


  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Jorean and I will be finishing the book this weekend and starting next week.

    I am just shy of 5 foot, 28 years old and weight about 112.

    I was born with a mild form of cerebral palsy. As a result my coordination is horrible as well as my balance and the doctors told me that I would always be "low tone" with a weak core.

    After being joining a gym and doing a mix of cardio and a bit of weights I discovered TRX and started to notice definition in my arms and shoulders and decided the doctors were full of crap and that I can be as strong as I allow myself to be. Thus why I am here. I can't wait to start.



    Good for you, and welcome!!
  • BosBruin5
    BosBruin5 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm a 40 year old mom of 2. I have a 10 year old girl and 7 year old boy. I've been lifting for years, but wanted to try a new program. I love new challenges. I love to run, bike, and swim too. I'm scheduled to run a 10K in the beginning of April, so I'm hoping that the running won't interfere too much with my rest time between lifting. I have found that heavy lifting really has improved my running. I'm always glad to meet other women lifters and appreciate the support and advice.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I started my diet on January 2 of this year and didn't start to exercise until I stopped losing weight for one week. I have lost 21 pounds so far in a little less than two months. I just got my NROLFW today and am going to do my first day of stage one tomorrow. I joined Fitness 19 so that i'd be able to use their weight machines and free weights. I'm married and have one son and two fur babies. I work full time as a registered nurse and love my job.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Cheryl - congrats on your weight loss so far! 21 pounds in 8 weeks is amazing! Welcome to our group. I am thinking you must be eating with a huge deficit...your body will likely need more fuel to lift 3x per week.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks Icuconley. I'm not sure if it is a deficit. I actually added couple hundred calories to what mfp suggested. They told me i should be eating 1200 calories and i've been eating between 1400 and 1600. Some days i do eat 1200 calories but not usually. Do you think 1400 to 1600 calories is enough?
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Wow, i just went back and looked at the calories i've been eating, I guess i have been eating under 1200 calories most days. I was getting close and kept thinking that was enough, plus thinking that well i'm sure i ate more on other days this week. I'll push myself to eat more calories now that i'll be lifting.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Thanks Icuconley. I'm not sure if it is a deficit. I actually added couple hundred calories to what mfp suggested. They told me i should be eating 1200 calories and i've been eating between 1400 and 1600. Some days i do eat 1200 calories but not usually. Do you think 1400 to 1600 calories is enough?

    Hey Cheryl - I meant a calorie deficit, as in that's how we lose weight: burn more calories than you consume. Now that you are working out (are you doing more than nrolfw?) you should re-look at what you want your target to be.

    IMO, 1200 is too little for you to be eating. It is certainly below your BMR (what you burn if you just laid in bed all day). Do the calculations in the book or up your activity level on mfp. I shoot for 1500 on my non workout days and eat back my exercise calories, but you will find that people have a lot of different targets on mfp.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks ICUConley. :)
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    My name is Sam. I have a baby girl that will be turning one March 20th and an amazing husband. I work full time in governmental payroll and accounting, which means I sit my bum 8-9 hours Mon-Fri. I have lost around 35ish pounds since coming home from the hospital with my ray of sunshine. I did this through mostly cardio with some strength and eating at TDEE - 20%.

    I am a JM fan and have a crap ton of DVDs collected. Now I want to challenge myself in a different way. I purchased the Book on my nook about a week or two ago and have been collecting all the stuff that I need to do the workouts at home. I will be starting Stage 1 on next Monday the 4th.

    I am still undecided if I will be keeping my calories at TDEE -20%, maybe just 10% at first, or changing to what the book says.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    My name is Jo, I am 38 years old mother of 2 a 6 year old and 4 year old. I have 17 lbs to lose. I have been struggling with losing this weight for over 3 years. And the number keeps slowly creeping up from 10 to 17 lbs. I am in law enforcement so it is important to be in shape. The best shape of my life was joining the police force, all I did was weight lift 5 days a week and ran. I gained 10 lbs after training, but was than to lose it for my wedding. Somehow I have a hard time now ever since turning 35 to lose weight I feel I have to work extra hard as well as I have hypothyroidism as well. I am also a big JM, Jackie Warner, Bob Harper as well as have Turbo Jam and Fire. I am currently on phase of body revolution, sweat like a pig eat well and the yet the results are pain staking slow.

    On most days I eat clean, but I want to enjoy life to so I will have the occasional treat. I have been wanting to get this book for sometime and final ordered it from amazon. My cousin at 55 years old lost probably 15 to 20lbs just from lifting weights, she said she still ate pizza.

    Another big battle I have is weighing my self everyday. My goal is trying to get it to one day a week. So far it has been two days since I last weighed myself.

    Anyways looking forwarded to getting the book, reading and starting the program.
  • lannlynn
    lannlynn Posts: 72 Member
    Just thought I'd introduce myself since I stalk this forum! I love :heart: NROL4W!! I am in the middle of Stage 1. I started the first of February.

