR. I'm finished and glad to be but it was worth every drop of sweat! Enjoy the program!
  • My name is Jamie:) I am in the middle of week two! I am following a healthy meal plan and I hope to get in shape with Jillian!
  • My name is Alexis. I am thrilled to be introduced to this group! I have twin 15 year old boys and a wonderful husband of 16 years. Needless to say growing teenage boys and a husband with a metabolism beyond belief don't help this lady out at all. Enter Jillian Michaels. I love her, really people don't? I too have done nearly ever one of her workouts and have never seen a change in my body like i do with JM. I completed body revolution last spring and started it for the second time recently, I am on week 4. This time around I add a second cardio workout daily with the program and seem to be getting results faster than before. I don't follow the diet plan at all, but try to eat fairly healthy overall.
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome Karin! I also started JMBR after reaching maintenance and I also eat very well! I didn't lose any lbs (as expected when eating back every single exercise cal) but I'm much stronger and am able to do moves that were previously impossible. I think you'll love JMBR. I'm finished and glad to be but it was worth every drop of sweat! Enjoy the program!

    Thanks for the welcome! Sounds perfect for my goal--to get stronger and fitter while improving body composition. Can't wait to start Monday! BTW your arms look amazing.
  • Hi Jamie and Alexis! So glad to see you here! You're right - Jillian's programs are amazing and tough.....i think I'll always love/hate her. Lol.