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March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @extra - Dayum, girl...look at you go! That is what I'm looking for at some point! :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    @xidia, look at your stomach disappearing! That's fantastic!

    @extra, one day I want to grow and be like you. You're looking incredibly strong and I love the shape and definition you're getting in your back. And your waist is so tiny! And your underwear is winking at me, which makes me feel special :laugh:
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Hi Everyone! This thread is growing like a monster already. I had an awesome February in my progression of building strength. I am feeling pretty bada$$ in the weight room - all 5ft 1/2inches and 126 lbs of me!

    I hope to start bench pressing this month since I will be getting some PT at the end of March. My progress so far is:

    Squat - 140
    Row - 55
    Deadlift - 115
    OHP - 55

    In March I would like to -

    Squat - 155
    Row - 65
    Deadlift - 135
    OHP 65
    Bench - 55

    I think I would like to change my goal to be 121lbs. At the rate it's going, it will take me at least until June to get there, but I not sweating it because I still like my body now. I just need some wiggle room for eating on vacation in July. Getting enough protein is another goal for the month. I've had to switch to vegan protein since I can't handle whey.

    Are you guys taking any other supplements beside vitamins to recover or make your muscles pop faster?

    Holy yikes you are moving some serious weight for such a a little thing! I'm incredibly envious of your squats. Any tips on what makes you so badass in that department?

    I've been wondering about supplements too. I take a multi-vitamin and calcium (I'm months away from 40 and worrying about my bones). I also take magnesium and fish oil on and off, but really for no good reason.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Ok so was up way too late last night and since the MFP boards are basically dead after 10 pm my time I had way too much time on my hands. So I made my way over to fitocracy and joined the Stronglifts group there which seems to be pretty decent. However, I also ended up joining the powerlifting group.

    Why do I get myself into these situations so soon? I kinda tend to go overboard when it comes to certain things that I like. I am a very competitive person and really any chance to compete I'm all in for. Haven't really had much of that since I quit playing sports in high school.

    That said I would really only be competing against myself for the most part. With where my lifts are I wont be winning anything any time soon. But a lot of what I read was as long as you can lift the bar you can compete. So I'm kinda actually considering this. I wouldn't probably do it for at least 4 months which would give me time to prepare and definitely add some more weight to my lifts.

    Or too much too soon. I dunno.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Omg like 8 pages of posts!

    Welcome new friends!

    Grats on everyone's awesome lifting abilities!

    I've already decided one of my March goals is not going to happen. I normally eat between my minimum calories per heybales and my TDEE, but I thought it would be interesting to do just the minimum for 2 weeks to see how much I lost etc. My knee seems to be hurting more than it was, so I think its HONGRY.:sad: Thus I will be putting off my experiment and eating more. I'd rather lift heavy things and heal up. :smile:

    Doozer, they changed the DL formula on the strength standards page in january, and now it makes me feel weak too. Boo. My OHP makes me feel like a boss though, so it's all good.


    So I've heard things about lifting during your period sucking, but I figured since I'm on hbc it wouldn't happen to me. I'm kind of wondering if that was part of the problem I had on Fri. I do the ring and it's in on the first out on 27th, but Feb is always weird so I normally just switch them on the first. I get a fake period with cramps and bloating. I'm not sure if the reasoning is less iron so you're a weak, or if it's just hormonal. Anyone have issues with this?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    So I've heard things about lifting during your period sucking, but I figured since I'm on hbc it wouldn't happen to me. I'm kind of wondering if that was part of the problem I had on Fri. I do the ring and it's in on the first out on 27th, but Feb is always weird so I normally just switch them on the first. I get a fake period with cramps and bloating. I'm not sure if the reasoning is less iron so you're a weak, or if it's just hormonal. Anyone have issues with this?

    Oh yes, hungry knees obviously, that's why I needed that extra 400 calories yesterday. NEEDED IT. NEEEEEEEDED.

    I mean not that my knee is injured, but it might have been hungry, right?

    Also, I haven't ever noticed any particular issue with my lifting sucking during my period and I have a proper one with bleeding and what not. I have lots of suck days for LOTS of random reasons but I've never correlated it mentally with that. I can imagine possibly an iron deficiency causing an issue though, (but I am anemic alllll the time so maybe that' why I notice no particular difference >___>)

    I hadn't heard before that people said they had issues with strength. I *have* heard that some people do really poorly with a deficit during that time, so it could be the combination of things.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I am so impressed(and a little jealous) with all the pics! WTG girls! Y'all have literally worked your butts off, and stomachs and etc.

    I stepped on the demonic scale this morning. Down a whole 0.2lbs, BUT that puts me below 211 so who am I to complain. I was just happy some of the swelling in my hands and feet have gone down. Retaining water like SpongeBob.

    Started week 2 today with workout B. I am still undecided if it was good or just horrible. Had my first triple digits with my deadlift at 105 (which is also half my body weight), but my OHP sucked 5,5,4,3,5 @ 50. I knew those would be a problem for me. Squats @ 60 with no problems.

