Tips & Tricks



  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    Hi I had started a bit of jogging last year but then I got married in November and have since put on about 15 pounds :-(. I am now about 209 you think i'm too heavy to start running again???
    NO you are not to big to run just go slow and use good form and good shoes
    I was around 195-200 when I started in early Dec and now I'm around 185. If you think you're too big, you're probably not, and if so, you won't be for long
  • LindaGTaylor
    LindaGTaylor Posts: 260 Member
    I'm gonna need to review this often. W1D1 just about killed me :embarassed:

    You and me both. I started yesterday and thought I was going to have a stroke ... :blushing:

    I feel your pain... The last running interval is killing me... I just barely get through it... :tongue:
  • Juliesigns
    Juliesigns Posts: 6 Member
    I know you wrote this a year ago, but it helped em out today! Very insighful and what I needed to hear today as I'm still in week one. :)
  • melwa
    melwa Posts: 44 Member
    I'm gonna need to review this often. W1D1 just about killed me :embarassed:

    You and me both. I started yesterday and thought I was going to have a stroke ... :blushing:

    I feel your pain... The last running interval is killing me... I just barely get through it... :tongue:

    Yeah - it was much easier to do in my head! I just jogged for as long as I could (30 secs instead of 60) and walked the rest. I know if I keep doing it I will improve (if I don't get cramps and shin splints first!). I've got a 5k planned for March 10 so I gotta do it.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Have done the program before and am starting it again. If possible, I'd suggest running without headphones/music. It will help you better establish your natural breathing rhythm and can make things much easier.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Have done the program before and am starting it again. If possible, I'd suggest running without headphones/music. It will help you better establish your natural breathing rhythm and can make things much easier.

    I'd have to agree with you. I finished the final 2 weeks of C25K without any headphones to prepare for last weekend's race where headphone were not allowed. I think it helped me to concentrate on my pace & breathing. It's also safer as I can hear cars coming in my neighborhood well ahead of time. When I run in the early morning it is also very peaceful.
  • andread67
    andread67 Posts: 28 Member
    I just found there is an actual group page..yay!! I started this 2 wks ago, so technically i should be at wk 3. However, I ran one day at wk 2 day 1, and then the rest of last week was crazy weather wise. I am not feeling confident in my running capabilities yet to brave extreme weather such as snow and freezing rain etc. Sooo, tomorrow (today) I will do wk 2 over..though it hasn't been a big problem yet, i am trying to figure out the breathing thing. I've read in a few places breathing in thru the nose, out thru your mouth..and today I read in a runners column to breathe thru your mouth only..I also read it helps to have as much air as possible and to keep your posture in order to keep your diaphragm open. Soo..what are opinions/results in doing this? And, did anyone start out with a bunch of wt to lose, and see great results? As far as hydration, when i see runners around town, I never see them carrying a water bottle..I was wondering about this because I get thirsty sometimes, yet I don't want to carry one, and I don't want to give myself cramps or indigestion by drinking..right now it's pretty comfortable..but it will be hot and humid before long. Another question..what brand of running shoes are people finding most comfortable? I have a higher arch yet wide feet, so I generally have to go with either 1/2 sizes or one size larger for comfort. I found one comfortable shoe by Nike..and I know I need to go to a shop to get fitted..but at least until tax returns, i am going to have to settle..the Nike one seemed to provide good comfort and support, but thought I'd ask ya'll your opinion first. Oh, one more..I am planning to do strength training, lifting wts etc on my off days in between the 3 days of running, does anyone else do this? Sorry for all the questions..this is a great page..and I will keep coming back to read! Have a great day:happy:
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I've read in a few places breathing in thru the nose, out thru your mouth..and today I read in a runners column to breathe thru your mouth only..I also read it helps to have as much air as possible and to keep your posture in order to keep your diaphragm open. Soo..what are opinions/results in doing this?

    I've tried both ways and prefer just breathing through my mouth, but taking slower deeper breaths.
    As far as hydration, when i see runners around town, I never see them carrying a water bottle..I was wondering about this because I get thirsty sometimes, yet I don't want to carry one, and I don't want to give myself cramps or indigestion by drinking..right now it's pretty comfortable..but it will be hot and humid before long.

    Just stay hydrated before/after you run. You won't really need water even running a 5k race at full speed. I haven't worked up to 10k yet but my wife runs that distance regularly without any water.
    Another question..what brand of running shoes are people finding most comfortable? I have a higher arch yet wide feet, so I generally have to go with either 1/2 sizes or one size larger for comfort. I found one comfortable shoe by Nike..and I know I need to go to a shop to get fitted..but at least until tax returns, i am going to have to settle..the Nike one seemed to provide good comfort and support, but thought I'd ask ya'll your opinion first.