    I am a 43 year old mother of 2 boys and I've been married to thesweetest man on earth for almost 20 years! I've been a member of a gym for about 7 years but did nothing but cardio until this year.

    I've lost and have been able to maintain a 60 pound loss. I'd like to lose another10-15, thus the search for lifting happened and discovered the book.

    So far I am pleased with my progress. My hubby says he can tell the difference in the hip area.............where I carry most of my excess weight!

    Good luck to all of you!

  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Welcome lannlynn, jocop and pbsmommy!
  • orange_tabby
    orange_tabby Posts: 13 Member
    Hi have been a member for a while but I have not logged on for a few months. I turned 37 this year and need to get my “outside of work life” in order. I figured March would be a good month to finally get off my couch and out of the office chair to get my weight off. I bought both the weight lifting for women and the abs book last year. My plan was to start after I finished reading the books, however seeing how it is March I'm a bit late in starting. I still need to finish reading the books but I also need to start, anything really. I also need to start going to hot yoga again. I know that working out always makes me feel better and I need to remember myself of this to keep the motivation going.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Hi. I'm new to this programme but have been working out for a while, although I've tended to stay away from the heavy weights as they scare me - although I know they are so good for me! I started Stronglifts but felt a bit intimidated as that takes you so heavy so fast and thought this looked more progressive. I need an incentive since losing weight but over the last few weeks losing the plot a bit (I got married and went on holiday) so fear I've regained some. Also, as I'm creeping towards the big 50 (I'm 48) I want to increase muscle and flexibility so plan to add in some regular yoga too. Good to see a friendly group with a great mix of ability and age. :-)
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi all! I decided in January that I'd been a sloth for long enough, LOL. Something finally clicked and I've been dedicated to fitness ever since. I'm in the middle of C25K but my goal is to get stronger, so here I am! I'm starting NROL4W tomorrow. My son is losing his voice, so I will cry if I have to keep him home tomorrow! I can't wait to start this program and don't want to put it off!

    I've never lifted before, and never did regular cardio until C25K. I was planning on doing the 24-exercise version of Stage 1. Did anyone else here do that? I'm printing out the workouts and adding everything to my calendar to keep things straight. Once I do A1/2 and B1/2, I'll decide if I want to scrap the 24 plan and stick with 16. :)

    I'm a mom to two boys that I can't keep up with. My 6yo climbs at the rock wall and I can't even get halfway up. I'm doing this so that I can go to the top with him! I also cook a lot and want to be able to hold my big, heavy pans with one hand. My husband is also starting to get fit, but he has a lot less time to work on it than I do. He doesn't have as far to go as me, so he'll probably be able to keep up!
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Name's Jen. I hired a personal trainer about 2 years ago and at the end of our work together he told me the techniques he used were basically all from this book. So I purchased it and used it that summer to continue my weightlifting. It was great. I don't know why I ever stopped. I'm trying to lose fat. I'm OK with my current weight (140 lbs.) but I would like to maybe lose 5 lbs. in the process of gaining muscle and losing fat.

    I am newly married (YAY) and I'm trying to get the hang of work (tax accounting), studying (candidate for CPA), eating (cooking/meal planning), and working out (no real plan right now). Just recently started meal planning and it's working pretty well, except when I forget to take the chicken out of the freezer (like last night) haha.

    So I guess I'll start fixing my no plan for working out problem with this book. I enjoyed it before, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it again :)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Welcome judges, cph, chocolate and tabby!
  • sarahp4769
    sarahp4769 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, Im Sarah from Yorkshire in England. I've started NROLFW a few weeks ago and have been stalking this forum for a while. I love this programme so far and am hoping that it will help me get stronger and lose the many many pounds i need to drop!!
  • braggsalot
    braggsalot Posts: 41 Member
    Good Evening Ladies!

    I just started the program today and I am pretty excited to start.

    My name is Tonya, age 36, 4 kids ages 18-7 years old. I am currently in the obese category and trying to lose but also maintain my LBM and increase it hopefully. So slow and steady is the way I am trying to go. I have been working at this eating healthy, change of lifestyle for a little over a year. I have had a few setbacks but I keep getting back on the wagon.
  • nekomeishi
    Hi all,

    I've been lurking for a while now, but plan to start Thursday. I have a spinal arthitis condition, and I've been waiting for a doctor's appointment to run through the exercises and get a thumbs up/down before I started. The LAST thing I need is to hurt myself or cause a flare-up! :-) Seeing the doc in the morning, so hopefully ready to go after that.

    I've really been struggling since this stupid spinal thing flared up badly last October. The meds the doctor put me on caused a 12 pound weight gain in 14 days, and I have not been able to get it off yet. I've always had to work to keep my weight down, so I know this will not be a quick fix.

    I must say, there are some real inspirational folks in this group! Hope to join you (in that sense) someday.