    Thursday is measurement/pic day so I am hoping to see some changes there because I have been a good girl for the most part.

    Hope everyone has had a great start to the week!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Since everyone seems to be doing their update pictures - figured I haven't taken mine for a while, so since the hubby was working tonight and I was bored.....Here are my udated ones. I feel like my *kitten* is looking pretty awesome and I'm looking more compact overall - I'm quite happy with my progress! Really working on fat loss now as well in addition to continued to strength gains. It's very obvious to me I've come a long way from November!


  • So I've heard things about lifting during your period sucking, but I figured since I'm on hbc it wouldn't happen to me. I'm kind of wondering if that was part of the problem I had on Fri. I do the ring and it's in on the first out on 27th, but Feb is always weird so I normally just switch them on the first. I get a fake period with cramps and bloating. I'm not sure if the reasoning is less iron so you're a weak, or if it's just hormonal. Anyone have issues with this?

    Everyone posting update pictures - you all look amazing! Can see the hard work paying off!

    Re: Time of the month - not sure on the weakness but I've heard it before from other people too and I would buy the lack of iron IF you aren't getting enough iron in your diet to make up for the loss. What actually happens to me usually is that I get exceptionally clumsy and drop stuff/trip/walk into things constantly... Haha
  • sampson2010
    sampson2010 Posts: 102 Member
    Wow, everyone's doing so great! Sorry to hear about the stress though.

    This morning, for the second time I was able to get my bottom out of bed and to the gym early (I'm now getting up an hour earlier).

    Squat: 5X5 @ 140lbs
    OHP 5,5,5,5,4 @ 55lbs, does that count? Please?
    Deadlift @ 145lbs

    Note: I weigh 150lbs. I'm almost squatting and deadlifting my body weight! Woot woot! And today's deadlifts seemed almost easy, did all five fairly quickly. Last time I had to rest between reps!

    Like someone else said, I got out and had no one to call/text who would understand... :sad:

    Way to go! Those squats and deadlifts are AWESOME! When I get to the point where I'm squatting and deadlifting my body weight, you better believe I'm calling/texting everyone I know....whether they care or not.

    And you know you'll get your OHP next time. I hate, HATE missing just the last rep on the last set, but when you're that close at least you know that it definitely doable next time.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @Darwin.....you look great! and I love the word "compact" and you do look more compact! I hope I do too!

    In other news....I think my appetite is back. I'm making this beef stroganoff from the main boards and it smells delish! Still not feeling too *kitten* hot, but meh, it'll pass. I just need to find a new distraction :wink:
  • sampson2010
    sampson2010 Posts: 102 Member

    i do the 100pushups thingie :smile: in between deadlift sets...i do 5x5, but my first 4 sets are lower weight, so like a long warm-up. then i know my arms are already done so my pushups won't affect them. works for me and gives me something to do in between sets. :)

    Thanks for the suggestion Kate. I always feel like I'm looking lazy standing around so long between sets (but I do need the rest time) -- I'll definitely consider working my pushups into those breaks.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Anyone have any advice for Deadlifts? I am stuck at 145lbs because the bar is killing my hands. I can't lift it more than 3 reps without ripping up my already calloused hands. Physically, I know I can do the last two reps but my hands don't agree. I have really small hands and I don't know if I just am not getting a good grip or what. I've looked at some gloves but I'm afraid they will be too thick and mess up my grip.

    Stats right now:

    Squat 95lbs- I deloaded to work on form

    OHP-50lbs l deloaded after failing at 60 lbs

    Bench Press-75lbs

    Barbell Row-75 lbs

  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Darwin-You definitely look smaller and tighter. Compact is a great word. Great job!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Anyone have any advice for Deadlifts? I am stuck at 145lbs because the bar is killing my hands. I can't lift it more than 3 reps without ripping up my already calloused hands. Physically, I know I can do the last two reps but my hands don't agree. I have really small hands and I don't know if I just am not getting a good grip or what. I've looked at some gloves but I'm afraid they will be too thick and mess up my grip.

    Stats right now:

    Squat 95lbs- I deloaded to work on form

    OHP-50lbs l deloaded after failing at 60 lbs

    Bench Press-75lbs

    Barbell Row-75 lbs


    What type of grip are you using? I find a mixed grip works best for me. I have very small hands, too, but am at 175 for my deadlift using a mixed grip.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Yes, I'm using a mixed grip too. I don't know why it is killing my hands so much.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Yes, I'm using a mixed grip too. I don't know why it is killing my hands so much.

    Have you tried chalk at all??
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Have you tried chalk at all??

    No. Do you think that would help?
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    I use chalk and was amazed at what a difference it made
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Have you tried chalk at all??

    No. Do you think that would help?

    Yes but it sounds like your issue might be that you grip it too high in your palm and then it inevitably slides down a bit and tears at your hands? Try to think of where the bar is when you are at the top of your lift and start all your pulls by gripping it there. It should be more or less along the line of your fingers where they meet your palm.