    I think you'll find a different answer from each person. I like Brooks - they just feel "right" for my feet. And I am a neutral pronator so their Ghost 5 shoe works great for me. If your shoe feels good and is not causing any pain you should be OK but definitely get checked at a running store before too long. Even if you're not buying, just go in and have them check (that's what I did).
    Oh, one more..I am planning to do strength training, lifting wts etc on my off days in between the 3 days of running, does anyone else do this? Sorry for all the questions..this is a great page..and I will keep coming back to read! Have a great day:happy:

    Definitely! Strength training is a great thing to do on the off days. I do P90X on the days I don't run.

  • andread67
    andread67 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks Tim!!! =)
  • I second the Brooks. I am also in a Ghost 5 - I'm an underpronator. But I went to a running shop - they did a gait analysis (it's free... and totally worth it) and suggested 3 different shoes. The Brooks felt the best.

    I also suggest good socks. My run is much different when I am in running socks than when I am just in cotton sports socks.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    my biggest tip is this. remember that your mind will give up before your body. as you are running, there will be a little voice at the back of your head telling you that its had enough and you need to stop. THIS IS BULLCRAP. you can keep going. you will know when you have reached the point of not being able to continue. if you have ever watched the marathons where people at the end look like they are drunk, THAT is the body giving up before the mind.

    This is also the HARDEST thing to do, and it is my goal for the year to push through EVERYTHING until im at the point where i literally can do no more. for me, that is the point where i feel like im going to vomit. and even then, at my most conscious level i know i could probably still put more in, but im not strong enough to beat my sub conscious at that point.

    and my other tip is going to go against what a lot of people on here have said prior.

    DONT WORRY ABOUT TAKING WATER. at most, you will be running for 30 mins with a 5 minute WU/CD. that is only 40 mins. you shouldnt need to rehydrate midway through unless you are running in some extreme heat. just make sure you are well hydrated before you go (big glass of water 30 mins prior to leaving etc) and have another big glass when you are finished. It will save you the hassle of carrying a bottle around, trying to drink while moving etc etc.
  • I've just ran W6D1 today, i do it on a treadmill.
    I always stick to the days it says to rest, concentrate on my breathing, drink as much water as possible, and start off slow and build up my speed throughout the run.
    W5 seemed so scary to me i worried all of W4 but i give every run a shot and every time I've surprised myself and did it! Even W5D3!
    Now all the rest don't seem as scary, definitely boosted my confidence!!
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    HI I am new to MFP *well not new, new but new to realizing it has forums, groups, and a lot of interaction :) I started C25K 1/1/13. I just did wk7d3 today. It's been so cold lately so all I have been doing is running on the treadmill. To be honest, I will probably continue most running on the treadmill and try to get out there 1 day a week on the roads. Anyone else do pure running on the treadmill? A part of me feels like I am cheating but compared to where I was healthwise/weightwise a year ago I am heads and shoulders ahead of the game. I stepped up my cardio two weeks ago in the gym by mixing it up with exercise bike/weights/elliptical. I am hoping it will improve my running and push me further into it, keep me focused on doing a 5k sometime this Spring. So excited there is a C25K forum :)
  • HI I am new to MFP *well not new, new but new to realizing it has forums, groups, and a lot of interaction :) I started C25K 1/1/13. I just did wk7d3 today. It's been so cold lately so all I have been doing is running on the treadmill. To be honest, I will probably continue most running on the treadmill and try to get out there 1 day a week on the roads. Anyone else do pure running on the treadmill? A part of me feels like I am cheating but compared to where I was healthwise/weightwise a year ago I am heads and shoulders ahead of the game. I stepped up my cardio two weeks ago in the gym by mixing it up with exercise bike/weights/elliptical. I am hoping it will improve my running and push me further into it, keep me focused on doing a 5k sometime this Spring. So excited there is a C25K forum :)

    I run only on the treadmill, I know what u mean I feel like its cheating aswell a little! But once I get the confidence i will start outside hopefully by the summer! Keep up the good work! :happy:
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    HI I am new to MFP *well not new, new but new to realizing it has forums, groups, and a lot of interaction :) I started C25K 1/1/13. I just did wk7d3 today. It's been so cold lately so all I have been doing is running on the treadmill. To be honest, I will probably continue most running on the treadmill and try to get out there 1 day a week on the roads. Anyone else do pure running on the treadmill? A part of me feels like I am cheating but compared to where I was healthwise/weightwise a year ago I am heads and shoulders ahead of the game. I stepped up my cardio two weeks ago in the gym by mixing it up with exercise bike/weights/elliptical. I am hoping it will improve my running and push me further into it, keep me focused on doing a 5k sometime this Spring. So excited there is a C25K forum :)

    Whew, I don't feel so bad. I am not alone :) I, too, need to work more confidence into my running to really get out there and show myself. I still feel odd doing it at the gym but I am at least doing the running semi-publicly. I wish you continued luck on your C25K journey as well Danii :)
    I run only on the treadmill, I know what u mean I feel like its cheating aswell a little! But once I get the confidence i will start outside hopefully by the summer! Keep up the good work! :happy:
  • lilmiss_sunshine29
    lilmiss_sunshine29 Posts: 136 Member
    My biggest tip - Don't be afraid to recycle a week. Just because it says you can finish this program in 9 weeks doesn't mean you have to. Listen to your body, it will let you know when you are ready.

    The first time I did this program it took me 17 weeks.

    or even just recycle a day - we're doing 4 days of week 4 and I think its really going to help

    but I would also say - Don't be so scared to do the next week! I see a lot of people re-doing weeks that I think are just terrified they won't make it through the next week.

    The next week ALWAYS seems scary - really scary! On the third day of every week I think "oh my gosh there is no WAY I can do X next week" but I always attempt it and tell myself "if its too hard we'll drop back to the last week and redo a day of last week".

    And then you can if you need to but don't let your fear make you repeat a week yo udidn't need to repeat.

    i am about to do w1d3 - i am actually feeling a little nervous about Week 2...
    how to get over that nervousness...??
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    the difference between week 1 and week 2 is negligible.

    just remember who the program was designed for. people that dont run. thats why the initial steps are so small.

    if you can do w1 you can do w2
  • beautifful1908
    beautifful1908 Posts: 1 Member
    Those are two things that I have thought about doing many times!!! Thanks so much for reassuring me that is not a good idea.:smile:
  • lilmiss_sunshine29
    lilmiss_sunshine29 Posts: 136 Member
    Don't rob your body's ability to shock you. Yes, the next week looks scary. Try it. I am shocked every week. I remember when 60 secs was the longest thing ever. Now 15 mins are gone before I realize it. Here are some of my tips/thoughts:

    1. Outdoors: If you must use the treadmil do it, but running outdoors can help DISTRACT you from the fact that you're running ( I would much rather like to get to that tree than watch the timer on the treadmil, but it's up to you)
    2. Music: if you don't have the app (like me<--phone doesn't have it) you need to put music on your phone or mp3 player. It allows you to escape (again distractions)
    3. Don't over do it: (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) I was moving through my program on track until I decide I should put in some over time before Thanksgiving. I ran for almost 2 hours. Of course, I got injured. My knees ached so badly. I ended up taking a week off to recover and last week I couldn't get back into it. I'm no expert, but I wouldn't suggest you do more than 45mins of jogging in a day.
    4. Rest (No, I said REST!!) Rest: the stopping of work or activity . Please take rest days! -_-
    5. Sign up for a 5k - motivation
    6. Get friends involved if you can <--I couldn't, but maybe you'll have better luck
    7. Conversational jog - take it easy. You should be able to hold a conversation while jogging when you first begin this program. Of course you're going to try to increase your speed, but try to wait until you're towards the end of the program (pace yourself)
    8. Don't let Week 5 Day 3 scare you. It's nothing at this point. You'll see! YOU CAN DO IT! Keep it moving. (You should definitely have music on this day. You'll need to stay out of your head.)
  • erghblah
    erghblah Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on week four at the moment and I've repeated week three once. One thing I've found that helps me is to do the longer intervals first and then finish with the smaller ones. I've just found that on previous weeks, I give up too easily at the mid-way point so if I've gotten the harder ones out of the way already, I really can't give in to the voice in my head that wants to go sit back down on the couch!

    I really am amazed at how I've progressed so far, and what was torture at the start of week one is now easy. To be able to run for five minutes non-stop is a first for me and I think that once you get further along, you just need to hold onto that feeling of acomplishment. So best of luck everyone and thank you to everyone for the tips. I'm not even half way there but it has been really motivating reading this thread!